@mightymij This beat may sound "OUT OF TIME, CONFUSING, NOVICE", but it's still quadratic. I listen to hip hop a lot and some of the beats you will hear are much more wonky than this. Check out any Samiyam beat; since your ears can't comprehend a beat this simple, you couldn't ever enjoy one of his. You will never understand, unless you learn to make sense of what may sound chaotic; by not just hearing, but actually listening/identifying to the beat under the the many sounds in the tune.
Dis is Sum Siik Beat Fam :D
@mightymij This beat may sound "OUT OF TIME, CONFUSING, NOVICE", but it's still quadratic. I listen to hip hop a lot and some of the beats you will hear are much more wonky than this. Check out any Samiyam beat; since your ears can't comprehend a beat this simple, you couldn't ever enjoy one of his. You will never understand, unless you learn to make sense of what may sound chaotic; by not just hearing, but actually listening/identifying to the beat under the the many sounds in the tune.
Elijah DoLittle analysis on point from early.