This was upper middle class dad pornography. Two old men, equally incapable of taking a compliment, who want to compliment each other. *wipes away tears* it's beautiful
@@jerimayavondristen9955 more talking about the different classes reactions to compliments and gratitude, not literally how much money they have, it's not particularly relevant
@M Lauderdale "Or he is a self absorbed narcissistic entitled elitist asshole" Sure he is - he's a comedian. Name a comedian who isn't. Hint: you're wrong.
jerry seinfeld said in an interview that being called the greatest is a double edged sword. on one side, its a compliment, but on the other; when an audience hears such and raises their expectations to unrealistic standards, their expectations will never be met. it kind of turns the audience against the comedian.
@@BbGun-lw5vi He didn't say Dave was the greatest. He just said that Dave's work made people happy (true) and that his show was really innovative (also true, IMO).
David Letterman in the early to mid-80s was such a huge source of inspiration in my life. I worked second shift at the time, and the highlight of my day was coming home to watch his show, laughing endlessly throughout. My life was so much better for it. Thank you, Dave!
Agreed. I think people who didn't live through it, and didn't experience the early years of "Late Night with David Letterman" in real time, can't really understand how revolutionary it was. Almost every late night host since then has followed in Dave's footsteps even more than in Johnny Carson's. Even Jay Leno's Tonight Show, I would argue, was more similar to Dave's show than it was to Carson's Tonight Show.
The proof for Letterman is reality. Both Norm McDonald and Ray Romano, two great comedians, have expressed their great love for him and what he has done for them. He truly has made the world a better place through his television shows.
I don't agree with Jerry on why you do it... Yes making people happy is part of it but a lot of it is egocentric, with many facets that are to do with one's own self satisfaction.. some of those qualities are positive and others that are not so healthy.
You know they're comedians when they have a conversation in which they themselves are very serious, but from third person's perspective, it's somehow very satisfyingly funny, and you just want to continue watching them go at it.
@ALF RAYDOUGH Johnny wanted Dave to succeed him on the Tonight Show. But then there was that snake with the big jaw hiding in the closet eavesdropping on the NBC execs’ meeting. Do you understand now, Alfredo?
Jerry is right, both men have contributed greatly the wellbeing of humans. if you love your job and do it with honesty it will be taken on board for the right reason. David and Jerry are both at the TOP of their Fields. we love them
Young people today don't realize there used to be a time where no celebrity seemed relatable. No famous person was talking as the voice of reason for the people. Dave was that guy for a lot of people and that changed the landscape of late night television whichis now being squandered for corporate gain.
Back when Letterman first came on the air was one of the best years of my life. I would walk my girlfriend home ( together 40 years now ) and my best friend would stop by after work. We would get stoned to bejesus, play Atari, watch him and then watch Monty python or Benny Hill . Great times. Thanks Bob Walsh; the nicest guy in the world.
Beards save lives' man! My beard stopped a bullet in Nam' . I dont like to think of it but when it do Im glad i had that thick braided viking beard when I was on my recon missions in Nam' , man. Long story short, my beard;s what saved my damn life! So blessed is the beard no doubts, im with ya boyeahh!
@ I would like to see Dave trim the beard shorter, I think it's just too long. I think he looks good in a beard. It looks good bushy but just trim it quite a bit shorter
@@dersolipsist3079 He has too much money to be bothered. He doesn't want to be saddled with a nightly chore; writing Seinfeld was a laborious process for him. I think he prefers the way he operates now, which is definitely an interesting contrast to Letterman's typically Midwestern laments on his career impact.
@@BD-lq4id You put it into words, perfectly. Dave (humble) Jerry (prideful) As we were reminded again today with coronaviruses and the tragedy of kobe's death. We are nothing. We're only here for a short time. We should let nothing go to our heads. #Love #Humility #Vanity
Jerry said it best about Letterman. Letterman’s mission in life was a talkshow host keeping audiences entertained and happy. He maximized that till the end and he accomplished his purpose in life. So thank you Dave.
