Don't worry, I get notified of all your videos! :) I checked and TH-cam hasn't missed a single one in a year (about the time I've been subscribed). I quite cherish the bell system - it means I can be subscribed to channels but only be notified occasionally, or for every video (like I am for yours). And then some channels I have set to never being notified, because I've grown tired of their brand for a bit - but the TH-cam algorithm will still suggests them in the related videos. I'll also occasionally go through my subscription list and re-bell the people I've missed. Which means once in a while, I get to fall in love again. It's more elegant than having to unsubscribe altogether, after which the algorithm only rarely recommends that channel again, or I forget what it's called. It's a bit more finicky than the yes/no system they had before, no doubt. But I think I would be subscribed to way less channels if I had to be notified of every single video on every single one. Some channels post every day, and it gets to be a bit much. I do think the standard bell setting should be full notification! For people who don't want to fuss with it.
You sir, are brilliant! I am still scratching my head on how to make a copy lathe but in a smaller format. But I am glad I found your videos! Thank you. Liked and Subbed!!
I love this project you put together with your wonderful gift of seeing how to make things work out of something simple like the pipes for a copy of a lathe! Now I am quite excited about your next video on what you are making and sharing your talent with us! You both have a wonderful day and keep up the good work on your channel and videos!👍❤️
Hello friends. let us be grateful to our friend who posted this video sharing knowledge. It doesn't cost anything to like and make a simple comment. It is the least we can do in gratitude for his work. thank you!
Cool video! I’d like to see more frequent videos of your nice farm animals, cooking and everyday life hehe. I love your guys’ lifestyle and storybook style speaking. Thanks for making videos and sharing with us! God bless.
Mega courage makes a megacopy attachment maybe less courage needed for this than for the bandsaw but your are to be admired. They should turn you into a tv program! Maybe call it “Don’t do this at home”
Perfect, I like the approach. I´m a little curious if the force on the router and the router bit at start time is a bit too much, because the work piece is uneven shaped. But I saw the Kress router does a good job. Well done, thanks for sharing.
if i remember right you had a nice cnc like mine.... you can get a very cheap 4th/5th axis aka lath attachment for you mill for $300 all day long.. and its precision
You mean my x-carve? I really like it but it really wouldn't be able to cope with this sort of job. Plus, the gantry is too low and the z-axis doesn't have the stroke I'd need.
Water Lines, seems to be this, defined by Inside Diameter... and by wall thickness, length thereafter. Your little threaded rod piece, was not far from any backyard leadscrew. I used a Coupling Nut ... affixed under the table... then only a locknut, ... a regular nut, and a simple crankhandle to turn it.... the coupling nut removes much backlash as normal nut would give.
Hi sir, magnific work👍👍. I would suggest if you are using the router you maybe will see a better result if you start from the rigth site to the left site. You won't stress the cutter and also the cutter would be more accurate.
Just a question about bee's, would it work if I was to join brood boxes laterally with a piece of pipe and then stack boxes on top joining them laterally with pipe as to have a "twin tower" type of hive or even many towers joined via pipe? Just seeking your advice as you are the master.👍 I am a new beekeeper, and am in it for the bees.😀🐝
You could do that, Simon, and the bees would probably deal with it, but they really want to have their brood area in the middle of their nest, for warmth, surrounded by stores. If the only place they can expand to is through a pipe then that might lead to all sorts of problems for them in cold/hot weather. They might not bother either - just decide to swarm so they can expand that way instead. It's all interesting though - give it a go and see what happens..
My understanding of pipe sizes is they started by having outer diameters that were simple inch based values. The inside diameter was the result of the manufacturing process (I'm a bit fuzzy on this part). Then, as metallurgy improved, a pipe with thinner wall could carry the same pressure, so hey kept the oddball inside diameter, to be compatible with old pipes and reduced the outer diameter. The result is pipes that don't have any dimensions that match their "nominal" diameter.
"... so I had to stop and make one of those first …" Well of course you had to! You wouldn't b e the Tim we all know & love if you could resist making one.
Ah-ha! Plain bearings. But what are bushings then? I measured the I.D. (obviously! do I look that stupid?) and am still baffled. Perhaps you have different pipes?
@@WayOutWestx2 so the bore diameter is not 1 inch?, A bushing is when a sort of 'shell' is inserted between the two 'bearing' surfaces (like those 'oilite' bushes you can buy, two things rubbing together without something designed to reduce friction between is a 'plain' bearing (congratulations you have made several excellent plain bearings with your anomalously sized tubes!)
