There is a lot in this small piece of art. It's so short yet I can already imagine the backstory of every character here. Not to mention all the morals that you can find here. Great work.
Le moteur de recherche s'appelle Lilo sur la page d'accueil ils mettent tous les jours des liens vers des sites, des vidéos qu'ils aiment bien, aujourd'hui c'était vous :)
I was enthralled by this animation, I've known a few priests in my time and very sure several of them would fit the bill. Thanks for sharing your artistic talent and hopefully somebody will take you further in your art. It was both beautiful and comedically well timed congratulations. Regards Paul from London UK
Busting in the store 'name of God' by the cross of Nun's rosary is hysterical. Bubble nun blowing through the 'holy' (apologize for pun) crucifix strikes as adorable as would a small child who does NOT KNOW what she is washing. And the 'big brother' camera watch is appropriate to how we are already criminal by the TECH world and the cloak of the priest lord's hidden closet I.D. All those idols are there!! Simplicity IS EXCELLENCE! I had fun watching your sweet video!
Es un corto malvado, eso les gusta, ofender lo Santo y Sacro. Pero déjenme decirles que hacer eso y reírse de eso, es como escupir al cielo... al final te cae a tí
Sono rimasta senza parole...veramente vedere come prendono in giro la nostra mia fede, è tristissimo...poi lo chiamano arte. Che il Signore ci benedica e ci aiuti a capire la differenza fra un sano umore e la mancanza di rispetto.
Monica... Još malo vremena ih čeka do plača i škrguta zubi... Jako malo vremena... A što reći? Boga i za njih moliti treba. "najveći neprijatelj čovjeka je neznanje".. Kada bi makar vidjeli u kojem vremenu žive...
I like it when art can be a much needed kick up the backside for us all, without being mean! This was excellent! As a Christian though I do not condone stealing, nor on the other hand draconian punishments for it! I do think we seriously need to alter our stance on LGTB!🌈 We Christians sadly often tend yo be moralists instead of being moral and defend those that really need it!
Excellent !!! Merci beaucoup pour ce très beau divertissement! Les dessins/le graphisme sont fort sympas, l'histoire est courte mais originale et le doublage est de grande qualité! Très bon et très beau travail !!! :) Je ne ferai "évidemment" aucun commentaire sur le prêtre... :p
Напомнило дракона из нашего советского мультика *«Три банана»,* который мечтал стать воробушком. Всё правильно, *мечты нельзя предавать!* Ибо, жизнь у нас одна. П.С. Эх, жизнь моя жестянка! А ну её в болото! Живу я как поганка… А мне летать, А мне летать, А мне летать охота! - *Песня Водяного из мультфильма «Летучий корабль»*
Ciekawe, że jesteś niewierzący, a w piekło wierzysz. Bóg Cię woła, braciszku :) It' interesting you don't believe in God, but you believe in hell. God calls you, brother.
Dios , Todopoderoso ..Perdona a quien haya hecho esta basura ...y Perdona también a esta gente que se siente sola ..que no van a tener el Consuelo de tu Amor , a la hora en que estén muriendo ..
@@soniabrasola5007 Aha, Bog voli svoje dijete koje Ga pljuje i ruga se s Njime... Voli on takvo dijete, ali dijete samo napušta očevu kuću i odlazi, prezire oca, ruga mu se, i? Što će otac učiniti... Trčati za njim? Neće, Sonia, neće... Žalit će za njim ali prepustit će ga drugome ocu.. ocu zla... Čovjek sam bira...
Miezsko S... Katolike može vrijeđati danas svatko... Ali je jedno uvrijediti čovjeka a drugo je uvrijediti Boga. Još samo malo, pa će biti plača i škrguta zubi... Ništa drugo nisam od Francuza ni očekivala...
I think the very depiction of every single nun being a clone ... Actually tells a huge story ... That's the point behind it ... How every one of them have no personality as such ... The one who was actually different looked different 😉
The idea of light-heartedness we get from here is actually somewhat we need to understand ... Respect , love and compassion which we learn from religion is truely possible only by acceptance ... I know i won't be able to convey my actual thought ... But I'd just say ... Calm down love ... Smile and be happy that's what the world really needs right now
Faith is one thing and institutionalised religion is another. They don't parody the faith. At least not the one that religious people should follow, anyway.
