They really need to bring back The Strongest Man in History show. I'd love to see the crew go to Canada, Iceland, and Poland to talk about legendary feats of strength in those places.
@@scottandrewjohnmiddleton8676 You missed the joke. In the show "The Strongest Man In History", Nick Best used to mention it about 100 times an episode. That's the joke lol.
I can't explain how many times I've binged watched all the older videos of these 4 together so to see them all back together in these recent videos is amazing. Great to see the banter hasn't changed one bit 😁
Oh Eddie, this was so good. The head slap with the chalk had me in tears with laughter. Thank you. You and Brian are fantastic, I love the friendship and respect.
I love how competitive you and Brian are, you get the balance just right between having a laugh about it but being serious at the same time. Quality banter 👌🏻
I would love a Brian Shaw/Eddie hall podcast. These two have incredible chemistry. Edit: I know they did a podcast episode together. I’m talking about a podcast where they are both co-hosts. Most people didn’t need it spelled out but others are as smart as Eddie is hydrated.
This is absolutely wonderful seeing you guys together again. Eddie breaking balls. Brian always straight faced. Nick and Robert always laughing. Great watching you guys. Wish you all the best each of you.
Dudeeee. Your guys show was awesome and I was hoping to see you all together again. One of the only shows I would actually get home and be excited to watch as soon as it dropped. You guys are some bad ass, cool dudes. Keep doing what yall are doing, wish you guys nothing but success.
As much as I laughed nearly all the way through, what I love the most is how it’s so obvious that we have 4 guys here who really do think the world of each other, friends for life. And absolute hats off to nick, for the ‘older guy’, he’s in great shape and always gives 110%. Great vid guys. ✊🏻🤟🏻
Seeing Brian’s evolution in these videos from being completely shy and almost seeming afraid to get physical because he’ll break someone, to him just casually smacking Eddie in the intro is real character development and I’m all about it
Seeing Eddie walk around with Brian Shaw's ghost hand prints on his side for half the video had me in stitches. He even wore it in the grip video after this. Truly legendary. These 4 are comedy gold.
Brians gym is awesome, insane for a home/private one! Had to do a double take lmao you look way younger & completely different without the beard ect. Keep Killin' it guys, awesome video!
@@mayssm yeah it definitely is especially the more popular/chain gyms. His & Jujis are probably the best set up, biggest & have the most variety of machines, dumbbells ect I've seen anyone post or show. He did a really great job setting it up.
How’s it going Eddie, Brian, Robert and Nick? Always love seeing you guys together. Maybe you all could work on doing a channel together. I think it would be really successful!! People just love seeing you guys competing and just hanging out and having a good time. That’s how it should be. Thank you very much to all of you for sharing your time . Take care, stay safe and healthy.
It's so refreshing to behold the camaraderie of these amazing athletes. Everything they do is a competition laced with good-natured humor. Kudos to you guys!
When they are alone: Smart, mature, sophisticated men who know what they do The four together: "We have to share two braincells between us and we will constantly battle for them" Love it
Man can you imagine, hanging out all day and just lifting with your mates (and getting paid for it). You guys have made it, truly. Ps all that back gear in Brian’s gym looks so good.
I love seeing the crew back together. It’s like avengers reuniting.
But with flatulence! 🤣👍
More like the retired avengers reuniting.
The Expendables
Yeah- Avengers.....but like with -50 poise.....but that might not be a bad thing.
They really need to bring back The Strongest Man in History show. I'd love to see the crew go to Canada, Iceland, and Poland to talk about legendary feats of strength in those places.
To think that Nick is leveling up to 55 and still be able to keep up with the boys is so damn impressive!
Yeah the guy must be on some good sauce.
Did you know that he holds the world record in the shield carry?
@@Vladpryde that sort of strength comes with age and genuine hard work look at Mark Felix's grip strength their amazing
@@scottandrewjohnmiddleton8676 why waa he having trouble bending?? Also why'd Eddie shave?
@@scottandrewjohnmiddleton8676 You missed the joke. In the show "The Strongest Man In History", Nick Best used to mention it about 100 times an episode. That's the joke lol.
It's like a family reunion.. 😆 🤣
More like a school trip 😂
I thought that 😂
I can't explain how many times I've binged watched all the older videos of these 4 together so to see them all back together in these recent videos is amazing. Great to see the banter hasn't changed one bit 😁
Good to see Brian and nick not come this close to gearing knocked out by medicine balls
Where are those videos who’s channel ?
@@nathanielmg_ just search for Brian Shaw Nick Best Robert Oberst Eddie Hall into TH-cam, it should bring up their older videos.
This makes me miss History’s Strongest Man so much. Was such a fun show and great to see you all together!
Listen to the Giants Live Podcast, Eddie teased another season 😉
Let’s hope another series coming up soon!!!