Ha - you're right but I gave up crying about rust years ago. There's so much rain and salt in the air here it's everywhere. No amount of grease helps. We're all quickly returning to the soil : - )
This is just getting ridiculous. We are bound to have SOME similar hobbies but two channels and one specific tool later I think you are spying on me, from the past...
Oh mahhn, I am retiring soon heck of the soon the money is going to get me hole lot of juice drink and laugh my guts out idk it's the accent, projects, ideas you plant instead of my juice money .. ..get lost
A wonderful example of ingenuity in action!
The wing nut limiter was a brilliant idea.
If there was ever a mad professor , in the nicest possible way 👍👍👍
Haha..I can totally see what u meant..
Don't worry, I get notified of all your videos! :) I checked and TH-cam hasn't missed a single one in a year (about the time I've been subscribed).
I quite cherish the bell system - it means I can be subscribed to channels but only be notified occasionally, or for every video (like I am for yours). And then some channels I have set to never being notified, because I've grown tired of their brand for a bit - but the TH-cam algorithm will still suggests them in the related videos. I'll also occasionally go through my subscription list and re-bell the people I've missed. Which means once in a while, I get to fall in love again. It's more elegant than having to unsubscribe altogether, after which the algorithm only rarely recommends that channel again, or I forget what it's called.
It's a bit more finicky than the yes/no system they had before, no doubt. But I think I would be subscribed to way less channels if I had to be notified of every single video on every single one. Some channels post every day, and it gets to be a bit much.
I do think the standard bell setting should be full notification! For people who don't want to fuss with it.
Couldn’t have said it better...
These videos are criminally underwatched / underliked :-(
They are easily on par, if not better than a lot of the 'trendy' channels.
You sir, are brilliant! I am still scratching my head on how to make a copy lathe but in a smaller format. But I am glad I found your videos! Thank you. Liked and Subbed!!
I love this project you put together with your wonderful gift of seeing how to make things work out of something simple like the pipes for a copy of a lathe! Now I am quite excited about your next video on what you are making and sharing your talent with us! You both have a wonderful day and keep up the good work on your channel and videos!👍❤️
Thanks, Mae : - )
The material you use to make your copy jig was very ingenious.
I was not receiving ur latest updates for quite some time, I don't know why! But today all-of-the sudden I got it now and very much happy.
Can't wait...I still think your panel saw is pure genius.
Kudos for another brilliant and practical project.
love the simplicity
Pretty darn kool that contraption is !!!!!
Hello friends. let us be grateful to our friend who posted this video sharing knowledge. It doesn't cost anything to like and make a simple comment. It is the least we can do in gratitude for his work. thank you!
Cool video! I’d like to see more frequent videos of your nice farm animals, cooking and everyday life hehe. I love your guys’ lifestyle and storybook style speaking. Thanks for making videos and sharing with us! God bless.
I get excited to play the button everytime i get notified that you have new upload video
❤ from philippines❤
Can’t wait for the new stable building videos/updates to comeee.
Clever as always. I don't doubt that you could figure out a way to get to the moon if you put your mind to it! Thanks for sharing.
Mega courage makes a megacopy attachment maybe less courage needed for this than for the bandsaw but your are to be admired. They should turn you into a tv program! Maybe call it “Don’t do this at home”
We love your wonderful creative projects! It makes me want to drag out my lathe and make something! Maybe later this spring.
You are a genius Tim ....great
i have never touched the bell notification thingy and all of the videos i'm subscribed to come through on my subscriptions feed.
Interesting. How TH-cam works remains a complete mystery..
@@WayOutWestx2 it is probably even a mystery to the people who run it, that is the fairest explanation i can think of.
Absolutely brilliant - as usual.
The suspense! Where would be without the people that go, I wonder what happens if...
Love these simple farm smart engineering videos. :)
Tim, you are such a tease!
What a great teaser for your secret project! :)
Hello! Will you use it to continue building the doughnut machine? I hope so!!!
That is bloody clever
Ingenious as always Tim, awesome :)
Great job again Tim thanks
Perfect, I like the approach. I´m a little curious if the force on the router and the router bit at start time is a bit too much, because the work piece is uneven shaped. But I saw the Kress router does a good job. Well done, thanks for sharing.
Enjoyed and gave a Thumbs Up also
Interesting method Tim!
Very nice
That’s pretty cool!
