Tafseer of Surah 108 - Kauther (Part 3) - Nouman Ali Khan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @j.d.michaels4733
    @j.d.michaels4733 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I am a revert, Alhamdulilah. All your work, truly very much appreciated. Without these tafseers, I would never be able to understand or appreciate the Qur’an to the extent I do today. You and yours are in my prayers: MAY Allah S.T. reward your good work, InShaAllah. Thank you.

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Notes (notes of previous parts are also available)
    ⭕The reasons for coming of this surah (what happened)
    There is no absolute opinion that we know when this surah actually came out. But we know for sure that something negative happened in the life of prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and he was insulted. We have many stories from his life where scholars agree that this is where this surah came.
    The opinion that is most popular is this
    🔻 Prophet s.a.w lost a child. And the news spread. When abu lahab heard this news he went around laughing and celebrating, screaming "the legacy of Muhammad has been discontinued/his name will not be mentioned ever again" (bcz your name is carried by your son).
    When Allah s.w.t talks about prophet's enemy he did not even mention what tye enemy said ,like "those who said your legacy will be discontinued they will be discontinued" rather Allah s.w.t did not repeat what he said to prophet s.a.w bcz it was so hurtful. Allah s.w.t went straight to the consolation part and said "your enemy, they will be discontinued"
    🔸When you loose a child you feel like you have lost everything, you dont worry about your house, your work. All that is in your head is the loss of your child. You feel like you cannot gain anything after that loss. Allah s.w.t tells his prophet s.a.w that he has gained al kauthar. (Alot)
    🔸How do you deal with painful loss?
    First: focus on what Allah s.w.t has given you
    Second: pray. Salah.
    🔸Salah is the central ayyah, when Allah grants u kauthar(1 ayyah), pray when you feel sad or you loose someone (3 ayyah), pray
    🔸 Prophet s.a.w had three sons Qasim,Abdullah and ibrahim. Scholars have a difference of opinion on whose child death this surah was revealed but the strongest opinion is about Ibrahim a.s.
    ⭕2 verse
    "Fa" is used here to connect 1 ayyah with second.
    Bcz u have been given kauthar, be consistent in prayer salah for your rab (master)
    🔻Fasali li rabik
    Pray for your lord (only). Sometimes we pray bcz of ppl. Or when we pray we bcm lazy or want finish prayer quickly sl we can do other stuff. But prophet s.a.w has been given kauthar and this ummah has also been given alot so when we should pray our intentions should be clear. For Allah and Only for Allah
    🔸The BEST way to thank Allah is salah.
    🔸abu muslims says :this salah is reffering to mandatory prayer
    Ibn abbas says :it is reffering to all prayer mandatory or others" (most believed opinion) whenever difficulty comes remember good things, and then pray salah. Whenever. ( Not kist obligatory time prayer)
    Last opinion : "when Allah says salah it means the morning prayer at the ocassion of muzdalifa in hajj and "wanhar" sacrifice at the ocassion of "mina" (at hajj)
    🔸Just like Allah mentiones "wa aqimu salah wa atu zakaa" ( pray your prayers and give zakah: very rought translation) here, Allah s.w.t also mentioned salah first and then sacrifice which is a form of zakaat bcz we distribute the meat to poor and needy
    🔸People used to pray and sacrifice for thier idols,so by mentioned "fasali li rabik" (so pray for your lord) Allah s.w.t is telling us that he gave us kauthar so we should pray for Allah. As opposed to the nation who pray for thier idols (the have not been given kauthar)
    ♦️Relation of ibrahim's (a.s) scarifice and this surah
    🔸This entire surah is about prophet Muhammad s.a.w fulfilling the legacy of Ibrahim a.s
    🔸The word used is "wanahr"
    Which in arabic literally means "to cut from the neck
    🔸There are other words for sacrificing in arabic which are zibah , Zakka. All of the have different meanings
    Zibah: to sacrifice for relegious purposes or killing unlawfully (when firaon /pharoah killed sons this word was used)
    Zakkah: to kill with no pain (as less pain as possible).
    🔸Two surahs ago, Allah s.w.t mentioned the ppl who did not fulfil the legacy of Ibrahim a.s (fal ya budu raba hazal baet, ara aital lazi yukazibu biddin,)
    Now its your job to fulfil the legacy of Ibrahim a.s
    Prophet s.a.w is not only the fulfillment of the dua of Ibrahim a.s but also he s.a.w is fulfilling his legacy SUBHANALLAH
    ⭕3 AYYAH (last)
    Ina sha niaka hual abtar.
    Inna is used when talking to someone in doubt.
    Cz it means :verily/certainly/no doubt about it.
    If we start our sentence with "no doubt about it......" Means that someone actually was in some kind of doubt.
    In this ayyah Allah is talking to Prophet s.a.w and removing his doubt because Allah s.w.t is concerned about his beloved messanger his s.w.t focus is not the kuffar but prophet s.a.w (subhanallah)
    And Allah s.w.tis talking to Prophet s.a.w so what was the doubt?
