I've melted butter in a pan and added a pinch of Tumeric and added two eggs in the same pan and fried in the butter Tumeric combo. Then topped cooked eggs with a pinch of black pepper. The Tumeric creates a red color on the bottom of the eggs. The taste is very good, IMO. Something different
I use a little turmeric daily on my morning egg and have almost no joint pain any more. Also, I have not had a cold in 4 years. Yes, I always put black pepper on my egg with the turmeric. Hey, today I turned 90! 2/24/22
As a lung cancer patient I must worn anybody ho is looking for the health benefits of turmeric … don’t use the industrial processed yellow powder… IF you use and dry the root yourself and grind it,,, the powder will be almost red … the factory takes a lot of the good stuff out .. use the hole root
@@pamelalawrence472 dusend mather, get some trow it in a chopper dry the cornels and afteer that grind It to a fine red powder… I put mine in size 00 capsules it’s easier…. Don’t forget to look at chaga the nr 1 anti oxidant in the world … than turky tail mushroom , there is a kind af salty algy in it small cancer cells will stop growing …. Then reishy mushroom…. The best is to combine them… even beter is a ethanol exstracion of them … wodka wil do … these thing will make you stronger…. goot luck
@@pamelalawrence472 all those i mansion will dubbel your killer t and p cells and more,, this is what have to kill the bad stuff and clean it… I whase 64 killos in my bad period and now I’m 96 ,, gething stronger each day… good luck….. vebenzadol look in to it ,,,
How long did it take before you felt pain relief? I've been taking a supplement for two weeks but don't feel any relief yet from compressed nerve pain and arthritis.
@@alayadeluce When I started taking it, same day, by about 1 or 2 pain points, then only realized how much it was helping after a couple months when I noticed I was in more pain than usual and realized I hadn't taken any for a couple days. I would say it helps enough to not be miserable at first, then slowly takes the pain down over time. You might try taking it along with cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. If you take actual oil by tablespoon, don't get the cheap clear bottle stuff. And Ginger, fresh minced (about an inch cube) or capsules. They help it absorb and also help relieve pain. I take around 1000 mg of ginger and 450-500 mg of turmeric twice a day. That works best for me and my situation. I add more ginger and/or other herbs if I'm having acute pain. You can also add a Quercitin/Bromelain combo for added benefit. They boost each other, all 4. And Turmeric and quercitin both help zinc get into your cells better to protect them against viruses. Also make sure the Turmeric you're taking is dark yellow. Walmart has a good one that is always dark and has a little ginger in it. It also helps to stay away from foods that cause inflammation as much as possible. And you might try taking choline/inositol supplements for nerve pain.
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitus 12 months ago and was prescribed a drug to reduce inflammation and stop anal bleeding, which it idid, but had a reaction to it so sought an alternative. My G.P. was trained in South Africa and advised me to try Curcumin as it was commonly used in S.SA. I did and haven't had any problems since. It also assists in preventing fat build up in the arteries as a side benefit I understand. It's great stuff as other muscle problems i had due to inflammation also resolved themselves.
Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Praying for the lost to be saved before it’s too late and for those around the world who are suffering and need help. May God bless you all. Jesus I trust in you. 🙏
I keep running into people who believe in salvation by faith only. Read acts 2:38 as well as how people were saved in the book of acts. Paul was told in acts 22:16, arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the lord.If Paul was saved on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus he would not need to have his sins washed away. Read James chapter 2 where James teaches faith without works is dead. How we are saved is way too important to get wrong. Just because some modern day preacher says so don't make things so. The way of salvation has been written down for us to read and know. We must get it right.
@@miketzai9209 try some from an organic shop if you have one near you. the Turmeric (and ginger ) sold in normal supermarkets is often treated with a chemical to stop it from sprouting. if you get some from an organic shop, soak it in a bowl of cold water overnight, then plant in well drained soil potting mix. it can take up to 6 weeks for the shoots to appear.
