would have been so amazing if little Spike had gone into denial. screaming "no" like Kendall did...and all three Kane women trying to calm him down. it would have been a powerful scene. it was good for what it was...you could still feel Spike's heart break along with Kendall's, Bianca's, and Erica's.
Ryan: “Spike has serious star power!”
Erica: “well he gets that from me!”
Lmao 😂
would have been so amazing if little Spike had gone into denial. screaming "no" like Kendall did...and all three Kane women trying to calm him down. it would have been a powerful scene. it was good for what it was...you could still feel Spike's heart break along with Kendall's, Bianca's, and Erica's.
I love the Krystal to Erica props: "It's hard to be a mother sometimes."
yeehawofhatchie like Krystal would know lol