@@nihatzeynalov1016 NATO easily. The Chinese navy as a Ocean power did not exist back then and the North Koreans would be destroyed. India as well. NATO was and is insanely powerful. The should be able to win any war at sea.
so keep in mind. america has always been the bully(agressor) and built their military to intimidate and steel others resources.. russia has always needed to protect itself from such this bully
Yeah. It's just switching really fast between 2 positions. You could do this on adobe animate easily once someone tells you. But it's still a good video.
I'm actually going to write a story where earth gets invaded by alternative timeline US where the the war on terror goes on pretty much perfectly for the US and the military is better off because of it and can seriously take over our world.
Mudit Singh First, with better tech, China would break through Indian positions. Second, the PLA will be able to pass Pakistan. Third, China has got military bases in Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
BEST IN THE WORLD, they didn't have any for some time after japan. Britain would've fallen pretty fast, and without it western part of USSR would be out of US reach
ZRB BG They would bombard the soveit supply line which would make the red army in bad situation yes it was big forces yet it had a time and the supply would be needed But i believe in matter of no nuclear bomb soveit union would have crushed western europe they had the best WW2 tank and their airforce was big and good and in germany soveit union had millions of troops maybe would be little bigger than western forces which already exhusted and was 4,500,000 Soveits had 6,500,000 So yeah the soveits would have won But i don't think russia now would win Nato is very powerful
this is a probably irrelevant note, but I find it interesting how the different strengths of each alliance were reflected in their names. I.e., the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organisation, named after a world ocean rather than any location, vs. the WARSAW Pact, named after a landlocked, flatland, often-contested city
Who else has played World In Conflict and thought "how the fuck do the Soviets manage to invade the contiguous United States and supply that invasion army, and what the hell are the US, Canadian and Japanese navies doing?". This video just reinforces that plot hole.
If the Russians had invaded Washington state, they would have taken one taste of their bland food, gotten back on the ships, and gone home. I swear I had a chicken sandwich there where the lettuce was the most flavorful ingredient.
stoat2 yeah it would be, www.google.com.hk/amp/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/12/britains-new-aircraft-carrier-will-go-straight-bottom-ocean/amp/ Japan sank the last Prince of Wales aircraft carrier to the bottom of the ocean, here comes the new one, sink it again
winters major Prince of Whales was a battleship though, not an aircraft carrier. And it was pretty stupid on the British’s part to send a battleship group without air cover to attack a Japanese carrier group.
For anyone who likes this era of military history, I totally recommend "The War That Never Was" by Michael Palmer. It does a great job going into depth about a hypothetical late-80's World War, and doesn't fall into the trap that a lot of other books do where Central Europe is left the sole focus. It covers the fighting and diplomacy taking place in Korea, Cuba, Scandinavia, Greece, North Africa, the Indian Ocean and elsewhere; in fact spending very little time in Germany.
Derek Burge no, if it did he would just say that the US owned the ocean and that the Russians would be safer if they just sunk their own ships and launched cruise missiles at their own ports
While plausible they would have to go through Canada, which would give the US enough time to prepare their defenses. And as mentioned before, they would have most of their army busy in Europe.
This one is a big question mark. Neither side would be able to fight effectively with their most advanced weaponry due to the Himalayas so both would be bashing light infantry against each other in the mountains for a while. Neither side has a significant advantage in such terrain. Even Helicopters would have trouble operating in such terrain due to the altitude. As far as mountain warfare goes India has it's Gurkha regiments and other mountain infantry who are highly skilled at this type of warfare. China's capability in this regard is uncertain. Could be good or bad I do not know and the PLA probably won't tell either way. Regardless though neither side will be able to defeat the other without flanking around the Himalayas through neutral territory.
Joseph Ahner yep indian Itbp , kumaon regiment , hundreads of jets and thousands of tanks,garuda ,ahir regiments are trained for only one task in north and it is possible invasion of india by china .china can win but they have to send at least half of their army which is not possible at least for first few month.we have upper height advantage on mountains so for every one indian there will be three dead chinese only real threat to india is not from mountains but from sea chinese navy is fucking big we are very well train and do exersie with almost evey country every year but china out gun us by 1 to 4 .
I always find it quite curious how the soviet union despite being enormous is still completely boned when it comes to geography. Not a single ice free harbor, and pretty no way for their fleet to leave for the open seas without getting in some choke point. On the land there is just a massive plain from Moscow to almost the Atlantic which is super hard to defend. Russian dokrine has always been getting as much land as possible to have a buffer for the vulnerable heartland. That's why they react to allergic to NATO closing in on their borders
A shame too, nato was pretty obvious in that they thought war itself was over considering the post 1991 defense spending (*Germany*) had they just got along with people there’d be no problem, but they don’t want peace
Probably South korea. Japan's military power is restrained ever since after WW2, south korea has been fighting alot and even had a technologically advanced weapons made by samsung and the rest. Japan's potential is totally ruined but they have the opportunity to regrow their Military. And most of all, do you think Japan's frontline is as good as South korea? No, south korea has been Maintaining a DM zone.
