I added in extra middle / 3 hexagons. While copying the same design and its perfect for our base. One of our new clanmates added a courtyard for the animals with an archery area. Its honestly so pretty tysm!
Very cute little castle. Small, but practical for one person. What else is nice, is that this could easily be added onto by creating an external walled courtyard, which then could be used for the larger, higher tier crafting stations, while still keeping the cost minimal. Very well done.
I worked out that after you build base for added defense use wedges all around the castle on the ground then put tall wedges on the base and at the top add the climb spike / fence, now they can't climb up from the side and get up from the left or right tower walls by climbing across.
I just tested this with no mods with sandstone and it works great. Only thing annoying me is one of the walls are going to be back the front. Either the one in the first staircase or the second story room behind/next to it. Which dlc is this? You can barely tell the wall is back the front here
Nice tiny castlle. However i would use the fencetrick to lower the foundations by 2 steps for more headspace and offset the height-difference to the entrance and staitway with stage pieces.
I added in extra middle / 3 hexagons. While copying the same design and its perfect for our base. One of our new clanmates added a courtyard for the animals with an archery area. Its honestly so pretty tysm!
Very cute little castle. Small, but practical for one person. What else is nice, is that this could easily be added onto by creating an external walled courtyard, which then could be used for the larger, higher tier crafting stations, while still keeping the cost minimal. Very well done.
Practical, aesthetically pleasing and affordable. Well done!
I wish I could find that in real life...
The fades between pictures with the music at the end makes me feel like there should be some credits rolling. Nice editing
I worked out that after you build base for added defense use wedges all around the castle on the ground then put tall wedges on the base and at the top add the climb spike / fence, now they can't climb up from the side and get up from the left or right tower walls by climbing across.
Really great, can you advise on how to do floorplan for medium and large size and use same building? Thanks.
How to scale up medium and large? Advice?
Would be good as an outpost, hard to cram all the crafting stations into it though as a main base. Micro indeed.
That is a cute castle. I tihnk I'll do it using the Argossean DLC.
I just tested this with no mods with sandstone and it works great. Only thing annoying me is one of the walls are going to be back the front. Either the one in the first staircase or the second story room behind/next to it. Which dlc is this? You can barely tell the wall is back the front here
Nice tiny castlle. However i would use the fencetrick to lower the foundations by 2 steps for more headspace and offset the height-difference to the entrance and staitway with stage pieces.
Well, that's actually a great idea. Maybe I will try it on my next builds.
Can you do an update video on this castle? Make it a bit “roomer”?
I will keep that in mind. :)
i mean i think its perfectly average .....
I think i-its pretty big really