Agreed, these four are a great mix
Same!! We need another season! Even if it's just them on TH-cam and not with the history Channel
I do think that's mainly why Eddie is looking like hes getting a bit bulkier to try do well in the strongman series
Nick Best at 54 still a machine.
He is robot?
The genuine affection these guys have for one another is great to see.
8:28 Eddie casually inducting Brian into the Uruk-Hai. Christopher Lee would be proud.
Robert and Eddie behaved properly for two whole minutes...😂
That's a world record🤣🤣
@@jordancardona9221 a record of the world
dead you heare of the world record?
Gather round...
That's exactly what I was thinking too..
Oh Eddie, this was so good. The head slap with the chalk had me in tears with laughter. Thank you. You and Brian are fantastic, I love the friendship and respect.
I love how competitive you and Brian are, you get the balance just right between having a laugh about it but being serious at the same time. Quality banter 👌🏻
Makes the other push harder! Absolutely great and necessary! Keep pushing each other! Cheers!
Lmao Brian's a beast and Eddie's a stumpy little twat though 😂
I've been waiting forever for all 4 to get back together and hang out. Nothing but smiles the whole time and Brian's hand print size is comical 🤣
Bro Those hand prints look like Grizzly Paws.....
I would love a Brian Shaw/Eddie hall podcast. These two have incredible chemistry.
Edit: I know they did a podcast episode together. I’m talking about a podcast where they are both co-hosts. Most people didn’t need it spelled out but others are as smart as Eddie is hydrated.
I would listen to that all the time if there was one
I mean brian did one yesterday
On Brian's podcast channel they actually did a 2-hour and 13 minute one.
Well good timing for you
Checkout Shawstrength Podcast channel on TH-cam
Love seeing this group back together. Just amazing. Also Nick just blows my mind. Brothas a legend.
Its so good to see these 4 training together again... Special kind of entertainment :D
Brian and Robert made all those look easy. Smooth controlled movements
Eddie should make a shirt with those handprints in it. They actually look kind of cool. "Beast: Shaw Hug Edition"
Those legs flying is hilarious 😂....I love that lift.
God it's awesome seeing these four hoursemen of Strongman back together again.
This is absolutely wonderful seeing you guys together again. Eddie breaking balls. Brian always straight faced. Nick and Robert always laughing. Great watching you guys. Wish you all the best each of you.
The Strongest Men r back u know this will be Entertaining.
Dudeeee. Your guys show was awesome and I was hoping to see you all together again. One of the only shows I would actually get home and be excited to watch as soon as it dropped. You guys are some bad ass, cool dudes. Keep doing what yall are doing, wish you guys nothing but success.
Heavy weights and cheeky banter. Good times
I’m so happy to see the guys back together. This is what the world needs
Amigo, you all are serious heros to alot of people through out the world. I love seeing you four together.
I LOVE the "huge hands" chalked on Eddies waist as he begins pulldowns
The reunion we wanted and deserved 💜
Eddie and Brian are by far the most entertaining strongman duo on the scene, if these guys did a podcast it would slap
They do, u should check it out
The 4 of you together should be a regular tv show.
I just love how on 2nd day all crew of strongman is together. This meet up is too wholesome this made my day.
honestly the most fun I have had watching eddy and the guys just being boys in the gym, brings back memories of my own
Love the fact that even though they would be rivals when competing they help and encourage one another while training together brilliant stuff
This is my absolute favorite combination of Athletes ever period! Amazing chemistry between these men!
As much as I laughed nearly all the way through, what I love the most is how it’s so obvious that we have 4 guys here who really do think the world of each other, friends for life. And absolute hats off to nick, for the ‘older guy’, he’s in great shape and always gives 110%.
Great vid guys. ✊🏻🤟🏻
@Miki Miyazaki Looks around the room, notes the only hate in the room. Looks back at Miki...
@Miki Miyazaki thats awesome man
I love seeing these guys back together
Seeing Brian’s evolution in these videos from being completely shy and almost seeming afraid to get physical because he’ll break someone, to him just casually smacking Eddie in the intro is real character development and I’m all about it
Brian always has that nuke... "How many title you won???" And BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM hush in the crowd! :)
you can tell these guys love each other in how they argue over stuff and playing around so much.
Seeing you guys together makes me so emotional. I love you guys, best wishes, here's to the future.
"so he's allowed to blow you but in a different direction" Oberst kills me LOL
Seeing Eddie walk around with Brian Shaw's ghost hand prints on his side for half the video had me in stitches. He even wore it in the grip video after this. Truly legendary. These 4 are comedy gold.
That explains why he had them in the first place in that video, I was thinking no way he'd pat himself like that 😂
Those "Seal rows" are amazing! Use to do them back in the days when I could train.
LOve the chemistry with Brian Eddie and Robert it just cannot be repeated...boys time for a mega meal outting again..