The dynamic described here is interesting and actually quite characteristic of Dave. The aim of Dave's whole Schtick is to continually project that little matters or should be taken things seriously and this is a great clue to who Dave fundamentally is and what he thinks of himself. At moments when he transcends this avoidance to express genuine emotions, he engenders warmth and caring from his fans. The fanbase are essentially observer of this struggle in Dave to acknowledge genuine vulnerability. When Jerry, enormously successful himself, gives complements, these compliments are more potent and threatening to Dave's self-evaluation and challenge his deeper questioning of self-worth which he characteristically avoids. Despite his popularity and success, what he does, considering a deeper level, is avoidance of his lack of belief in his value as a person despite the enormity of evidence to the contrary: fame, fortune, popularity. He admits that he entered comedy not actually thinking that much of it. He was not filled with trepidation as many comics at the start of their careers who show up at the comedy store to do stand up. The sense is that he is winging it and he walks out on that tightrope denying that there is any danger to it. But as the reality is that there is danger in risk to anyone who cares about their life and avoiding bad outcomes, Dave's detachment to his vulnerability is directly associated with a denial of self-value. He must rely heavily on being distracted from this consideration of his self of a lack of value, which is what drives his walking the tightrope every day when he was on TV nightly. When Jerry reflects on Dave's accomplishments, Dave avoids acknowledging it with substantial discomfort because it threatens his ability to take the level of risks which distract him from the emptiness he experiences when not distracted. That's Dave Letterman.
Know Your Cuts of Meat, Top Ten List, Will It Float?, Know Your Current Events, CBS Mailbag, George W. Bush Compilations, Monica Lewinsky quips, Paul Schaffer & the CBS Orchestra, guests getting roasted, all brought to your screen by the one and only David Letterman! What more could anyone ask for? The Late Show with David Letterman blew all other talk shows out of the water! A legend who retired at his peak. Television is simply not the same without him.
No, he's just not afraid to voice when he does disagree. This makes it seem like he enjoys it because it gets manifested more than with "normal" people. This shouldn't be mistaken for him reveling in disagreement. There are plenty of times that he agrees with people and says so.
Wow. Thank God for the few positive comments. I’ll never understand why people watch people or things they don’t like. Comment on it? Why even watch it, if you don’t like them. Personally, I prefer Lettermen. He and Johnny were the best. As for Jerry, I could see how his personality might run some people the wrong way but that are there any comedians who are universally loved by everyone. You’ve got to give them both their due. They knew what their calling was and went into it all the way. Sink or swim. Dave is more midwestern whereas Jerry is more NY. But they’re still funny!!! And it’s obvious that they love what they do!!!
One time, my uncle and his date are driving thru Mexico. They see a monitor lizard on the side of the road. It drags my uncle out the car and chews his face off.
Both of these guys changed my entire world growing up ... here were 2 people that didn't necessarily have the same views I had, but they were as frustrated & annoyed with the existing crap that they did something different. And while I didn't always agree with them, I loved the fact that they did it. Because everything else was boring in comparison.
Thoses 2 men are so legendary and iconic they can't really graps the impact their careers have had on such a large number of peoples for so many many years....
I'm hesitant to say Letterman is the all-time greatest, but he was definitely better than anyone else on while he was on either time slot. Personal all-time favorite
He was close to doing what Steve Allen did, rather than Carson, Leno or Parr. He didn't tolerate nonsense celebrity. That was his big innovation, I think.
@@jasonalangriffin "Late night" television and SNL is an obsolete format. Played out and irrelevant. It was an event back in the day to stay up late and watch live shows. Now with internet and Netflix it's nothing special anymore. It's run its course. Jagoff.
@@Mr-E. I still love my hero's I just know better than to get too close. I'm beginning to think that MOST creative people are eccentric and dangerous, especially with stand up comedians. 🤔
I have to agree on that Seinfeld was the best sitcom ever (for me),sure there were other great ones during that time period such as Married with children and keep on dreaming ,which I really liked as well,but Seinfeld really had it all,such a great show. I wish they would make a reunion series before everyone in the show gets to old or pass away. (including me)
I think what Letterman is referring to, without actually saying anything, meaning what's held in his mind, is the fact he knows he kept score with others who did comedy and he never was happy or content in his work, and he held massive grudges toward others who had achieved what he wasnt able to, such as Leno being given the Carson show. Letterman has insecurities and inferiority complexes and so it WAS always about himself not humankind as Seinfeld says. He wasn't doing a damn thing for others, it was about and for himself, and there's nothing wrong with that, my god, it's the norm in every industry.
