Considering they weren't splashing around in the water and they seemed genuinely excited about your catch.... I'm guessing they didn't realize what they had done.
They didn't do anything wrong. No one person has the right to take over 50 yards of public beach to the exclusion of other people so they can fish multiple rods spread out that far. Fishermen don't own the beach. Fishgum is a self-entitled KAREN. He thinks he owns the beach and nobody else has the right to be there. He thinks they need to move away for him. And he compares himself to Jesus for not behaving like more of an asshole than he actually could have - how noble a sacrifice by comparison to the crucifixion. What a joker. If Jesus was fishing that beach, he wouldn't have expected people to move. He wouldn't have been so selfish and entitled. And he would have shared a much better catch than that Fishgum LOSER managed. Comparing himself to Jesus... what a jerk.
I just came across this video today. I have to agree with many of those that posted on here. The guy that made the video is 100% the Karen in this video. I'm an avid fisherman and if a guy can't handle other people with equal rights to be there, then he needs to make arrangements to fish on private land. Seems like a no brainer to me.
idk mate i wouldn’t say a karen. there was plenty open beach around them but they chose to sit right there. plus he ended up giving them free fish. don’t see karen in him. sheesh.
I don’t know dude, you’re taking up an awful lot of space from the sand pretty far into the water. If people sit there quietly and don’t bust your balls, then you’re doing good.
I look at it like this, it's best to fish closer together on the beach that way your not messing up all the shore line for ppl wanting to swim that have to watch out for the hooks. He would really be a Kevin if he fished on the pier, that's elbow to elbow fishing. Thing is just do your fishing and stop thinking everybody is out to get you.
@Pharoah Young It's called boundaries & respect, maybe you should look into it. That beach is big, the population low at the moment, he wasn't there too long, there was nothing wrong with setting up what he wanted to do at the time if the conditions were right, which they were. Those people could have sat anywhere else. If the beach was crowded or small, it'd have been another story. Should nobody ever set up something like this if there is an opportunity? 🤪 Fսϲkin prison planet, can't do shit.
You started talking to them, laughing with them, and offering them fish. Nothing about that interaction told them you didn't want them there. How were they being Karens?
@@一一一一一一一一一一 Or at least just not right up by the fishing poles. I guess they just wanted to be by the water *shrugs* Anyways, it all played out so beautifully
Although, to be totally fair, there were at least four different set ups fishing, and while these people did set up their beach lounging gear, they weren't in the water, trying to fish, or even remotely complaining, at least in what I saw, about the fishing. It really was quite a spread. But, cooler heads prevail, and everything right happened.
you probably dont fish, it was very disrespectful how they set up camp there. If you ask me, they did it on purpose to trigger the fisherman. Maybe that's "their" spot to catch sun, and therefore wanted to give heat. Fisherman did an excellent job at turning it around!
@@JuanMartinez-ez5hp meh, I grew up on an island, beach fishing was basically a way of life, and the beach goers did nothing wrong. My opinion, there are NO Karen's in this.
I’m a fisherman and you have to understand a few things. One, we do take up a lot of area when fishing 4 to 6 rods. We pick the choice spots and as long as they aren’t messing with your stuff it’s fine. Also, there are folks that honestly don’t know better and are not fisherman and don’t have that built in etiquette when it comes to that. The beach is public and for everyone. So much better than dealing with pier folks imho. You are blessed to be able to fish, maybe they wanted to innocently watch. Remember the two greatest commandments that Jesus left us with. That’s your answer, didn’t seem like a Karen to me. They were gracious. Also Kevin, it’s going to be easier for you to get people to come closer to a relationship with Christ once you clean your mouth out. I have made the same mistake, but you need to hear it.
I am fisherman too. Just we have limited space to fish. That is like four five people fishing. Don’t get me started on trout fishing! I was luck to get an arms length.
@@laddybug3 I understand that in some places especially the Carolina coast. I also agree that they could have given him a little space. Both parties had a entire beach to chose from and he was there first, yet I think his behavior was a little immature. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and avoid a conflict. No way I would mess up a good day at the beach to risk going overboard with a stranger. I just got back from fishing at Fort Morgan. I chose the place because I wanted to fish and not deal with huge crowds. I don’t even fish the weekends due to crowds if possible. Anyway I agree with you yet I think he was just a tad melodramatic about the whole thing
"in Florida, it is against the law to harass a fisherman" - Were they harassing you? If I see someone fishing, I like to watch if I don't have lines in myself. They seemed genuinely nice, interested, and appreciative of the fish. This is an excellent chance to educate people. I like how you recovered.
Born and raised fishing in miami respect for fellow fishermen. And hope we get respect. But then again i don't take a nice chunk of shoreline at what looks like Daytona beach.
Yeah, right, I laughed at that one. Someone sitting quietly in a beach chair, WHERE HE DOESN'T LIKE IT, is harassing him. I guess if he doesn't like the color of their shirt, that is likewise harassment.
The Karen moniker was undeserved. They were invading your space yes, but they were polite and enjoyed watching you catch fish. The only karen like thing I witnessed was your reaction to them being there. I'm thankful the interaction was thoughtfully resolved with kindness. Sharing is caring, spread the peace!!
It's not his space, it's a public beach and people can go wherever they want. They were well away from his stuff but he was a selfish prick taking up a lot of space.
true story bro you don't own the beach, they didn't interfere with you and were nice. Remember if you can't figure out who the jerk is in a situation it's probably you
I'm glad he's getting called out in the comments. What a self-righteous douche bag. Typical Christian behavior, his first gut reaction is to be an asshole, and then when he decides not to be expects to be praised for it. Screw this guy.
Is Karen the people relaxing or the person complaining constantly about the beach goers because he wants to claim 50 feet of shoreline to fish? The thing about Karens is they don't know they're Karens, that's what makes them Karens. 😂
@@OkiDingo He starts with the typical passive aggressive approach of a Karen. "They can sit there, that's fine... I can't believe they're sitting there... nobody ever done that to me before... this is my shoreline(at a PUBLIC beach) Buddy in the video is a clown!
@@herpsandinvertsvideos4080 And tell me how that interfered with his fishing? Personally, I like to fish in water but maybe there's nice fishing in the sand there I don't know about.
I'm not from the USA, so I do have a couple of questions... 1) How many of the rods were yours, and how much of the beach were you taking up for fishing? 2) Given that when they left they walked straight back from their location, were you set up directly off a public access / parking area? 3) There seemed to be multiple anglers set up over a considerable stretch of beach, possibly requiring other beach goers to walk some distance with gear so as not to be "disturbing" someones fishing, is it considered normal in your area for anglers to "claim" a public beach for themselves? I stopped fishing some time ago, but when I did I would not of been upset with people setting up near my stuff, as long as they didn't try to touch my gear of course. These people seemed friendly, they didn't complain about the number of rods out. They didn't seem to be interested in swimming, so no disturbance to your lines. Personally, I'd of been happy to have someone friendly to chat to while fishing....I'm from the UK, so I'd probably offer them a cup of tea and some biscuits as well. Only Karen I could see here is the angler to be honest. The belief (possibly backed up by local laws I wouldn't know about) that the act of setting up his rods means he has exclusive rights to that stretch of beach seems a little entitled to me. If they had attempted to move you on, or mess with your rods/ gear, then I could certainly understand geetting annoyed....I wouldn't put up with that either....but the anglers tirade in this video just seems a little childish to be honest.
it’s the entitled attitude of these born again Christian types. I guarantee you he thinks he’s better than them because he’s “given his life to Christ”. I’m actually thought this was a joke at first then I remembered how all my ex’s family acted just like this guy. They would be nice to peoples faces but cursing then under their breath all while asking Jesus to forgive them. When he said he wasn’t going to treat them how they deserved to be treated but he was going to be the better man that’s when those memories came back and I knew he was for real.
The beach he is at is about 3 miles long and there are plenty of places to set up. When surf fishing you spend a good amount of your time sprinting from pole to pole. When you have 6 poles out it is a challenge. Some of you may say "well nobody needs 6 poles out" but to you I would say that I am happy you can feed your family from a store entirely. So to you it may just be a fun day to relax but to others it is the difference between kids with food or without. I would say that it is a worldwide (first world) trend to judge others as a standard course of action. It is also a worldwide trend to be selfish pricks to everyone because of how important "you" are. In the end he did the right thing which is all we can ask of each other.
@@trippmoore I am in no way a born again anything. I think you sound very spiteful and full of anger. Do not let a bad experience with one family skew your view of the world so deeply. You just grouped any Christian with what sounds like a horrible evil family. All humans are flawed, it is irrelevant if they have faith in God or not. I am not saying this in an argumentative or angry way at all just to be clear.
How much space do you think you are entitled to claim as your area when you fish on a public beach? Is it directly proportional to the number of rods and amount of gear you can afford to bring that particular day or is it in relation to the size of your ego. Those people did not harass you, they didn’t interfere with you fishing. They sat down on the beach and relaxed, had a conversation and watched the surf and you fish. Giving them a couple fish was a nice gesture but it comes across on the video, maybe not intentionally or even not accurately, that it wasn’t out of kindness but rather out of self grandeur, especially when you praise yourself for suppressing your unwarranted anger.