Chaos Craft999 The question here is who is attacking who. If Japan is trying to conquer Korea than i think south korea would win. But south korea can also not conquer Japan. South korea has the advantage on the land, but Japan has the far better navy and air force. So in a conflict without invasion or something i say japan will win cause better air force and navy.
вампир кобато Japan + South Korea v NorthKorea. But only North Korea has nuclear bomb. One nuclear bomb to Mount Fuji should be able to sink the whole Japan, according to the allies in WWII(they actually planned this)
Just a suggestion before I continue to watch the video. I'd think it'd be a good idea to show what would happen if this was set in 1945 or 1946 just after the WWII (coinciding with Churchills Operation Unthinkable)
Mudit Singh No. India, Pakistan and the UK would do absolutely nothing against the EU, even less to a mobilized EU. Britain would get invaded in a heartbeat and India and Pakistan would never be capable of shipping an invasion force to European soil, and even if you did, European armies are way stronger in every aspect and would kick you out. The war would just be naval and conducted around Africa most likely, which the EU also eventually would win because of our superior industry and potential for arms producing.
Carlito's Beard The combined EU airforce and navy would very quickly neutralize your islands, and considering a lot of your troops are stationed elsewhere aswell as you not even having the most numerous army in the EU, you would get pounded.
Watched a docu years ago about the Soviet sub force.. Some soviet admiral worked for years to upgrade his force as best he could, always wanted to see this.
Shivansh 2018 Nautiyal Myanmar's military is weak. Think about it, why did they fight the inner war for so long? Because the central government is weak.
Chile would win in about 15 minutes, that's about how long the Argentinean equipment would last before sustaining catastrophic failure due to decades with proper maintenance.
The logic applied in this video would suggest that the US- an Royal navies would be restricted to defensive operations throughout the second world war. Just like in that war, the NATO forces would have a industrial advantage over the soviet union, particualarly when it comes to naval industry. The losses taken by the NATO forcess would be far easier replaced than the lossen on the Warsaw pact side. If we are talking about multi-year conflict the NATO forcess would probably eventually be able to organize a large scale landing on Soviet home soil due to the naval and air superiority achieved in the years before.
Jorrit Polder Naval superiority was not important thing, because landing on Soviet teritory was imposible, like it is imposible today to land in China for example. And air superiority, over Soviet teritory ???? In Vietnam US lost 5 000 aircrafts, and Soviet air force and air defense was 10 times more numerous and modern than Vietnam. So there would not be air superiority.
Simon Simonović Any army is, and NATO probably will have air superiority, as they have a combined air force much bigger and more advanced than that of the Warsaw Pact, as well as plenty of air bases to operate from in a vast amount of countries.
Jorrit Polder Air superiority, Soviet Union was not Germany in 1944 or 1945. They had very big number of anti aircraft systems, and thousand's of fighters. Air superiority over Wasrsaw pact was possible, but losses would be extreamly big. J said in Vietnam Americans lost 5 000 aircrafts, and in Soviet Union, they would lose like 50 000
Simon Simonović As NATO air forces are more numerous and advanced than those of the warsaw pact, the warsaw pact losses would propably be higher, although it all depends on the scenario, who is attacking who? But still, NATO air forces are probably more capable of taking their losses, as the military industrial capacity of these countries is quite overwhelming.
French has the bomb, end of story. And french have soldiers which fight with real weapon, no woodstick: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/11420627/German-army-used-broomsticks-instead-of-guns-during-training.html
Neither would really be able to win. Front is super short in extremly difficult terrain with their whole militaries focused on the defense of those rergions. I mean, if we assume a 1:1 casualty rate, then I guess Austria would win, but that would not really ba a win for them either......Basically, whoever attacks gets destroyed by the other side easily.
X1 Gen KaneshiroX no outside country would supply arms to india, india will surrender immediately since their indigenous military industry is non-exist. Every signle *usable* weapon they have are imported, they make weapons too, but none are usable in anyway
winters major Yeah we hate Muslims but there is nothing like discrimination..They get more than Hindu ..Khangress(Congress) which ruled for 60 years was pro Muslims as these retards give vote on basis of religion ...Now the gov is in hands of Hindu extremist ..Modi is going throwing 10 million illegal Bangladeshi Muslims from Assam..😎
InfiniteMushroom Columbia can't do that for there is no tanks to it but now venezuela can't do nothing at all how they will fightvif their people is starving and fleeing venezuela?!