Yes black pepper or cayenne pepper.. One of those or both of those need to be used to activate turmeric.. Turmeric does nothing on its own.. Just a little extra paper is all needed
Turmeric and raw minced ginger together is a great combo for chronic pain and inflammation. Adding a clove of raw garlic and a tablespoon of raw honey as well make it a super charged combo for health. But don't take any of this if you're on blood thinners. Ask your doc first.
@@hlg_theshepherd2873 Tumeric in powder (capsule). The darker yellow the better. Ginger, raw minced about an inch cube or capsule. Garlic, 1 clove minced and allowed to sit for 10-15 minutes in a pile. Or the gels. Honey, raw local, 1 or 2 tablespoon. If you put the honey on a spoon, and put the minced garlic and ginger on it, it goes down better. You can also juice the ginger and garlic, put it with the honey, real lemon juice and open a turmeric capsule.
I’m on blood thinners but do take a clove of garlic a day and turmeric. I chew the garlic with a scoop of peanut butter. It sounds odd but it works for me. My blood pressure has never been better.
I am amazed you do not talk about Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in Turmeric which is the source for reducing inflammation and many other health benefits. Taking curcumin capsules with 5% Bioperine (which is black pepper, increases benefits by 2000%), will work much faster and be more beneficial than just a pinch of turmeric. A small amount of any healthy oil also helps the bioavailability of the active ingredient. I urge you to research this and publish full information. Turmeric without black pepper and most any oil, has minimal bioavailability.
@@instacures They came in “gummies” that I got at TJ Maxx store at the Kmart shopping plaza, in Westwood, NJ. It’s great that someone made something that’s good for us taste so delicious! 👍🏼
I take 1/2 tsp a day in fresh lime juice with 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper, 1tbsp of olive oil, 1tbsp of homey and 1 tsp of the best cod liver oil in the world.
ps Carlson Labs is supposed to be the best cod liver oil in the world and look at DHA & EPA content, the higher the better but this cod liver oil is concentrated so not safe to take more than 5ml per day long term. Really helps my rheumatism. ( It also tastes like gone off fish so mix with strong fruit juice).
Invite God’s peace to rule your heart! As this year comes to an end, take time to reflect on the many gifts God has given you. Allow your heart be encouraged with the truth that God is a good God. Pause to thank God for sending his Son to die for you. Be reminded no matter what your circumstance you can live with peace because of Jesus.
Make sure you use black pepper w your Turmeric. It improves the affects of Turmeric GREATLY! I use a Turmeric supplement that includes Bioperine. Bioperine is a fancy way to say blk pepper.
it will.New chapter turmeric + black seed oil 1250 once at day with one teaspoon of laconiko olive oil.walk barefoot on grass and soil in the sun for 1 hour at day.it will stop the surgery.(it starts in the mind first)
I have been using turmeric for several years now and indeed it is beneficial to my health. Thanks for sharing this video and I will post this on my fb account to spread the good news.
I recently had to visit someone in the hospital, and when I went to the cafeteria, for a bite to eat. The first thing I was greeted by was a huge display of soda and sugar drinks. There was a small salad bar, but where was The TUMERIC, Cinnamon and ALL the other beneficial spices. No healing foods offered in the hospital. Only the foods that got most of the people there in the first place.
Hey I used tea tree oil pads and tumeric tea bags against them on my skin staph and it got rid of it!! Nothing worked until I read about this method 👍😊 I also had a book years ago about food/herbs being medicine and that too much ying can throw your yang off and vice versa 🗝️
My usual is a mixed shot of turmeric, Ginger, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves and coconut water with a little hit of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
I bought some raw tumeric in Florida from Publix and it was Fantastic! Here in Reno I bought it raw from Sprouts store and it's just dead as a doornail. Where can I get the real deal?
Had a horrible mouth infection back in 2015,straight swallowed turmeric and was eating things like tuna with cayenne pepper and the infection never returned
Would like to hear information about turmeric in a preparation that can cross the blood -brain barrier. Is that necessary for it to help reduce brain inflammation ? Thanks for all to be good information.