Well yes he did have a lot of ground covered but there wasn’t anyone else on the beach they decided oh let’s stop right between these two rods? 85% of fishermen would have been the same way... you don’t fish much do ya bud? Like when your running to your rods you don’t wanna be kicking sand all over people and you now have to run around the people.. idk man put yourself in his shoes
@@FloridaFishNMud I stand by my comments. I don’t have a problem with the amount of tackle he has set out or how much beach he was using but he is on a public beach and even if the beach was not crowded, he doesn’t get to proclaim that the area he was using is off limits to others. There was nothing in the video that showed the woman was being a “Karen” or that they were harassing him. Nothing in the video showed them interfering or doing anything that made them “deserve” his anger as he claimed they did. We don’t know if they even realized that by sitting down there and watching the surf and watching him fish was somehow rude or violated someones notion of surf fishing etiquette. If he felt so terribly violated he could have asked them to move back a few yards so he had a straight line between his gear. He chose to give the fish which they graciously accepted. My problem is how he chose to vilify them in an attempt to show his viewers how gracious he is. As for my fishing experience, you have no idea so don’t make assumptions....bud. I am a Florida native, a “cracker” to some, who has done some but not a lot of surf fishing from the beach. I have however, done my share from docks and piers and bridges. A majority of my salt water fishing has been from boats, some I owned, some owned by family or friends and a few chartered. I have fished both Florida coast and the Keys, both inshore and off, thrown cast nets for mullet, gigged flounder, crabbed, caught lobster and spearfished as well as plenty of freshwater fishing. I am far from an expert and never fished commercially but I have caught enough to share with family and friends.
@@FloridaFishNMud I have never fished there. Most of my gulf and ICW fishing has been north of the skyway up to Pithlachascotee river. A couple trips offshore from Sarasota, but that has been a bunch of years ago. Use to up around Crystal River and Cedar Key some.
I see your point, but that’s not that big compared to the beach itself. The beach is totally open. There is a bunch of different spots that are open. Everyone knows you aren’t supposed to put your selfs between fishing poles. I wouldn’t be surprised if nobody had manners these days.
@@jimmyhintz8850 I agree with both of us also. But a bit of comedy aside I agree more with what you said. The beach is empty & the guy looks commited & passionate about catching something, I would of not bothered him. Or watched from BEHIND his rod boarder.
Agree..its one thing if it's 1-3 rods..but after that, I wouldn't move maybe they don't know the unspoken rule ...seems like they don't fish and maybe don't realize it's uncouth to do that
@@gballs007 what if I came to the beach and set out 15 beach towels, all 10 feet apart. And then got mad if someone dared to come inside my 150 ft of beachfront property that I now pretend like I own.....
@@daviddennis6598 not sure if you read my are pretty much agreeing to what I said.... only thing I said at end is in a fisherman's world that is considered uncouth...doesn't mean it's right...just what they consider....there is moderation to I said..if it's 2 or 3 rods, understandable to not have to sit in btwn them...but if you start taking up a huge stretch like that, can't really complain about others sitting where they want in a public beach.
They sat right in the middle of each pole. Looked like 10 feet away from each. You had plenty of room and they didn't hinder you in the lease and certainly weren't harassing you. Just your ego.
@@REDZ28won yeap and that is the problem with today's society , ever heard of first come first serve ? Think you needed a quick lesson, who ever is there first has that space, it is rude to sit somewhere , where someone else is set up! Good gravey I'm talking to brick walls.
I'm 58 years old from Alaska and have been fishing all my life. I live in Florida and if these people had come down and parked in front of me I would have smiled and been kind to them as long as they didn't get in my way. I think these people were fine right where they were. As fishermen we have skills that a lot of other people don't and it can be exciting for other people too have a front row seat to our knowledge and show. I would have given them a couple of fish myself. I certainly wouldn't have been upset with them at all. This fisherman although unnecessarily upset certainly did the right thing and I commend him for it. Those people not only got a show but went home and had a fabulous dinner. This guy caught his fish and the people didn't get in the way. And my book that's a win-win and a nice beautiful sunny day like this couldn't end any better.
On the other hand, I see guys on the beach with a bunch of rods and they're taking up 50-60 feet of shore with their gear. All sorts of people go to the beach.
So what? There’s over a hundred miles of beach. A lot of it empty. So what if a fisherman takes up 50 yards of beach. If there’s miles and miles of vacant beach on each side then set up somewhere else.
@@pitstop_calvin I think that the insinuation was that that wasn’t the case I’ve seen them do it on really crowded beaches too We just need to learn to respect each others space
This was CLICK BATE for the views!!! How were they interfering with his fishing? I wish he had called the cops and they would have told him he was in the WRONG. Total CLICK BAIT excuse the pun.
Bro they didn't know they were crowding you. It's amazing that you don't have enough empathy to see they didn't think they were doing anything wrong and then when they were friendly to you, you turn around and post a video about them being "Karen's"? What's YOUR deal?
You’re insane. You were taking up an incredible amount of space on the beach. They just wanted to sit by the ocean and watch you fish. You should encourage people to sit near you and enjoy their company sometimes. That’s how you teach people and keep the sport going.
@@MAMorelli to be mindful for the safety of others and enjoy a public place that is quite devoid of tourists. In Europe people will put you in line very fast because doing what that people did is not only disrespectful and quite sociopathic but also a sign of the idiosyncrasy of US Americans. the French would say they don't know how to "faire".
@@TheGrmany69 I get how you're seeing it, and I would be inclined to agree with you, but this specific example felt like a more refined form of man-spreading.
@@MAMorelli manspreading doesn't exist, it only police and politicize human posture and bio mechanics, the way you dare to vinculante this to that only shows your way of reasoning. Those people were up to something by not even asking first in a huge beach like that specially with so few people around. In south America this is a very sure way to look for trouble also, authoritarian nonetheless.
Watch the whole video, it’s actually really cool to watch him adjust and adapt to his perception of the situation. I would say he did a phenomenal job at regulating his emotions despite feeling offended or triggered. Good work!!
@@xST36Kx811 ok so if you’re on an empty beach with miles of sand that I could throw a towel down and relax on but I decided to set up shop directly next to you and crowd in on what you’re doing interrupting your activities you would just be fine and happy with that since it’s a public space and I have every right to sit where I want? It would be different if he was at a busy beach but he isn’t and they had thousands of feet they could have gone to sit down at. That’s where the issue with what they where doing is.
@@kevcom000 They didn't set up " Right next to you" They went to the middle of MULTIPLE fishing poles you had set up over what like 200 meters? How do you operate all those simultaneously? They didn't interfere or go near your gear or even interact with you until you approached them. And no I wouldn't walk a half k down the beach so someone could monopolies the space with poles they can't man. You were at the public beach and said Im "Entitled" to all this space. Didn't matter you can't use it all at the same time and then wanted to kick sand on people trying to use 5 feet of space. Even if there was some legitimate reason for you to take up all the room did it at any point occure to you to maybe just politely ask them to move?
I’ll be honest you seem to be the Karen in this situation they were just trying not to walk a mile and you and your buddy are occupying 100 yards of beachfront.
Agreed. I beach fish as well. Still have to be respectful. When It is "first come first serve" still only take what you need. Condense the poles, and fan out your lines. Also easier to manage.
Dude, please...I don't think its fair for you to think you are in the right to take up like 100 yards of beach either. I see nothing wrong with them sitting there when you have several poles spaced that far apart.
@Coby Easton lol I been fishing my whole life and you need to realize it's a public beach you sure don't own it. Sheesh stop complaining and have some sense of reality
@Coby Easton don't have football field worth of rods and there won't be an issue. You do realize that like 75% of the fishing piers/ beaches have now implemented rules of one rod per fisherman because of dumb stuff like this.
@@FishGum I think you're missing the point. You are taking up a lot of beach for those three poles, then have your other stuff even farther away which took up even more space. Why take up all that space then get angry when people sit there? They were in no way affecting your fishing or equipment. You literally posted their faces on You Tube, called them "Karen", acted extremely entitled, then bragged about how you're acting like Jesus? Get over yourself dude.
It's 3 poles spaced about 20 feet apart, on a beach open and free for miles, the fact he didn't complain about them, but in fact gifted them for their inconsiderate action...I'm a heathen and understand the action of kindness over stupidity. ..
You know, I am not sure what to think. I am inclined to think people are just dumb and stupid. I mean completely oblivious to their surroundings. I was in south west florida last month and patiently waited for the beach to clear. When it did, I set up fishing. 15-30 min later, people were swimming into my lines. One guy swam into my line twice. I remained calm, but it was so odd. I could tell these people were not malicious. In fact, they seemed nice. But completely clueless.
You’re dumb dude.. he has a cooler and stuff around they could easily steal.. what if he had a big one went in shore at the very end and they just took off with a real or some shit.. at the end Of the day he has to cater to people in the middle of his fishing rod holders ? Are you kidding me dude ?
