I guess you have never read ACTS chapter 2 when the apostles received the HOLY SPIRIT they began speaking in tongues. It is enumareted the different languages . How can you say if someone speaks in different languages is devil posessed? Do not scribe to the devil the work of the HOLY SPIRITs.
Allah yykatter minn amthélak ya abouna.énta ne3meh la lebnen
Thank you Father for your encouragement and inspiration, and thanks for uploading this beautiful and valuable talk. God bless!
صليلنا يا ابونا الي ولولادي ولعائلتي محتاجة لصلاتك ابونا الله يوفق العفو بلا تعلم يا ابونا بس فعلا كلامك مليون بل مية صحيح
thx a lot for uploadingggg soO beautifullllllllll
الله يكتر من امثالك يا ابونا ، ويقويك سيدنا المسيح
Beautiful in both parts...
الله يخليك النا يا ابونا عن جد كلامك نور ينور عقول الناس انا نفس منطقك انو في ارواح شريرة او في شيطان موجود حقيقي بيكذبوني
🙏❤️🙏❤️ الرب يقدسكم
What is metigoria or wher is.
I guess you have never read ACTS chapter 2 when the apostles received the HOLY SPIRIT they began speaking in tongues. It is enumareted the different languages .
How can you say if someone speaks in different languages is devil posessed?
Do not scribe to the devil the work of the HOLY SPIRITs.