I Swim真係令人好失望。無游水、無練習、無比賽,名校變MK,運動劇變愛情劇(仲要超級膠),兩師生上office偷圖已經夠白痴,仲要個渣男咁啱又返上去,咁啱又自爆晒所有陰謀,咁啱又飲醉,咁啱又瞓係玻璃門口。而兩師生就咁係人哋會議室成晚然後可以全身而退咩事都無。 拜託,唔好當觀眾係白痴,仲有之前無啦啦去探靈呀、友誼賽變打鬥呀、低form妹用籃球掟師姐個頭呀(只係因為輸咗場係現實世界完全無人會care嘅友誼賽),呢啲垃圾劇情要有幾多有幾多。 Viutv, 唔好以為大家撐你,就咩都播出嚟。觀眾唔係老馮睇你,唔睇cctvb,仲有好多選擇㗎。
I’m disappointed and very angry... I skipped all the unecessary romance fillers parts in episode 9! Thus, I only watched about 10min... main story seems rushed compared to the love stories. It seems the main genre of I SWIM is romance not sport and the script feels like it’s from TVB except the cinematography: Gary Stu (Jeffrey) and Mary Sue (Miss Yung) characters are cringy as hell, and there are no trainings, few to nonexistent development of friendship and characters’ growth. Why can’t do like "We are the Littles" which was well executed ? It has more sports, friendship (especially King&Bobby), rivalry, few but very good romance, the female lead isn’t a f*cking mary sue but a broken ace, victory wasn’t the most important. Even "Warriors Within" is better than "I SWIM" despite its flaws. ViuTV/MakerVille, you waste oportunity to highlight your own artists. Stanley’s, Alton’s and Phoebus’ characters had so much potential, you could’ve have developped them more. Fortunately, Alton’s performance was so great and somehow I’m glad he wasn’t one of the main male lead since they’re so bad written, it would waste his potential. Stanley and Alton even have more chemistry (by miles) than the CPs, they have the most moving and impactful scenes in this drama.
【有潛質的演員】、【 他做得好好】🙇♀️🙇♀️
馮導對Edan的評價 :
""其實他的懶音已好了很多, 他一直都有練, 如果重看之前的演出, 就發現到他的進步, 其實這麼有潛質的演員, 大家都不想他這麼快做死一樣嘢, 當然即使在comfort zone, 很容易就有一些人喜歡, 但他也希望趁未定型之前, 作出更闊的嘗試, 而我覺得他做得好好, 因為要看到他轉變, 一定要擺他到另一個極端, 才見到他的變化。""
Stanley 愈來愈有型,加油!💪
我希望ViuTV I SWIM片段剪輯方便快捷途徑持續閱讀困難。❤❤😂🎉😢😢😢😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😮😮😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤😂🎉🎉🎉😢😢😮😮😮😅😅
幾時有 l swlm s2
集集都睇到o哂咀 尋晚果集大秋無啦啦鬧爆李馬榮果到又係唔知發生咩事,仲要推堆佢落水🤷🏻♀️ 然後又冇交代過 突然間李馬榮同Miss翁就去左食飯…. 成套戲既發展真係神速
@@メイ-o9b 咪係, 明明大秋係最懶嗰個, 忽然間上心過李馬榮, 人物性格可以咁飄忽, 想點呀編劇大佬
@@メイ-o9b 今晚交代大秋因為患咗末期腳癌所以臨死前發奮
@@メイ-o9b 你係咪冇睇前面幾集
I Swim真係令人好失望。無游水、無練習、無比賽,名校變MK,運動劇變愛情劇(仲要超級膠),兩師生上office偷圖已經夠白痴,仲要個渣男咁啱又返上去,咁啱又自爆晒所有陰謀,咁啱又飲醉,咁啱又瞓係玻璃門口。而兩師生就咁係人哋會議室成晚然後可以全身而退咩事都無。
Viutv, 唔好以為大家撐你,就咩都播出嚟。觀眾唔係老馮睇你,唔睇cctvb,仲有好多選擇㗎。
佢d遊水比賽shot都拍得幾好啊, 好過當年tvb既破冰轉身😂 不過劇情就真係有d位怪怪地, 當佢偶像劇, 唔好當係運動正劇睇會好d
@@loveyoustore 意見啫,唔俾人有意見㗎
睇完頭兩三集已經覺得不似如期,劇本唔得,其他細節都幾馬虎,看台觀眾疏疏落落咁,唔夠budget請大量臨時演員充撐場面唔夠錢整CG,算!但連衫都唔換,兩屆水運會全部人無換衫穿晒崩 ,幾十蚊件T-shirt都俾演員換吓吖!將故事講校際比賽同其他學校競爭,講操練特訓、講吓泳隊打掃泳池日常笑料、眾人爭取做正選、隊友之間疾妒唔團結、經歷咗啲嘢後來化敵為友,識英雄重英雄團結一致爭勝…熱血漫畫都睇唔少啦!咁都偷唔到一招半式。個人認為ISWIM其中一個敗筆係游水場口只得比賽,缺少咗運動員艱苦練習有汗有淚嘅畫面,觀眾難以投入,永遠一嚟就比賽又比賽,難怪導演話拍咗廿幾場賽事,但劇裡面感受唔到嗰種熱血,因為觀眾冇同角色一齊經歷點樣變強,感染唔到觀眾
I’m disappointed and very angry... I skipped all the unecessary romance fillers parts in episode 9! Thus, I only watched about 10min... main story seems rushed compared to the love stories. It seems the main genre of I SWIM is romance not sport and the script feels like it’s from TVB except the cinematography: Gary Stu (Jeffrey) and Mary Sue (Miss Yung) characters are cringy as hell, and there are no trainings, few to nonexistent development of friendship and characters’ growth.
Why can’t do like "We are the Littles" which was well executed ? It has more sports, friendship (especially King&Bobby), rivalry, few but very good romance, the female lead isn’t a f*cking mary sue but a broken ace, victory wasn’t the most important. Even "Warriors Within" is better than "I SWIM" despite its flaws.
ViuTV/MakerVille, you waste oportunity to highlight your own artists. Stanley’s, Alton’s and Phoebus’ characters had so much potential, you could’ve have developped them more. Fortunately, Alton’s performance was so great and somehow I’m glad he wasn’t one of the main male lead since they’re so bad written, it would waste his potential. Stanley and Alton even have more chemistry (by miles) than the CPs, they have the most moving and impactful scenes in this drama.
well said
好想知有無學校俾學生因為游水讀書/離開學校 &年年讀唔同學校 😂
劇本系好吾得,又吾似漫畫,又吾系寫實。 吾通想話畀大家知 游水資憂生可周圍轉校🤣名校都會有壞學生及童黨🤣