Exactly, they did not harass him in any way whatsoever. Dude is the type of colonizing mindset “Christian” that gives actually God fearing people a bad name.
It’s common sense to not set up your shit in between a fisherman’s poles. You go to the left or to the right. Not in between. In the south this is considered rude here.
I had a couple do this to me at the lake a few years ago, I was steaming because the blue gill where hitting hard and the catfishing was going good for mid afternoon, they offered me a beer and thy wanted to buy some of my fish, I gave them two 4/5lbs cats and a hand full of nice sized pan fish, they came back later and set up at the pick nick table and cooked up all the fish I'd given them, she pan fried the catfish I don't know how she did it, but it was the best catfish I'd had in years. We've been friend ever since and when they travel here from Ontario; I take them fishing with me, so I get that wonderful catfish straight from the lake.
That’s an awesome story and good reminder to just always try to stay calm and be kind because you just never really know. Better to always play it on the safe side rather than escalate something that may not even be necessary. We need more kind gestures like this. The world would be a much happier place. Keep killin life you’re doing good job!
" I was steaming because the blue gill where hitting hard" ROFLMAO blue gill. *snort* those are fish for toddlers to learn how to catch, then throw back. Hell that IS the fish I learned on as a toddler myself!
@@thomasneal9291 Not every angler is in The National Professional Fishing League, or fishing for largemouth in a big tournament. Sometimes, ppl are just fishing for fun or for dinner which that is what it sounds like they were doing, fishing for DINNER! You’re a straight up weirdo if that’s so funny to you that it makes you snort. ROFLMFAO!! Hahahaha weirdo
@@joestar5629 he is selfish because he is holding like whole ass 100ft public beach just for himself and gets angry on very calm and cool couple. the dude would be right only if he would be fishing with only on one rod and couple sits in front of rod.
from what I see there are miles on either side, you gotta be a special kinda moron to sit between the rods. That is a very risky spot to be in when someone is casting a surf rod. And you just taught them to keep doing that by giving them fish.
@@highlandus He has like like 5 fishing poles in the ground? i mean hes clearly taking a huge amount of space. So, if i was there i would just say screw you and not bother to walk at the end of the beach just because you have fishing poles all over the joint. How about using one fishing pole and having some common curiosity. Better yet why don't you bring your cry baby self to a dock where you probably should be fishing instead of a beach shoreline where most people will be at enjoying the beach?
Wouldn't bother me as long as they didn't bitch about me fishing ,heck they might have seen it as entertaining. As far as I could tell they didn't get in the way and were quite grateful.
Amazing how ppl complain about rod placement. Shows how much knowledge they have on fishing.The beach is practically empty show some respect to the angler that was there b4 you
You are the man, you showed the fishing community what we all need to act like. You graciously gave your catch to these people and fed them for a night, but you taught us all a proper way to handle this. You will reap the rewards for being kind my brother. I love this act of spreading the Word... fish on brother and tight lines...
hows he a karen. There is like so much space on the beach they could've chose somewhere else, also if they dont want to see fish getting cut up and hooked, then they should leave and go to a different spot.
@@OCOrlando when did they say they didn’t want to see fish getting cut up? Looks like they just wanted to respectfully share the beach and they were friendly to him. He even said they smiled at him when they sat there. I guess that could have been satan trying to trick him.. very clever snake he is.
@@OCOrlando That depends. If the guy set up his rods close to the parking spots then that would mean those people would have to carry their stuff all the way down the beach so the fishing guy could hog the beach near the parking spots.
No no no shut the fuk up I’m a fisherman and When people are in your personal fishing space when you got there first it’s so annoying, you probably don’t understand so in other words it’s like when In a empty seat movie the one person that sits right in front of you but they could’ve sat any where else in the whole movie theatre in any other seats but they decide to sit right in front of you.
I don't know bud how much of the beach should a person be able to stake off with the fishing poles and think people will just stay away...not everyone fishes either ✌
Nah, that would piss me off. It's rude and feels a bit invasive. Would you intentionally set your stuff right next to other sunbathers when there's plenty of open space? I guess I'm just getting old and cranky, but I've also met blatantly rude and aggressive tanners enough times to learn to feel a bit defensive. For instance, I've had people scoff at me and whine because my lines are forcing them to duck under or walk around . . . Stupid shit kids wouldn't even think to complain about.
@@NursesWithoutPurses Who the hell are you talking about? I usually fish one rod, occasionally two or three at most. I definitely don't spread them 15 ft. apart either. Yet people will still cry and complain.
I normally wear a speedo when I'm fishing at the beach, no women with in 10 miles would sit next to me. If they do I'll just used my hip thrust as though I got a 500 lbs fish on the line.
LOL, you have to throw down a potato when you do that, like it just fell out of the speedo, or, put the potato in the back of it. Pink speedo and pink flip flops. However, that may attract a different problem. LOL
I agree with you. Call someone a Karen for simply sitting in between poles and not bothering anyone. I feel like I got baited. Never watch anymore of this girls videos.
If someone approached me on a public beach and told me I should move so as not to be near them, I would tell them to get screwed. No obnoxious Karen is going to make me move from my spot on a public beach. Mr. Pissy pants can take his little fishing poles and go find another puddle to piddle in.
Totally agree on this person taking up a substantial amount of beach front because they have to use multiple rods on a public beach....I would not exactly call them sitting down an act of harassment.
Dude is psycho talking to himself, laughing wildly. WTF? Personally, I wouldn’t sit in between someone fishing. You just don’t do it. However, he takes the Karen award on this one. They didn’t even stay long figured he was about to fillet them next for sitting there🤣
News flash: the vast majority of Americans don’t live within 10 miles of the coast. Ergo, they don’t know the rules. But here’s the thing, if you and I are on the same beach, then I’m setting up a party between your pokes. You don’t get to own 200 feet of public beach just because.
Because it's just common knowledge, decency and 'fishing law/lore' to not do that. If you don't fish then you wouldn't understand. When casting you need to be clear of people especially with a long surf rod, it was just a dumb decision to sit there. He was 100% correct for being frustrated!!!
I haven't always been the most positive person, but now in my mid-forties I'm trying to make an effort to be more loving to those around me even when others are not. When I woke up this morning I said a prayer and I thanked God for all the blessings that I and my loved ones receive every single day, and I asked him to please make today a beautiful positive day. I'm so thankful I found your video, because the choice you made to be loving and compassionate instead of rude and angry is exactly what I am striving for! Thank you so much for sharing I so needed to see this today!!!🙏✌💜
I don't see the problem at all...they didn't bother you, or say anything, or get in the way....they just watched you fish. Then you spoke to each other like normal people. You got mad for no reason. Your not being "the bigger man" you were being a baby. And wtf are you talking about with this Jesus stuff? I think you should go talk to someone. Seek help.
Dude I have to say you handled it very well but the initial anger was unwarranted. If I saw you fishing I'd want a front row seat too. They didn't hinder you in any way or harass you. I get it, it's a big beach but honestly I'd be just as curious as they were. However, that being said you handled it very well even if your gut was to be mad. Respect on that
I must say, as a life long fisherman I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing!! I was so upset for you and I wasn't even on the beach. Then as soon as you offered them the fish 🐟, I said to myself "he is right, as sportsmen that is who we are. Ambassadors of the hobby, children of God." And I felt ashamed of my initial reaction. You made a great video. Thank you.
Considering that they seem to be rooting you on, I failed to see how they were Karens. We all have a tendency to instantly judge people. If we look for the bad we are sure to find it, but if we take our time and find the good, the world becomes a better place for everyone.
As a person who loves going to the beach and has never fished from the beach, I didn't even know that was bad for them to sit there. I would understand your anger if they messed with your rods or started fishing in your spot. But just sitting there seems tame to me. I guess I just learned not to sit near existing surf fishermen?
Sit where you like hell, set up your own fishing line right there. Use his lines as lures and catch the fish for yourself. These are just dumb angry children inside disguised as adults and "civilized" beings. These angry weirdos are the ones gonna threaten you for being on public land with their knife or gun. To scared to actually defend and fight with their fists. Notice how this guy spoke violence and threats with anger when he went to camera but in person he changed attitude. Dude if you are reading this you are psycho. You really had to think about whether you wanted to do that or not? If the camera wasn't there dude you need therapy. Fake God bless and all. To those people it's God bless as we are watching. You on the other hand should feel ashamed and disgrace for evening thinking violently. Enginner2001. We all know how to respect, this guy wasn't it. And his gift giving was for himself to relieve himself of whatever guilt he might have felt for thinking to do his thoughts but couldn't because he was filming. Those are psychos and don't let them get away. Goodluck and be safe.
Thank you for posting, showing the ultimate struggle. weakness of man and the power of the grace of God. and the peace of it all in the end!... Well done my friend.
I'm an atheist. But this is why I'm not in any way spiteful towards people of faith. Its about treating people with kindness even if they don't. Much respect brother
ya know what thank you Dave!! i dont believe in religions ether but my ego driven self sometimes finds my self being spiteful and this comment has just made me realise that! thanks bro
@@learningtolivewithhumans1859 mine too for a long time. None of my friends are atheists because I can't stand most of them. They hate religion so much they forget to see the good in people.
