The drama is good to the extent that it shows that the presence of third parties can destroy a marriage where both spouses allow the intervention of third parties. If the family, especially the husband's, invades their privacy and gets in the way of their decisions, it can be lethal for the couple. This often gives rise to third parties appearing pecially women trying to seduce the husband.
夫妻倆 千萬別跟婆家娘家住在一起,
尤其是 磨合未到平穩前,
不自重不尊重的親友太多 特麻煩。
The drama is good to the extent that it shows that the presence of third parties can destroy a marriage where both spouses allow the intervention of third parties. If the family, especially the husband's, invades their privacy and gets in the way of their decisions, it can be lethal for the couple. This often gives rise to third parties appearing pecially women trying to seduce the husband.