if i were the soviets id take control of all lands connected to the USSR fortify them and then try going for peace while keeping that land that said id ignore naval altogether except for defence same goes for air
Well, makes no sense. This is Cold war. Apart from Finland(which was not actually keen on joining either side), Norway and Sweden, USSR had only communist states securing it's borders. If they had a thing or two against other countries at their border it was with Afghanistan and China
woah just woah thats what i have to say to your IGNORANCE Omega Alpha because the "cold war" was mainly NATO (the US and most of Europe vs the USSR) so on the contrary it makes a ton of sense to take out the biggest threat first and yes geographically theres no naturel defense against Europe but theres a desert and a lot of mountains between China and the USSR anf afghanistan is pure mountains and was no threat its a stupid idea to invade it - that said it is you that makes no sense
with what army? the total land army of NATO was 1.5 million while the Soviets was 6.5 million not mention their land tech was more advanced and way better especially with the apparition of the AK 47 that appeared in 1947 and the T-50 that were paraded in 1945 were better then all the other tanks of the time including the German tiger also only reason the allies were even able to make a landing in normandy was because the main german army was busy fighting a losing war against the red army but the soviets didnt wouldnt have that problem and it only takes a few hours to set up good deffenses (trenches tank traps artillery positions etc) and dont forget all the fortifications the germans built were still there making the soviet job REAL EASY - in 1945 NO ONE matched the Soviets when it comes to land warfare and you idiot think NATO could be able to reach Moscow? WELL KEEP DREAMING MISTER DREAMER
Tusk Fuck off dude. The Russian people will let the western forces took over Moscow and their whole country. The Russian people had enough with their corrupt dictatorial government. They want Democracy and freedom. It will be NATO and the Russians people themselves will fight against the evil Soviet Communist state. The Russians really hate the Soviet government. NATO will attack the Soviets from the outside and the Russians attack from the inside. The Soviets will be defeated in this war and the Russians will finally free from this oppressive government forever. Most Russians prefer their country to taken by NATO so that they will have Democracy government.
Minor detail, but you forgot to add "Denmark" when representing the NATO countries, it does not matter we Danes are used to little notice :( - Nice video none the less!
He did however mention the Danes in the video when speaking of the Baltic fleet. He said that for the Baltic fleet to contribute to the Atlantic battle their army would have to take Denmark. Obviously this would not be necessary if they weren't part of NATO.
“The Soviet navy was primarily defensive in nature... ...the only offensive operations could have been done with submarines” Ah! No wonder why in Command and Conquer Red Alert 1 the Soviets can build nothing but submarines 😅
Honestly, I doubt it would be much different. Russia is economically pretty weak, has one aircraft carrier that is broken down and out of date, and their about a generation behind the US in terms of technology.
well then if u soo smart go cheak what happend to yugoslavia italy wanted istria and dalmatia what they get ? Trieste lool lern history u will understand
@Vuk Todic china has a weak army.... Most of their soldiers are conscripts and most of the Chinese officers have no experience in modern combat bc they have never engaged in any modern combats. It's not a fair match. Russia would be the only big problem.
@Vuk Todic you just offended every professional soldier... If you think shooting a gun is just pulling a trigger...you havent shot a gun and if you have, your so bad it you shot ur ear off somehow
James Sawires Where...? It takes long time to move manpower and land equipment as large as China's. If Russia allows Chinese to move though its land it would alert the US-EU and they would be ready...Invasion of USA would be possible(and surprising for the US) but difficult to sustain loses and replace them constantly in a hostile country and so far away... Yes, its possible for the Russia-China alliance to win over Europe if they surprise the EU-US alliance but in the long run i dont think it will be a clear winner...
winters major the fact that two strong countries went nuclear, then its game over for all of us, they won't! If nukes are to be used they would be to deny certain strategic places or vehicles for example China could nuke US carriers or naval yards. Things like that! For these targets they will be used tactical nukes not "tsar bomba style" nukes... The best use of nukes( for example ) is to deny your (already invaded) own beatchead by nuking it, so would deny further landings in this city or port, the international organizations would see it as defence and wont blame the curent government for crimes against a foreign civilian population.
Dimitris Oikonomou Binkov said that if EU has perfect unity, it can actually win a conventional war against Russia, assuming Russia is the offender. And in much earlier video, it shows that China is not capable of beating US in a naval warfare. So, invading the US is not possible in the first place. The best China could do in the war is to prevent itself from being invaded, but it's not capable of conducting offensive campaign. Invading a country that can't be accessed through land is impossible without naval supremacy.
вампир кобато no way this would happen, more than half of the ASEAN countries are pro-china, with the exception of Singapore, Vietnam and perhaps Indonesia.
winters major really?? I think only Laos Cambodia and Malaysia are Pro-China I'm from SEA and I hate China and my SEA friends from Thailand Vietnam Indonesia hate China too. Lmfao most countries in SEA prefer Japan South Korea and US if WW3 coming most ASEAN countries would join US not China. Except for Laos and Cambodia will join China.
6:18 not Thresher (you have as Tresher) but Permit (594) class as the USS Thresher (SSN 593) was lost on sea trials in April 63, I was on the last of this class, the USS Haddock (SSN 621).
a Muppet describes how the USSR would lose the war at sea.
