Úžasna babicka, ktoru BiBi miluje. Snáď nie je vážne chorá. prajeme skore uzdravenie. Láska je ten najúčinnejší liek. Syn, vnucky a Bibi Vás milujú.❤❤❤❤❤
Ďakujem za tvoju lásku. Pretože sme s Bibi chceli babku prekvapiť. Len čo vystúpila z autobusu, Bibi sa neubránila a vbehla do postele starej mamy, keď spala
Quan you have such a beautiful wife and family and are so kind to them all. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Wishing you many blessings.❤
Happy trip Dad and Bibi..Happiest moment together Grandma.. We miss you Grandma.. Always Take care Dad and Bibi.. Have a nice trip...God Bless all❤❤❤❤❤❤
What I really enjoy seeing is the trust that BiBi🐒has for his family… and recognizing how many hours of love, dedication, commitment that have been poured into him and what this little guys needs are each and every day. It’s VERY 😎 cool! ❤
Bibi will be happy as long as he is close to dad. Bibi only suffers when he is separated too long from dad. I don’t think Bibi will ever be happy anywhere for long without his dad. Their relationship with each other is truly heartwarming and precious.
Have a safe trip dad and Bibi enjoy your visit with grandma I’m sure Bibi is excited to see his beautiful grandmother and I’m sure she is excited to see Bi . Bibi will have fun climbing trees and enjoying fresh fruit with grandma.Have fun. ❤
I agree. He is a good man. I’m glad he is seeing after Grandmother she is so very sweet. I think Mr Quan got that from his mother, because he is sweet like his Mother. He tries to take care of everyone. Bibi is happy to be there with Grandmother❤
Какие вы все ребята симпатичные 😊 Благодаря вашим видео многие полюбили и открыли для себя вашу прекрасную страну ❤❤❤ Хочется обнять всех Вас и пожелать здоровья душевного и телесного ❤❤❤ Привет из России ❤
Какой Бибишка предусмотрительный, все своё взял. Папина школа, ведь папа большой и главный Учитель! Бибишка очень рад, что едет к бабушке, ведь он её полюбил всем своим сердечком. Очень тепло попрощался со своей семьёй с сестричками и мамой. Умница наш кроха! Как радостно за вас достойная семья. Отдыхайте, бабушка уже ждет вас! Здоровье ей! 🌹🙏🌹Счастливой вам дороги и 3:24 хорошего отдыха у бабушки милой! 🌹
Bibi is so happy already got something for grandma bb has a big heart he loves everyone ,so excited to watch bb do while staying with grandma love you bb and family
Умная Биби просыпается после долгого сна. А впереди знакомые сцены. Как только он вышел из машины, он сразу побежал к бабушкиной кровати и поздоровался с бабушкой.
@@DeliaJarrettthe 1 thing that would make it 100% perfect for little Bibi is mom Lan Anh being there. Then itwould be hisbest life ever, grandma, countryside, trees, food to just pick, chickens, dad and Bibi's precios mom Lan
Биби ,я постоянно тобой восторгаюсь.❤❤!!!! Такой умничка ,респект папе ,что научил всему Биби.Эту любовь к Биби вам Бог вложил в сердце,чтоб показать миру,что такое любовь к животным..Дай Бог вашей семье счастья и здоровья.❤❤
I'm a little slow watching your videos I just wanted to tell you what a beautiful family you have. Your wife and kids are absolutely beautiful and you and bibi have a heart of gold. Thank you so much for sharing your life and videos with the rest of the world
I am so happy for you Bibi and Dad together at Grandma's! This is an awesome idea! Get some rest Mr Quan , refresh yourself ❤❤❤ Love and hugs Bibi, Dad, and Grandma 👵 💖. Adventure awaits have fun guys !❤❤❤❤❤
He has really fallen in love with grandma. That is the sweetest thing ever. They love each other , it’s so easy to see. Good for each other. I’ve been worried about her. I pray for her health and happiness. She is so much like my grandmother God bless
BiBi É Muito Amado Por Todos E Está Muito Feliz em Estar com a Vovó Novamente 😂❤🎉 ! Ele Gostou Muito Em Passar uns Dias com a Vovó e em Subir nas Árvores Da Casa E achar tudo que Gosta de Comer No terreno da Casa da Vovó ! Esta Situação Para Ele É o Máximo ! Tem Tido que Ama Tão Próximo E ainda o Carinho e o Amor da Vó 💋❤️🌹💋💞🌷💋😘😘,🙏🙌🙏Saúde a Vovó e a Todos da Família 😃💞🌷💋💞🌺
Very happy to see dad and Bibi visiting grandma. Hope grandma will soon get better and dad and Bibi have despite it a good time in this beautiful country house and farm❤❤❤
Bibi estava com saudades da vovó, desce correndo e vai direto para o quarto. Doce vovo é carinhosa com o nosso querido anjinho Bibi. Desejamos a vces o que há de melhor. Te amo Bi😔❤
Bibi is living his best life ..He has the best of both worlds ....So adorable how he waved goodbye but them decided to run and give his mom a hug...BiBi is like no other animal I have ever seen ,His intelligence is beyond .I see Bibi as a human like baby only better behaved Lol. So heart warming seeing Bibi run to grandma. Bibi is good for grandmas health he makes everyone happy,
You are a good son take care!Bibi will have fun in the countryside! Grandma will spoil Bibi with love! Nice to see mother and the girls together again! Wishing you all happiness and good health!❤😊❤
Bibi un gran compañero de papá, en la buenas y en las malas. Ojalá se recupere su madre papá y no se preocupe porque siempre tendrá el amor incondicional de Bibi para aliviar un poquito su preocupación. Los quiero familia.😘😘😘
La abuela simplemente está durmiendo. Bibi quería sorprender a su abuela y corrió directamente hacia su cama. No te preocupes, te deseo un feliz nuevo día.