Not all good, i took it for about 2 months but had terrible stomach pain and constipation, i didn't connect the two, but i stopped taken the turmeric and within a week all symptoms stopped.
U could try those immune shots.. They have a good balance of stuff in it that doesn't hurt the stomach.. There are a few videos talking about them on TH-cam
Just more proof that not everyone is the same. Name the side effects of a given medication and I'd have them. Blood pressure, diabetic 2, gout, arthritis medications were killing me, literally. "May cause shortness of breath " getting out of the truck, all of a sudden I couldn't breathe, I mean I was breathing but wasn't getting any oxygen. Started seeing stars, went to my knees, started blacking out, breathing as hard as I could. Finally my head cleared up and I was ok. Similar experiences with other drugs, free bleeding, dizzy spells, blurred vision and so on. All I got out of the doctor's was "well, that didn't work so we'll try this". Quit seeing doctors and medications, went Keto, researched herbs and spices including Turmeric. No gout, blood pressure normal, blood sugar where it should be arthritis is manageable, no doctors. Keep looking, theres something out there that will help you, I'm sure.
Title says pinch but if ypu have added a spoonful to a beverage & food, is that too much at one time. Sure doesn't fee l that way effect wise. As always breath easy my friend.
Evidently it can effect you if yo are on blood thinner medication. I take blood thinners, but it has not caused a problem and assisted me with my Ulcerative Colitus greatly.
@@stephanieunderwood328 My reply keeps getting deleted. I buy gelatin capsules on Amazon and fill them myself. I mix it all in a bowl and fill about 30 to 40 capsules at a time. I take 2 to 3 when I’m drinking my ACV lemon water in the evening. I took it for my cholesterol which is now lower and my good cholesterol is higher and all my numbers are good.
Thanks, but you’re not talking HOW TO USE. Example: for brain. HOW MUCH TURMERIC AD IN WATER? Add sugar? Add milk? How. Your talking only benefits but how much turmeric?
Don't forget to add black pepper along with turmeric, black pepper helps with the absorption of curcumin.
Also good fats help it absorb into the body, like coconut oil, olive oil, 100% avocado oil or eating avocados when consuming turmeric.
I've melted butter in a pan and added a pinch of Tumeric and added two eggs in the same pan and fried in the butter Tumeric combo. Then topped cooked eggs with a pinch of black pepper. The Tumeric creates a red color on the bottom of the eggs. The taste is very good, IMO. Something different
I use a little turmeric daily on my morning egg and have almost no
joint pain any more. Also, I have not had a cold in 4 years.
Yes, I always put black pepper on my egg with the turmeric.
Hey, today I turned 90! 2/24/22
Yes, I always add pepper with the turmeric.
So awesome 💯 stay strong God is amazing and enjoy your life 😊
As a lung cancer patient I must worn anybody ho is looking for the health benefits of turmeric … don’t use the industrial processed yellow powder… IF you use and dry the root yourself and grind it,,, the powder will be almost red … the factory takes a lot of the good stuff out .. use the hole root
Thank you Denny🤗 I Hope for a healthy journey for you☀
Where can we buy the most organic form of turmeric?
@@pamelalawrence472 dusend mather, get some trow it in a chopper dry the cornels and afteer that grind It to a fine red powder… I put mine in size 00 capsules it’s easier…. Don’t forget to look at chaga the nr 1 anti oxidant in the world … than turky tail mushroom , there is a kind af salty algy in it small cancer cells will stop growing …. Then reishy mushroom…. The best is to combine them… even beter is a ethanol exstracion of them … wodka wil do … these thing will make you stronger…. goot luck
@@pamelalawrence472 all those i mansion will dubbel your killer t and p cells and more,, this is what have to kill the bad stuff and clean it… I whase 64 killos in my bad period and now I’m 96 ,, gething stronger each day… good luck….. vebenzadol look in to it ,,,
@@pamelalawrence472 Abel and cole
I started taking tumeric and ginger root about 4 months ago and all the pain in my knee and hip joints has disappeared.
