Gab! there is a mod for Minecraft that plays the music constantly! I highly recommend it, I use it a lot when playing single player and needing to fill the silence, the mod is genuinely just called 'infinite music' you should be able to find it on curseforge
I squad-streamed this on Twitch so both Jack and Gab's POV were showing. It was playing "The Medium" --- half of the screen was normal, and the other was just pure hellscape.
Gab = serenity, grace, and calmness. Sean = carnage, chaos, and yelling at everything. So much relationship goals with the Queen and her Gaelic Gladiator. You two are adorable together @Gab.
I'm genuienly going to end up watching both sides of each episode lol. It's so relaxing and wholesome here, then you go to Jack's side and you get the same thing with more chaos.
20:48 Jack: "THX CHAT! (talks about memes) poggywoggies! UUUUWWHWHHHHU" Gabs: Silently placing glass, serenity now. Me: I'm glad I'm on this side of the video. x)
I just finished watching the first 2 vods of Sean's side and honestly this is so much funnier. Something about the dynamic of you being all "la la la build a house, make it pretty" while Sean is in the background screaming as anything and everything goes wrong. Simply perfect lol
If you activate subtitles, it shows you the "Minecart rolls" message, which means that you're near a mineshaft. The message is not accompanied by any sound, though.
The shaders sunlight gives me a very powerful memory of waking a bit early as a kid during summer and just hanging out in my bare feet on our porch before it got too hot outside. Idk why.
Jack at 1:38 "A apple a day keeps a creeper away" *EPIC FORSHADOWING INTENSIFIES* Also, Shift clicking lets you stack chest on top of each other without a wall behind them, as well as placing workbench items on top of each other. Example, furnace on a crafting table.
Having watched Jack's already, I am fully expecting this video to be peaceful house building with explosions and screams in the distance, with the occasional "Hello" and quick smooch.
@@mikaelaleslypradorobles1925 cuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttIES is my favorite movies
It was so wholesome when she misunderstood Sean's joke but laughed anyways 31:20 "Harry Potter and the Double staircase" (It was supposed to be Harry Potter and Doubledoor (Dumbledore)
So much more than just a “play through”. I love watching a couple having fun together, enjoying a common interest.... Did Sean notice the “ nesting” in progress? Truly Fabulous!
It’s so funny to me that ppl point out how you can either get chaos stream with Jack or chill stream with Gab. But I think that’s also shown in their audience cuz Gab trusts us with the coordinates but Jack was like absolutely not I don’t trust chat.
Jack: I'll think of you when I eat it. Gab: *Tiny chuckle* Honestly, that tiny chuckle was How do I say this without being weird? cute, The chuckle was very cute.
I've come from Jack's PoV of the video, and thank you so much for posting both PoVs. Absolutely warms my heart to see such a loving couple that games together.
I know Eveline is never going to see this. But I just want you to know that you make my days so much better. And when you are playing with Sean you both seems so happy and it kinda makes my life a little bit easier to see that it is still love in this love❤️
oh! i dunno if anyone mentioned (or maybe you already know) but if you put a banner (any color/design) in an anvil and name it (for example: "Home") then place it down somewhere near/on your house you can click on it with a map in hand and it'll show up on your map! sorry if thats a confusing way to explain things. love the series!:)
Jack's Stream: fighting and dying deep in the bowels of the earth Gab's Stream: Peacefully building a house and occasionally hearing her boyfriend scream
i recall playing minecraft when it a demo or some kind of early access. people were already obsessed with it back then, and i spent hours just building a home in caves. fun times
I wish my mom had the same interests as me... seeing others playing their favorite games together especially when it’s a family member makes me feel lonely... but I’m glad they had fun playing
This is pretty much like that MC trend on Tiktok from a while ago: Seán is the one that protects the other, and Evelien is the one that peacefully picks flowers (builds, if it has to be based on this episode/stream).
Even after a year later it’s incredibly wholesome to see you and Sean play Minecraft. I’ve been under the weather and it made me laugh genuinely. Thank you 💚
Enderman are 3 blocks tall, so you can safely fight them if you are under cover. Just know that they have reach so just having some blocks directly over you won't help. Also, creepers can see you through glass blocks and explode. Just FYI if you try to sleep with them right outside your house. Best of luck.
13:49 I actually got curious and went back and checked, and while the creeper did not miss, it may as well have since it did only half a heart of damage which healed up instantly as if the creeper cheated and the game was comping Gab her lost health.