@Наталья Хомченко на какой на ТАКОЙ, не надо пропагандировать идиализацию религии, это вас наполняет, потому вы и не поняли смысла, что под "святой" личиной скрывается истинная сущность. Быть открытым трансом лучше, чем лицемерным попом.
...ok, probably a nitpick given the rest of this video, but I'm not entirely sure the creators knew what a monstrance (the gold thing they break) actually is or is used for.
yes, Gianna and Tomey... I agree with you both. This was ignorance coupled with disrespect. The Monstrance is the holiest of vessels in the Catholic Churches. It holds the presence of God in our midst which carries the source of all graces. It is only used at very special times and only for brief periods of time. Regrettably, God is more offended by this then we can even imagine to contemplate. There is the hope that these imaginative persons will do the right thing and now put out an equally rancorous five minutes about Beelzebub! It'd be only the fair thing to reparation.
Muy buen trabajo y buena crítica pero me sobra que baile sobre el copón o se ponga alguien en el centro de la custodia. És sano reirse de nosotros mismos pero atención cuando se ofende. Ahora propondría, con ironía, si son capaces de hacer este excelente trabajo burlàndose de la religión musulmana... Entonces sí que sería para quitarse el sombrero. Mi reflexión viene a decir que, a veces, somos muy atrevidos con los que sabemos que no nos pueden hacer nada, pero cobardes con los que te cortan el pescuezo por querer ejercer la libertad.
I agree; I wish before making these shorts the creators would have informed themselves about how important the monstrance is for us Catholics and how much it means... it's just very disrespectful :(
А кто вам мешает начать изучать Библию, чтобы увидеть правду? В Библии описывается ложная мировая религия, которая названа Вавилоном великим и Бог вскоре уничтожит её без права на возвращение. Это будет очень скоро, об этом говорят исполняющиеся в наши дни признаки, записаные в Библии. «И воскликнул он сильно, громким голосом говоря: пал, пал Вавилон, великая блудница, сделался жилищем бесов и пристанищем всякому нечистому духу, пристанищем всякой нечистой и отвратительной птице; ибо яростным вином блудодеяния своего она напоила все народы За то в один день придут на нее казни, смерть и плач и голод, и будет сожжена огнем, потому что силен Господь Бог, судящий ее. И восплачут и возрыдают о ней цари земные, блудодействовавшие и роскошествовавшие с нею, когда увидят дым от пожара ее» Откровение 18:2,8,9
@@ОльгаУ-н3щ Нет нельзя. Врачебная этика не позволяет. Боюсь своими не осторожными высказываниями навредить вашему психическому здоровью. Обратитесь лучше к врачу психиатру по месту прописки. Будьте здоровы. Не болейте. Выздоравливайте быстрее. Мы с нетерпением вас все ждём тут - на просторах Ютуба.
Straszne, ludzie którzy to nagrali przekroczyli granicę przyzwoitości. Ale właśnie taka jest teraz Francja bez godności, przyzwoitości bez wiary. Śmiej się Francjo bo wyć będziesz w dniu swego upadku.
M-jak natura... Bravo, bravo.. Žalosno se je smijati sa crkvom bez granica pristojnosti i poštovanja prema važnom liturgijskom predmetu... Ružno.. Zar je ovo "umjetnost"?
You might be surprised how MUCH THE members of the church would enjoy the point of the picture. Idol worship is within each and every human...secret answer: the Meshiach is without judgment to our human unknowing to ourselves. We can not be perfect. The soul provides this 'call' to assemble 'within' each 'to hear' how missing the mark is easy to trip upon in a moment. Burden of judgment is the trap of projecting one's own unrealized shame of being human. Appearances are deceptive as is a human unto it SELF. Best to you, friend!
In the words of my very religious aunt: "Oh my Lordy Lord!"