Pragmatic! May I ask for the measurements of copier, approx ok. Irealize I'll need to adapt to mine. Thx
I used 1" pipe and it's about 4' long. Best of luck!
if i remember right you had a nice cnc like mine.... you can get a very cheap 4th/5th axis aka lath attachment for you mill for $300 all day long.. and its precision
You mean my x-carve? I really like it but it really wouldn't be able to cope with this sort of job. Plus, the gantry is too low and the z-axis doesn't have the stroke I'd need.
Thanks for the video.
You, sir, are a genius. May I ask what your "guitar machines" might be?
Are you making wooden notification bells with the lathe? 🤔
Water Lines, seems to be this, defined by Inside Diameter... and by wall thickness, length thereafter.
Your little threaded rod piece, was not far from any backyard leadscrew.
I used a Coupling Nut ... affixed under the table... then only a locknut, ... a regular nut, and a simple crankhandle to turn it.... the coupling nut removes much backlash as normal nut would give.
You Sir..are a genius! New sub :-)
Hi sir, magnific work👍👍. I would suggest if you are using the router you maybe will see a better result if you start from the rigth site to the left site. You won't stress the cutter and also the cutter would be more accurate.
Thanks, Jorge. I tried both directions - and found it was much more likely to catch going the other way
Just a question about bee's, would it work if I was to join brood boxes laterally with a piece of pipe and then stack boxes on top joining them laterally with pipe as to have a "twin tower" type of hive or even many towers joined via pipe? Just seeking your advice as you are the master.👍 I am a new beekeeper, and am in it for the bees.😀🐝
You could do that, Simon, and the bees would probably deal with it, but they really want to have their brood area in the middle of their nest, for warmth, surrounded by stores. If the only place they can expand to is through a pipe then that might lead to all sorts of problems for them in cold/hot weather. They might not bother either - just decide to swarm so they can expand that way instead. It's all interesting though - give it a go and see what happens..
I value your advice, thank you, I will be experimenting with a few different shaped hives, I will let you know how it goes.🐝
Tim seriously when do I get to meet you! You’re an inspiration
My understanding of pipe sizes is they started by having outer diameters that were simple inch based values. The inside diameter was the result of the manufacturing process (I'm a bit fuzzy on this part). Then, as metallurgy improved, a pipe with thinner wall could carry the same pressure, so hey kept the oddball inside diameter, to be compatible with old pipes and reduced the outer diameter. The result is pipes that don't have any dimensions that match their "nominal" diameter.
Thanks, David, that all makes sense.
which is the followup to this?
"... so I had to stop and make one of those first …"
Well of course you had to! You wouldn't b e the Tim we all know & love if you could resist making one.
Those are ‘plain bearings’ you have made, and try measuring the tube ‘bore diameter’ in order to find your 1” measurement!
Ah-ha! Plain bearings. But what are bushings then?
I measured the I.D. (obviously! do I look that stupid?) and am still baffled. Perhaps you have different pipes?
@@WayOutWestx2 so the bore diameter is not 1 inch?, A bushing is when a sort of 'shell' is inserted between the two 'bearing' surfaces (like those 'oilite' bushes you can buy, two things rubbing together without something designed to reduce friction between is a 'plain' bearing (congratulations you have made several excellent plain bearings with your anomalously sized tubes!)
Thanks, Pat. I'm getting the hang of the terminolgy slowly..
I.D. varies from 26.5mm to 27.5mm approx. (25.4 mm = 1")
Way Out West Blow-in blog so! Nominally 1” wouldn’t have mattered on the plumbing of the Titanic!
Jeez! They built the Lusitania on that lathe! Its insured against fire, theft and red indian raids!
Feck TH-cam. I always go looking for your videos .but I understand you frustration and them not notifying people. 😐
Tim, I love you but seeing that lathe with all that rust just hurts me!
I really hope most of that is just wood dust.
Ha - you're right but I gave up crying about rust years ago. There's so much rain and salt in the air here it's everywhere. No amount of grease helps. We're all quickly returning to the soil : - )
rust is just nature's way of recycling, dust to dust as they say. there's a poetic beauty in the inevitable decay of all things.
one day the FBI will take you tim and clone you if you ever go missing i will know why but before i die i must shake your hand you are a clever man
If you measure the inside diameter of the pipe you will find it to be 1".
Ha! Do you think I hadn't thought of that, Will? (It isn't an inch, btw.)
+ 149) Класс!
Check out mine
This is just getting ridiculous. We are bound to have SOME similar hobbies but two channels and one specific tool later I think you are spying on me, from the past...
Oh mahhn, I am retiring soon heck of the soon the money is going to get me hole lot of juice drink and laugh my guts out idk it's the accent, projects, ideas you plant instead of my juice money .. ..get lost