Hi, did you take it in a supplement? If so can you share what it is. Thanks
I take this daily as well. Wonderful stuff!!
I've gone off it a few times due to a busy life at those times and the pain returned within a few days.
How long did it take before you felt pain relief? I've been taking a supplement for two weeks but don't feel any relief yet from compressed nerve pain and arthritis.
When I started taking it, same day, by about 1 or 2 pain points, then only realized how much it was helping after a couple months when I noticed I was in more pain than usual and realized I hadn't taken any for a couple days. I would say it helps enough to not be miserable at first, then slowly takes the pain down over time.
You might try taking it along with cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. If you take actual oil by tablespoon, don't get the cheap clear bottle stuff. And Ginger, fresh minced (about an inch cube) or capsules. They help it absorb and also help relieve pain.
I take around 1000 mg of ginger and 450-500 mg of turmeric twice a day. That works best for me and my situation. I add more ginger and/or other herbs if I'm having acute pain.
You can also add a Quercitin/Bromelain combo for added benefit. They boost each other, all 4. And Turmeric and quercitin both help zinc get into your cells better to protect them against viruses.
Also make sure the Turmeric you're taking is dark yellow. Walmart has a good one that is always dark and has a little ginger in it.
It also helps to stay away from foods that cause inflammation as much as possible. And you might try taking choline/inositol supplements for nerve pain.
Also, Walgreens has something called Forces of Nature Nerve Pain. It's a roll on for spot treatment.
Turmeric and raw minced ginger together is a great combo for chronic pain and inflammation.thanks
Found my combo on amazon
How do you personally practice taking it? I usually prepare teas but have never put garlic in a tea, so I guess it's food...
@@asprywrites it’s not garlic it’s ginger what she said
@@asprywrites I have the capsules form so I’m taking dry ginger but it is working. Got a lot of inflammatory issues this relieves much
I am glad that I found your channel; Turmeric took away arthritis pain in my knees.
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitus 12 months ago and was prescribed a drug to reduce inflammation and stop anal bleeding, which it idid, but had a reaction to it so sought an alternative. My G.P. was trained in South Africa and advised me to try Curcumin as it was commonly used in S.SA. I did and haven't had any problems since. It also assists in preventing fat build up in the arteries as a side benefit I understand. It's great stuff as other muscle problems i had due to inflammation also resolved themselves.
Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Praying for the lost to be saved before it’s too late and for those around the world who are suffering and need help. May God bless you all. Jesus I trust in you. 🙏
Amen Amen
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ.
I keep running into people who believe in salvation by faith only. Read acts 2:38 as well as how people were saved in the book of acts. Paul was told in acts 22:16, arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the lord.If Paul was saved on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus he would not need to have his sins washed away. Read James chapter 2 where James teaches faith without works is dead. How we are saved is way too important to get wrong. Just because some modern day preacher says so don't make things so. The way of salvation has been written down for us to read and know. We must get it right.
It is the think to keep doing for all as we wait for the return of YESHUA THE CHRIST.
Wonderful, let's keep spreading the gospel, for the time is short.
Moringa leaf is also a good source from nature.
Definetly, I drink moringa tea everyday.
I sold a lot of it during the height of the plandemic.
@@theprophetez1357 plandemic , yes this is the right word i use from the start for this plandemic
I've read that we have to add a pinch of black pepper to our turmeric use or drink, for the fast and proper absortion of its medication.
If you can get the fresh root you can grow it in a pot. Its extremely easy to grow and has a pretty flower and large leaves.
I try some times but nothing happens..
I not know if it was fresh or not.
Stay safe
So does Ginger.
@@miketzai9209 try some from an organic shop if you have one near you. the Turmeric (and ginger ) sold in normal supermarkets is often treated with a chemical to stop it from sprouting. if you get some from an organic shop, soak it in a bowl of cold water overnight, then plant in well drained soil potting mix. it can take up to 6 weeks for the shoots to appear.