    The doubt was: prophet s.a.w was living in makkah and kuffar had more power than him they had more authority over things. It looked like they have power but Allah s.w.t says "no doubt about it they will be destroyed" meaning the power they have right now will not stop them from destruction no matter how much you socially, economically in power they might seem but it will be destroyed so have no doubt in this.
    ♦️Batar (last word of last ayyah)
    Kuffar used to say "batara muhammadin" (muhammad is cut off) this word actually means that wehn the animals tail is cut of. (As a gesture of humiliation) so for Arabs they would use this word for a person who had no sons to carry his name. (Your name continues by your sons) so when prophet Muhammad's s.a.w son died kuffar were so happy and saying that Muhammad (s.a.w) has been cut off (nauzubilla). But in this ayyah Allah is saying that , even more cut off and truly cut off will be the enemy.
    Allah s.w.t, instead you responding to the comment of kuffar by saying "Muhammad s.a.w will not be cut off"
    Instead he says,
    "It is your enemy who will be cutt off"
    This is also implying something that "he who will be cutt off is not you oh Mohammad s.a.w it is your enemey" but Allah s.w.t did not say it straight like that bcz he s.a.w cares about prophet Mohammad's feelings and he just lost a child and heard this brutal and painful sentence so Allah s.w.t dis not bring up that painful sentence in this ayyah instead says something which indirectly or directly implies that it is not you who will be cutt off, it is your enemy who will be cut off.
    For example when a father asks his child did you eat the cookie and the child responds "it is not ME who ate it" that indirectly means that his brother ate it.
    🔸Because every single child that is born with the adhaan/azaan being given in thier ears is your progeny. (Heritage)
    We, his s.a.w ummah is his family s.a.w. subhanallah! And we are billions.
    In comparison "hu al abtar" (he is the one who will be discontinued)
    The one who is actually and really cut off is a person who has been cut off in this duniya and akhira. And even he is mentioned in this world, he is mentioned in a means by which he is cursed. When ever we remember abu jahal or abu lahab we dont pray or praise then rather we curse them even more. And thier punishment gets bigger and bigger (Allah accepts the curse of believers against them ((those who cursed the prophet s.a.w)) ) and they thought that thier legacy will be continued with thier children. This is the legacy they deserve.
    Kuffar used to say
    " When Muhammad (s.a.w) will die his mention will die with him" (cz he had no sons)
    🔸some say that thiss ayyah came about aa'si bin wa'il (he was the one who named the prophet "abtar")
    🔸Another story that is narrated to this surah,
    Ka'ab bin al ashraf cane to makkah and quraish said to him
    "You are the best of the people of madinah and thier leader, did not u look at this one who has no support, this orphan that is cut off even from his future generations who thinks he is better than us, but we are the ppl who take care of ppl who make hajj and we give ppl drink. So who is better us or him" and he replied " obviously you are better than him" then this ayyah was revealed that your enemy will be discontinued
    🔸Allah s.w.t did not say that the legacy of your enemy will cutt off. No. He said your enemy he is the one who will be cut off, meaning that everything about the enemy and for the enemy will be cut off whether its wealth, family, love for Allah, love for prophet, good deeds, his heart os cut off from good, cut off from all kinds of helper, cut off from anything close to him. He will never find sweetness of anything.
    🔸Ar-razi comments about this ayyah:
    Prophet s.a.w cane out of the masjid , prophet s.a.w and a'as bin wa'il met each other and after prophet s.a.w talked to him and went away and the people of quraish cane to him (a'as bim wa'il) and asked him who was he talking to, he pointed at prophet s.a.w and said "that one who is "abtar" (cut off)" and prophet s.a.w did not know this, Allah s.w.t made it manifest/obvious so when this ayyah came, the people were astonished bcz prophet s.a.w did not know thier "secret". Coming down of this ayyah is the miracle of Quran that Allah s.w.t heard them and the prophet did not and this ayyah came down. .
    🔸Allah talks about the kuffar that they will be cut off (prophet's enemy, kuffar) Allah s w.t will give prophet s.a.w victory in such a way that no generation of kuffar would be able to survive in that land (as talked about in surah nasr (two surah after surah kauthar))
    Shani means enemy (enemy who hates you)
    1st degree
    Ado عدو . (Wishes to hurt you, constantly thinking about ways to hurt you, may not hate you but wants to hurt you)
    2nd degree
    Bageed بعض: . (Not only does he wants to hurt you but hates you, bageez involves a feeling :hatred)
    3rd degree
    Shani : one who is the firs attribute of ado :he wants to hurt you and defeat you and second, he has hatred against you and third he hides some of that hatred whatever he shows is little but what he got inside is worse.