Да, да, yes,yes
I made the mistake of having lunch while watching this. I was laughing so hard I nearly choked.
Please be safe 😳
Oh my god I'm having lunch 😬
Me too
Oh dear lol 😂
I feel like this could be a full out animated movie. The preacher’s outfit, additionally, was fantastic. Well done on the animation xD
Hahah..amazing 🤍🌸❄️
There is a lot in this small piece of art. It's so short yet I can already imagine the backstory of every character here. Not to mention all the morals that you can find here. Great work.
Tal cual!!!
So glad they were all having fun being themselves.👍👍❤
Its satan in them
@@dejavucybercrime63 hahhahaha
Mais le moment où ils partent en délire en dansant juste trop cool je me suis tellement marrée ! Il est génial votre projet de fin d'étude !!!
merciiii ! on est trop contents que le plaisir soit partagé comme ça :D
J'ai découvert votre vidéo grâce à un moteur de recherche et un site qui parlent de vous au cas où vous ne le sauriez pas je vous le dis :p
@@nestorbabouche2195 on veut bien connaître lequel :) merci 🤗
Le moteur de recherche s'appelle Lilo sur la page d'accueil ils mettent tous les jours des liens vers des sites, des vidéos qu'ils aiment bien, aujourd'hui c'était vous :)
@@nestorbabouche2195 oh super !! Merci beaucoup pour cette info !!!
I was enthralled by this animation, I've known a few priests in my time and very sure several of them would fit the bill. Thanks for sharing your artistic talent and hopefully somebody will take you further in your art. It was both beautiful and comedically well timed congratulations. Regards Paul from London UK
LOVE this! The spirit of the divine is
Busting in the store 'name of God' by the cross of Nun's rosary is hysterical. Bubble nun blowing through the 'holy' (apologize for pun) crucifix strikes as adorable as would a small child who does NOT KNOW what she is washing. And the 'big brother' camera watch is appropriate to how we are already criminal by the TECH world and the cloak of the priest lord's hidden closet I.D. All those idols are there!! Simplicity IS EXCELLENCE! I had fun watching your sweet video!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaad? I was not expecting that turn of events. I thought things would be different xD
I am so glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I was watching this... what a riot! Still LOL
Es un corto malvado, eso les gusta, ofender lo Santo y Sacro. Pero déjenme decirles que hacer eso y reírse de eso, es como escupir al cielo... al final te cae a tí
You mean, you are human...with the grace of a soul!
I don't think that I'll be able to look at nuns or priests in the same way again! XD
Life is dull without some joy shared with friends 😂
Sacre Bleu! Drôle et sans de coeur! Pauvres Nonnes.
"Where art thou going, sister Mary?"
Soy de latinoamerica.... Y esto fue lo mas épico que vi...
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk. Very Good. AMAZING...
Iconoclaste en diable ! Excellent ! On en redemande.
Better than expected. Rupaul would approve 👌
Sono rimasta senza parole...veramente vedere come prendono in giro la nostra mia fede, è tristissimo...poi lo chiamano arte. Che il Signore ci benedica e ci aiuti a capire la differenza fra un sano umore e la mancanza di rispetto.
Monica... Još malo vremena ih čeka do plača i škrguta zubi... Jako malo vremena... A što reći? Boga i za njih moliti treba. "najveći neprijatelj čovjeka je neznanje".. Kada bi makar vidjeli u kojem vremenu žive...
Comme d'habitude les croyant incapable d'auto dérision et de second degrés ... pleurnicheurs
I like it when art can be a much needed kick up the backside for us all, without being mean! This was excellent!
As a Christian though I do not condone stealing, nor on the other hand draconian punishments for it!
I do think we seriously need to alter our stance on LGTB!🌈
We Christians sadly often tend yo be moralists instead of being moral and defend those that really need it!
Обожаю краткометражки!!!В них такой глубокий Философский смысл всегда!
Точно....камо грядеши?
Que a ARTE sempre esteja presente em nossas vidas, Amém!