Turmeric with a pinch of black pepper
Yes black pepper or cayenne pepper.. One of those or both of those need to be used to activate turmeric.. Turmeric does nothing on its own.. Just a little extra paper is all needed
@@WhSpRz587 yes, you're right
Turmeric and raw minced ginger together is a great combo for chronic pain and inflammation.
Adding a clove of raw garlic and a tablespoon of raw honey as well make it a super charged combo for health.
But don't take any of this if you're on blood thinners. Ask your doc first.
Kellie, recipe PLEASE.... 😀
How do u intake all of this together? In drink form or food?
Tumeric in powder (capsule). The darker yellow the better.
Ginger, raw minced about an inch cube or capsule.
Garlic, 1 clove minced and allowed to sit for 10-15 minutes in a pile. Or the gels.
Honey, raw local, 1 or 2 tablespoon.
If you put the honey on a spoon, and put the minced garlic and ginger on it, it goes down better.
You can also juice the ginger and garlic, put it with the honey, real lemon juice and open a turmeric capsule.
I’m on blood thinners but do take a clove of garlic a day and turmeric. I chew the garlic with a scoop of peanut butter. It sounds odd but it works for me. My blood pressure has never been better.
What if your taking a aspirin everyday?
To increase bioavailability add fresh ground pepper and a good oil like olive oil...
turmeric ginger garlic just some if the many miracle plants our Creator made for his children. 🙌🙌🙌😇😇😇😇
This channel help me better than my doctor..
I am amazed you do not talk about Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in Turmeric which is the source for reducing inflammation and many other health benefits. Taking curcumin capsules with 5% Bioperine (which is black pepper, increases benefits by 2000%), will work much faster and be more beneficial than just a pinch of turmeric. A small amount of any healthy oil also helps the bioavailability of the active ingredient. I urge you to research this and publish full information. Turmeric without black pepper and most any oil, has minimal bioavailability.
I like turmeric an I do face mask an elbows scrub an body. I will start with the pinch in daily eating.
Some people hate the taste of tumeric.
I take it in the morning with apple cider vinegar half a squeezed lemon and cayenne pepper
Assalamaelekum sir,I m an Indian house wife,a mother and a well educated teacher #ur videos help me a lot to care my family# shuqriya for that#👍
I take turmeric that has ginger in it....everyday. This video gave excellent information. Hank you!
Duh....!!! Typo....sorry! Didn’t spell check.“THANK YOU!”
@@instacures They came in “gummies” that I got at TJ Maxx store at the Kmart shopping plaza, in Westwood, NJ. It’s great that someone made something that’s good for us taste so delicious! 👍🏼
Thank you, turmeric is truly a powerful natural medicine for our bodies. 🙏💯
I take 1/2 tsp a day in fresh lime juice with 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper, 1tbsp of olive oil, 1tbsp of homey and 1 tsp of the best cod liver oil in the world.
ps Carlson Labs is supposed to be the best cod liver oil in the world and look at DHA & EPA content, the higher the better but this cod liver oil is concentrated so not safe to take more than 5ml per day long term. Really helps my rheumatism. ( It also tastes like gone off fish so mix with strong fruit juice).
Glad to see lot of indian medicine getting used now. Lime water and honey is another one people have adopted for weight loss.
they have a lot of really wonderful natural medicines. I've been watching quite a few different videos on here about natural herbal remedies they use.
@@bubbadavidson6920 Indians are the Aryans.
Invite God’s peace to rule your heart! As this year comes to an end, take time to reflect on the many gifts God has given you. Allow your heart be encouraged with the truth that God is a good God. Pause to thank God for sending his Son to die for you. Be reminded no matter what your circumstance you can live with peace because of Jesus.
Make sure you use black pepper w your Turmeric. It improves the affects of Turmeric GREATLY!
I use a Turmeric supplement that includes Bioperine. Bioperine is a fancy way to say blk pepper.
It's very beneficial for menstral cramps, after surgery healing as well. OTC I Stopped taking due to turmeric capsules power.
Great to know about this
East asians use it post partum and for menstruation.
Great Job, for the work that was needed!