Letterman turns every question he asks back to himself, so when Jerry figures this out, he gives Letterman what he wants..a compliment...then Letterman preceeds to be humble....what a phoney.
They both provided me with tons of entertainment and I appreciate them both. I'm really looking forward to next years Netflix release of the remastered Seinfeld series. Also, if you haven't seen David on Jerry's, Comedians in Cars on Netflix check it out.
In my opinion, Letterman became unfunny and bitter in the late 2000's. I wonder if he sees that, as well, prompting him to think he should have retired sooner.
I’m not a huge fan of Jerry (although I still love Seinfeld) but he’s right on the money here. The positive cultural impact that a Carson/Letterman/Conan can have is huge. They are hilarious people that led by example and put a smile people’s faces every night from 1962-2021 between the 3 of them. Being able to watch Carson and stay tuned for Letterman and then watch letterman and switch to Conan starting in ‘93 is 2 hours every single night for about 40 years where they put on a show that might not always be up to their own standards but I’ve never seen them have a bad show they worked so hard to make the thousands and thousands of episodes entertaining and did a damn good job. They reached millions just about every one of those nights and made people happy if that’s not a positive impact i don’t know what is.
It is true'. David Letterman, and Jerry Seinfeld, have bestowed their audience with hundreds, if not thousands of "hours of quality entertainment." one even set aside time to sit and watch their programs. During this time, nothing else mattered. It didn't matter if that day, it would have been the worst day, and the show or the episode of that same day would have been more or less'. the only thing that mattered was seeing them, and you were comforted, and motivated, to find the humor in your life, and make it more pleasant. for my part, I thank you both, for giving a large part of your lives, to make mine a richer one. '
This wasn’t an interview, it was an aggressive compliment battle.
and they're not even british
Like the 2 chipmunks Chip & Dale - After you! no no, After you!, quite possibly not, I insist, after you!.........
@@chrisreyes2393 you mean not even Canadian
@@chrisreyes2393 They’re not even Swedish!
Jerry: David shut up and take my compliment!
David: Over my dead body, Jerry.
The truly funny thing is that Netflix really is a joke.
@@Chieflywaze oh shutup
Hahaha i love it.
Dave: I hate myself and I love you
Jerry: I love myself and I love you
Very interesting way of putting it, and probably close to the truth
Haha you are right.
Nothing wrong with loving yourself
Joan Jett: I hate myself for loving you
This was upper middle class dad pornography. Two old men, equally incapable of taking a compliment, who want to compliment each other. *wipes away tears* it's beautiful
Upper middle class? Seinfeld is a billionaire.
@@jerimayavondristen9955 more talking about the different classes reactions to compliments and gratitude, not literally how much money they have, it's not particularly relevant
@@ImK4Os All Dave or YOU.... has to do is look at the Tonight show now with Seth to see how great Dave was... Seth ruined the late show legacy.
@@ImK4Os look at the Tonight show now with Seth to see how great he was... Seth ruined the late show legacy..
@Jay U cheers
I love watching Jerry have conversations with people. He's so genuine and has no tolerance for bullshit.
That’s one take. Another is he’s a narcissistic, elitist prick. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Sean Matthew King Jerry = winner. “Sean Matthew King” = loser.
He’s an asshole
There is a recession! Help out!
In an odd way, he's kind of more "Larry David" than Larry David!
@M Lauderdale "Or he is a self absorbed narcissistic entitled elitist asshole"
Sure he is - he's a comedian. Name a comedian who isn't. Hint: you're wrong.
I like how 2 people complimenting each other felt more like an argument over a hot potato neither wants.
jerry seinfeld said in an interview that being called the greatest is a double edged sword. on one side, its a compliment, but on the other; when an audience hears such and raises their expectations to unrealistic standards, their expectations will never be met. it kind of turns the audience against the comedian.