I like the internet for a reason
if would china and north korea and india be with soviet and if japan and sweden and australia be with nato what would be?
@@nihatzeynalov1016 NATO easily. The Chinese navy as a Ocean power did not exist back then and the North Koreans would be destroyed. India as well. NATO was and is insanely powerful. The should be able to win any war at sea.
@@lairdriver NATO is a joke if you take out USA.
@@piotrd.4850 Warsaw pact would be a joke without the Soviet Union
@@lairdriver Propaganda: ON
"NATO vs Warsaw pact: The Naval war (1989)"
"PART 1"
rob 998 pigly told him
drinking wisconsinbly PRAISE THE FU*KING SUN
DIE FOR THE EMPEROR OR DIE TRYING!!! My boi Brolaire of Ass is here
Spiffy Brit The Warriors of Sun are the only true covenant. PRAISE THE SUN
Oh nice!
^ subscribe. MHV is quality.
Operation Unthinkable, please.
I must say you and Binkov are my most favorite war themed youtubers
Honey Badger I love MHW but I feel like Binkov is a little bias idk
so keep in mind. america has always been the bully(agressor) and built their military to intimidate and steel others resources.. russia has always needed to protect itself from such this bully
Am I the only one who's impressed that he animated the Tu-95's propellers? 7:34
frjoethesecond hahaha
Yeah. It's just switching really fast between 2 positions. You could do this on adobe animate easily once someone tells you. But it's still a good video.
@@bestplanet8440 Mind you the Tupolev Tu-95 has four engines equipped with contra-rotating propellers. Easy to slip up on minor details like that.
Extremely well done. I retired from the U.S. submarine force and your analysis is spot on.
Big Cahoona lol haha, your comment got me laughing
@@michaelmelissas8592 same here
The USA vs the USA
well that would become "The Second American Civil War" smh *:)*
USA vs USrael
You've got republicans-democrats wrong
The USA would win not the USA.
I'm actually going to write a story where earth gets invaded by alternative timeline US where the the war on terror goes on pretty much perfectly for the US and the military is better off because of it and can seriously take over our world.
Excellent as usual komrade. In 1989 I would've been recalled to active duty and jumped in to hold the Fulda Gap.
China VS India
Michał Hunicz India if China invades and China if India invades...
Mudit Singh China wins in both scenarios. This is a world class military.
Michał Hunicz Ever Heard of Himalayas 😗
Binkov can also say a draw or no winners remember?
Mudit Singh First, with better tech, China would break through Indian positions. Second, the PLA will be able to pass Pakistan. Third, China has got military bases in Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Operation Untinkable
I think soveits would have won at that time if the US got no nukes
BEST IN THE WORLD, they didn't have any for some time after japan. Britain would've fallen pretty fast, and without it western part of USSR would be out of US reach
BEST IN THE WORLD Even if the US had then Moscow or Kiev would be out of reach.
Георгий Мурзич Exactly.
They would bombard the soveit supply line which would make the red army in bad situation yes it was big forces yet it had a time and the supply would be needed
But i believe in matter of no nuclear bomb soveit union would have crushed western europe they had the best WW2 tank and their airforce was big and good and in germany soveit union had millions of troops maybe would be little bigger than western forces which already exhusted and was 4,500,000
Soveits had 6,500,000
So yeah the soveits would have won
But i don't think russia now would win
Nato is very powerful
Thank you! I've been requesting this!
this is a probably irrelevant note, but I find it interesting how the different strengths of each alliance were reflected in their names. I.e., the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organisation, named after a world ocean rather than any location, vs. the WARSAW Pact, named after a landlocked, flatland, often-contested city
Love the video binkov, can’t wait for the other parts.
Also maybe you should do
Imperial Japan vs Soviet Union
GangsterGamer368 In my opinion the Soviet Union would still win.
Richard Vernon good point
Who else has played World In Conflict and thought "how the fuck do the Soviets manage to invade the contiguous United States and supply that invasion army, and what the hell are the US, Canadian and Japanese navies doing?". This video just reinforces that plot hole.
Exactly. I think the strongest asset of World in Conflict was the effort put in a story that was seldom seen for an RTS game.
If the Russians had invaded Washington state, they would have taken one taste of their bland food, gotten back on the ships, and gone home. I swear I had a chicken sandwich there where the lettuce was the most flavorful ingredient.
Wow, is it that bad?
If the Russians subsisted only off of strained beets, maybe it would be compatible with their palate.
Those new graphic animations look excellent binkov!
Dear commissar
I love your videos and I'd like to say thank you for publishing a video based on a suggestion of mine 😁😁 keep up the good work!
Uganda vs rest of world
Uganda wins
"Commrade...you are covered in cosmoline..."
"Yes, this for preserve me for combat."
I never thought a puppet could teach me more than my High School world history teacher on Cold War era weaponry and tactics.