Stick with it , doesn't work overnight
I find all medical advice on here very helpful my health has improved greatly since watching thank you
Turmeric also helps with menstrual cramps. I take turmeric instead of over the counter medication
I use it all the time and in my food
We Indians knew it for centuries and have been using it. Read Aayurveda, Written 3000-4000 years ago
Thanks for sharing.I need to put turmeric back in my everyday diet.
I’ve been taking Turmeric for many years and it does not help you lose weight it does help with the inflammation with arthritis
When using Turmeric sprinkle black pepper for better absorption....
Thank you very much and God Bless you and your love ones for your help,
Maybe help me avoid total knee replacement? I have good and bad days, but 2 out of 3 compartments of my knees are worn down.
it will.New chapter turmeric + black seed oil 1250 once at day with one teaspoon of laconiko olive oil.walk barefoot on grass and soil in the sun for 1 hour at day.it will stop the surgery.(it starts in the mind first)
I have been using turmeric for several years now and indeed it is beneficial to my health. Thanks for sharing this video and I will post this on my fb account to spread the good news.
Turmeric is a herb used from ages in India as a spice and also used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Thank you Chef Ricardo for your tips about turmeric
I recently had to visit someone in the hospital, and when I went to the cafeteria, for a bite to eat. The first thing I was greeted by was a huge display of soda and sugar drinks. There was a small salad bar, but where was The TUMERIC, Cinnamon and ALL the other beneficial spices. No healing foods offered in the hospital. Only the foods that got most of the people there in the first place.
💥Health Essentials [Full Guides] ➜ ➜ ➜ bit.ly/3BdR2pl
⚡Top Recommended Turmeric ➜ ➜ ➜ bit.ly/3S2hkmG
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8 minutes straight of "might", "could", "some believe", "suggest", ... so what's the point really ?
Hey I used tea tree oil pads and tumeric tea bags against them on my skin staph and it got rid of it!! Nothing worked until I read about this method 👍😊 I also had a book years ago about food/herbs being medicine and that too much ying can throw your yang off and vice versa 🗝️
I am taking a turmeric & bromelain capsule daily.
Wonderful info, thank you so very much!
Thanks for this great video!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
My usual is a mixed shot of turmeric, Ginger, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves and coconut water with a little hit of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
Thanks for this helpful information
Great info
Great reminder thanks again
Thank you for the good information👍👋
Good stuff 👍👍
Great video!
I have turmeric everyday in tablet form is that OK?
I bought some raw tumeric in Florida from Publix and it was Fantastic! Here in Reno I bought it raw from Sprouts store and it's just dead as a doornail. Where can I get the real deal?
Costco sells organic turmeric
What is the difference between turmeric and ginger, Doctor? Thank you.
Thank you 🙏 frGermany 🙏👍🌺😃
I love the medical mafia forced disclaimers everywhere. Like docs have anything to do with ‘health’
Agreed. They’re doctors of medicine. Most don’t care about health.
How much should of turmeric and honey should you use? Recipe?
Had a horrible mouth infection back in 2015,straight swallowed turmeric and was eating things like tuna with cayenne pepper and the infection never returned
It also helps you change your skin color, if you want to be yellow.
Would like to hear information about turmeric in a preparation that can cross the blood -brain barrier. Is that necessary for it to help reduce brain inflammation ? Thanks for all to be good information.
Nice info about Turmeric
Sounds good thank You
Thanks my Trudy from the Nassau Bahamas
Good video! Informative!
Well Explained thank you
Thank you for this! It's a great help. Much appreciated.
Thank you 🌟
Great video tu
Can I just use the stuff in the spice jar in the kitchen?
Not all good, i took it for about 2 months but had terrible stomach pain and constipation, i didn't connect the two, but i stopped taken the turmeric and within a week all symptoms stopped.