@@ryanmichaelblunt I remember him saying that. So why is he doing it to Dave?
that's insecurity for you, it was a power game
@@BbGun-lw5vi He didn't say Dave was the greatest. He just said that Dave's work made people happy (true) and that his show was really innovative (also true, IMO).
@@derekfnord He said Letterman was the “savior.”
David Letterman in the early to mid-80s was such a huge source of inspiration in my life. I worked second shift at the time, and the highlight of my day was coming home to watch his show, laughing endlessly throughout. My life was so much better for it. Thank you, Dave!
Later he became a political ayewhole
Same here.
Hulk Hogan said the same when he was trying to make it to the top.
Agreed. I think people who didn't live through it, and didn't experience the early years of "Late Night with David Letterman" in real time, can't really understand how revolutionary it was. Almost every late night host since then has followed in Dave's footsteps even more than in Johnny Carson's. Even Jay Leno's Tonight Show, I would argue, was more similar to Dave's show than it was to Carson's Tonight Show.
The proof for Letterman is reality. Both Norm McDonald and Ray Romano, two great comedians, have expressed their great love for him and what he has done for them. He truly has made the world a better place through his television shows.
Did ya notice Dave squirm and shift around when Jerry was complimenting him.
@ damn you didnt have to go after the beard that damn hard 😂
@ Damn, did his beard steal your lunch money?
Dave is such a class act 💪
No I was watching another video.
I don't agree with Jerry on why you do it... Yes making people happy is part of it but a lot of it is egocentric, with many facets that are to do with one's own self satisfaction.. some of those qualities are positive and others that are not so healthy.
It's like a freaking freestyle rap battle, but with kind words.
Letterman built like Santa's lawyer.
“No you’re the best”
“No, YOU’RE the best”
“No you!...”
You know they're comedians when they have a conversation in which they themselves are very serious, but from third person's perspective, it's somehow very satisfyingly funny, and you just want to continue watching them go at it.
David Letterman was the most powerful man in the mid 80s, he did more for humanity than any of us could ever aspire for
Letterman was the only late night host that made me Laugh out Loud on a regular basis.
Him and Conan
@ALF RAYDOUGH who's Carson?
@ALF RAYDOUGH Compared to Johnny, yes they did all suck. but Dave was at least good enough to worship at Johnny's feet (which he did).
@ALF RAYDOUGH Johnny wanted Dave to succeed him on the Tonight Show. But then there was that snake with the big jaw hiding in the closet eavesdropping on the NBC execs’ meeting. Do you understand now, Alfredo?
Then you would've never watched Conan
“I hate my kids, let’s talk about them cuz NO ONE DOES THAT” original material
Jerry is right, both men have contributed greatly the wellbeing of humans. if you love your job and do it with honesty it will be taken on board for the right reason. David and Jerry are both at the TOP of their Fields. we love them
This was a giant circlejerk and I loved it
Young people today don't realize there used to be a time where no celebrity seemed relatable. No famous person was talking as the voice of reason for the people. Dave was that guy for a lot of people and that changed the landscape of late night television whichis now being squandered for corporate gain.
Back when Letterman first came on the air was one of the best years of my life. I would walk my girlfriend home ( together 40 years now ) and my best friend would stop by after work. We would get stoned to bejesus, play Atari, watch him and then watch Monty python or Benny Hill . Great times. Thanks Bob Walsh; the nicest guy in the world.
Elvis had his fat years, Letterman his beard years.
I love Jerry’s honesty
The beard is everything.💙
@ wow...why so triggered?
Beards save lives' man! My beard stopped a bullet in Nam' . I dont like to think of it but when it do Im glad i had that thick braided viking beard when I was on my recon missions in Nam' , man. Long story short, my beard;s what saved my damn life! So blessed is the beard no doubts, im with ya boyeahh!
@ I would like to see Dave trim the beard shorter, I think it's just too long. I think he looks good in a beard. It looks good bushy but just trim it quite a bit shorter
Jerry likes the truth and wisdom.