Papà Quan e BiBi fate buon viaggio che il Signore vi protegga nel viaggio per andare a trovare la nonna. Speriamo per la nonna una pronta guarigione 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
La abuela está durmiendo, así que no se preocupen todos. Como bibi quería sorprender a su abuela, tan pronto como salió del auto, corrió directo hacia su abuela.
So Glad Bibi will have again a very busy life with loving and caring Grandma,Bibi needs and deserve love and care with his family and around the world,we want Bibi to be always happy and safe,enjoying his toddler life exploring grandma’s gardens and trees.Grandma’s place is better for Bibi.Looking forward for more adventures Bibi❤❤❤❤❤❤
My favorite thing at Grandma's house is when Bi walks through the spaces in the wall unit that divides the dining room from the kitchen. They are perfect Bibi-sized doorways. I dunno why that tickles me but it does.
Ураааааа, папа с Биби к бабушке приехали, а как Биби рад все знакомо и сам бежит в дом к бабушке в ее комнату. Биби ты удивительно УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ любимый Вместе с тобой радуюсь Теперь огород твой правда экскаватор собой не взял овощи собирать 😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤
Es fantástico volver a ver a Bibi en casa de la abuelita, donde seguro pasará buenos momentos cuidando del huerto, de las 🐔🐓, trepando a los árboles y comiendo las hortalizas que encuentre en la huerta 👍👍. También hará compañía a la abuela y recibirá sus cariños. Deseo que se encuentre bien de salud 🙏🙏, para que pueda disfrutar a tope de Quan y del adorable Bibi 🥰🥰. ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️
Bibi is going to have fun. He will be with Grandma. Plenty of warm weather, sun, fresh air. Plus, Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This little guy is going to enjoy himself. HAVE FUN WITH GRANDMA.
Bibi loves grandma and grandma loves Bibi. I love seeing them together. Thank you dad for taking Bibi to see grandma. He ran straight to grandma. So cute. 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Foarte dragut videoclip. Ne bucuram mult sa va vedem pe toti, familia lui.Bibi. Sa fiti sanatosi! SABATATE MULTA PENTRU BUNICA LUI BIBI. ❤❤❤Va iubim.❤❤❤
Tată Quan ,mă bucur din suflet că te ai hotărât să pleci ,din nou, la bunica atât pentru Bibi ,cât si pentru tine și bunica ,care cred ca nu stă prea bine cu sanatatea ! 😢Esti un fiu deosebit, bine crescut ,asa cum l ai crescut si pe fiul tău ,cu mare iubire de apropiați ,cu empatie ,harnic ,curajos ,independent etc ! 🎩❤🤗❤😇🐒❤🥰🤗😇De data aceasta ,acest filmulet a fost trist pentru sufletul meu si nu pot sa ti spun de ce 😢😢.....Vreau muuuult de tot ca tu ,Bibișor,bunica să fiti sănătoși si fericiti ! ❤❤❤🌞🌞🌞🍀🍀🍀😇😇😇🙏Va iubesc muult de tot, si va doresc SĂNĂTATE SI NUMAI BINE!