Sooo..the fisherman is the karen...🤔 definitely a Karen laugh, atleast he somewhat got his head out his butt with offering a fish...think dude needs a little more prayer time.
If they was swimming, it would be a different story. But they didn’t interfere with the fishing so I wouldn’t have been upset at all. But I do tend to go out my way to please other people. Either way you did the right thing sir. 🙏👍
I love that you say to "walk like Jesus." Im watching this at 5:45am, and I will take this as my message for the day, delivered by messenger. Thank you for being a vessel for God's message to me today. Bless you.
Maybe I missed something? It appeared to me that they just don't know any better. A little common courtesy should have been shown by given you your space. I think you handled it correctly it didn't appear to me that they sat there with any bad intentions. If they would have said something or done something to mess with your fishing. I would torn them a new one. Like I said before maybe I missed something.
Seams like good peeps all the way around! The couple were chill and didn't get in the water and disturb the fishing and you graciously gave them free dinner! I enjoyed the video, thanks!
I’m glad you chose to handle that situation the way you did. Who knows maybe they sat there so they could watch you fish, and maybe hoping you’d give them one. 😁
I truly don’t think they had any ill intentions whatsoever. I honestly don’t even think it crossed their mind it was possible they were doing anything wrong. As fisherman we wouldn’t ever do that but as citizens they were just trying to enjoy the beach. I think their actions proved that. They were genuinely excited for you when you hooked up and then were extremely thankful and kind when you offered them dinner. You don’t deserve any criticism either because just like it was an honest mistake on their part I think it was an honest mistake for you to call them Karen’s. And lets be honest it was a good choice to title them that for the video because it’s definitely part of what brought in the views. Hahaha keep having fun and keeping being kind. Well played!
Your point? First off they said they’re from there so they should know beach etiquette, especially around fishermen. Second, the poles are spread out so the lines don’t get tangled and again this is where beach etiquette comes into play. Third did you see how empty the beach was around him on both sides of his fishing poles. I know you’re trying to make excuses for their actions, but it just doesn’t fly. The “it’s my world you just live in it” attitude.
@@steelersericredblood maybe that was the closest to parking and didn't have a cart like him . 2nd they weren't interfering one bit. That's alot of real estate he thinks he's entitled to and I fish.
They just wanted to enjoy the show and see you have fun Probably the most fun they have in a while by the look on their face !! Good !! You handle the situation like a boss With this video you earn my respect and one more subscriber thanks for been the bigger person
Walking up close to the girl and start taking pictures! If they complain use the same excuse they use, it’s a public beach, I can stand and take pictures ANYWHERE I want!
Come follow me on Facebook for a HUGE November GIVEAWAY!
Where in Florida is this
If you like watching Karen catch bait fish, this is the channel for you
I think you're the Karen of the video. Change your tampon. You're taking up lots of space.
You were the Karen , not the friendly people on the beach.
Get out of your head bro.
This is a video about a guy learning about himself and that people aren't worried about you as much as you are worried about them.
Bait fisherman gets mad when he takes up 100+ ft with a dozen rods and couple sits down. Lol
Considering they weren't splashing around in the water and they seemed genuinely excited about your catch.... I'm guessing they didn't realize what they had done.
They did nothing wrong!
They didn't do anything wrong. No one person has the right to take over 50 yards of public beach to the exclusion of other people so they can fish multiple rods spread out that far. Fishermen don't own the beach. Fishgum is a self-entitled KAREN. He thinks he owns the beach and nobody else has the right to be there. He thinks they need to move away for him. And he compares himself to Jesus for not behaving like more of an asshole than he actually could have - how noble a sacrifice by comparison to the crucifixion. What a joker. If Jesus was fishing that beach, he wouldn't have expected people to move. He wouldn't have been so selfish and entitled. And he would have shared a much better catch than that Fishgum LOSER managed.
Comparing himself to Jesus... what a jerk.
@@danielmccaf well said
@@Lee-yy2lr yes
Maybe they did not know the proper rules to surf fishing.
I just came across this video today. I have to agree with many of those that posted on here. The guy that made the video is 100% the Karen in this video. I'm an avid fisherman and if a guy can't handle other people with equal rights to be there, then he needs to make arrangements to fish on private land. Seems like a no brainer to me.
idk mate i wouldn’t say a karen. there was plenty open beach around them but they chose to sit right there. plus he ended up giving them free fish. don’t see karen in him. sheesh.
He really is the Karen here, a public beach is for the public.
u be clueless
I wouldn't be mad. They were nice and enjoyed watching. Hardly deserves Karen moniker.
Didn't Jesus call people Karen and try to make them look bad on the internet? I think I may have read that in the New Testament somewhere.
@@mycods No.
That's what they literally look like they were doing haha dudes a karen fisherman 😂
That's his 300 yards of beach! How dare they sit on his part of the beach that he owns
@@davidriesenmy5847 2 rods 10 feet apart max. Way to many rods out there. People want to enjoy the beach also.
I don’t know dude, you’re taking up an awful lot of space from the sand pretty far into the water. If people sit there quietly and don’t bust your balls, then you’re doing good.
I look at it like this, it's best to fish closer together on the beach that way your not messing up all the shore line for ppl wanting to swim that have to watch out for the hooks. He would really be a Kevin if he fished on the pier, that's elbow to elbow fishing. Thing is just do your fishing and stop thinking everybody is out to get you.
@Pharoah Young It's called boundaries & respect, maybe you should look into it. That beach is big, the population low at the moment, he wasn't there too long, there was nothing wrong with setting up what he wanted to do at the time if the conditions were right, which they were. Those people could have sat anywhere else. If the beach was crowded or small, it'd have been another story. Should nobody ever set up something like this if there is an opportunity? 🤪 Fսϲkin prison planet, can't do shit.
thats what I was thinking
1000s miles of beach and he’s taking up a lot of space?
Maybe they just wanted to watch and see how's it done
You started talking to them, laughing with them, and offering them fish. Nothing about that interaction told them you didn't want them there. How were they being Karens?
It’s actually click bait (for me) lol.
@@一一一一一一一一一一 Or at least just not right up by the fishing poles. I guess they just wanted to be by the water *shrugs* Anyways, it all played out so beautifully
Although, to be totally fair, there were at least four different set ups fishing, and while these people did set up their beach lounging gear, they weren't in the water, trying to fish, or even remotely complaining, at least in what I saw, about the fishing. It really was quite a spread. But, cooler heads prevail, and everything right happened.
you probably dont fish, it was very disrespectful how they set up camp there. If you ask me, they did it on purpose to trigger the fisherman. Maybe that's "their" spot to catch sun, and therefore wanted to give heat. Fisherman did an excellent job at turning it around!
@@JuanMartinez-ez5hp meh, I grew up on an island, beach fishing was basically a way of life, and the beach goers did nothing wrong. My opinion, there are NO Karen's in this.
I’m a fisherman and you have to understand a few things. One, we do take up a lot of area when fishing 4 to 6 rods. We pick the choice spots and as long as they aren’t messing with your stuff it’s fine. Also, there are folks that honestly don’t know better and are not fisherman and don’t have that built in etiquette when it comes to that. The beach is public and for everyone. So much better than dealing with pier folks imho. You are blessed to be able to fish, maybe they wanted to innocently watch. Remember the two greatest commandments that Jesus left us with. That’s your answer, didn’t seem like a Karen to me. They were gracious. Also Kevin, it’s going to be easier for you to get people to come closer to a relationship with Christ once you clean your mouth out. I have made the same mistake, but you need to hear it.
Chill out, Mahatma.
I am fisherman too. Just we have limited space to fish. That is like four five people fishing. Don’t get me started on trout fishing! I was luck to get an arms length.
@@laddybug3 I understand that in some places especially the Carolina coast. I also agree that they could have given him a little space. Both parties had a entire beach to chose from and he was there first, yet I think his behavior was a little immature. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and avoid a conflict. No way I would mess up a good day at the beach to risk going overboard with a stranger. I just got back from fishing at Fort Morgan. I chose the place because I wanted to fish and not deal with huge crowds. I don’t even fish the weekends due to crowds if possible. Anyway I agree with you yet I think he was just a tad melodramatic about the whole thing
@@Colonel1Bravo cut his loses? What exactly did he lose?
@@trippmoore that’s a figure of speech and the answer to your question is in the previous comments. Thanks
"in Florida, it is against the law to harass a fisherman" - Were they harassing you? If I see someone fishing, I like to watch if I don't have lines in myself. They seemed genuinely nice, interested, and appreciative of the fish. This is an excellent chance to educate people. I like how you recovered.
He never said he was being harassed
And yet he cited that law like... Twice?
Born and raised fishing in miami respect for fellow fishermen. And hope we get respect. But then again i don't take a nice chunk of shoreline at what looks like Daytona beach.
@@et_g615 actually he implied it by saying that.