Богохульный мульт какой-то... вполне в европейских традициях
Ну не всем же жить в средневековье и жечь костры 😏
@@annab9994 ты женщина и на стороне трансов?
Merveilleux ! J'ai ri aux larmes! Vous êtes très doués !!!
Это Богохульство!Как создатели этого мультфильма не боятся Бога?!
Žalosno, žalosno, i kako Bog nebi dopuštao ovo što se sada događa... Bijedna tema animacije...
It made me laugh but I know that the devil is being the clever one in this video.
The only comment that made sense here
@@anaghatiwari5406 true
I would like to understand what makes u think so ... Clearly with a good intention
Well done! Brilliant animation, and not as predictable as most.
Then, they become best friends and every evening go outside to have fun
j'ai adoré l'enseigne de la boutique 😁👍
Omfg that was soooooo freaking hillarious sooo funny, that was soo uninspected i didnt se that 1 comming about the priesy
YESS omg i literally have no words for this master piece, this has to be on eof the best animated fils ever.
I saw a bunch of nuns in the thumbnail and thought of Whoopi Goldberg's "Sister Act". I am not disappointed that I clicked on it.
Priests at their best.
Not sure about the funny of it. But then again everyone has their own giggle button.
Ok, very fun. Next one with Mahoma and Jadiya.
Excellent !!! Merci beaucoup pour ce très beau divertissement!
Les dessins/le graphisme sont fort sympas, l'histoire est courte mais originale et le doublage est de grande qualité! Très bon et très beau travail !!! :)
Je ne ferai "évidemment" aucun commentaire sur le prêtre... :p
Messie, Messie, William :
donne nous ton commentaire sur le curé ! 😁 😄 🤣
Oh wow!!! This was amazing!! Enjoyed it whole heartedly. Can’t wait to watch the rest of the channel!
Напомнило дракона из нашего советского мультика *«Три банана»,* который мечтал стать воробушком.
Всё правильно, *мечты нельзя предавать!*
Ибо, жизнь у нас одна.
П.С. Эх, жизнь моя жестянка!
А ну её в болото!
Живу я как поганка…
А мне летать,
А мне летать,
А мне летать охота!
- *Песня Водяного из мультфильма «Летучий корабль»*
Я неверующий человек, но за этот пасквиль создателям гореть в аду.
Ciekawe, że jesteś niewierzący, a w piekło wierzysz. Bóg Cię woła, braciszku :)
It' interesting you don't believe in God, but you believe in hell. God calls you, brother.
we need MORE of this !! if not a movie, then a weekly series.
Dios , Todopoderoso ..Perdona a quien haya hecho esta basura ...y Perdona también a esta gente que se siente sola ..que no van a tener el Consuelo de tu Amor , a la hora en que estén muriendo ..
señora, Dios es Misericordioso. Ama a todos TODOS sus hijos......porque si no fuera así no sería Dios.
@@soniabrasola5007 Aha, Bog voli svoje dijete koje Ga pljuje i ruga se s Njime... Voli on takvo dijete, ali dijete samo napušta očevu kuću i odlazi, prezire oca, ruga mu se, i? Što će otac učiniti... Trčati za njim? Neće, Sonia, neće... Žalit će za njim ali prepustit će ga drugome ocu.. ocu zla... Čovjek sam bira...
Soy Católica... Y esto me encantò! Los felicito 🎉😃😂🎉! Excelente historia! Kudos!
An intelligent catholic! Nice! 😊
@@helenaribeiro0225 😂😂
Vi ste katolik? Ne vjerujem.
Not too late to watch it today....I love it
Okay let me see if I can figure this out and nope just can't but hey I like it 👌 😊
This video was one of the most amazing clips that I saw in all of life. You made it man great...
This made my morning
Kolejny film z cyklu: Stwórz coś kontrowersyjnego, obrażającego katolików a zyskasz rozgłos. Spróbuj z muzułmanami jeśli taki odważny.
Miezsko S... Katolike može vrijeđati danas svatko... Ali je jedno uvrijediti čovjeka a drugo je uvrijediti Boga. Još samo malo, pa će biti plača i škrguta zubi... Ništa drugo nisam od Francuza ni očekivala...