I just want to give Nick a big hug
Like the old days 😍
4:00 skillet in the background I approve!
I love that Obie and Nick Best made the trip to Colorado to meet up with Eddie
Eddie and Robert have both slimmed out a bit. Haven't watched they're vids in awhile. Love the colabs with you 4
The 4 OG's back together
We need a new season of the strongest man in history. You guys have great chemistry on TV
aah the quartet is back together, there is peace once again in my world
Eddie is funny as hell and when ever him and Brian are together,its comedy gold.Seriously guys,you need way more videos together.
Nick's face when they started arguing was hilarious 😂. That's the face of a dad breaking up his Three toddlers start misbehaving 😅
Soooo many memories, I missed the shenanigans by these guys
This just goes to p[rove no matter how big and strong you are, youll always be a kid with you best mates. Love you guys all together again!
Brians gym is awesome, insane for a home/private one! Had to do a double take lmao you look way younger & completely different without the beard ect. Keep Killin' it guys, awesome video!
It's better than a lot of public gyms, for sure.
@@mayssm yeah it definitely is especially the more popular/chain gyms. His & Jujis are probably the best set up, biggest & have the most variety of machines, dumbbells ect I've seen anyone post or show. He did a really great job setting it up.
That wiad laydown bench brian has looks great ive never see 1 like that
These guys are actually better to watch than the actual WSM. Now, the boys are really back in town!👍
The boys are back in town.
The chemistry between these 4 giants is amazing 🤣 when ever i feel bad i watch this and is feel good 🤣
The 4 Horseman. LOVE you guys together!!!!!!!!
How’s it going Eddie, Brian, Robert and Nick? Always love seeing you guys together. Maybe you all could work on doing a channel together. I think it would be really successful!! People just love seeing you guys competing and just hanging out and having a good time. That’s how it should be. Thank you very much to all of you for sharing your time . Take care, stay safe and healthy.
Brian and Eddie are brothers brother ,just on different sides of the pond!💪💪💪💯👌👍💪💪💪🔥🔥👏👊
These 4 together is the exact kind of chaos that I crave 😂
Happy and fun to watch all these 4 together
good to see the crew back 100%
Just love watching those big babies having fun. You four have an amazing presence when you are messing around and having fun. Always be that way!
You and Brian together are hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing at you looking like you were being hugged from behind by a ghost 🤣 😂
I knew I was in for a treat when I saw these four working out together😂😂
It's so refreshing to behold the camaraderie of these amazing athletes. Everything they do is a competition laced with good-natured humor. Kudos to you guys!
“so gym etiquette he’s allowed to burp you but not allowed to blow you?” absolutely killed me
Love the banter between these guys
When they are alone: Smart, mature, sophisticated men who know what they do
The four together: "We have to share two braincells between us and we will constantly battle for them"
Love it
Eddie, you should make a special edition Beast shirt with Brian's handprints on the side. Love when you guys get together. It's been a long time.
watching four giant men behave like kids is what i'm here for
When these amazing guys comes together i cant stop watching, their banther are just fckin awesome
You don’t realize how massive these guys are absolutely beasts 💪
Unitl you see a regular sized person with them
They are 400 plus pound guys.
Absolute units.
@@jon9394 units I agree ☝️ true friends family
Eddie’s black t-shirt with Brian’s giant white paw print on it should be their next merchandise design!
We needed this! I miss the history show. On another note Nick got bigger!
The banter is brilliant.
Tbh... They are basically giant kids... Always fun to watch..
The chalk handprints got me. Thanks for leaving that in.
Love this shit!!!! Brian be making these men look short haha 😂
When these guys are together its pure gold. Thank you guys for sharing it!
It's like the biggest todlers in the world having a workout love it 🤣🤣
6:19 "so..okey" 🤣🤣
Man can you imagine, hanging out all day and just lifting with your mates (and getting paid for it). You guys have made it, truly. Ps all that back gear in Brian’s gym looks so good.
You're a "Fake texmeontelegrameddiehallt5754
It's still a very hard job compared to onlyfans girls who post pictures of themselves and get paid more than these strongmen
@@Mahdi_Amine what’s only fans 😏
I loved their show so much, hope they can keep meeting up like this. They’ve got such a great dynamic together
The question I have is.... did you guys all link up because you're filming a new series? And if not then why not? 😂
“We never would’ve lost if the couch played me” so great
so cool that Brian, Eddie and Robert got to lift with Thanos.
Eddie isn't eddie without the beard !
I love to watch all them together again
No-beard Eddie looks like Weeman from Jackass 😂
So glad to see them 4 together again! Always very extra entertaining when they are together!
You four are the best I just can’t stop watching yours and Eddie’s videos there all great
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved
Believe in yourself first.
I love seeing you all together, especially the comedy team of Hall, Shaw and Oberst . . .Priceless!