Yeah, right, I laughed at that one. Someone sitting quietly in a beach chair, WHERE HE DOESN'T LIKE IT, is harassing him. I guess if he doesn't like the color of their shirt, that is likewise harassment.
The Karen moniker was undeserved. They were invading your space yes, but they were polite and enjoyed watching you catch fish. The only karen like thing I witnessed was your reaction to them being there. I'm thankful the interaction was thoughtfully resolved with kindness. Sharing is caring, spread the peace!!
It doesn't matter if they were nice or not, you don't just go and make someone's things yours
It's not his space, it's a public beach and people can go wherever they want. They were well away from his stuff but he was a selfish prick taking up a lot of space.
true story bro you don't own the beach, they didn't interfere with you and were nice. Remember if you can't figure out who the jerk is in a situation it's probably you
I'm glad he's getting called out in the comments. What a self-righteous douche bag. Typical Christian behavior, his first gut reaction is to be an asshole, and then when he decides not to be expects to be praised for it. Screw this guy.
@@johnfahrlender2277 haha I like that advice . I hope i remember it , especially when its me
Is Karen the people relaxing or the person complaining constantly about the beach goers because he wants to claim 50 feet of shoreline to fish? The thing about Karens is they don't know they're Karens, that's what makes them Karens. 😂
Yeah, this dude is 100% a karen
@@OkiDingo He starts with the typical passive aggressive approach of a Karen. "They can sit there, that's fine... I can't believe they're sitting there... nobody ever done that to me before... this is my shoreline(at a PUBLIC beach)
Buddy in the video is a clown!
The fisherman is karen
Add the fact he was fishing there already when they set up camp
@@herpsandinvertsvideos4080 And tell me how that interfered with his fishing? Personally, I like to fish in water but maybe there's nice fishing in the sand there I don't know about.
I'm not from the USA, so I do have a couple of questions...
1) How many of the rods were yours, and how much of the beach were you taking up for fishing?
2) Given that when they left they walked straight back from their location, were you set up directly off a public access / parking area?
3) There seemed to be multiple anglers set up over a considerable stretch of beach, possibly requiring other beach goers to walk some distance with gear so as not to be "disturbing" someones fishing, is it considered normal in your area for anglers to "claim" a public beach for themselves?
I stopped fishing some time ago, but when I did I would not of been upset with people setting up near my stuff, as long as they didn't try to touch my gear of course. These people seemed friendly, they didn't complain about the number of rods out. They didn't seem to be interested in swimming, so no disturbance to your lines. Personally, I'd of been happy to have someone friendly to chat to while fishing....I'm from the UK, so I'd probably offer them a cup of tea and some biscuits as well.
Only Karen I could see here is the angler to be honest. The belief (possibly backed up by local laws I wouldn't know about) that the act of setting up his rods means he has exclusive rights to that stretch of beach seems a little entitled to me. If they had attempted to move you on, or mess with your rods/ gear, then I could certainly understand geetting annoyed....I wouldn't put up with that either....but the anglers tirade in this video just seems a little childish to be honest.
it’s the entitled attitude of these born again Christian types. I guarantee you he thinks he’s better than them because he’s “given his life to Christ”. I’m actually thought this was a joke at first then I remembered how all my ex’s family acted just like this guy. They would be nice to peoples faces but cursing then under their breath all while asking Jesus to forgive them. When he said he wasn’t going to treat them how they deserved to be treated but he was going to be the better man that’s when those memories came back and I knew he was for real.
@@trippmoore And by your ignorant reply I could tell you do not live in Florida
I’m an American and I can tell you straight up that we are way too territorial and self centered. You are absolutely correct.
The beach he is at is about 3 miles long and there are plenty of places to set up. When surf fishing you spend a good amount of your time sprinting from pole to pole. When you have 6 poles out it is a challenge. Some of you may say "well nobody needs 6 poles out" but to you I would say that I am happy you can feed your family from a store entirely. So to you it may just be a fun day to relax but to others it is the difference between kids with food or without. I would say that it is a worldwide (first world) trend to judge others as a standard course of action. It is also a worldwide trend to be selfish pricks to everyone because of how important "you" are. In the end he did the right thing which is all we can ask of each other.
@@trippmoore I am in no way a born again anything. I think you sound very spiteful and full of anger. Do not let a bad experience with one family skew your view of the world so deeply. You just grouped any Christian with what sounds like a horrible evil family. All humans are flawed, it is irrelevant if they have faith in God or not. I am not saying this in an argumentative or angry way at all just to be clear.
Ken: (takes 50 yards of beach)
"There's Karen's here"
I think they were just oblivious, they seemed nice enough. Plus, not everyone who goes to the beach wants to go in the water.
How much space do you think you are entitled to claim as your area when you fish on a public beach? Is it directly proportional to the number of rods and amount of gear you can afford to bring that particular day or is it in relation to the size of your ego. Those people did not harass you, they didn’t interfere with you fishing. They sat down on the beach and relaxed, had a conversation and watched the surf and you fish.
Giving them a couple fish was a nice gesture but it comes across on the video, maybe not intentionally or even not accurately, that it wasn’t out of kindness but rather out of self grandeur, especially when you praise yourself for suppressing your unwarranted anger.
Well said
Well yes he did have a lot of ground covered but there wasn’t anyone else on the beach they decided oh let’s stop right between these two rods? 85% of fishermen would have been the same way... you don’t fish much do ya bud? Like when your running to your rods you don’t wanna be kicking sand all over people and you now have to run around the people.. idk man put yourself in his shoes
@@FloridaFishNMud I stand by my comments. I don’t have a problem with the amount of tackle he has set out or how much beach he was using but he is on a public beach and even if the beach was not crowded, he doesn’t get to proclaim that the area he was using is off limits to others. There was nothing in the video that showed the woman was being a “Karen” or that they were harassing him. Nothing in the video showed them interfering or doing anything that made them “deserve” his anger as he claimed they did. We don’t know if they even realized that by sitting down there and watching the surf and watching him fish was somehow rude or violated someones notion of surf fishing etiquette. If he felt so terribly violated he could have asked them to move back a few yards so he had a straight line between his gear. He chose to give the fish which they graciously accepted. My problem is how he chose to vilify them in an attempt to show his viewers how gracious he is.
As for my fishing experience, you have no idea so don’t make assumptions....bud. I am a Florida native, a “cracker” to some, who has done some but not a lot of surf fishing from the beach. I have however, done my share from docks and piers and bridges. A majority of my salt water fishing has been from boats, some I owned, some owned by family or friends and a few chartered. I have fished both Florida coast and the Keys, both inshore and off, thrown cast nets for mullet, gigged flounder, crabbed, caught lobster and spearfished as well as plenty of freshwater fishing. I am far from an expert and never fished commercially but I have caught enough to share with family and friends.
@@gregmason2609 good deal ay mam the snook have been bustin at rod and reel peir have you ever been there?
@@FloridaFishNMud I have never fished there. Most of my gulf and ICW fishing has been north of the skyway up to Pithlachascotee river. A couple trips offshore from Sarasota, but that has been a bunch of years ago. Use to up around Crystal River and Cedar Key some.
As a Floridian, who has fished the beaches for over 50 years. You are the Karen.
I agree
Sets up some 100 linear yards of rods ,
“this is my beach front now”
I see your point, but that’s not that big compared to the beach itself. The beach is totally open. There is a bunch of different spots that are open. Everyone knows you aren’t supposed to put your selfs between fishing poles. I wouldn’t be surprised if nobody had manners these days.
I agree with both of us also.
But a bit of comedy aside I agree more with what you said.
The beach is empty & the guy looks commited & passionate about catching something, I would of not bothered him. Or watched from BEHIND his rod boarder.
Agree..its one thing if it's 1-3 rods..but after that, I wouldn't move maybe they don't know the unspoken rule ...seems like they don't fish and maybe don't realize it's uncouth to do that
@@gballs007 what if I came to the beach and set out 15 beach towels, all 10 feet apart. And then got mad if someone dared to come inside my 150 ft of beachfront property that I now pretend like I own.....
@@daviddennis6598 not sure if you read my are pretty much agreeing to what I said.... only thing I said at end is in a fisherman's world that is considered uncouth...doesn't mean it's right...just what they consider....there is moderation to I said..if it's 2 or 3 rods, understandable to not have to sit in btwn them...but if you start taking up a huge stretch like that, can't really complain about others sitting where they want in a public beach.
They sat right in the middle of each pole. Looked like 10 feet away from each. You had plenty of room and they didn't hinder you in the lease and certainly weren't harassing you. Just your ego.
Wide angle camera view makes things look further away
did you see how much wide open beach there was? you are not very bright
@@Catchyalater_Fishing_Co They didn't hinder you in any way.
@@ToddSchultzNC now how do you know what bothered someone else? Seriously how do you know?
I don’t think they even knew they were doing something “wrong”.
They weren’t
They didn't think anything about sitting there.. common sense is not common because everyone has their own views and opinions.
There were plenty of other places to sit just sayin , he was there first......
@@cjsadman3750 He took up 100 times more space then they did. He doesn't own the beach either.
