ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
Both are so 👍
The DJ was awesome in this battle.
Two good bboys with style and musicality What i like
Looks like the promoter mad as hell on the time lol. Bruce and Mass doing there original flows anyway.
I was there, mass had to do semis for 2v2 right after so they didn't want him gassed, but bruce kept going in for more rounds lol, props to mass for his stamina
Bruce Almighty Is So Creative In His Output. He got my with his "Throwing the Money And Pants Down" Moment!
Skrew that promotor or whoever he is I can watch these guys all day
MASS has the silkiest style and execution Bruce is still so entertaining! Tuff match up
First song please?
dj nu-mark feat.method man zodiac killah
@@sevolution6644 thank u 🤙🏻
Mass won the glasses battle
bruce gained some weight
And Mass is staying hungry! That's why he cooked Bruce up in this battle, haha.
Dang that floor looks slippery
And yet Bruce worked it to his advantafe
🥸 🥸
bruce almighty is da corniest bboy ever... like run
lmaoo poor guy catching strays
Must not see a lot of styles then, I've seen way cornier bboys
he's awesome idk what youre talking about
Bruce is too stiff for me and looks like a bboy puppet. Run's a little goofy on his tops, but he's dynamic.
This is the most Boring Battle I've ever watched on TH-cam 🥱
Both are so 👍
The DJ was awesome in this battle.
Two good bboys with style and musicality What i like
Looks like the promoter mad as hell on the time lol. Bruce and Mass doing there original flows anyway.
I was there, mass had to do semis for 2v2 right after so they didn't want him gassed, but bruce kept going in for more rounds lol, props to mass for his stamina
Bruce Almighty Is So Creative In His Output. He got my with his "Throwing the Money And Pants Down" Moment!
Skrew that promotor or whoever he is I can watch these guys all day
MASS has the silkiest style and execution Bruce is still so entertaining! Tuff match up
First song please?
dj nu-mark feat.method man zodiac killah
@@sevolution6644 thank u 🤙🏻
Mass won the glasses battle
bruce gained some weight
And Mass is staying hungry! That's why he cooked Bruce up in this battle, haha.
Dang that floor looks slippery
And yet Bruce worked it to his advantafe
🥸 🥸
bruce almighty is da corniest bboy ever... like run
lmaoo poor guy catching strays
Must not see a lot of styles then, I've seen way cornier bboys
he's awesome idk what youre talking about
Bruce is too stiff for me and looks like a bboy puppet. Run's a little goofy on his tops, but he's dynamic.
This is the most Boring Battle I've ever watched on TH-cam 🥱