There are 2 things that warmed my heart, Bibi running back to hug Mom and while Bibi was running into the house to see his grandma. Bibi was happy to see Grandma and she was able to see him. Grandma told Bibi that he was going to sleep with him❤❤❤❤
Bibi has special love in his heart that melts everyone including us viewers from millions of miles away ❤❤❤ love and blessings to entire Bibi family. Dad, mum, Xuka, Chip, Grandma, Lan Anh, Cameraman and viewers ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Здорово,Биби опять путешествует 🐒, нужно навестить любимую бабушку,проверить своих курочек,огород,Би уже здоров поэтому будет помогать с папой по хозяйству ,у него это хорошо получается ❤❤❤ Спасибо за прекрасный ролик.Скорейшего выздоровления бабушке!!!❤
Το απόλυτα συγκινητικό βίντεο!😢Ναι έκλαψα με συγκίνησε πολύ ο Bibi!❤️😊Δεν υπάρχει άλλο πλάσμα σαν και αυτό αποκάλυψη σκέτη!Τα συναισθήματα του και ο χαρακτήρας του χτυπάνε κόκκινο πλέον με αυτή την επίσκεψη στην γιαγιά!❤ Έτρεξε αμέσως να την δεί και να την αγκαλιάσει τόσο καλόκαρδο πλάσμα τόσο δοτικός τόση αγάπη απλωχερα δοσμένη!Η γιαγιά έχει τον καλύτερο εγγονό ever!!!❤️❤️❤️Μας έχει καταπλήξει αυτή η οικογένεια!😊Bibi μου σου εύχομαι καλή διαμονή να απολαύσεις τη φύση τον κήπο τα λαχανικά τις κοτουλες σου τις βόλτες σου και να δώσεις όση αγάπη μπορείς στην γιαγιά!❤Την γιαγιά που όλοι αγαπήσαμε! Καλή διαμονή κύριε Κουάν εύχομαι το καλύτερο για την μητέρα σας, και να σας συγχαρώ και πάλι για την οικογένεια σας και τον μικρό θησαυρό που μεγαλώνετε! Love you Bibi!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Dad please drive carefully on the 500km long journey🙏🙏😊 BiBi have a nice trip with dad🥰🥰 BiBi sad goodbye to Mom, but you will see Grandma again💝💝 you are looking forward to climbing trees and picking vegetable and fruit again😁😘😍 Oh have you got a trailer?😂❤
Lan and Grandma both have such soft sweet soothing voices that Bibi feels safe and loved. I sometimes watch other monkey channels and find the men's and women's voices strident and unpleasant. Some talk nonstop but show little real love for their monkey.
9:38 seems they're tearing this family apart why can't people be satisfied in life without persecuting innocent people. I hate injustice. If it weren't for Quan Bibi would probably be dead in the jungle. Leave them alone.
Aww, Bibi loves his mom. He even turned back for a hug before leaving. And he loves his grandma. He went running straight to her room upon arriving. Too precious.
Me ha gustado ver la normalidad en la familia y ver todos juntos , y como se despide BiBi de las niñas y la mama , se va con papa y la maleta y como se vuelve otra vez a despedirse de su mama y las niñas , BiBi tiene un comportamiento de un niño , y ahora a disfrutar unos dias en el campo y con su abuelita y la naturaleza , este señor es muy querido por toda la familia por su bondad , amabilidad , generosidad e inteligencia , pues no es facil der tan querido por todos , hasta por los fans de todo el mundo , gran ejemplo mas en estos tiempos que corren , abuelita todos la echabamos de menos , cuidense .
Quans wife is camera shy ,I’m sure she likes Bibi she is very pretty beautiful family.Bibi is precious ,I don’t know how you can’t love the little munchkin 😘❤️🌟
@@mariadefatimacorreiradonas6850concordo plenamente com você ficou bem claro que a esposa do senhor Quan é a menina 👧 que não usa óculos 😎 não gostam de Bibi só abraçaram porque estavam na frente das câmeras a esposa não quis nem mostrar o rosto dela a mim não me engana esse homem 👨senhor Quan acho que ele é separado da esposa a esposa e as meninas não moram com senhor Quan elas ficaram na casa 🏡 porque o senhor Quan foi viajar obg❤
Boa viagem Deus acompanhe, papai e bibi. Desejo de todo meu coração que vovó esteja bem de saúde, que esse passeio de bibi e papai seja para matar a saudade de vovó, amo vocês ❤❤❤❤❤❤..Brasil
У вас очень хорошая семья, все красивые и доброжелательные!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤ Бибишечке очень повезло!!!! Хорошо что вы едете к бабашке, она у вас тоже очень прекрасный человек. Вы много показываете свою красивую страну!!!!! Всей вашей семье желаем здоровья, счастья, любви и радости❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Какая чудесная семья, моё глубокое уважение и восхищение всеми вами, обожаю Би-би и всех ваших животных, у вас огромное сердце
Большое спасибо. Пришло еще одно новое путешествие, пожалуйста, следуйте за нами, чтобы сопровождать Биби.
Úžasna babicka, ktoru BiBi miluje. Snáď nie je vážne chorá. prajeme skore uzdravenie. Láska je ten najúčinnejší liek. Syn, vnucky a Bibi Vás milujú.❤❤❤❤❤
Ďakujem za tvoju lásku. Pretože sme s Bibi chceli babku prekvapiť. Len čo vystúpila z autobusu, Bibi sa neubránila a vbehla do postele starej mamy, keď spala
Quan you have such a beautiful wife and family and are so kind to them all. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Wishing you many blessings.❤
Happy trip Dad and Bibi..Happiest moment together Grandma.. We miss you Grandma.. Always Take care Dad and Bibi.. Have a nice trip...God Bless all❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, bibi misses his grandmother very much, he remembers the happy times with his grandmother and the familiar scenes around the house.❤
@@MonkeyBiBi160 no
Биби очень любит бабушку и бывать у нее вот счастье ему😍😍😍😍
Да, как только он вышел из автобуса, он не выдержал и побежал прямо в комнату к бабушке.