Best. Channel. Ever.
it cannot. Teach you more, perhaps. But videos suck and are incossistent
Great Britain vs Japan
XtremeX That'd be interesting
stoat2 yeah it would be,
Japan sank the last Prince of Wales aircraft carrier to the bottom of the ocean, here comes the new one, sink it again
winters major touché, abandonment of the Nimrod MRA4 was a blueballs barmey decision **sigh**
winters major Prince of Whales was a battleship though, not an aircraft carrier. And it was pretty stupid on the British’s part to send a battleship group without air cover to attack a Japanese carrier group.
When there were care away from each other today
For anyone who likes this era of military history, I totally recommend "The War That Never Was" by Michael Palmer. It does a great job going into depth about a hypothetical late-80's World War, and doesn't fall into the trap that a lot of other books do where Central Europe is left the sole focus. It covers the fighting and diplomacy taking place in Korea, Cuba, Scandinavia, Greece, North Africa, the Indian Ocean and elsewhere; in fact spending very little time in Germany.
Retsel Strebor plz give me source, from where I can download?
Its a book, I personally got it off of amazon.
Retsel Strebor Thx, will try to buy
Shouldn't Black Sea Fleet and Baltic Fleet be changed at 4:43?
Perfect! Been waiting for this battle in ages. Thanks
Im so glad you're finally doing this!
You missplaced at 4:42 Soviet Black Sea Fleet with Soviet Baltic Fleet :P
Commissar, did your submarine analysis take into account the legendary sub captain Jive Turkey?
Derek Burge no, if it did he would just say that the US owned the ocean and that the Russians would be safer if they just sunk their own ships and launched cruise missiles at their own ports
Don't forget the intrepid Commander Jingle McJingleberry Jr. of Her Majesty's Royal Navy.
Tue Le unless he forgets to fix his flooding again...
D. K Yeah it was aliens who dominated meditteranian sea against allied catholic navies on their own with its limited economic power
Özgür Peynirci RN vs ottoman who would win hmmmmm.
What with Soviet invasion of Alaska?
just play world in conflict! :D they will attak seattle
They would be repelled by the Wolverines!
While plausible they would have to go through Canada, which would give the US enough time to prepare their defenses.
And as mentioned before, they would have most of their army busy in Europe.
how would they even get to Alaska in the first place? NATO would have both aerial and naval supremacy
YES! I have waited for this FOREVER!!!
I've been waiting for a series like this.
So this video is essentially Cold Waters?
And Red Storm Rising(Both the book by tom clancy and the older game)
China vs India
This one is a big question mark. Neither side would be able to fight effectively with their most advanced weaponry due to the Himalayas so both would be bashing light infantry against each other in the mountains for a while. Neither side has a significant advantage in such terrain. Even Helicopters would have trouble operating in such terrain due to the altitude. As far as mountain warfare goes India has it's Gurkha regiments and other mountain infantry who are highly skilled at this type of warfare. China's capability in this regard is uncertain. Could be good or bad I do not know and the PLA probably won't tell either way. Regardless though neither side will be able to defeat the other without flanking around the Himalayas through neutral territory.
Joseph Ahner yep indian Itbp , kumaon regiment , hundreads of jets and thousands of tanks,garuda ,ahir regiments are trained for only one task in north and it is possible invasion of india by china .china can win but they have to send at least half of their army which is not possible at least for first few month.we have upper height advantage on mountains so for every one indian there will be three dead chinese only real threat to india is not from mountains but from sea chinese navy is fucking big we are very well train and do exersie with almost evey country every year but china out gun us by 1 to 4 .
I always find it quite curious how the soviet union despite being enormous is still completely boned when it comes to geography.
Not a single ice free harbor, and pretty no way for their fleet to leave for the open seas without getting in some choke point.
On the land there is just a massive plain from Moscow to almost the Atlantic which is super hard to defend.
Russian dokrine has always been getting as much land as possible to have a buffer for the vulnerable heartland. That's why they react to allergic to NATO closing in on their borders
A shame too, nato was pretty obvious in that they thought war itself was over considering the post 1991 defense spending (*Germany*) had they just got along with people there’d be no problem, but they don’t want peace
Good video I was waiting for this one forever! Excellent!
ALways a great time with Binkov!!!
South Korea VS Japan.
Probably South korea.
Japan's military power is restrained ever since after WW2, south korea has been fighting alot and even had a technologically advanced weapons made by samsung and the rest.
Japan's potential is totally ruined but they have the opportunity to regrow their Military.
And most of all, do you think Japan's frontline is as good as South korea? No, south korea has been Maintaining a DM zone.
Chaos Craft999
The question here is who is attacking who.
If Japan is trying to conquer Korea than i think south korea would win.
But south korea can also not conquer Japan.
South korea has the advantage on the land, but Japan has the far better navy and air force.
So in a conflict without invasion or something i say japan will win cause better air force and navy.
Japan would win in every situation.
No chance for South Korea victory.
Btw if Japan and South Korea reunion to attack North Korea would be interesting.