    • @UnfunnyMayonaise
      @UnfunnyMayonaise ปีที่แล้ว +3

      🔸The enemy of rasool s.a.w were called shani, bcz even an enemy does not celebrate the loss if a child so, prophets enemy were the worst kind ..
      In the first ayyah Allah s.w.t says that he has given prophet s.a.w "al kauthar" alot of the alot.
      And in the last ayyah Allah s.w.t says that the enemy of the prophet has been cut off, they have been given nothing, they have been insulted and embarrassed as the word batar means.
      So there is a contras between what Allah s.w.t gave to the prophet s.a.w and what the enemy of the prophet s.a.w has earned.
      And the enemy thought the exact opposite they thought that prophet s.a.w has been cut off "batara muhammadin" (nau zu billah) and they (enemy) were given all wealth etc. So in this surah Allah says that it is the prophet s.a.w who has been given kauthar and the enemy has been cut off (from all goods)
      🔸1 ayyah-past tense
      Allah s.w.t used past tense in the first ayyah. Meaning, that kauthar is only for prophet s.a.w and was given to him.
      "Indeed we gave you the kauthar"
      In the last ayyah Allah used a noun tense.meaning, that the act is happening right now and it will continue to happen
      "Your enemy, they are cut off"
      No matter if the enemy of the prophet s.a.w is 1000 years after him, they are also cut off
      Last ayyah- noun tense جملہ اسمیہ
      in this surah Allah s.w.t did not mention exactly who the enemy is. but in the next surah "surah kafiroon" Allah s.w.t mentions the true enemy of prophet s.a.w. al kafiroon is the enemy of the prophet. the fight is about who is to be worshiped, not about character, money, land etc. thye were told 'fal ya budu rabba hazal bait' in surah quraish before kauthar) but they did not so they are the enemy

    • @parulbegum479
      @parulbegum479 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Salam be upon you

  • @kholoudmanlucu
    @kholoudmanlucu 12 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jazakallah Khair, baraka allah feekum

  • @sati-spreadlove6133
    @sati-spreadlove6133 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you

  • @BKAYS
    @BKAYS ปีที่แล้ว


  • @abdoulayefofana1582
    @abdoulayefofana1582 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love it

  • @SuperHaind
    @SuperHaind 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    رائعه بارك الله فيكم

    • @halimibr
      @halimibr 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @ferdausfarid9009
    @ferdausfarid9009 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In min 4:03 I think he meant abu lahab

  • @paolacano3771
    @paolacano3771 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sheikh, I would like to ask you about Ibrahim, son of Prophet Muhammad, he is not listed. What will be his place ?
    Jazakallahu khairan kathiran, I'm learning a lot from this lessons.

  • @zarmalakhan8654
    @zarmalakhan8654 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @stevewipix3422
    @stevewipix3422 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    thanks man

  • @arfabibi8842
    @arfabibi8842 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I want this in Urdu