What I really enjoy seeing is the trust that BiBi🐒has for his family… and recognizing how many hours of love, dedication, commitment that have been poured into him and what this little guys needs are each and every day. It’s VERY 😎 cool! ❤
Every child has that special bond with their grandparents. BiBi loves his grandma so much. Wishing God's blessings upon BiBi and all of his family.
Bibi loved his grandmother, as soon as he got out of the car he ran straight towards his grandmother's bed
@@MonkeyBiBi16 he sure is special, God bless you BiBi
Ypur mother is a wonderful person. Beautiful and kind. I see why your such a gentleman dad. You were raised by a good woman.
Thank you for your compliments, wish you good health and success
比比很愛家中的每一個人,也很愛奶奶,比比很高興爸爸带他去奶奶家看望奶奶!他一件不 漏 執拾好自己的用品,很有禮貌地一一向家中各人,媽媽,姊妹們道别!到了奶奶家, 急不及待跑去見奶奶,真令人感動!太暖心了!願比比在奶奶家玩的開心,祝奶奶 身體健康, 長命百歲!❤
非常感謝。 從心臟底部。 祝您健康快樂
How lovely to see Grandma again. Bibi and Dad have a lovely time away in the countryside, looking forward to seeing your adventures ❤❤❤
What a sweet reunion for Bibi and his grandma.❤
Me alegro mucho qué vallan a ver la abuela Ojalá sé recupere pronto la abuela bendiciones bella abuela 🙏🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘
Bibi y yo queríamos sorprender a nuestra abuela y regresar mientras ella dormía. No te preocupes, te deseo un feliz nuevo día.
비비가 온화하고 자상하신 할머니 댁에 왔네요 😅😅 비비야 할머니 만나니깐 좋치 ❤❤❤
Куан хороший сын и хороший отец и счастливая жена с таким мужем как Куан
Yes Quan is a very good husband, father and takes good care of his family thank you Quan for all the love you give to your family including Bibi.
The Mother is a very lovely lady & such a dear family🙏
Большое спасибо. Я всегда надеюсь, что моя мама всегда будет здорова и счастлива каждый день.
Bibi will be happy as long as he is close to dad. Bibi only suffers when he is separated too long from dad. I don’t think Bibi will ever be happy anywhere for long without his dad. Their relationship with each other is truly heartwarming and precious.
Bibi also loved his grandmother very much and he missed the time he spent with her and had fun with her
I very agree..bibi stick to papa only ..bibi friendly to everyone but no one can replace papa luv
I agree. I worry.
Have a safe trip dad and Bibi enjoy your visit with grandma I’m sure Bibi is excited to see his beautiful grandmother and I’m sure she is excited to see Bi . Bibi will have fun climbing trees and enjoying fresh fruit with grandma.Have fun. ❤
Thank you for your affection for this cute little monkey. Another new journey has come, follow us to accompany bibi
Я очень рада что вся се ья в сборе мама очень красивая ,,тоись жена куина,, дай бог вам здоровья
Да, она замечательный человек и всегда хорошо заботится о своей семье.
Quiero mucho a su señora madre,es bueno que la visiten ,papá es muy preocupado de su casa y su familia es un hombre extraordinario
I agree. He is a good man. I’m glad he is seeing after Grandmother she is so very sweet. I think Mr Quan got that from his mother, because he is sweet like his Mother. He tries to take care of everyone. Bibi is happy to be there with Grandmother❤
Happy travels for bibi and dad. Bibi will enjoy his time back on the country. God bless❤
Muy bien que vayas a visitar a tu mami eres muy buen hijo y muy buen padre de familia.buen viaje
Какие вы все ребята симпатичные 😊 Благодаря вашим видео многие полюбили и открыли для себя вашу прекрасную страну ❤❤❤ Хочется обнять всех Вас и пожелать здоровья душевного и телесного ❤❤❤ Привет из России ❤
Возможно, это тот момент, которого Биби давно ждала❤
Какой Бибишка предусмотрительный, все своё взял. Папина школа, ведь папа большой и главный Учитель! Бибишка очень рад, что едет к бабушке, ведь он её полюбил всем своим сердечком. Очень тепло попрощался со своей семьёй с сестричками и мамой. Умница наш кроха! Как радостно за вас достойная семья. Отдыхайте, бабушка уже ждет вас! Здоровье ей! 🌹🙏🌹Счастливой вам дороги и 3:24 хорошего отдыха у бабушки милой! 🌹
Bibi is so happy already got something for grandma bb has a big heart he loves everyone ,so excited to watch bb do while staying with grandma love you bb and family
Умная Биби просыпается после долгого сна. А впереди знакомые сцены. Как только он вышел из машины, он сразу побежал к бабушкиной кровати и поздоровался с бабушкой.
@@DeliaJarrettthe 1 thing that would make it 100% perfect for little Bibi is mom Lan Anh being there. Then itwould be hisbest life ever, grandma, countryside, trees, food to just pick, chickens, dad and Bibi's precios mom Lan
Beautiful family of mr quan full of luv ..complete all family members of bilbi family..mr & mrs quan. Xuka. Chip . Lovely ❤
Thank you for the explanation, your wife is a very beautiful woman, your entire family, we love you all.