вампир кобато Japan + South Korea v NorthKorea. But only North Korea has nuclear bomb. One nuclear bomb to Mount Fuji should be able to sink the whole Japan, according to the allies in WWII(they actually planned this)
Just a suggestion before I continue to watch the video. I'd think it'd be a good idea to show what would happen if this was set in 1945 or 1946 just after the WWII (coinciding with Churchills Operation Unthinkable)
If an attack were to happen, it should happen while the Soviets are busy moving their troops from the West to the East to fight Japan.
NATO was effectively 2 superpower, Western Europe and USA vs 1 Superpower, USSR
What about Canada?
Canada isn't and wasn't superpower.
@@Necrodzentelmenel1 i know but canada *exists*
The farther you go along the timeline, the USA becomes way stronger than the ussr
Great vid dude enjoy a nice day buddy. :)
damn, I love this channel!
U.K. Commonwealth vs EU
Mr X Can u mention some Commonwealth countries??
EU would be fucked by India Pakistan and UK alone ..btw I am from India
Mudit Singh
The big issue would be could the Indians even hope to land troops in Europe, or could they get there before Britain falls.
Mudit Singh No. India, Pakistan and the UK would do absolutely nothing against the EU, even less to a mobilized EU. Britain would get invaded in a heartbeat and India and Pakistan would never be capable of shipping an invasion force to European soil, and even if you did, European armies are way stronger in every aspect and would kick you out. The war would just be naval and conducted around Africa most likely, which the EU also eventually would win because of our superior industry and potential for arms producing.
Carlito's Beard The combined EU airforce and navy would very quickly neutralize your islands, and considering a lot of your troops are stationed elsewhere aswell as you not even having the most numerous army in the EU, you would get pounded.
Nauru vs Fiji
Fiji wins cause they have a military and a small navy
FIJI vs Tonga and Samoa would be more fair.
Thank you Binkov for a very interesting comparison.
Love the new graphics. Excellent job!
Watched a docu years ago about the Soviet sub force.. Some soviet admiral worked for years to upgrade his force as best he could, always wanted to see this.
India vs China please
NATO vs China and Russia
Lucksta Tamati better go with NATO vs BRICS
Yeah i know that, but just to make things even more interesting
Russia + China is enough in my opinion... no need for the whole BRICS.
I just started reading Red Storm Rising so I've been binging WW3 hypothetical videos, this is probably the best one I've seen so far.
Make sure you read Team Yankee and Red Phoenix also
Congrats on so many subscribers Binkov. I was here when you only had tens of thousands I believe. Happy New Years and keep up the good work!
Plz do Bangladesh Vs Myanmar
Syed Nafis Faiz myannmar can win bcz their military is fighting inner wars for decades but bd is also very strong.
Shivansh 2018 Nautiyal Myanmar's military is weak. Think about it, why did they fight the inner war for so long? Because the central government is weak.
Argentina Vs Chile 1978
Chile would win in about 15 minutes, that's about how long the Argentinean equipment would last before sustaining catastrophic failure due to decades with proper maintenance.
Corey Micallef dude is in 1978 in the beagle conflict. Not in a modern conflict. Something like this video.
please make land war
That going to be in about a month.
Nice video binkov 👌
Very nice video binkov.
India vs China like if you want
He did that video
No he didn't
romapriya devi im sorry
What takes longer to make these vids?
It’s it the animation or research on army’s
Terry Brocks animation
Terry Brocks Research
The logic applied in this video would suggest that the US- an Royal navies would be restricted to defensive operations throughout the second world war. Just like in that war, the NATO forces would have a industrial advantage over the soviet union, particualarly when it comes to naval industry. The losses taken by the NATO forcess would be far easier replaced than the lossen on the Warsaw pact side. If we are talking about multi-year conflict the NATO forcess would probably eventually be able to organize a large scale landing on Soviet home soil due to the naval and air superiority achieved in the years before.
Jorrit Polder
Naval superiority was not important thing, because landing on Soviet teritory was imposible, like it is imposible today to land in China for example. And air superiority, over Soviet teritory ????
In Vietnam US lost 5 000 aircrafts, and Soviet air force and air defense was 10 times more numerous and modern than Vietnam. So there would not be air superiority.
Jorrit Polder
And US land army without air superiority is zero.
Simon Simonović Any army is, and NATO probably will have air superiority, as they have a combined air force much bigger and more advanced than that of the Warsaw Pact, as well as plenty of air bases to operate from in a vast amount of countries.
Jorrit Polder
Air superiority, Soviet Union was not Germany in 1944 or 1945. They had very big number of anti aircraft systems, and thousand's of fighters. Air superiority over Wasrsaw pact was possible, but losses would be extreamly big.
J said in Vietnam Americans lost 5 000 aircrafts, and in Soviet Union, they would lose like 50 000
Simon Simonović As NATO air forces are more numerous and advanced than those of the warsaw pact, the warsaw pact losses would propably be higher, although it all depends on the scenario, who is attacking who? But still, NATO air forces are probably more capable of taking their losses, as the military industrial capacity of these countries is quite overwhelming.
