All stuff aside, I wish that you could Hatch the dragon egg somehow and when it hatched you waited a few days and could put a saddle and ride it and maybe shoot some of its attack. The "The End." Achievment would automatically become Common XD. Mojang read this.
ahhh this is cool i dont know but you can do a glich where i think theres a under city in minecraft try plese i dont know but my dad sayed theres a under city where he spawned
How to summon ender dragon in your own world : type this in chat - /summon ender_dragon. If you will type this in your world ender dragon will successfully summoned but, warning : ender dragon will ruined your world but try this in a new world
You can't build nether portals, and even if you could the dragon will break them upon touching. Watch this if you're interested: This is a video from Alexa Real trying to send the ender dragon to the nether.
short elaborated answer u cnt ride it or tame it but you can with mods
Is so cool!
All stuff aside, I wish that you could Hatch the dragon egg somehow and when it hatched you waited a few days and could put a saddle and ride it and maybe shoot some of its attack. The "The End." Achievment would automatically become Common XD. Mojang read this.
This video is a lie!
Man i love your video.👌👌😍😎😎
Hi love your videos
On computer or phone or iPad?
No he lame
@@xiomaramartinez1542 true he is just making Minecraft videos just to impress us
@@reddo7566 NO its not like that!!
@@xiomaramartinez1542 You dont know how much effort it take's to create a content like this!
i love your vids
It was so cute when he said “enderman I’m trying to make a video stop!”
To tame it you need to use a add on.MCPE add on with a stone pickaxe (non other pickaxe
Ayyy im early again
I was plaing minecraft to and then the video POPPED out and i was like WOW SO COOL
I love aa12
Very cool man
I haven’t watched him in a year
Yo Mr beast
aa12's TUHHDAIIII is the best part of the video lol
please use oragnial cute zombie skin again please and facecam
Is this a mod or reall in Minecraft
Early here🤟
@beast606 hey! 🙃
Yoo are you friends with RageElixer?
CAN U PLZZZZ tell us the mod that u used
@its kyla Barretto ?
@@theonlyethanhiroshiki hi
@its kyla Barretto for me?
@its kyla Barretto what time
@@theonlyethanhiroshiki ok
We are all gonna be boss in minecraft thx aris/aa12
I love dragons “don’t judge me 😞”
Can you please tell us what mod you used
Make one year where he says, I am a little cutie entity again
@Haniel Timothy hey! 🙃
How do you make it to into the over world
shhort cut o spawn ender dragon in aememode c:use the command "summon ender_dragon"
Hahaahahah what happened to your new skin hahahaha ,:D
Awesome i love that I wish I was able to do that.
Hey AA12 can you and Rage and Brandon defeat the Cerberus Boss from the Greek Fantasy Mod! 🔥🐺🐺🐺🔥
Stop it plz no don't aris
@@cjelectrical9506 no and why not? 🙃
Is for real does it actually work
Legend are watch after 2 years😅
How are you
What Minecraft is it in
ahhh this is cool i dont know but you can do a glich where i think theres a under city in minecraft try plese i dont know but my dad sayed theres a under city where he spawned
Nice mod
Most definitely a mod
You can use commands to get a ender dragon spawn egg
I was impressed with thus daing man nice tutorial nice 👍
6 likes that should be longer
Mods installed
Oh my
Is aa12 is a Filipino I serch on Google pls is it real
Use command /summon ender_dragon to spawn in overworld
Fly it into the portal with you
It actually worked try it out
What platform did you use? Or was it a mod?
can you help me find the ender dragon
Do you know mr beast
I am watching Alan walker conclusion LETSS gooo
It doesn't seem to work
How are you guys doing so far.I hope that we can tame dragons in real life to.
@Samar yuh
They do exist but they are hidden from us
no they aren't💀🤦🏻♂️
And the bed?
I am first
You should tell your watchers it is a mod I was low key really disappointed
Spent so long trying to feed this dragon an apple to no avail.
Little pony tail lier
Everyone seeing aris skin be like:
Tutorial on how to tame mobzilla
Bruh what is mobzilla godzilla?
No yay
Aa12 talking* enderman making his completely hard
inow its easy you make a big neither portal and go in the portal and go back in portal again and you will be in the overworld
I from india
It no work- did you use minecraft pocket? If so, then thats why
Make the thing in the Mindel in the other world and span the Ender
WAT u never watch him in a year
How did you do that mold
How to summon ender dragon in your own world : type this in chat - /summon ender_dragon. If you will type this in your world ender dragon will successfully summoned but, warning : ender dragon will ruined your world but try this in a new world
It's a mod it is not working in my PS4
You use /give command
can you troll some one looking like a Villager
Just build a nether portal big enough bring it to nether make another one and hope on with dragon then random spawn
You can’t build a end portal in the end
You can't build nether portals, and even if you could the dragon will break them upon touching.
Watch this if you're interested:
This is a video from Alexa Real trying to send the ender dragon to the nether.
Hatch the dragon egg in over world
meybe you can build a xp farm
Hmmmmmmmmmmm i think i can billd a xp farm
The trick is to the ender man to attack you is to make staring contes
I do that two times
4th ish
You can summon a dragon in the chat by saying /summon ender_dragon
I very like dragons.I want to subscribe you very much but i cant.My mom is going to kill meeeeeeeeeeee.
It riding work
Haw doyu time da ender_dragon
I know how to tame a ender dragon in minecraft❤
How did he ride on ender dragon 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Most likely a mod or datapack
That's mod
Man I trusted you and you let me down You're just a clickbait Guy