@@REDZ28won yeap and that is the problem with today's society , ever heard of first come first serve ? Think you needed a quick lesson, who ever is there first has that space, it is rude to sit somewhere , where someone else is set up! Good gravey I'm talking to brick walls.
I'm 58 years old from Alaska and have been fishing all my life. I live in Florida and if these people had come down and parked in front of me I would have smiled and been kind to them as long as they didn't get in my way. I think these people were fine right where they were. As fishermen we have skills that a lot of other people don't and it can be exciting for other people too have a front row seat to our knowledge and show. I would have given them a couple of fish myself. I certainly wouldn't have been upset with them at all. This fisherman although unnecessarily upset certainly did the right thing and I commend him for it. Those people not only got a show but went home and had a fabulous dinner. This guy caught his fish and the people didn't get in the way. And my book that's a win-win and a nice beautiful sunny day like this couldn't end any better.
On the other hand, I see guys on the beach with a bunch of rods and they're taking up 50-60 feet of shore with their gear.
All sorts of people go to the beach.
So what? There’s over a hundred miles of beach. A lot of it empty. So what if a fisherman takes up 50 yards of beach. If there’s miles and miles of vacant beach on each side then set up somewhere else.
@@pitstop_calvin I think that the insinuation was that that wasn’t the case
I’ve seen them do it on really crowded beaches too
We just need to learn to respect each others space
@@AnthonyR007 here in Greece it is illegal to go fishing less than 200 meters from beaches that there are people.
So, if they are there before you, tough shit. Go somewhere else.
This was CLICK BATE for the views!!! How were they interfering with his fishing? I wish he had called the cops and they would have told him he was in the WRONG. Total CLICK BAIT excuse the pun.
Bro they didn't know they were crowding you. It's amazing that you don't have enough empathy to see they didn't think they were doing anything wrong and then when they were friendly to you, you turn around and post a video about them being "Karen's"? What's YOUR deal?
Everyone's on a freaking Karen bandwagon these days!
SHOCKINGLY, the comments-section isn't having it!
its for views lmao...and 99% of the time when people do this its because they are jerks
Better Headline for his youtube video. Putting Karen in anything is click bait
You’re insane. You were taking up an incredible amount of space on the beach. They just wanted to sit by the ocean and watch you fish. You should encourage people to sit near you and enjoy their company sometimes. That’s how you teach people and keep the sport going.
Not really, it's a hazard to have people potentially sue you because of a potential accident with hook.
@@TheGrmany69 The continued cockification of this country saddens me.
@@MAMorelli to be mindful for the safety of others and enjoy a public place that is quite devoid of tourists. In Europe people will put you in line very fast because doing what that people did is not only disrespectful and quite sociopathic but also a sign of the idiosyncrasy of US Americans. the French would say they don't know how to "faire".
@@TheGrmany69 I get how you're seeing it, and I would be inclined to agree with you, but this specific example felt like a more refined form of man-spreading.
@@MAMorelli manspreading doesn't exist, it only police and politicize human posture and bio mechanics, the way you dare to vinculante this to that only shows your way of reasoning. Those people were up to something by not even asking first in a huge beach like that specially with so few people around. In south America this is a very sure way to look for trouble also, authoritarian nonetheless.
"Delay is the antidote to anger." Glad you calmed down and stopped bad-mouthing the spectators.
You are sooo incredibly generous for sharing the public beach with people minding their own business. REALLY KEVIN!
Watch the whole video, it’s actually really cool to watch him adjust and adapt to his perception of the situation. I would say he did a phenomenal job at regulating his emotions despite feeling offended or triggered. Good work!!
@@andrewbennett2513 perhaps if it is that difficult for him to be in a public space, maybe get a boat and stay by himself.
@@xST36Kx811 Amen!!
@@xST36Kx811 ok so if you’re on an empty beach with miles of sand that I could throw a towel down and relax on but I decided to set up shop directly next to you and crowd in on what you’re doing interrupting your activities you would just be fine and happy with that since it’s a public space and I have every right to sit where I want?
It would be different if he was at a busy beach but he isn’t and they had thousands of feet they could have gone to sit down at.
That’s where the issue with what they where doing is.
@@kevcom000 They didn't set up " Right next to you" They went to the middle of MULTIPLE fishing poles you had set up over what like 200 meters? How do you operate all those simultaneously? They didn't interfere or go near your gear or even interact with you until you approached them. And no I wouldn't walk a half k down the beach so someone could monopolies the space with poles they can't man. You were at the public beach and said Im "Entitled" to all this space. Didn't matter you can't use it all at the same time and then wanted to kick sand on people trying to use 5 feet of space. Even if there was some legitimate reason for you to take up all the room did it at any point occure to you to maybe just politely ask them to move?
"They can do what they want, i don't care. " says the guy who's all upset.
Right? And then calls them Karen and makes a video 🙄
But…we watched the video, didn’t we? As did 196k others! Win win.
did he not let them do what they want and end up giving them 2 free fish?
@@kimberlyb5512 no shit, the space clearly belonged to someone
@Marc Poindexter you sound tough 😁
I guess when one man can take up a couple hundred yards on a beach -and think it all his - that's a problem!
That's a good point bud but that beach looks pretty darn empty.
You don't own it. It's public
Common courtesy would be to walk another 10 yds down and sir away from him there was plenty of room for them to not sit right there
Ok karen
@@CaptainHook86 OK Captain Karen
Damn, The Jesus lecture snuck up on me. Sneakier than the door to door Jehovah's!
I’ll be honest you seem to be the Karen in this situation they were just trying not to walk a mile and you and your buddy are occupying 100 yards of beachfront.
First come first serve for beach spots. They got there first so they get the spot.
Probably trying to get the fisherman to bang his wife. Open up your eyes to the obvious signs.
40 feet to the left is not a mile
If that’s 40ft my PB pompano is 46.7lbs
I do not understand why does he gave you a like or heart react, maybe he understood that he was wrong and couple were not.
I am a fisherman looking like you’re talking up the hole beach buddy 😂
I’m a fisherman and it looks like you have too much real estate staked out for one person. Sorry to say!🐟
@@arlenelazio315 EXACTLY!
Agreed. I beach fish as well. Still have to be respectful. When It is "first come first serve" still only take what you need. Condense the poles, and fan out your lines. Also easier to manage.
Honestly I'd be happy if they set up in between my gear. They can keep an eye on it for me and help
Lol all how you see it lol mostly
Stop talking out your arse no u wouldn't
I say threw poop at them
Plus they were into watching and she was pretty I see no problems lol 😂
I love it…choose kindness…thank you 🎯💟☮️
Dude, please...I don't think its fair for you to think you are in the right to take up like 100 yards of beach either. I see nothing wrong with them sitting there when you have several poles spaced that far apart.
I agree, as if fishing gives you the right to claim a huge section of beach.
@Coby Easton lol I been fishing my whole life and you need to realize it's a public beach you sure don't own it. Sheesh stop complaining and have some sense of reality
@Coby Easton don't have football field worth of rods and there won't be an issue. You do realize that like 75% of the fishing piers/ beaches have now implemented rules of one rod per fisherman because of dumb stuff like this.
@Coby Easton You sound like a really messed up person.
@Coby Easton You would tell me to move.....I wouldnt.....then what? 😂
Let me see...i have twenty poles, I'll space them out for a mile and claim the beach space! Booyah!😎
You sir are a beach hog!!! I fish but respect others.
3 poles I thought were mine
@@FishGum I think you're missing the point. You are taking up a lot of beach for those three poles, then have your other stuff even farther away which took up even more space. Why take up all that space then get angry when people sit there? They were in no way affecting your fishing or equipment. You literally posted their faces on You Tube, called them "Karen", acted extremely entitled, then bragged about how you're acting like Jesus? Get over yourself dude.
It's 3 poles spaced about 20 feet apart, on a beach open and free for miles, the fact he didn't complain about them, but in fact gifted them for their inconsiderate action...I'm a heathen and understand the action of kindness over stupidity. ..
Sad part is, some people aren't intentionally rude. They're just oblivious to proper etiquette.
Good point
Agreed. Some people are so dumb they don’t know how dumb they are. 😂
@@travisalder9360 I actually had the stupidest person I've known in my life make this same statement to me.
You know, I am not sure what to think. I am inclined to think people are just dumb and stupid. I mean completely oblivious to their surroundings. I was in south west florida last month and patiently waited for the beach to clear. When it did, I set up fishing. 15-30 min later, people were swimming into my lines. One guy swam into my line twice. I remained calm, but it was so odd. I could tell these people were not malicious. In fact, they seemed nice. But completely clueless.
You did that very well God bless you
I must be missing something, I didn't see where they "harassed" or interfered with your fishing.
You’re dumb dude.. he has a cooler and stuff around they could easily steal.. what if he had a big one went in shore at the very end and they just took off with a real or some shit.. at the end Of the day he has to cater to people in the middle of his fishing rod holders ? Are you kidding me dude ?
@@genesisnkaidence8519 tell me you’re a garbage human without telling me you’re a garbage human.