@@leopoldam.6832 To prawda, dziś śmiech z kościoła, rodziny, wartości. A jutro... Ludźmi bez wartości łatwo się rządzi.
Hahaha happy people made this
¡¡¡Genial, genial , geeeeeenial!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍❤
Oh My GOD!🥇
What!! Silliest think I ever saw.
This would have been amazing if every single nun hadn't been cut and paste clones. Minor accessories could have made a world of difference.
I think the very depiction of every single nun being a clone ... Actually tells a huge story ... That's the point behind it ... How every one of them have no personality as such ... The one who was actually different looked different 😉
....I donno I think.....thats the point...actually
I enjoyed it 😁
Queda muy claro lo que hay en su corazon.
mola miraft pand midad
khodesh miraft kun midad!
Blasf Aime beaucoup !! Bravo...
the organ breakdown with the neon... just... yes
Heard a family member make concerned and weird noises from watching this, time to find out why.
I want the stuff the makers of this smoked. XD
As a Catholic, i find this insulting. Sorry, but God bless you
The idea of light-heartedness we get from here is actually somewhat we need to understand ... Respect , love and compassion which we learn from religion is truely possible only by acceptance ... I know i won't be able to convey my actual thought ... But I'd just say ... Calm down love ... Smile and be happy that's what the world really needs right now
Faith is one thing and institutionalised religion is another. They don't parody the faith. At least not the one that religious people should follow, anyway.
Simply, the best one.
Живут же люди) очень добрый и весёлый мультик спасибо!
Nostromo - добрый? а что там доброго?
@Наталья Хомченко на какой на ТАКОЙ, не надо пропагандировать идиализацию религии, это вас наполняет, потому вы и не поняли смысла, что под "святой" личиной скрывается истинная сущность. Быть открытым трансом лучше, чем лицемерным попом.
@@MilaVladmirova полностью поддерживаю!
...ok, probably a nitpick given the rest of this video, but I'm not entirely sure the creators knew what a monstrance (the gold thing they break) actually is or is used for.
I agree, as a Catholic I honestly found this short super disrespectful :(
yes, Gianna and Tomey... I agree with you both. This was ignorance coupled with disrespect. The Monstrance is the holiest of vessels in the Catholic Churches. It holds the presence of God in our midst which carries the source of all graces. It is only used at very special times and only for brief periods of time. Regrettably, God is more offended by this then we can even imagine to contemplate. There is the hope that these imaginative persons will do the right thing and now put out an equally rancorous five minutes about Beelzebub! It'd be only the fair thing to reparation.
Oh, grow up!
This was made as a satire to show that appearances can deceive you.
It's just a piece of metal!
Точно! Двойные стандарты. Показали, как есть.
Bloody Hilarious!! 10/10..ThankYou.. 🎬⭐👏🤣👍
I didn't see that comin'😂😂😂
La otra cara de la FE
Muy buen trabajo y buena crítica pero me sobra que baile sobre el copón o se ponga alguien en el centro de la custodia. És sano reirse de nosotros mismos pero atención cuando se ofende.
Ahora propondría, con ironía, si son capaces de hacer este excelente trabajo burlàndose de la religión musulmana... Entonces sí que sería para quitarse el sombrero.
Mi reflexión viene a decir que, a veces, somos muy atrevidos con los que sabemos que no nos pueden hacer nada, pero cobardes con los que te cortan el pescuezo por querer ejercer la libertad.
Súper de acuerdo! Una cosa es criticar a los abusadores del poder, otra cosa muy diferente es ridiculizar a una religión entera.
Toma ya! Muy buena reflexión. Pero bueno, se comienza con un paso y siempre es mejor asumir y reirse de los errores de uno antes que los del prójimo.
Falta de respeito com o Sacrário. 🤬
I agree; I wish before making these shorts the creators would have informed themselves about how important the monstrance is for us Catholics and how much it means... it's just very disrespectful :(
@@tomywalliamssmith2708 bravo.... 👍👍
priscilaferrari1... Istina...