Thank you I've been waiting for this
That's the only ad i cant skip
4:43 Baltic and Black seas switched places xD
2017 Germany vs France
France surender xD
Germany absolutely victory.
Lmfao Germany would get eaten alive
French has the bomb, end of story.
And french have soldiers which fight with real weapon, no woodstick:
yeah but the french would use thier ultimate legendary weapon :
Switzerland vs Austria next!
Ghj Ghj Austria will win easely
champfailly max
Switzerland is quite more powerful than Austria.
Neither would really be able to win. Front is super short in extremly difficult terrain with their whole militaries focused on the defense of those rergions. I mean, if we assume a 1:1 casualty rate, then I guess Austria would win, but that would not really ba a win for them either......Basically, whoever attacks gets destroyed by the other side easily.
Liechtenstein: fuck me...
Switzerland can mobilize half their population and Swiss bunkers can house their entire population
What would be also interesting, is discussing the Seven Days to the River Rhine scenario.
I love your videos , keep up the good work
Please do North Korea vs Japan!
North Korea vs. its own citizens! That's what I want to see!
4:43 you switched the names of the Soviet fleets.
Mudit Singh NATO against India, woah that’s gonna be tougher since I know how powerful India is by their media.
Friendly Neighborhood Neocon
India hate Muslims is why 172 millions of Muslim being discrimnate in India
X1 Gen KaneshiroX
no outside country would supply arms to india, india will surrender immediately since their indigenous military industry is non-exist. Every signle *usable* weapon they have are imported, they make weapons too, but none are usable in anyway
winters major Yeah we hate Muslims but there is nothing like discrimination..They get more than Hindu ..Khangress(Congress) which ruled for 60 years was pro Muslims as these retards give vote on basis of religion ...Now the gov is in hands of Hindu extremist ..Modi is going throwing 10 million illegal Bangladeshi Muslims from Assam..😎
Love these videos.
Thumbs up for the graphics-update Comissar :P
Germany vs France !!!
Doctor Krieger nonsense, without Napoleon, the french cant win any war on their own.
650iE63 napoleon is the best you are STUPID men
Elias gabriel now in english pls, stupid whatever you are.
650iE63 stupid racist french is better and more stronger than english shit
Elias gabriel 😏
what about China vs India?
India vs China?
Great video as always, but I'm afraid you may have accidentally swapped the Baltic and Black Sea fleet labels around 4:38
Was waiting for these. :D
You should do a modern US civil war, Confederate States reunited vs the Union.
Venezuela vs colombia
India vs china
Columbia can't do that for there is no tanks to it but now venezuela can't do nothing at all how they will fightvif their people is starving and fleeing venezuela?!
if i were the soviets id take control of all lands connected to the USSR fortify them and then try going for peace while keeping that land that said id ignore naval altogether except for defence same goes for air
Well, makes no sense. This is Cold war. Apart from Finland(which was not actually keen on joining either side), Norway and Sweden, USSR had only communist states securing it's borders. If they had a thing or two against other countries at their border it was with Afghanistan and China
Tusk You wouldn’t have enough time to fortify newly occupied lands stretching thousands of kilometres before NATO stars knocking your doors at Moscow.
woah just woah thats what i have to say to your IGNORANCE Omega Alpha because the "cold war" was mainly NATO (the US and most of Europe vs the USSR) so on the contrary it makes a ton of sense to take out the biggest threat first and yes geographically theres no naturel defense against Europe but theres a desert and a lot of mountains between China and the USSR anf afghanistan is pure mountains and was no threat its a stupid idea to invade it
that said it is you that makes no sense
with what army? the total land army of NATO was 1.5 million while the Soviets was 6.5 million not mention their land tech was more advanced and way better especially with the apparition of the AK 47 that appeared in 1947 and the T-50 that were paraded in 1945 were better then all the other tanks of the time including the German tiger also only reason the allies were even able to make a landing in normandy was because the main german army was busy fighting a losing war against the red army but the soviets didnt wouldnt have that problem and it only takes a few hours to set up good deffenses (trenches tank traps artillery positions etc) and dont forget all the fortifications the germans built were still there making the soviet job REAL EASY
in 1945 NO ONE matched the Soviets when it comes to land warfare and you idiot think NATO could be able to reach Moscow? WELL KEEP DREAMING MISTER DREAMER
Fuck off dude. The Russian people will let the western forces took over Moscow and their whole country. The Russian people had enough with their corrupt dictatorial government. They want Democracy and freedom. It will be NATO and the Russians people themselves will fight against the evil Soviet Communist state. The Russians really hate the Soviet government. NATO will attack the Soviets from the outside and the Russians attack from the inside. The Soviets will be defeated in this war and the Russians will finally free from this oppressive government forever. Most Russians prefer their country to taken by NATO so that they will have Democracy government.