Gab and jack, shift and then click if you wanna put a chest on top of a chest. You can also add a furnace on top of a furnace with shift. Whenever something doesn’t place on top of the other hold shift and then right click :3 Love your and jacks videos !
For those of you asking, we're using the Sildur’s Shaders pack! :)
Gab! there is a mod for Minecraft that plays the music constantly! I highly recommend it, I use it a lot when playing single player and needing to fill the silence, the mod is genuinely just called 'infinite music' you should be able to find it on curseforge
Thanks you so much Gab I was looking for that shader=)
I'm curious on which specific Sildur’s Shaders pack you are using there are a lot of them lol.
Gab's POV: "The chill stream"
Jack's POV: "The chaos stream"
Perfectly balanced.
As all things should be
@@ThinkWrestling I was about to say that XD
It really makes them a cute couple. lol
@RandomSara same x2 😅
"We gonna kill the ender dragon" *starts mining iron with wood pik*
Sounds about right hahaha
@@GabSmolders 😂
@@GabSmolders can you guy's continue the series? it's my favorite!
@LOCAL51 I’d be askin the same thing
Felix ends Minecraft, Gab and Jack start to play again.
And so the cycle continues.
its a inside job hahahahah
"Minecraft never changes"
Felix and Marzia will start to play again jk lol
Was that a dark souls reference?
@@berryamv2296 Cycles are not made by dark souls
Like piano's aren't made by JoJo
Seán: "Look me in the eyes"
Gab: *crouches*
that really got me
How much is their height difference? I came from Jack's channel hoping for a longer calmer stream and was not disappointed~
@@testsubject6829 3 Inches/7 cm
He's 173 (5ft 8in)
She's 180 (5ft 11in)
According to google
Jack: *screaming and fighting and killing and dying*
Gab: *building a lil' house, and there's a mushroom next to it which is very cute*
if either one ceases to exist the universe will fall out of balance and the World as we know it will end.
I squad-streamed this on Twitch so both Jack and Gab's POV were showing. It was playing "The Medium" --- half of the screen was normal, and the other was just pure hellscape.
@Nikko That sounds about right yeah.
The Medium is a good game honestly
I love how Gab paused trying to murder a villager because she heard a cat XD
We know how much she loves cats😅
Isn’ their cat beebee?
@@urmumhuge5556 yes their irl cat but they are referring to the ones in the game
@@urmumhuge5556 BB
Gab = serenity, grace, and calmness.
Sean = carnage, chaos, and yelling at everything.
So much relationship goals with the Queen and her Gaelic Gladiator.
You two are adorable together @Gab.
Gab: why everything you said is funny to me?
Jack: Uhh, because You love me?
I mean true true r/wholesome
why is it that i am in love with their realationship
Watched the stream on Twitch and then I went and bought the game. First it was Animal Crossing and now Minecraft. Gab makes these games look so fun.
i love how u can actually see the game on gabs perspective rather than the permanent darkness on jacks xD
I'm genuienly going to end up watching both sides of each episode lol. It's so relaxing and wholesome here, then you go to Jack's side and you get the same thing with more chaos.
I fell asleep watching this because I work graves and when Seán said “these are your thoughts: you’re very hungry” it scared me awake. 🤣🤣🤣
20:48 Jack: "THX CHAT! (talks about memes) poggywoggies! UUUUWWHWHHHHU"
Gabs: Silently placing glass, serenity now.
Me: I'm glad I'm on this side of the video. x)
I didn't know how much I missed Seán saying "That's a Minecraft." 😅
I just finished watching the first 2 vods of Sean's side and honestly this is so much funnier. Something about the dynamic of you being all "la la la build a house, make it pretty" while Sean is in the background screaming as anything and everything goes wrong. Simply perfect lol
If you activate subtitles, it shows you the "Minecart rolls" message, which means that you're near a mineshaft. The message is not accompanied by any sound, though.
Wish console had that option
Jack: "Our Minecraft is better than everyone else's Minecraft" is EXACTLY how my bf and I talk xD ...along with the corny jokes.
The entirety of this video shall be put on r/wholesomememes this instant.
The shaders sunlight gives me a very powerful memory of waking a bit early as a kid during summer and just hanging out in my bare feet on our porch before it got too hot outside. Idk why.
