First and foremost, amazing video. Secondly, how did I miss this? I loved your power wagon! I hope you've decked out your new truck with all the accessories by now.
I too have the same issue, but I have some big sockets and a big impact and after I grind in a flat spot to hold the ball, I'm gonna see if the impact and break it free. If not, I'm gonna see if I can just cut the nut off using the dremel and just buy a new nut. I'm in no rush for this so I've had it sitting with Deep Creep in on the nut and hoping it helps.
@@xhumeka Ok so yea, I ground flat spots on either side like you did, used a pipe wrench, and then used my Makita XWT08Z with a deep 38mm socket to get it off. It fought me every mm of the way. I am gonna wire wheel the threads, apply anti seize and put it back on. Hopefully i don't have to ever flip it again.
Transport wise often you'll find the nut with a large large SPOT WELD to keep the ball ON. Wax marine grease, a little, and if you have added a sliding bar every year take it out, put it back with the pin, inspect the pin and cotter key. Never seize should only be used by those in preventative maintenance and scheduled inspection. Don't rely on it, as it will loosen. Not advised for most two applicaitions. The unit right NOW i'd playing with the truck has other trailers to pull tomorrow. Favour for a close friend under deadlines.
I' sure you got the ball off the post but for those of your reading, I just had my local trailer shop pros take mine off in seconds with a torch. I see them every three years to have my bearings repacked. They'll also solve any of my electrical issues.
Great try! My suggestion though would be take it to a local mom and pop mechanic shop, often times they won't charge you much (if anything) to remove it, I know at the shop I'm at we don't charge for that, quick hit with the torch, ball in the bench vice and a socket on an impact gun :)
Funny I have a stainless steel ball that the giant nut unscrewed all the way off on a 150 mile trip and the trailer popped off saved by the tow chains. I wish it has rusted on :)
@@xhumeka Yea and it had the giant lock washer too. Stainless just too slippery I guess. Should have added blue locktite to the threads. Never had that happen in 40 years of boating.
You can hold the ball itself with a large pipe wrench. Would have tried cutting the nut to loosen it's grip as last ditch effort. Also a socket and 6 foot cheaper pipe shoulda done it.
I had to remove mine to do the exact opposite I needed mine higher. Some of the techniques you used helped me get mine undone. I had red locktite on mine. It is easier if it is closer to the ground. One way of doing this is to use the street to park the vehicle and use the incline of the driveway to get it closer to the ground. I used the ground to hold my adjustable wrench on my ball and I had a closed box wrench that I was jumping on to turn the nut. The red locktite broke off looking like candy apple.
Once they're rusted that bad,the only thing to do is either do what you did with angle grinder(next time put it back in the hitch) or blow it off with a cutting torch. Same thing happened to me. Same result. Good job.
Just had this problems. Even after heating it cherry red I had to cut the bolt off with an angle grinder. Wasn't even that rusted and was only on for a year.
I used a breaker bar and a 2 inch socket and a heavy duty pipe wrench and some good old liquid wrench penetrating oil and I let sit for two days before I finally was able to get it off. But it took three trips to Advance Auto Part store to get the right length breaker bar. 24 inch to be exact. Lol.
Simple MAP gas torch most guys have in the garage, put a soaking wet rag around the ball and the nut only. Now use a pipe wrench and an impact and zing! Awful lot of work your doin!
Thanks for showing the struggle brother! I don't feel so bad now
First and foremost, amazing video. Secondly, how did I miss this? I loved your power wagon! I hope you've decked out your new truck with all the accessories by now.
I would use a map gas torch on the nut break that loos and a breaker bar for more leverage.
I am having the same problem
I too have the same issue, but I have some big sockets and a big impact and after I grind in a flat spot to hold the ball, I'm gonna see if the impact and break it free. If not, I'm gonna see if I can just cut the nut off using the dremel and just buy a new nut. I'm in no rush for this so I've had it sitting with Deep Creep in on the nut and hoping it helps.
let me know your results!
@@xhumeka Ok so yea, I ground flat spots on either side like you did, used a pipe wrench, and then used my Makita XWT08Z with a deep 38mm socket to get it off. It fought me every mm of the way. I am gonna wire wheel the threads, apply anti seize and put it back on. Hopefully i don't have to ever flip it again.
@@Drundel hahahah, great work - glad to hear you bested the beast!