When the least realistic parts are just the cartoon physics.
Ek number 🤗👍👍👍👍👌😇
Аллегория ,на нас легковерных делают деньги пугают смертными грехами ,а сами живут в своё удовольствие ,нами правят люди с двойной моралью извращенцы
Простите,но за ноги нас туда никто не тащит,однако. Как говорится-чего не хватает,тот тем себя и заполняет😊
А кто вам мешает начать изучать Библию, чтобы увидеть правду? В Библии описывается ложная мировая религия, которая названа Вавилоном великим и Бог вскоре уничтожит её без права на возвращение. Это будет очень скоро, об этом говорят исполняющиеся в наши дни признаки, записаные в Библии.
«И воскликнул он сильно, громким голосом говоря: пал, пал Вавилон, великая блудница, сделался жилищем бесов и пристанищем всякому нечистому духу, пристанищем всякой нечистой и отвратительной птице; ибо яростным вином блудодеяния своего она напоила все народы
За то в один день придут на нее казни, смерть и плач и голод, и будет сожжена огнем, потому что силен Господь Бог, судящий ее. И восплачут и возрыдают о ней цари земные, блудодействовавшие и роскошествовавшие с нею, когда увидят дым от пожара ее»
Откровение 18:2,8,9
@@ОльгаУ-н3щ К врачу !!!!!!
Можно узнать, на основании чего вы сделали такой вывод?
@@ОльгаУ-н3щ Нет нельзя. Врачебная этика не позволяет. Боюсь своими не осторожными высказываниями навредить вашему психическому здоровью. Обратитесь лучше к врачу психиатру по месту прописки. Будьте здоровы. Не болейте. Выздоравливайте быстрее. Мы с нетерпением вас все ждём тут - на просторах Ютуба.
Poate că e artă în ochii unora... pentru mine este bătaie de joc la adresa credinței mele🥺😞
That tall skinny nun was twerking.....OMG
It is surprising funny the characters that do not speak but make up for it with laughter
Uhhhhhhhhh YEP!!!!
never expected this. love it
A brilliant short animation film! Love it! Thank you!
3:57-4:12 if Aladdin were vaporwave
Falam tanto de se respeitar as diferentes crenças,opções sexuais, culturas... mas onde está o respeito à fé cristã católica de quem fez essa animação?
Congratulations! Great work! 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿✌🏿👍🏿👌🏿🤘🏿🤜🏿🤛🏿
Waw super film. Vous avez super bien taffer. La musique est super cool, le scénario juste trop drôle et le chara design est vraiment cool :3
It's New Years eve 2022 has just arrived..Happy New Year! 🎊🎉💥😘
Great and original
Que desgraciados como se atreven!!! Infelices!!!
Wow! Great!😁
So nice
The animation style is so gringe but i love it haha
🤣🙏🏿 loved it
True about West "church"?
Straszne, ludzie którzy to nagrali przekroczyli granicę przyzwoitości. Ale właśnie taka jest teraz Francja bez godności, przyzwoitości bez wiary. Śmiej się Francjo bo wyć będziesz w dniu swego upadku.
M-jak natura... Bravo, bravo.. Žalosno se je smijati sa crkvom bez granica pristojnosti i poštovanja prema važnom liturgijskom predmetu... Ružno.. Zar je ovo "umjetnost"?
You might be surprised how MUCH THE members of the church would enjoy the point of the picture. Idol worship is within each and every human...secret answer: the Meshiach is without judgment to our human unknowing to ourselves. We can not be perfect. The soul provides this 'call' to assemble 'within' each 'to hear' how missing the mark is easy to trip upon in a moment. Burden of judgment is the trap of projecting one's own unrealized shame of being human. Appearances are deceptive as is a human unto it SELF. Best to you, friend!
Uma forma muito cômica de desmascarar certas hipocrisias! Gostei!
I loved!!! I laughed a lot! Congratulations to all involved! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Thank you🤗
Totally amazing and surprisingly! I loved it!
The last performance did a great job🦹🦹😎😎
So nice!!!!!!