13:43 I literally jumped and I don’t know how to feel about that
Edit: same deal at 59:28 lol
I LOL'd at Sean screaming and you look up and all you see is a big explosion in the distance xD
I think I must have missed that part when I was cooking. Do you know the timestamp? 😂
@@leeelahglitz47 it's @28:18
Jack at 1:38 "A apple a day keeps a creeper away"
Also, Shift clicking lets you stack chest on top of each other without a wall behind them, as well as placing workbench items on top of each other. Example, furnace on a crafting table.
Having watched Jack's already, I am fully expecting this video to be peaceful house building with explosions and screams in the distance, with the occasional "Hello" and quick smooch.
Gab's laugh is the best. I love how she and Seán have such complementary personalities. It's adorbs
To me her laugh sounds like a mix of Stampy and Jimmy Cars laugh
@@mikaelaleslypradorobles1925 cuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttIES is my favorite movies
It was so wholesome when she misunderstood Sean's joke but laughed anyways 31:20 "Harry Potter and the Double staircase"
(It was supposed to be Harry Potter and Doubledoor (Dumbledore)
Chicken touches gab:
Skeley shoots gab:
traveler jack: "ooohh, scary!"
So much more than just a “play through”. I love watching a couple having fun together, enjoying a common interest.... Did Sean notice the “ nesting” in progress? Truly Fabulous!
What a pleasant surprise! This is so nice, and the shaders are so beautiful. Oh man, I hope this becomes a series
"I'm using cover. I'm a pro gamer."
Immediately gets shot by the skele who is actually a pro gamer.
Idk probably just aimbots
We shall all remember the brick house with the highest treehouse and... THE CAT ARMY.
Brought back good memories haha loved watching this!
The fact that this video has zero dislikes and almost 500 thumbs up warms my heart. Just shows how unproblematic gab and jack are
You jinxed it
@@veronicaoviedo711 you really jinxed it
It’s so funny to me that ppl point out how you can either get chaos stream with Jack or chill stream with Gab. But I think that’s also shown in their audience cuz Gab trusts us with the coordinates but Jack was like absolutely not I don’t trust chat.
56:25 They said "um" at the same time! ✨COUPLE GOALS ✨
LOL if you didn’t put it out I wouldn’t have noticed! I thought it was one “umm” 😂 they’re soo cute! 😩💕
Also in 17:56!
The chaotic moment with the music alongside Jack ringing the bell and also Gab making a pretty little fence, is such a mood and I am loving it
Jack: I'll think of you when I eat it.
Gab: *Tiny chuckle*
Honestly, that tiny chuckle was How do I say this without being weird? cute, The chuckle was very cute.
Is anyone else dying from cuteness when these two do videos together?
29:58 is my favorite part 😭✨
I've come from Jack's PoV of the video, and thank you so much for posting both PoVs. Absolutely warms my heart to see such a loving couple that games together.
Gab, you should make a watch tower in the tall mushroom next to your house using ladders to get up.
This stream was a lot of fun! I remember you saying that you might upload this a bit later but I’m very glad you uploaded it sooner!
Gab: I love how you’re out on an adventure, and I’m just like "house."
Me: It’s like you’re married.
lol Both are awesome. :)
Yay! You found a game to play together!
I'm so happy to have another series to enjoy!
I know Eveline is never going to see this.
But I just want you to know that you make my days so much better. And when you are playing with Sean you both seems so happy and it kinda makes my life a little bit easier to see that it is still love in this love❤️
She does read her comments so I'm sure she'll see it. :)
seconded! her videos are the highlights of my day
@@SpookiCooki thanks for saying that, I have missed that “info” :)
Thirded(??) At the same time it makes me realize how single I am... 😬
Gab's tiny adorable giggle is the best
Was waiting for Jack to say " My GLANKLES".
I was too yeah. There’s still time. 😂😂
If only Evelien could bring her iridium watering can from Stardew to the game. She could easily use it with the lava.
57:02 perfect timing when jack screams and gab opens her mouth as if she is screaming.
Omg i didn't notice until now :)))
@@starsinleaves3671 NOW U DID😅
The sun through the leaves is really nice
Oh I hope we get another run of Minecraft soon with you both ~ twas good times ♥️
SOOO EXITED FOR THIS! I love Minecraft lets plays, and gab is such a great personality! spread the word! #Minecraft #smp #Letsplay
1:39 Ah, there it is! That's why Seán died so much, he jinxed himself! Good ol' Jinxepticeye!