Exactly, they did not harass him in any way whatsoever. Dude is the type of colonizing mindset “Christian” that gives actually God fearing people a bad name.
Just by sitting there....
If he hooks into a good 1, he will be back and forth on the beach probably tripping all over them
It’s common sense to not set up your shit in between a fisherman’s poles. You go to the left or to the right. Not in between. In the south this is considered rude here.
My man even put his gear in its own space to take up a extra 30 feet of space.
Why not have your stuff in the middle of the 100' of poles so you don't have as far to walk?
@@oddballdynamics.9658 because he’s a narcissist who’s desperate for attention
Maybe they were just bored and wanted to hang out with a fisherman
That’s true
The wifey picked the spot.... quit trolling for
Bro you took the opportunity to inject love and compassion into a situation where we might not normally. Nice work
I had a couple do this to me at the lake a few years ago, I was steaming because the blue gill where hitting hard and the catfishing was going good for mid afternoon, they offered me a beer and thy wanted to buy some of my fish, I gave them two 4/5lbs cats and a hand full of nice sized pan fish, they came back later and set up at the pick nick table and cooked up all the fish I'd given them, she pan fried the catfish I don't know how she did it, but it was the best catfish I'd had in years. We've been friend ever since and when they travel here from Ontario; I take them fishing with me, so I get that wonderful catfish straight from the lake.
That’s an awesome story and good reminder to just always try to stay calm and be kind because you just never really know. Better to always play it on the safe side rather than escalate something that may not even be necessary. We need more kind gestures like this. The world would be a much happier place. Keep killin life you’re doing good job!
haha. Sounds amazing bro! Sounds like the human connection and living. haha
" I was steaming because the blue gill where hitting hard"
blue gill. *snort*
those are fish for toddlers to learn how to catch, then throw back. Hell that IS the fish I learned on as a toddler myself!
@@thomasneal9291 Not every angler is in The National Professional Fishing League, or fishing for largemouth in a big tournament. Sometimes, ppl are just fishing for fun or for dinner which that is what it sounds like they were doing, fishing for DINNER! You’re a straight up weirdo if that’s so funny to you that it makes you snort. ROFLMFAO!! Hahahaha weirdo
So you posted this video to show everyone how selfish you are. Respect 👏
He's selfish by offering 2 fish. Yeah ok buddy lmfao.
@@joestar5629 he is selfish because he is holding like whole ass 100ft public beach just for himself and gets angry on very calm and cool couple.
the dude would be right only if he would be fishing with only on one rod and couple sits in front of rod.
Dude you’re taking up about 100+ feet of beach 😂 I’d say you’re the Karen
Hahaha wtf no
They should limit the amount of rods you can have out..
Screw that one guy taking up that much space.
It's a ocean go else where you lazy ass. He is obviously there.
from what I see there are miles on either side, you gotta be a special kinda moron to sit between the rods. That is a very risky spot to be in when someone is casting a surf rod. And you just taught them to keep doing that by giving them fish.
@@highlandus He has like like 5 fishing poles in the ground? i mean hes clearly taking a huge amount of space. So, if i was there i would just say screw you and not bother to walk at the end of the beach just because you have fishing poles all over the joint. How about using one fishing pole and having some common curiosity. Better yet why don't you bring your cry baby self to a dock where you probably should be fishing instead of a beach shoreline where most people will be at enjoying the beach?
Damn dude,you don’t own the whole beach!Those folks aren’t bothering you.
When someone spends so much time and effort saying "its fine, do whatever they want, I don't care" they really, really care.
Wouldn't bother me as long as they didn't bitch about me fishing ,heck they might have seen it as entertaining. As far as I could tell they didn't get in the way and were quite grateful.
Maybe they just enjoy watching you fish? Sounded like it.
Amazing how ppl complain about rod placement. Shows how much knowledge they have on fishing.The beach is practically empty show some respect to the angler that was there b4 you
You are the man, you showed the fishing community what we all need to act like. You graciously gave your catch to these people and fed them for a night, but you taught us all a proper way to handle this. You will reap the rewards for being kind my brother. I love this act of spreading the Word... fish on brother and tight lines...
Amen Scott!
@@FishGum great attitude to have buddy
Agreed Scott. It appears after all, they just wanted to hang out with the man!!!
Yea make sure you huff and puff under your brat he and talk shit about them the whole time.
The only one being a Karen is you covering the whole beach with rods
hows he a karen. There is like so much space on the beach they could've chose somewhere else, also if they dont want to see fish getting cut up and hooked, then they should leave and go to a different spot.
@@OCOrlando agree... They could of asked and/or moved 10yrds back from there original spot.
@@OCOrlando when did they say they didn’t want to see fish getting cut up? Looks like they just wanted to respectfully share the beach and they were friendly to him. He even said they smiled at him when they sat there. I guess that could have been satan trying to trick him.. very clever snake he is.
@@OCOrlando That depends. If the guy set up his rods close to the parking spots then that would mean those people would have to carry their stuff all the way down the beach so the fishing guy could hog the beach near the parking spots.
The Karen is doing the fishing,acting like the beach is his personal beach
No no no shut the fuk up I’m a fisherman and When people are in your personal fishing space when you got there first it’s so annoying, you probably don’t understand so in other words it’s like when In a empty seat movie the one person that sits right in front of you but they could’ve sat any where else in the whole movie theatre in any other seats but they decide to sit right in front of you.
@@Toas1ey Or better yet, the guy in the movie theater who takes up a whole ropw of seats for himself.
@@johnfromnj885 the movie theatre is the size of a beach and it would only be 4 seats plus personal space.
Also the people are i his way because clearly they were watching him so they could’ve sat behind the rods an gear.
I don't know bud how much of the beach should a person be able to stake off with the fishing poles and think people will just stay away...not everyone fishes either ✌
I'd be cool with them setting up between my rods as long as they aren't swimming in my lines. You handled that like a champ!
Thanks man
Nah, that would piss me off. It's rude and feels a bit invasive. Would you intentionally set your stuff right next to other sunbathers when there's plenty of open space?
I guess I'm just getting old and cranky, but I've also met blatantly rude and aggressive tanners enough times to learn to feel a bit defensive.
For instance, I've had people scoff at me and whine because my lines are forcing them to duck under or walk around . . . Stupid shit kids wouldn't even think to complain about.
@@yadanie6194 you dont get to put 9 poles out at 15’ feet apart and “claim” the beach...
@@NursesWithoutPurses Who the hell are you talking about? I usually fish one rod, occasionally two or three at most. I definitely don't spread them 15 ft. apart either. Yet people will still cry and complain.
What’s so strange they have a whole beach but they set up right on you. But come to look at it you were using a lot of beach.
I'm gonna say you are the ass for taking up all the beach space. Need to share the beach .
It's against the law to harass a fisherman? Do you have the statute on that?
Well, you took up quite a bit of beach partner. Lol
Actually dude in this video you were the Karen. I'm glad you were able to overcome such a hardship as they stepped on your privilege.
I normally wear a speedo when I'm fishing at the beach, no women with in 10 miles would sit next to me. If they do I'll just used my hip thrust as though I got a 500 lbs fish on the line.
Lol 😂
LOL, you have to throw down a potato when you do that, like it just fell out of the speedo, or, put the potato in the back of it. Pink speedo and pink flip flops. However, that may attract a different problem. LOL
I bet you attract the guys though
Initially clicked on this because I enjoy laughing at Karen videos, however when you started talking about mercy and Jesus… I subbed 👍 great stuff
Thanks so much
I'd have to say the fisherman is the Karen here. Not a big deal what they did, when you're fishing multiple rods.
I believe you on this!
I agree with you. Call someone a Karen for simply sitting in between poles and not bothering anyone. I feel like I got baited. Never watch anymore of this girls videos.
If someone approached me on a public beach and told me I should move so as not to be near them, I would tell them to get screwed. No obnoxious Karen is going to make me move from my spot on a public beach. Mr. Pissy pants can take his little fishing poles and go find another puddle to piddle in.
Totally agree on this person taking up a substantial amount of beach front because they have to use multiple rods on a public beach....I would not exactly call them sitting down an act of harassment.
I love this guy's reaction 'do you guys live here? Have you ever had one? Do you want one?" Best reaction ever
Talking crap to them before then after
"Want a fish?"
Plot twist : he poisoned the fishes with 7 years of bad luck
@@angcil88 jesus, lmao.
Isn't the point of the video that the guy that's fishing was the karen.
Alternative Title: Karen Takes Up 100 Feet of Beach Space for Fishing Then Complains When Other People Want to use the Beach
nailed it
Way to remain humble brother!! Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of GOD!🙏🏾
Matthew 5: 9 !
I am the child of my mum and dad. God does not exist
@@alanjohnson8077 sorry you believe that way. I will pray for you.