U could try those immune shots.. They have a good balance of stuff in it that doesn't hurt the stomach.. There are a few videos talking about them on TH-cam
Just more proof that not everyone is the same. Name the side effects of a given medication and I'd have them. Blood pressure, diabetic 2, gout, arthritis medications were killing me, literally. "May cause shortness of breath " getting out of the truck, all of a sudden I couldn't breathe, I mean I was breathing but wasn't getting any oxygen. Started seeing stars, went to my knees, started blacking out, breathing as hard as I could. Finally my head cleared up and I was ok. Similar experiences with other drugs, free bleeding, dizzy spells, blurred vision and so on. All I got out of the doctor's was "well, that didn't work so we'll try this". Quit seeing doctors and medications, went Keto, researched herbs and spices including Turmeric. No gout, blood pressure normal, blood sugar where it should be arthritis is manageable, no doctors. Keep looking, theres something out there that will help you, I'm sure.
@@WhSpRz587 Ok, thank you,i will take a look.
@@davidcantwell2489 Yes will keep looking,i hope your feeling a lot better.Good health.
@@davidcantwell2489 thats fantastic! So what herbs and supplements do you take regularly and what food do you eat? Thank you
Tummeric is best taken black pepper to boost tumeric spice.
Acts 2and verse 38. And st. John 3 and verse 5 king james version of the bible. Love , peace and blessings.
To be affective it must be 1500 mg per day min.
I need ideas on how people take turmeric on a daily basis.
Is it true that turmeric should be taken fresh not boiled or cooked to have maximum benefit?
I thought turmeric was supposed to be heated in order to activate the curcumin
Thank you
Yes marijuana is also good for pain and appetite loss due to illnesses. And weed can make you have a better outlook on things
So mix the weed with the turmeric and smoke it. 🤣
Its great for nausea
@@tezb28 I will try it🤣🤣🤣🤣
Try golden milk.
What has this world come to when anyone feels the need to say "check with your doctor first" before adding a food to your diet?!?!?! ☹
Doctors don't know shit. If you ask a doctor about adding turmeric to your diet, the doc would be like a 'deer-in-headlight'.
How much turmeric a person should take in a day?
There are some articles that turmeric can cause kidney stone.
what about mustard which has turmeric in it
"Frequently" or "now and then"... okay. Daily 🙄Too strong ...my Suggestion
I like this video because its interestyng
Title says pinch but if ypu have added a spoonful to a beverage & food, is that too much at one time. Sure doesn't fee l that way effect wise. As always breath easy my friend.
If I use turmeric everyday am I using too much? I had a friend who said..."Watch your Turmeric levels!" And I went huh?🙄
Evidently it can effect you if yo are on blood thinner medication. I take blood thinners, but it has not caused a problem and assisted me with my Ulcerative Colitus greatly.
@@wyattfamily8997 Thank you Wyatt Family🤗
So good on baked chicken
Good stuff i love it
My arthritis is basically gone. I make pills with 1/2 turmeric and 1/2 cayenne and a little black pepper.
How do you make pills?
@@stephanieunderwood328 My reply keeps getting deleted. I buy gelatin capsules on Amazon and fill them myself. I mix it all in a bowl and fill about 30 to 40 capsules at a time. I take 2 to 3 when I’m drinking my ACV lemon water in the evening. I took it for my cholesterol which is now lower and my good cholesterol is higher and all my numbers are good.
@@bigmack2262 Thank you! I will have to try that!
How to choose pure turmeric powder because some suppliers add certain object to cut cost.
Thanks, but you’re not talking HOW TO USE. Example: for brain. HOW MUCH TURMERIC AD IN WATER? Add sugar? Add milk? How. Your talking only benefits but how much turmeric?
Dude, they can not "prescribe". Go look it up!
Quranic open and universal challenge that "No gift of Allah SWT is without benefit for Mankind" is worth pondering upon !
2:03, get that market Walmart
Can people with high blood pressure take it daily?
@@colettebehan7232 Huh???🤔
I love turmeric
Ive had a stroke and ive started using tumeric on a daily basis
Very well present and very informative.
i use it every single day in cooking but i still have pain in my joints
Try grating fresh turmeric root and ginger root and lemon into some hot water, let steep for 10 minutes, then drink.
The music is annoying.