Вашей маме и всем огромного здоровья❤️❤️❤️
Спасибо большое, желаю вам счастливого и счастливого нового дня
What a beautiful family Bibi couldn't ask for a better family and dad wife is very beautiful .
It seems obvious the wife doesn't want to be noticed.
Good to see your in the video. Very pretty ❤❤❤
@@judywooldridge5781I saw that too but everyone needs her/his privacy Lol
@@judywooldridge5781Yes 👍👍👍🇧🇷
@@judywooldridge5781 she has her reasons and it is her choice....
❤ Bibi we Love you too.have a good time at grandmother's... Quan dad, please take care of yourself and Bibi, you are all that he has.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for everyone's love. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you good health and success❤❤❤
Dad lhe devo muita admiração e respeito. Cuide bem de sua mãe, as mães são únicas.
Muito obrigado, cuidarei bem da minha avó e da minha bibi para que elas possam estar sempre saudáveis e felizes todos os dias.
This is a joy watching Bibi and all that he does. Keep up the good work.
Биби ,я постоянно тобой восторгаюсь.❤❤!!!! Такой умничка ,респект папе ,что научил всему Биби.Эту любовь к Биби вам Бог вложил в сердце,чтоб показать миру,что такое любовь к животным..Дай Бог вашей семье счастья и здоровья.❤❤
Возможно, это тот момент, которого Биби ждала долгое время. От имени Биби и вашей семьи желаю вам крепкого здоровья и счастья.
I'm a little slow watching your videos I just wanted to tell you what a beautiful family you have. Your wife and kids are absolutely beautiful and you and bibi have a heart of gold. Thank you so much for sharing your life and videos with the rest of the world
Боже с какой скоростью он бегает от счастья, что папа берет его с собой к бабушке, без слез невозможно смотреть на эту сцену.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Grandma's home is just a wondrous place for Bibi to have good times. Enjoy!
I am so happy for you Bibi and Dad together at Grandma's!
This is an awesome idea!
Get some rest Mr Quan , refresh yourself ❤❤❤
Love and hugs Bibi, Dad, and Grandma 👵 💖.
Adventure awaits have fun guys !❤❤❤❤❤
He has really fallen in love with grandma. That is the sweetest thing ever. They love each other , it’s so easy to see. Good for each other. I’ve been worried about her. I pray for her health and happiness. She is so much like my grandmother God bless
BiBi É Muito Amado Por Todos E Está Muito Feliz em Estar com a Vovó Novamente 😂❤🎉 ! Ele Gostou Muito Em Passar uns Dias com a Vovó e em Subir nas Árvores Da Casa E achar tudo que Gosta de Comer No terreno da Casa da Vovó ! Esta Situação Para Ele É o Máximo ! Tem Tido que Ama Tão Próximo E ainda o Carinho e o Amor da Vó 💋❤️🌹💋💞🌷💋😘😘,🙏🙌🙏Saúde a Vovó e a Todos da Família 😃💞🌷💋💞🌺
Anyone knows they live in which town/village in Vietnam?
Very happy to see dad and Bibi visiting grandma. Hope grandma will soon get better and dad and Bibi have despite it a good time in this beautiful country house and farm❤❤❤
Thank you very much, please join us in accompanying bibi on this journey
@@MonkeyBiBi16 thank you very much for this amazing and fascinating entertainment!!
Vccxcl me jkjjjbb@@MonkeyBiBi16
Bravo tata ponovo idete da obiđete baku.srećan put Veliki poljubac❤🙊👩❤️👩💕
Bibi je vjerojatno jako sretna što ponovno vidi svoju baku. Čim je izašao iz auta, potrčao je ravno prema bakinom krevetu
Bibi is so loving and so clever. He will be excited to see his grandma again ❤❤
Estou muito feliz em rever a vovô e Bibi também! A casa da querida vovó , vai fazer muito bem ao Bibi.😊😘
Bibi estava com saudades da vovó, desce correndo e vai direto para o quarto. Doce vovo é carinhosa com o nosso querido anjinho Bibi. Desejamos a vces o que há de melhor. Te amo Bi😔❤
Que felicidade ver Bibi com sua vovó e com um imenso jardim para colher legumes e frutas❤❤❤
Bibi is living his best life ..He has the best of both worlds ....So adorable how he waved goodbye but them decided to run and give his mom a hug...BiBi is like no other animal I have ever seen ,His intelligence is beyond .I see Bibi as a human like baby only better behaved Lol. So heart warming seeing Bibi run to grandma. Bibi is good for grandmas health he makes everyone happy,
You are a good son take care!Bibi will have fun in the countryside! Grandma will spoil Bibi with love! Nice to see mother and the girls together again! Wishing you all happiness and good health!❤😊❤
Bibi un gran compañero de papá, en la buenas y en las malas. Ojalá se recupere su madre papá y no se preocupe porque siempre tendrá el amor incondicional de Bibi para aliviar un poquito su preocupación. Los quiero familia.😘😘😘
La abuela simplemente está durmiendo. Bibi quería sorprender a su abuela y corrió directamente hacia su cama. No te preocupes, te deseo un feliz nuevo día.