So glad my fondness for the Seinfeld show is founded in some deepness.
Jerry is Arrogant tool
Jerry is a narcissistic dick. Hard to figure it out?
Wow, two of my favorite people together. I love it!
I feel like this is Jerry auditioning for his own talk show.
Great idea! Let's call it "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"
@@SkiRaceGeek dick...I meant an actual talk show like letterman.
@@dersolipsist3079 He has too much money to be bothered. He doesn't want to be saddled with a nightly chore; writing Seinfeld was a laborious process for him. I think he prefers the way he operates now, which is definitely an interesting contrast to Letterman's typically Midwestern laments on his career impact.
Jerry is amazing. Dave is paranoid and it's what makes him great. When Jerry describes it nicely, Dave gets weird. LOL.
its like watching Humility (Dave) have a conversation with Pride (Jerry)
@@BD-lq4id You put it into words, perfectly.
Dave (humble)
Jerry (prideful)
As we were reminded again today with coronaviruses and the tragedy of kobe's death.
We are nothing.
We're only here for a short time.
We should let nothing go to our heads.
#Love #Humility #Vanity
I see secure vs insecure rather than humility and pride.
@@sardatep I suppose you would.
It is refreshing to hear people complimenting each other, instead of insulting each other.
Jerry said it best about Letterman. Letterman’s mission in life was a talkshow host keeping audiences entertained and happy. He maximized that till the end and he accomplished his purpose in life. So thank you Dave.
Jerry is a smart man , I agree with his opinion on how long letterman had his show 😊
It's so hard to give a reach around, your reach around...
But they PULL IT off..hahaha
The dynamic described here is interesting and actually quite characteristic of Dave. The aim of Dave's whole Schtick is to continually project that little matters or should be taken things seriously and this is a great clue to who Dave fundamentally is and what he thinks of himself. At moments when he transcends this avoidance to express genuine emotions, he engenders warmth and caring from his fans. The fanbase are essentially observer of this struggle in Dave to acknowledge genuine vulnerability. When Jerry, enormously successful himself, gives complements, these compliments are more potent and threatening to Dave's self-evaluation and challenge his deeper questioning of self-worth which he characteristically avoids. Despite his popularity and success, what he does, considering a deeper level, is avoidance of his lack of belief in his value as a person despite the enormity of evidence to the contrary: fame, fortune, popularity. He admits that he entered comedy not actually thinking that much of it. He was not filled with trepidation as many comics at the start of their careers who show up at the comedy store to do stand up. The sense is that he is winging it and he walks out on that tightrope denying that there is any danger to it. But as the reality is that there is danger in risk to anyone who cares about their life and avoiding bad outcomes, Dave's detachment to his vulnerability is directly associated with a denial of self-value. He must rely heavily on being distracted from this consideration of his self of a lack of value, which is what drives his walking the tightrope every day when he was on TV nightly. When Jerry reflects on Dave's accomplishments, Dave avoids acknowledging it with substantial discomfort because it threatens his ability to take the level of risks which distract him from the emptiness he experiences when not distracted. That's Dave Letterman.
Those shiny Italian shoes..😵
Two legends legending each other.
Know Your Cuts of Meat, Top Ten List, Will It Float?, Know Your Current Events, CBS Mailbag, George W. Bush Compilations, Monica Lewinsky quips, Paul Schaffer & the CBS Orchestra, guests getting roasted, all brought to your screen by the one and only David Letterman! What more could anyone ask for? The Late Show with David Letterman blew all other talk shows out of the water! A legend who retired at his peak. Television is simply not the same without him.
My personal favorite was when he worked in McDonalds and Taco Bell
I'm glad I'm old enough to have been able to watch Dave before he moved to CBS. The old Late Night with David Letterman show was incredible.
The level of this conversation is on the whole another level
idk why but just looking at Jerry's face and that smirk he always seems to have, even when he has a seemingly straight face, it always cracks me up.
"You're great"
"No you're great."
"No you're great."
NOBODY is greater than David Letterman!
Jerry likes to disagree..that's his thing
And he does it so quickly, almost off the cuff. THEN he gives a totally legitimate, well thought-out reason.