39:23 Jacks laugh is literally making me dying bros
love sean's courage the cowardly dog scream when he found diamonds
Gab, the music editing in this video is amazing! Good work and great content!
Loved the collage jack made, brought me here. It's so adorable seeing y'all play. Thanks for sharing.
lmaoo i remember watching both povs during the stream and the difference made me cackle so much jack's was just pure hellscape
Jack protecting Gab is just too wholesome 💕
oh! i dunno if anyone mentioned (or maybe you already know) but if you put a banner (any color/design) in an anvil and name it (for example: "Home") then place it down somewhere near/on your house you can click on it with a map in hand and it'll show up on your map!
sorry if thats a confusing way to explain things. love the series!:)
Jack's Stream: fighting and dying deep in the bowels of the earth
Gab's Stream: Peacefully building a house and occasionally hearing her boyfriend scream
i recall playing minecraft when it a demo or some kind of early access. people were already obsessed with it back then, and i spent hours just building a home in caves. fun times
they remind me of Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago from B99, so cute
Or like... a mom and a VERY chaotic child trying to behave in front of his mom.
Literally my favourite show! I'm so glad someone referenced it!! 😂
@@leeelahglitz47 I know right, is soo good and funny
@@luisaleite1749 yesss
The interaction between you two is so comfy that I came over here from Séan's channel to watch it again from your perspective.
Love watching yours and Jack's perspectives when you play games together.
My heart stopped when she walked onto the lava floor
F for the block of glass gab had to break... 💔
At 2:03
falls and gets hurt
Gab: "Oh nice"
I wish my mom had the same interests as me... seeing others playing their favorite games together especially when it’s a family member makes me feel lonely... but I’m glad they had fun playing
Play this video but also have Chill Beats To Relax/Study To play at the same time. Perfect entertainment value.
so good seeing Minecraft is back, it feels like outdoors while we are in lock down
ahh this is so wholesome and a perfect video to watch after a shitty day bless you both
“The return of Minecraft”
Bold of you to assume it ever left 😌
Jack's chaotic energy and Gab's chill energy go so perfect together
this series is so cozy
That creeper jumpscare got me so bad. XD
This is pretty much like that MC trend on Tiktok from a while ago: Seán is the one that protects the other, and Evelien is the one that peacefully picks flowers (builds, if it has to be based on this episode/stream).
Even after a year later it’s incredibly wholesome to see you and Sean play Minecraft. I’ve been under the weather and it made me laugh genuinely. Thank you 💚
57:40 nice keep it up, I bet it is going to look good 👍👍👍
Gab and jacksepticeye mine craft lets play, it's a dream come true
Enderman are 3 blocks tall, so you can safely fight them if you are under cover. Just know that they have reach so just having some blocks directly over you won't help.
Also, creepers can see you through glass blocks and explode. Just FYI if you try to sleep with them right outside your house. Best of luck.
I definitely want to watch the next stream!! You guys work so well together and the vibes are immaculate ☺💜
The tall Dutch queen and the gaelic gladiator
These two are genuinely adorable & wholesome together.
That creeper at 13:47 gave me a heart attack and I’m not even the one playing
Jack runs up..."AHHHHH" "You are protected"😍😂
The wholesome vibes just warm my heart
I’ve just completed star dew so now I’ve crawled back to minecraft :) nice coincidence
I love the difference with the two, Gab is laid back, and Sean is wound up like a spring.
I've been rewatching these series bc of my anxiety, its so calm and i love you both! it helps me so much and i enjoy it
you both are just adorable together - wish my man enjoyed video games like I do
Watching Gab and Jack play minecraft together is just so nice and so funny. Now I just want to go through the whole playthrough right now 😆
so excited to watch this! just watched jacks. i hope you both continue minecraft, it's so fun seeing you play together!
My fave couple 🥺❤️ Love watching them play together. They’re so wholesome.
I actually got curious and went back and checked, and while the creeper did not miss, it may as well have since it did only half a heart of damage which healed up instantly as if the creeper cheated and the game was comping Gab her lost health.
OMG!! The beginning looks so beautiful, especially the water. I am full flashed.
god dammit now I'm gonna have to play mineraft again to build a house with a lava floor
we'll have our last conver-"
lols it's so cute♡
Gab and jack, shift and then click if you wanna put a chest on top of a chest. You can also add a furnace on top of a furnace with shift. Whenever something doesn’t place on top of the other hold shift and then right click :3
Love your and jacks videos !