@@MonkeyBiBi16 perdón papá. Pensé que estaba enferma. Gracias por aclararlo. No entiendo tu idioma cuando tu hablas.
Bello mi bibi querido ❤❤ va a ver a su abuela ojalá este recuperada.. saludos mi pequeñin y a papá también y gracias por cuidar y querer a bi❤
Papà Quan e BiBi fate buon viaggio che il Signore vi protegga nel viaggio per andare a trovare la nonna. Speriamo per la nonna una pronta guarigione 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
La abuela está durmiendo, así que no se preocupen todos. Como bibi quería sorprender a su abuela, tan pronto como salió del auto, corrió directo hacia su abuela.
Que bom papai e BiBi Vão visitar a vovó novamente Boa Viagem❤❤❤❤❤❤ vovó ficaria muito feliz❤❤❤❤❤❤
Биби,малыш, не хочет ни с кем расставаться,хочет чтоб все вместе были. У Бибиши большое сердце. Всех любит❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
So Glad Bibi will have again a very busy life with loving and caring Grandma,Bibi needs and deserve love and care with his family and around the world,we want Bibi to be always happy and safe,enjoying his toddler life exploring grandma’s gardens and trees.Grandma’s place is better for Bibi.Looking forward for more adventures Bibi❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bibi will be so happy to see his grandma. Be safe Quan on the road.
Bibi loves grandma’s house! A lot of fun for Bibi there. He can get adventurous in the garden. ❤
My favorite thing at Grandma's house is when Bi walks through the spaces in the wall unit that divides the dining room from the kitchen. They are perfect Bibi-sized doorways. I dunno why that tickles me but it does.
บีบีเรียนรู้เก่ง รู้จักยกมือบ๊ายบายคุณแม่กับสองพี่สาว มาดูแลคุณย่า ขอพรให้คุณย่าหายป่วยแข็งแรงเร็วๆนะคะ.
บีบีเป็นแบบนั้นเสมอ เขารักและห่วงใยทุกคน
Ураааааа, папа с Биби к бабушке приехали, а как Биби рад все знакомо и сам бежит в дом к бабушке в ее комнату. Биби ты удивительно УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ любимый Вместе с тобой радуюсь Теперь огород твой правда экскаватор собой не взял овощи собирать 😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤
Es fantástico volver a ver a Bibi en casa de la abuelita, donde seguro pasará buenos momentos cuidando del huerto, de las 🐔🐓, trepando a los árboles y comiendo las hortalizas que encuentre en la huerta 👍👍. También hará compañía a la abuela y recibirá sus cariños. Deseo que se encuentre bien de salud 🙏🙏, para que pueda disfrutar a tope de Quan y del adorable Bibi 🥰🥰.
☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️
Bibi is going to have fun. He will be with Grandma. Plenty of warm weather, sun, fresh air. Plus, Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This little guy is going to enjoy himself. HAVE FUN WITH GRANDMA.
As long as he doesn't have to meet the cow again. 😅
Bibi is excited to see his grandmother and Dad take care of his mother God give health and She recovery soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏🐒🐒🐒❤️❤️❤️
On behalf of my grandmother, thank you very much. Wishing you lots of health and happiness
Amazing we love going with you and Bibi to grandmas house.we love her❤❤❤❤
Grandma is a wonderful person and always gives Bibi special attention
Bibi is very happy, again back to grandma home 🏠, He can climb in the tree 🌲 🌳 eat cucumber 🥒🥦 tomatoes 🍅 carrots 🥕 and fruits 🍌🥭🍊🍒🍐🍇 corn 🌽 ,🐓🐔🦋🦋🦋
Ela também é. Mulher quê trabalha porque viajou. A negócio beijo ❤
E daí, mas não cabe a ELA, ignorar a presença Do Bibizinho, então ela não deveria ter VOLTADO.
And feed the chickens!
Tata zašto na sedišta pozadi ne stavite mali krevetić i naš princ će da prespava put koji je čini mi se baš dug srećno tata❤🙊❤️👩❤️👩
@@mariadefatimacorreiradonas6850 QUE WHAT QUE WHAT
Bibi loves grandma and grandma loves Bibi. I love seeing them together. Thank you dad for taking Bibi to see grandma. He ran straight to grandma. So cute. 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
beautiful video very touching many wishes to sweet Grandma to get better soon❤
love to you all⚘
Bibi odwiedza kochaną Babcię, będzie miała mnóstwo zajęć w ogrodzie.Serdecznie pozdrawiam Panią Babcię, Pana Quana i Bibi!❤😃😁🌿☘
Być może są to chwile, na które Bibi czekała od dawna
@@MonkeyBiBi16 Dziękuję Wam za to, że jesteście, przemiła Rodzino Bibi!♥️😃
Beautiful 😍❤️. Love and blessings to entire Bibi family ❤❤❤❤❤❤
So touching when Bibi run to grandma and hug her, love you bibi.❤❤❤
Aww Bibi ran straight to Grandma that to me speaks volumes he missed you can tell I'm glad you guys made it safely bigggg huggggs from America 🥰🥰🥰💖
Yes, bibi misses his grandmother very much and he misses the happy times with her
We are just like BiBi so happy and excited to spend time with Grandma we have missed this beautiful lady
Wow. Welcome back to Grandma house. Have a wonderful time with Granny Bibi
Uma boa viagem pra ver a vovó bibi
Deus os acompanhe
Foarte dragut videoclip. Ne bucuram mult sa va vedem pe toti, familia lui.Bibi.