No, he's just not afraid to voice when he does disagree. This makes it seem like he enjoys it because it gets manifested more than with "normal" people. This shouldn't be mistaken for him reveling in disagreement. There are plenty of times that he agrees with people and says so.
OF. ALL. TIME. So true...
Two of my favorite entertainers.
The Two Kings. Living Legends.
FYI to everyone: the full episode is on Netflix. It’s the season 1 bonus episode titled “You’re Dave Letterman, You Idiot.”
Thank you!!
Jerry is right about Letterman -- I miss his show so much. He was in my opinion the last of the legendary late night talk show hosts.
Yeah he was the last of his generation, and conan a bit too
Wow. Thank God for the few positive comments. I’ll never understand why people watch people or things they don’t like. Comment on it? Why even watch it, if you don’t like them. Personally, I prefer Lettermen. He and Johnny were the best. As for Jerry, I could see how his personality might run some people the wrong way but that are there any comedians who are universally loved by everyone. You’ve got to give them both their due. They knew what their calling was and went into it all the way. Sink or swim. Dave is more midwestern whereas Jerry is more NY. But they’re still funny!!! And it’s obvious that they love what they do!!!
very good comment, insightful
One time, my uncle and his date are driving thru Mexico. They see a monitor lizard on the side of the road. It drags my uncle out the car and chews his face off.
Both of these guys changed my entire world growing up ... here were 2 people that didn't necessarily have the same views I had, but they were as frustrated & annoyed with the existing crap that they did something different. And while I didn't always agree with them, I loved the fact that they did it. Because everything else was boring in comparison.
You're both right you're both wrong. I pronounce you both - 'Even Stevens' of the latter 20th century.
4:53 Dave's impression of a Llama...
Wow, I laughed harder than I thought I would when I actually listened to it.
Thoses 2 men are so legendary and iconic they can't really graps the impact their careers have had on such a large number of peoples for so many many years....
3:11 that's deep, amen...
Enough with the kids, spot on.
This is the closest thing we've got to Dick Cavett these days and I'm here for it.
I'm hesitant to say Letterman is the all-time greatest, but he was definitely better than anyone else on while he was on either time slot. Personal all-time favorite
He was close to doing what Steve Allen did, rather than Carson, Leno or Parr. He didn't tolerate nonsense celebrity. That was his big innovation, I think.
Dave looks like an old Amish dude.
Seinfeld was just letting his inner ego talk about himself
Yeah, but he said it to Dave, so that makes it okay.
This is nothing more than a glorified circlejerk between 2 old farts.
@@Lostcontroller that's exactly why it's good
David and Conan my Favorite Late Night Shows. Brought me Real Joy ...
Both these guys shows combined account for more laughs in my life than any others.
Jerry seems such a nice person.
I've heard otherwise
Love you Dave! You are better than you think. I still miss your show to this day
Carson was very 70s
But Letterman was very 80s
Much needed.
Now of course, late night is a dead format.
It’s not dead. You’re just old.
@@jasonalangriffin "Late night" television and SNL is an obsolete format. Played out and irrelevant. It was an event back in the day to stay up late and watch live shows. Now with internet and Netflix it's nothing special anymore. It's run its course. Jagoff.
I could watch these two talk for hours.Also,Steve Martin,but Seinfeld and Letterman are such pros that they are the best.
The Velcro bit is an all time classic
we just going to overlook jerry cussing for the first time in public, ever? 5 seconds in and my mind is already blown! lol. these two are great!
I've been out of the pop culture loop for so long, I had no idea Letterman turned into Santa Claus.
That's funny. Jerry asks Dave if he's ever been fired. Larry King asked Jerry that question and he freaks out. Oh boy. 🙄
Best comment on this video. I remember when that happened!
@@Mr-E. I still love my hero's I just know better than to get too close. I'm beginning to think that MOST creative people are eccentric and dangerous, especially with stand up comedians. 🤔
I miss the Letterman show he's awesome
I agree with Jerry. The most important thing is to shift us out of survival as much as possible. Comedy sustains life.
Legends period.
