Talking to Giorgos Papandreou (Harald Schumann on the trail - the complete interview)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @inquisitivechimp5408
    @inquisitivechimp5408 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    George Jeffrey Papandreou, born in the US, son of an American mother, and both grandson to a prime minister and son to a prime minister, does not even mention the fact that european people bailed out foreign bond holding banks NOT Greece or Greek people. The European people saved these foreign banks, banks which are now safe, but Greeks owe more than they used to and have much less of the ability to pay it off (ie GDP has shrunk). This money won't be repaid. Everyone knew this from the start. It is not only an act of theft but also an act of supporting the least noble of professions: modern bankers.
    Greek people are going to be blamed when the European people are told that their money was lost: where is the money? Did it go to the Greeks? No! The financial institutions have it. What should have been bank losses, are now social losses. And what should have been haircutting debt owed to irresponsible banks (who take risks in exchange for returns), will now be haircutting debt owed to European people (whose job is not to take risks or losses). Nicely played bankers and politicians and media. What a great job at screwing us all over. Power hungry narcissists all of them - we should have expected this. Power corrupts even the initially clean.
    Papandreou's party is synomous with clientilism and corruption and populism and the creation of Greek debt and large deficits. His father died a decade after the huge Koskota scandal where it was revealed that the Papanderou family are not clean at all. Their party now has a single digit percentage in the elections whereas his new party only got 2% of Greek votes. Greeks consider him a liar and a traitor.
    The only reason this american accented yet unethical dimwit became primeminister, was because the Americans sabotaged Karamanlis for 2 years before the 2009 election (due to his plans on the Russian pipeline). Papandreou won the election with two promises to the Greek people: "we have money, don't worry" and "a growth model based on a green/sustainable development". Innocent Greeks didn't see the lie or the catastrophe ahead.
    Once elected he forced the rapid escalation of the crisis by telling the markets that Greece is the Titanic and other negative things about the country he represented. Every time he spoke the spreads would grow making it more expensive for Greece to borrow money. People like Max Keiser say that Papandreou's brother has profited millions if not billions from financial bets they made on the economy.
    He is part for the problem, not the solution.
    We are being held hostage. And by 'we' I don't mean only the Greeks. I mean the European citizes, taxpayers, workers. And I say this even though I'm a pro-capitalism conservative and not left wing.

  • @cr8o
    @cr8o 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm glad you let him talk, to tell his whole story. Really excellent set of videos, incomparable on the situation.

  • @Nosiluminadimenso
    @Nosiluminadimenso 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Loose thoughts: 1. One more excellent interview that helps us put together, little by little, a catastrophic puzzle and which will motivate us to make straight what is crooked. Thank You! 2. This PM seems to have a good grasp of a lot of knots and bolts, I hope he stays active in solving problems, maybe helping the current government? 3. I didn't get the name or title of the Sweedish person who defended the idea that after being nationalised/bailed out at people's expense, the bad banks should remain property of the State until they became profitable and at least have repaid their losses to whom had rescued them, instead of being immediately re-privatised. What's his/her name? Link to such intelligent proposal? rsvp... 4. Could there be implemented sanctions against the vulture-like praxis of the Hedge Funds? 5. Could Herr Schumann interview former head of the European Commission Mr. Barroso so as to give him a chance to clarify the issue mentioned in this interview?

    • @HaraldSchumannOnTheTrail
      @HaraldSchumannOnTheTrail  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nosiluminadimenso The Swedish person mentioned was the Swedish Prime Minister. Papandreou did not say his name, but in 2011 the Prime Minister was Fredrik Reinfeldt;

    • @Nosiluminadimenso
      @Nosiluminadimenso 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Harald Schumann On The Trail Thank You!!!

  • @Androsfire
    @Androsfire 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very Good interview... Greece lost one its Best Presidents when George left office...

  • @nicethugbert
    @nicethugbert 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Change or Sink is exactly the campaign today. Change your laws and society to what The Banks want or sink outside the Euro. It's an impossible situation, by design.

  • @nicethugbert
    @nicethugbert 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Germany quite competitive??? How so? They work the least and get paid the most. They should take a dose of their medicine and be more competitive.

    • @roothik
      @roothik 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well, Germany doesn't have to do it, cause it manages to export/sell much more than Greece does. It depends on what you produce and how you produce. If you are much more productive (as a result of organization, automatization, rationalization and discipline) you have the luxury of working less.

    • @nicethugbert
      @nicethugbert 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since when do Capitalists think that the 99% deserves luxuries?