Dude is psycho talking to himself, laughing wildly. WTF? Personally, I wouldn’t sit in between someone fishing. You just don’t do it. However, he takes the Karen award on this one. They didn’t even stay long figured he was about to fillet them next for sitting there🤣
Pretty much called himself Jesus 😬
News flash: the vast majority of Americans don’t live within 10 miles of the coast. Ergo, they don’t know the rules. But here’s the thing, if you and I are on the same beach, then I’m setting up a party between your pokes. You don’t get to own 200 feet of public beach just because.
My guy thinks he owns the beach lol
How can you be fishing at a spot so beautiful and be this mad over something so small.
He don't even know
Because it's just common knowledge, decency and 'fishing law/lore' to not do that. If you don't fish then you wouldn't understand. When casting you need to be clear of people especially with a long surf rod, it was just a dumb decision to sit there. He was 100% correct for being frustrated!!!
Because he is the "Karen:
" in this situation....not them.
2mins in "its fine" - then vents for minutes - then gets Jesus on his side. lol
Then gives them fish :D
Satanic attack but Jesus won. Well played!
you remind me of the guy who saves multiple seats at an event. These are mine! These are saved!
And nobody else shows up to sit in them. He needs them for his coat, his drink, his hat.
@@johnfromnj885 BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thank you for the lesson this morning. We need reminders
I haven't always been the most positive person, but now in my mid-forties I'm trying to make an effort to be more loving to those around me even when others are not. When I woke up this morning I said a prayer and I thanked God for all the blessings that I and my loved ones receive every single day, and I asked him to please make today a beautiful positive day. I'm so thankful I found your video, because the choice you made to be loving and compassionate instead of rude and angry is exactly what I am striving for! Thank you so much for sharing I so needed to see this today!!!🙏✌💜
I don't see the problem at all...they didn't bother you, or say anything, or get in the way....they just watched you fish. Then you spoke to each other like normal people.
You got mad for no reason. Your not being "the bigger man" you were being a baby. And wtf are you talking about with this Jesus stuff?
I think you should go talk to someone. Seek help.
Thanks for your comments!
Dude I have to say you handled it very well but the initial anger was unwarranted. If I saw you fishing I'd want a front row seat too. They didn't hinder you in any way or harass you. I get it, it's a big beach but honestly I'd be just as curious as they were. However, that being said you handled it very well even if your gut was to be mad. Respect on that
His gut was to be an azz he handled it horribly. I feel sorry for you and him.
do you own the beach? video for self gratifying "I'm such a great guy" feeling
I must say, as a life long fisherman I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing!! I was so upset for you and I wasn't even on the beach. Then as soon as you offered them the fish 🐟, I said to myself "he is right, as sportsmen that is who we are. Ambassadors of the hobby, children of God." And I felt ashamed of my initial reaction. You made a great video. Thank you.
Considering that they seem to be rooting you on, I failed to see how they were Karens. We all have a tendency to instantly judge people. If we look for the bad we are sure to find it, but if we take our time and find the good, the world becomes a better place for everyone.
Love it!!
As a person who loves going to the beach and has never fished from the beach, I didn't even know that was bad for them to sit there. I would understand your anger if they messed with your rods or started fishing in your spot. But just sitting there seems tame to me. I guess I just learned not to sit near existing surf fishermen?
Sit where you like hell, set up your own fishing line right there. Use his lines as lures and catch the fish for yourself.
These are just dumb angry children inside disguised as adults and "civilized" beings. These angry weirdos are the ones gonna threaten you for being on public land with their knife or gun. To scared to actually defend and fight with their fists.
Notice how this guy spoke violence and threats with anger when he went to camera but in person he changed attitude.
Dude if you are reading this you are psycho.
You really had to think about whether you wanted to do that or not? If the camera wasn't there dude you need therapy.
Fake God bless and all. To those people it's God bless as we are watching. You on the other hand should feel ashamed and disgrace for evening thinking violently.
Enginner2001. We all know how to respect, this guy wasn't it. And his gift giving was for himself to relieve himself of whatever guilt he might have felt for thinking to do his thoughts but couldn't because he was filming.
Those are psychos and don't let them get away. Goodluck and be safe.
If they were to swim where he was fishing, the fish get spooked, and they might get hooked.
Thank you for posting, showing the ultimate struggle. weakness of man and the power of the grace of God. and the peace of it all in the end!... Well done my friend.
I'm an atheist. But this is why I'm not in any way spiteful towards people of faith. Its about treating people with kindness even if they don't. Much respect brother
ya know what thank you Dave!! i dont believe in religions ether but my ego driven self sometimes finds my self being spiteful and this comment has just made me realise that! thanks bro
@@learningtolivewithhumans1859 mine too for a long time. None of my friends are atheists because I can't stand most of them. They hate religion so much they forget to see the good in people.
@@daveallover yeh i get that a lot with my self , i can just see past it thats all and it gets my back up! lol but like i said its all me and my ego
Dave I’ll be praying God opens ur eyes to him!!! God is Good!!
@@thumpherb3 thats the sort of thing that makes us think the way we do man
the ramming of religion down our throats ;) think about it man
Did you even ask them if they could move? A quick “hey I’m not trying be an asshole but you are kinda in the way” mate would have sufficed.
I did ask they said they were fine being there and would not get in the water.
@@boobookittyfuck3344 how do you know what he did and did not do? There are jump cuts all over, maybe he cut it out
@@Allegedlynewman He should of put it in the video. That would of been the only entertaining part of the video tbh.
You taught me a good lesson today. Thank you.
Dude they wanted to watch you fish. Grow up. This backfired so badly
If more people understand the life lesson that you just explained, the world would be a much better place. Thank you
I’m still learning it too!
Sooo..the fisherman is the karen...🤔 definitely a Karen laugh, atleast he somewhat got his head out his butt with offering a fish...think dude needs a little more prayer time.
If they was swimming, it would be a different story. But they didn’t interfere with the fishing so I wouldn’t have been upset at all. But I do tend to go out my way to please other people.
Either way you did the right thing sir. 🙏👍
By trying to publicly shame them for no reason? and calling them Karen's which basically means he's implying the rude/bad people
When we were kids, some guy was fishing at our little surf break and told us to leave. We told him the f*** off .I don't know who was wrong LOL
I love that you say to "walk like Jesus." Im watching this at 5:45am, and I will take this as my message for the day, delivered by messenger. Thank you for being a vessel for God's message to me today. Bless you.
Great message. I learned a different perspective to use in my life when things get to me. I appreciate that.
Thank you sir, I wanted to let anger drive me at first. I am glad God had different plans for me.
You just earned a subscription Sir! It's really hard to kill people with kindness.....that's what Jesus did. God bless from Montana.
And another subscriber today...
jesus just made fish out of thin air too
Maybe I missed something?
It appeared to me that they just don't know any better. A little common courtesy should have been shown by given you your space.
I think you handled it correctly it didn't appear to me that they sat there with any bad intentions. If they would have said something or done something to mess with your fishing. I would torn them a new one.
Like I said before maybe I missed something.
You are taking up a long stretch of area close to the water, some people like sitting close to the water.
Seams like good peeps all the way around! The couple were chill and didn't get in the water and disturb the fishing and you graciously gave them free dinner! I enjoyed the video, thanks!
I’m glad you chose to handle that situation the way you did. Who knows maybe they sat there so they could watch you fish, and maybe hoping you’d give them one. 😁
I truly don’t think they had any ill intentions whatsoever. I honestly don’t even think it crossed their mind it was possible they were doing anything wrong. As fisherman we wouldn’t ever do that but as citizens they were just trying to enjoy the beach. I think their actions proved that. They were genuinely excited for you when you hooked up and then were extremely thankful and kind when you offered them dinner. You don’t deserve any criticism either because just like it was an honest mistake on their part I think it was an honest mistake for you to call them Karen’s. And lets be honest it was a good choice to title them that for the video because it’s definitely part of what brought in the views. Hahaha keep having fun and keeping being kind. Well played!
Fishgum, id truly dig your lesson and you well deserved my subscription and may God bless you 100 fold! .....or 100 Pompano!
They probably think that you shouldn’t take up so much beach.
Your point? First off they said they’re from there so they should know beach etiquette, especially around fishermen. Second, the poles are spread out so the lines don’t get tangled and again this is where beach etiquette comes into play. Third did you see how empty the beach was around him on both sides of his fishing poles. I know you’re trying to make excuses for their actions, but it just doesn’t fly. The “it’s my world you just live in it” attitude.
Oh right..... on a WIDE OPEN beach with practically no one on it? Gtfoh
I was kinda thinking the same thing
@@steelersericredblood maybe that was the closest to parking and didn't have a cart like him . 2nd they weren't interfering one bit. That's alot of real estate he thinks he's entitled to and I fish.
@@JohnMac-qy3sg keep on karen.
They just wanted to enjoy the show and see you have fun
Probably the most fun they have in a while by the look on their face !!
Good !! You handle the situation like a boss
With this video you earn my respect and one more subscriber thanks for been the bigger person
Women in their swimsuit won't lay out next to me cus they'd know I'd be checking them out and creeping them out. Lol
Walking up close to the girl and start taking pictures! If they complain use the same excuse they use, it’s a public beach, I can stand and take pictures ANYWHERE I want!