Sa fiti sanatosi!
❤❤❤Va iubim.❤❤❤
Сколько радости у БИБИКА, бегом, бегом собрался к бабушке. Как я тебя обожаю, малыш наш славный.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tată Quan ,mă bucur din suflet că te ai hotărât să pleci ,din nou, la bunica atât pentru Bibi ,cât si pentru tine și bunica ,care cred ca nu stă prea bine cu sanatatea ! 😢Esti un fiu deosebit, bine crescut ,asa cum l ai crescut si pe fiul tău ,cu mare iubire de apropiați ,cu empatie ,harnic ,curajos ,independent etc ! 🎩❤🤗❤😇🐒❤🥰🤗😇De data aceasta ,acest filmulet a fost trist pentru sufletul meu si nu pot sa ti spun de ce 😢😢.....Vreau muuuult de tot ca tu ,Bibișor,bunica să fiti sănătoși si fericiti ! ❤❤❤🌞🌞🌞🍀🍀🍀😇😇😇🙏Va iubesc muult de tot, si va doresc SĂNĂTATE SI NUMAI BINE!
Îți mulțumesc că îl însoțești și îl iubești mereu pe Bibi. Sper cu adevărat că bunica și Bibi vor fi mereu sănătoși și fericiți
Bibi大好きな おばあちゃんにまた会えて良かったね☺️❤
Bibiが会いに行ったから おばあちゃんも元気になるね😊
There are 2 things that warmed my heart, Bibi running back to hug Mom and while Bibi was running into the house to see his grandma. Bibi was happy to see Grandma and she was able to see him. Grandma told Bibi that he was going to sleep with him❤❤❤❤
Bibi has special love in his heart that melts everyone including us viewers from millions of miles away ❤❤❤ love and blessings to entire Bibi family. Dad, mum, Xuka, Chip, Grandma, Lan Anh, Cameraman and viewers ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Вы такая дружная семья. Счастья вам и здоровья. Любви. ❤Для вас Биби настоящий член семьи. Молодцы.
Здорово,Биби опять путешествует 🐒, нужно навестить любимую бабушку,проверить своих курочек,огород,Би уже здоров поэтому будет помогать с папой по хозяйству ,у него это хорошо получается ❤❤❤ Спасибо за прекрасный ролик.Скорейшего выздоровления бабушке!!!❤
Το απόλυτα συγκινητικό βίντεο!😢Ναι έκλαψα με συγκίνησε πολύ ο Bibi!❤️😊Δεν υπάρχει άλλο πλάσμα σαν και αυτό αποκάλυψη σκέτη!Τα συναισθήματα του και ο χαρακτήρας του χτυπάνε κόκκινο πλέον με αυτή την επίσκεψη στην γιαγιά!❤ Έτρεξε αμέσως να την δεί και να την αγκαλιάσει τόσο καλόκαρδο πλάσμα τόσο δοτικός τόση αγάπη απλωχερα δοσμένη!Η γιαγιά έχει τον καλύτερο εγγονό ever!!!❤️❤️❤️Μας έχει καταπλήξει αυτή η οικογένεια!😊Bibi μου σου εύχομαι καλή διαμονή να απολαύσεις τη φύση τον κήπο τα λαχανικά τις κοτουλες σου τις βόλτες σου και να δώσεις όση αγάπη μπορείς στην γιαγιά!❤Την γιαγιά που όλοι αγαπήσαμε! Καλή διαμονή κύριε Κουάν εύχομαι το καλύτερο για την μητέρα σας, και να σας συγχαρώ και πάλι για την οικογένεια σας και τον μικρό θησαυρό που μεγαλώνετε! Love you Bibi!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Beautiful Grandma. Lovely Grandma. Very much loved Grandma. It's so nice to be back with you for a while.
ビビ〜❤ パパ🍀長旅お疲れ様でした☺️
Dad please drive carefully on the 500km long journey🙏🙏😊
BiBi have a nice trip with dad🥰🥰
BiBi sad goodbye to Mom, but you will see Grandma again💝💝 you are looking forward to climbing trees and picking vegetable and fruit again😁😘😍
Oh have you got a trailer?😂❤
Thank you for always loving and following us. Another new journey has come, please follow us to accompany bibi on this journey
OMG LOOK HOW BIBI ADORES his GRANNY SO much love sweet times lovely darlingsxxxxxx 🎉🎉🎉🎉😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lan and Grandma both have such soft sweet soothing voices that Bibi feels safe and loved. I sometimes watch other monkey channels and find the men's and women's voices strident and unpleasant. Some talk nonstop but show little real love for their monkey.