Ya keep getting better, TY : )
wow - just found this
very well done - want to watch more now
Thank you for this Film Could Do Tom Clancy Red Storm Rising Operation on Iceland
Red Storm Rising!!!!!
and how about IOWA vs Kirov
Iowa had cruise missiles by 1989 it would destroy the Kirov from BVR.
48 views 55 likes youtube is drunk
thirdy espedido moo
Great video!
Never stop posting video
Minor detail, but you forgot to add "Denmark" when representing the NATO countries, it does not matter we Danes are used to little notice :( - Nice video none the less!
not true, I love the Royal Dansk, way to go, Denmark!!!
He did however mention the Danes in the video when speaking of the Baltic fleet. He said that for the Baltic fleet to contribute to the Atlantic battle their army would have to take Denmark. Obviously this would not be necessary if they weren't part of NATO.
“The Soviet navy was primarily defensive in nature... ...the only offensive operations could have been done with submarines”
Ah! No wonder why in Command and Conquer Red Alert 1 the Soviets can build nothing but submarines 😅
its all about nukes
aghdhdbs bsjdjdjd so everyone loses
Loved this, can u do a 2018 version??
Honestly, I doubt it would be much different. Russia is economically pretty weak, has one aircraft carrier that is broken down and out of date, and their about a generation behind the US in terms of technology.
Man this videos are good
Reminds me of the RISK game somehow..
Italy vs Croatia
P.S. Please, don't start a comment war under this comment.
Italians will win. 😂
war just started in the reply section
ohno ;-;
Cassius Vex. Italians dont have balls attack croatia like that lol
Don't be so sure of that. The only one who is scared to do such things is not the army but the government :P
well then if u soo smart go cheak what happend to yugoslavia italy wanted istria and dalmatia what they get ? Trieste lool lern history u will understand
who else wants binkov to tickle and cuddle with us with his fuzzy fur
Great video! Thanks!
Cool that you're branching out. I'd enjoy more historic what ifs
Plzz do brics vs nato
ARDOUS SHOE that wouldn’t even be close
Andrew Black i know right
@@ArduousShoe BRICS is an economy organizations not a military
@Vuk Todic china has a weak army....
Most of their soldiers are conscripts and most of the Chinese officers have no experience in modern combat bc they have never engaged in any modern combats. It's not a fair match.
Russia would be the only big problem.
@Vuk Todic you just offended every professional soldier...
If you think shooting a gun is just pulling a trigger...you havent shot a gun and if you have, your so bad it you shot ur ear off somehow
Russia & China VS EU & US
ScarletDespair China's vast amount of man power would play a big roll
James Sawires Where...? It takes long time to move manpower and land equipment as large as China's. If Russia allows Chinese to move though its land it would alert the US-EU and they would be ready...Invasion of USA would be possible(and surprising for the US) but difficult to sustain loses and replace them constantly in a hostile country and so far away... Yes, its possible for the Russia-China alliance to win over Europe if they surprise the EU-US alliance but in the long run i dont think it will be a clear winner...
Dimitris Oikonomou just go nuclear, the war will be over in days for both sides and humanity
winters major the fact that two strong countries went nuclear, then its game over for all of us, they won't! If nukes are to be used they would be to deny certain strategic places or vehicles for example China could nuke US carriers or naval yards. Things like that! For these targets they will be used tactical nukes not "tsar bomba style" nukes... The best use of nukes( for example ) is to deny your (already invaded) own beatchead by nuking it, so would deny further landings in this city or port, the international organizations would see it as defence and wont blame the curent government for crimes against a foreign civilian population.
Dimitris Oikonomou
Binkov said that if EU has perfect unity, it can actually win a conventional war against Russia, assuming Russia is the offender. And in much earlier video, it shows that China is not capable of beating US in a naval warfare. So, invading the US is not possible in the first place. The best China could do in the war is to prevent itself from being invaded, but it's not capable of conducting offensive campaign. Invading a country that can't be accessed through land is impossible without naval supremacy.
China v ASEAN
thirdy espedido This situation would be interesting. I'll wait for this and I wish Binkov to do this.
вампир кобато no way this would happen, more than half of the ASEAN countries are pro-china, with the exception of Singapore, Vietnam and perhaps Indonesia.
No need PRC.
Even Republic of China is stronger than ASEAN.
winters major really?? I think only Laos Cambodia and Malaysia are Pro-China I'm from SEA and I hate China and my SEA friends from Thailand Vietnam Indonesia hate China too. Lmfao most countries in SEA prefer Japan South Korea and US if WW3 coming most ASEAN countries would join US not China. Except for Laos and Cambodia will join China.
Mesh He I agree with you.
6:18 not Thresher (you have as Tresher) but Permit (594) class as the USS Thresher (SSN 593) was lost on sea trials in April 63,
I was on the last of this class, the USS Haddock (SSN 621).
Yeah boi!!!! Great vid!!