You should have used a long pipe over the crescent. Leverage makes everything easier. Thanks to sharing your experience.
Always grease your threads or use never-seize.
Transport wise often you'll find the nut with a large large SPOT WELD to keep the ball ON. Wax marine grease, a little, and if you have added a sliding bar every year take it out, put it back with the pin, inspect the pin and cotter key. Never seize should only be used by those in preventative maintenance and scheduled inspection. Don't rely on it, as it will loosen. Not advised for most two applicaitions. The unit right NOW i'd playing with the truck has other trailers to pull tomorrow. Favour for a close friend under deadlines.
Pipe wrenches and heat
I' sure you got the ball off the post but for those of your reading, I just had my local trailer shop pros take mine off in seconds with a torch. I see them every three years to have my bearings repacked. They'll also solve any of my electrical issues.
Great try! My suggestion though would be take it to a local mom and pop mechanic shop, often times they won't charge you much (if anything) to remove it, I know at the shop I'm at we don't charge for that, quick hit with the torch, ball in the bench vice and a socket on an impact gun :)
Funny I have a stainless steel ball that the giant nut unscrewed all the way off on a 150 mile trip and the trailer popped off saved by the tow chains. I wish it has rusted on :)
@@xhumeka Yea and it had the giant lock washer too. Stainless just too slippery I guess. Should have added blue locktite to the threads. Never had that happen in 40 years of boating.
You can hold the ball itself with a large pipe wrench. Would have tried cutting the nut to loosen it's grip as last ditch effort. Also a socket and 6 foot cheaper pipe shoulda done it.
I had to remove mine to do the exact opposite I needed mine higher. Some of the techniques you used helped me get mine undone. I had red locktite on mine. It is easier if it is closer to the ground. One way of doing this is to use the street to park the vehicle and use the incline of the driveway to get it closer to the ground. I used the ground to hold my adjustable wrench on my ball and I had a closed box wrench that I was jumping on to turn the nut. The red locktite broke off looking like candy apple.
Wouldn’t came off fine the first time if the pipe wrench was the right way
I was yelling in my head turn it over
I have the same dilemma, I think Ill go buy a whole new hitch and ball. I am old and crap like that messes me up a few days lol
Once they're rusted that bad,the only thing to do is either do what you did with angle grinder(next time put it back in the hitch) or blow it off with a cutting torch. Same thing happened to me. Same result. Good job.
Ez, tack weld where it spins, impact the nut off, grind off tack weld
Put a pipe on the crescent wrench. You need leverage.
Beauty xr in the garage! Smart idea with the grinder!
thanks mate, and good eye! that reminded me I needed to make a youtube vid of it (currently listed on kijiji... i'll miss it!!)
xhumeka i still have my DT and still wanna ride
Mud Brats ADV me too, ditto to both!!
Pipe wrench on the shoulder of the ball
U ever hear of a pipe wrench
Your using the pipe wrench backwards 😬
DOH! oh well, it held in the end, I just wasn't strong enough to twist it off :P
Just had this problems. Even after heating it cherry red I had to cut the bolt off with an angle grinder. Wasn't even that rusted and was only on for a year.
Yeah a couple months... Watching this exactly 1 year later
You need a breaker bar and a socket not a stupid shifter, those things round nuts
The problem was you had Crocs on hahahahah 🤣
There were a few things I saw where I thought this guy was going to send himself to the ER.
I used a breaker bar and a 2 inch socket and a heavy duty pipe wrench and some good old liquid wrench penetrating oil and I let sit for two days before I finally was able to get it off.
But it took three trips to Advance Auto Part store to get the right length breaker bar. 24 inch to be exact. Lol.
The right tool is called a pipe wrench
Should have had your wife talk it off.. ..
Who designed that crap tow ball! I have the same issue, the base on mine is also round and I can't get the damn thing off my mower!
You should have just cook it to U-Haul
that is the hard way !!
Well I admire your persistence, wouldn't it just been easier to buy a whole new system or not that expensive...
Better yet cut the ball and buy anew ball
you need strong Thor or Braun Strowman
Simple MAP gas torch most guys have in the garage, put a soaking wet rag around the ball and the nut only. Now use a pipe wrench and an impact and zing! Awful lot of work your doin!
So where do you apply the heat if the nut is covered by the wet rag?
I’d just chop the nut off with a grinder and cutting wheel
torch and penetrating oil
Thanks for the video but too much talking