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  • @EmmanuelBouillon0
    @EmmanuelBouillon0 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Merci France Info

  • @user-co7qs7yq7n
    @user-co7qs7yq7n 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    - We live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago -
    I have an explanation regarding the cause of the climate change and global warming, it is the travel of the universe to the deep past since May 10, 2010.
    Each day starting May 10, 2010 takes us 1000 years to the past of the universe.
    Today April 24, 2024 the state of our universe is the same as it was 5 million and 98 thousand years ago.
    On october 13, 2026 the state of our universe will be at the point 6 million years in the past.
    On june 04, 2051 the state of our universe will be at the point 15 million years in the past.
    On june 28, 2092 the state of our universe will be at the point 30 million years in the past.
    On april 02, 2147 the state of our universe will be at the point 50 million years in the past.
    The result is that the universe is heading back to the point where it started and today we live in the same climate as it was 5 million years ago.
    Mohamed BOUHAMIDA.

  • @ugolinietienne6343
    @ugolinietienne6343 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    France info ment France info ment, France info ment tout le temps! Cette après midi avec la "journaliste" Catherine Potier, c'est De Almeida, l'autre Ferrand, qui sert d'historien pour parfaire la propagande atlantiste de la chaine. Pauvres Ukrainiens, pauvres Français!

    @SAMIRA-EL-KEBIRAMADAN 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Christopher-dj2xu
    @Christopher-dj2xu หลายเดือนก่อน

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    thym piment de cayenne ciboulette poivre noir curcuma basilic persil romarin gingembre origan
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    pomme pamplemousse kiwi orange citron banane ananas raisin musca pruneaux prunes abricot poire clementine peche mangue myrtilles mirabelle acai fruits passion
    pates complete riz camargue complet lentilles vert noir haricots rouge noir blanc
    miel chataigner toutes fleurs
    the vert inde sencha the noir
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    poulet dinde veau boeuf
    emmental comte parmesan gruyere brie chevre
    fromage blanc yaourt fermente faisselle
    laitue mache scarole roquette frisee
    moutarde creme fraiche entiere
    lait entier fond de veau vanille gousse
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    sarrasin seigle ble complet T150
    framboise mure cerise groseille reglisse goyave papaye chou romanesco viande de grison choucroute gelatine chou rouge cassis porc magret canard sirop d'erable clou girofle cannelle fraise pavot raisin sec abricot sec
    agneau lapin gibier eperlan ecrevisse
    tofu soja
    gelee royale propolis
    crabe st jacques palourde homard breton eglefin colin cerf
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    pissenlit orties cresson bettes
    the blanc menthe cornichon cafe robusta
    5 / 7 fruits legumes par jours
    proteines 1.7 g / kg
    Agriculture Biologique / France AOP IGP
    volvic mont roucous verniere evian vittel badoit perrier thonon contrex hepar rozana Heineken Merlot cabarnet savignon pinot noir grenache
    7h30>9h sommeil