OPPE 1 Revision 2 with Practice Questions | Machine Learning Practices | Session - 13

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • OPPE 1 Revision 2 with Practice Questions | Machine Learning Practices | Session - 13
    This session is collaborated with GIR House, one of the 12 Houses of IITM BS Degree
    Access 50+ Practice Questions, NPPE & Mock Solutions in the feedback form:
    In this session, we've covered:-
    - 20+ New Practice Questions
    - Concepts Revision from Week 1 to Week 5
    Want to attend my Live Sessions?
    I usually take them twice a week - Wednesday & Sunday, at 6 pm.
    You can join my session calendar for details and meet links:
    Please fill this feedback form to rate my sessions:
    Topics included in OPPE 1:
    - Numpy
    - Pandas
    - Sklearn datasets
    - Sklearn preprocessing
    - Sklearn model selection
    - Sklearn metrics
    - Sklearn pipeline
    - Sklearn feature selection
    - Sklearn linear model
    - Linear regression / SGD regressor
    - Data Preprocessing
    - Data Cleaning (Missing Values, Outliers)
    - - SimpleImputer
    - - KNNImputer
    - Feature Engineering
    - - Polynomial Features
    - - Interaction Features
    - Feature Transformation
    - - Encoding
    - - - OneHotEncoder
    - - - OrdinalEncoder
    - - - LabelEncoder
    - Feature Selection
    - - SelectKBest
    - - SelectPercentile
    - - RFE
    - - RFECV
    - - SelectFromModel
    - - Mutual Information
    - - VarianceThreshold
    - - chi2
    - Feature Scaling
    - - StandardScaler
    - - MinMaxScaler
    - - MaxAbsScaler
    - Model Pipeline
    - - Pipeline
    - - FeatureUnion
    - - ColumnTransformer
    - Linear Regression
    - - Simple Linear Regression
    - - SGD Regressor
    - - Ridge Regression (L2)
    - - Lasso Regression (L1)
    - Cross Validation
    - - ShuffleSplit
    - - LeaveOneOut
    - - KFold
    - - StratifiedKFold
    - Hyperparameter Tuning
    - - GridSearchCV
    - - RandomizedSearchCV
    Follow me on my social handles:
    Bio link 🔗 param302.bio.link
    Twitter 🔗 / param3021
    LinkedIn 🔗 / param302
    Github 🔗 github.com/Par...
    Kaggle 🔗 kaggle.com/par...

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