can you make a video to help us release pressure before exam release . very afraid myself not getting a satisfied result. Maybe be talk about your personal experience and not talk about generic things like have exericse and go watch file. very anxious everyday coz aim high
Thank you so much this video is really really useful 想問rvc 其中一個70 hrs non-clinical working experience 係要喺clinic work 70hrs 定係其他non-clinic嘅working environment? Tysm
超多謝🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏齋睇網上面其他資訊真係唔知動物相關工作時數嘅details,暫時無做過任何動物義工嘅我終於放心,4月dse後去rush above70個鐘
DSE 加油啊!💪🏻
FYI. 澳門共有註冊獸醫101名,其中專業委員會成員7人,每3年輪調一次。這意味著10輪之後他們可能就會回到委員會。想像一下你就是其中之一員, 如果你的同事或你圈子裡的某個人有醫療事故並被投訴,你在處理投訴時能有多公平? 又為何寵物主人必須提交個人資料咁多私穏才可投訴?(包括姓乜名乜住邊忽, 及身份證) 你話係咪笑話一單定兒嬉?!!!
Hello 我嚟緊都想報讀獸醫,介唔介意講你係喺邊度做兔仔都埋豬場既placement🙏🙏
Extremely useful!!! Thanks❤
你好呀 想問下如果依家讀緊Kong U嘅FNS,之後有冇機會駁返上去讀到城大嘅VET架?
can you make a video to help us release pressure before exam release . very afraid myself not getting a satisfied result. Maybe be talk about your personal experience and not talk about generic things like have exericse and go watch file. very anxious everyday coz aim high
Thank you so much this video is really really useful
想問rvc 其中一個70 hrs non-clinical working experience 係要喺clinic work 70hrs 定係其他non-clinic嘅working environment? Tysm
Both! 70h clinical & 70h non-clinical
想問下 讀APL既 動物護理有冇用 🙏🏻🤔
Not sure 🫢 我自己冇讀APL 😥
唔係好知APL當唔當work experience 😢