9:38 seems they're tearing this family apart why can't people be satisfied in life without persecuting innocent people. I hate injustice. If it weren't for Quan Bibi would probably be dead in the jungle. Leave them alone.
Thank you for your compliment, wish you good health and happiness
Aww, Bibi loves his mom. He even turned back for a hug before leaving. And he loves his grandma. He went running straight to her room upon arriving. Too precious.
Bibi is so happy. He deserves to spend time with Grandma. I love Bibi and family 👪 very much. From Colorado USA
So glad the family is going to visit Grandma. She will love seeing her family.
BiBi don’t over eat in that great and fresh garden. 😊
Me ha gustado ver la normalidad en la familia y ver todos juntos , y como se despide BiBi de las niñas y la mama , se va con papa y la maleta y como se vuelve otra vez a despedirse de su mama y las niñas , BiBi tiene un comportamiento de un niño , y ahora a disfrutar unos dias en el campo y con su abuelita y la naturaleza , este señor es muy querido por toda la familia por su bondad , amabilidad , generosidad e inteligencia , pues no es facil der tan querido por todos , hasta por los fans de todo el mundo , gran ejemplo mas en estos tiempos que corren , abuelita todos la echabamos de menos , cuidense .
Gracias por el cariño que le das a este lindo monito. Desde el fondo de mi corazón te deseo mucha salud y felicidad.
Куан, я дивлюсь на маленького хлопчика, і бачу маленьку людину, з добрим❤ розумію яке потрібне терпіння!
Bibi have fun at Grandma's farm i hope your grandmom feels better soon. Bibi you are so precious.❤ Everyone loves you! Safe journey's.
ดีใจมากที่เห็นภาพนี้มากเลย อันนี้เป็นครอบครัวแท้ของคุณใช่ไหม? รักจริงๆภรรยาคุณสวยมากๆ และดูเป็นผู้ดีจริงๆ สงบน่ารักทั้งครอบครัวพร้อมลูกชายบีบี จะบันทึกภาพนี้เก็บไว้เลย😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
It is good to see how much biBi loves and misses gramma.
Yes, he missed his grandmother so much that as soon as he got out of the car, he immediately ran towards his grandmother
@@MonkeyBiBi16 💙💙Same child s WE all Made this seeing grandmother quickly 💙💙
比比直衝奶奶房間 還躺在奶奶懷中 比比多麼思念奶奶 🥰🥰🥰🌷🌹🌷🌹比比半夢半醒之間也太可愛了那對眼睛撐不住睡意又閉起來繼續睡 太有趣了🤣🤣🤣
比比回頭再一次擁抱媽媽 真美麗❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶
Obrigado Sr.Quan amo ver os vídeos do Bibi e suas meninas a sua esposa é linda ❤️❤️❤️
Quans wife is camera shy ,I’m sure she likes Bibi she is very pretty beautiful family.Bibi is precious ,I don’t know how you can’t love the little munchkin 😘❤️🌟
Ela não é tímida e sim arrogante, metida, mas o importante é o BIBIZINHO o TOP MODEL do YUOTUBE e do UNIVERSO.
I like the nanny and granny more 🥰
Of course the whole family ❤❤❤bibi
@@mariadefatimacorreiradonas6850concordo plenamente com você ficou bem claro que a esposa do senhor Quan é a menina 👧 que não usa óculos 😎 não gostam de Bibi só abraçaram porque estavam na frente das câmeras a esposa não quis nem mostrar o rosto dela a mim não me engana esse homem 👨senhor Quan acho que ele é separado da esposa a esposa e as meninas não moram com senhor Quan elas ficaram na casa 🏡 porque o senhor Quan foi viajar obg❤
Boa viagem Deus acompanhe, papai e bibi. Desejo de todo meu coração que vovó esteja bem de saúde, que esse passeio de bibi e papai seja para matar a saudade de vovó, amo vocês ❤❤❤❤❤❤..Brasil
Long journey to grandma beautiful....and Bibi is very happy boy ..sleep Bibi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
У вас очень хорошая семья, все красивые и доброжелательные!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤ Бибишечке очень повезло!!!! Хорошо что вы едете к бабашке, она у вас тоже очень прекрасный человек. Вы много показываете свою красивую страну!!!!! Всей вашей семье желаем здоровья, счастья, любви и радости❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The girls have such a pretty mom. It's hard for Bibi to say goodbye, but he's also very fond of being with Grandma.
Bien viaje papá y Bibi los adoro buen viaje
Hoy se va Bibi para la casa de la abuela muy feliz 😊😊😊😊❤ I love Bibi
Bé bi thật tình cảm ! Bé hiểu và thông minh vô cùng , yêu bé lắm !