An Idea RULES YOU....and THAT idea is NOT YOURS...Cheers!
Jerry is also a born interviewer himself, witty and straight to the point , Dave is more seasoned and trying to be more comedic in his old age
It’s the conversation between humble and pride. Secure and insecure.
One of the weirdest Epic Rap Battles of History I’ve ever seen
I gotta watch these now
I have to agree on that Seinfeld was the best sitcom ever (for me),sure there were other great ones during that time period such as Married with children and keep on dreaming ,which I really liked as well,but Seinfeld really had it all,such a great show.
I wish they would make a reunion series before everyone in the show gets to old or pass away.
(including me)
The show was likable but Jerry himself.
Its true Letterman's kept me great shape with humor. Something about him that divides him from most weekend shows
who did the music at the end?
Can’t find this episode on netflix
Its not released yet
Two funny dads talking
We never see ourselves as other people see us and we are our worst critics which is why most people don’t easily accept compliments and praise.
- You're so great.
- No, but *you're* great.
- No, *you're* so great!
- No I'm not. *you're* great!
I would be scared shitless to interview Jerry, even as Dave Letterman
You da man! No you da man!
I think what Letterman is referring to, without actually saying anything, meaning what's held in his mind, is the fact he knows he kept score with others who did comedy and he never was happy or content in his work, and he held massive grudges toward others who had achieved what he wasnt able to, such as Leno being given the Carson show. Letterman has insecurities and inferiority complexes and so it WAS always about himself not humankind as Seinfeld says. He wasn't doing a damn thing for others, it was about and for himself, and there's nothing wrong with that, my god, it's the norm in every industry.
Shit i'm here too early for the funny comments
Be a shepherd, not a sheep
Here I'll try to make a funny comment maybe this shows should be called between two beards
@@anthg4563 Be a WOLD. EAt them both~ ! Muahhha Muahhhahh! MUaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaaaaaaa
Letterman turns every question he asks back to himself, so when Jerry figures this out, he gives Letterman what he wants..a compliment...then Letterman preceeds to be humble....what a phoney.
They both provided me with tons of entertainment and I appreciate them both. I'm really looking forward to next years Netflix release of the remastered Seinfeld series. Also, if you haven't seen David on Jerry's, Comedians in Cars on Netflix check it out.
In my opinion, Letterman became unfunny and bitter in the late 2000's. I wonder if he sees that, as well, prompting him to think he should have retired sooner.
Some people don't get sarcasm and cynicism.
Beautiful conversation by two great Americans.
Dave was the perfect show host for people who were still awake at 12:30 am
I’m not a huge fan of Jerry (although I still love Seinfeld) but he’s right on the money here.
The positive cultural impact that a Carson/Letterman/Conan can have is huge. They are hilarious people that led by example and put a smile people’s faces every night from 1962-2021 between the 3 of them.
Being able to watch Carson and stay tuned for Letterman and then watch letterman and switch to Conan starting in ‘93 is 2 hours every single night for about 40 years where they put on a show that might not always be up to their own standards but I’ve never seen them have a bad show they worked so hard to make the thousands and thousands of episodes entertaining and did a damn good job.
They reached millions just about every one of those nights and made people happy if that’s not a positive impact i don’t know what is.
I liked this post but, why did you cut it short ? Two funny guys just talking.
It is true'. David Letterman, and Jerry Seinfeld, have bestowed their audience with hundreds, if not thousands of "hours of quality entertainment." one even set aside time to sit and watch their programs. During this time, nothing else mattered. It didn't matter if that day, it would have been the worst day, and the show or the episode of that same day would have been more or less'. the only thing that mattered was seeing them, and you were comforted, and motivated, to find the humor in your life, and make it more pleasant. for my part, I thank you both, for giving a large part of your lives, to make mine a richer one. '
In short. They're saying "Individuality = success"
This is what happens when 2 hosts are talking to each other
Letterman was great for a reason. Hey Dave, get it? Got it? Good!
You know a person is hiding something when there whole public persona is a skit.
Who are you talking about here? Jerry or Dave?
Letterman's WOW is the most wow-ish