
Alternative Future of the World INFINITY 2 | Episode 6 | Double Fate

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ค. 2022
  • This video is not politically or realistically accurate. There was no intention to insult anyone in this video.
    There will never be 2 episodes of this series in a row. There will be another video from a different series, then another AFOW Infinity episode. This is to give time for people to put ideas in the comments. There can also be multiple other videos before another episode of AFOW Infinity is created.
    Alternative Future of the World INFINITY is a mapping series that has no end, but it's plot is determined by the viewers who comment ideas for the series in the comments. As there is no end, there is no full story (mini arcs are allowed), a nation that takes over the world, aliens that influence other nations (aliens aren't allowed anyway, except for in the world where Oceania is at), etc.
    [Rules for Ideas]
    Any idea that breaks these rules will be rejected or altered.
    1) New Nations/Flags
    If you want to suggest a whole new nation with a new flag, you need to describe to flag to me in the comments. If your flag idea is too complicated to explain in a comment, send me a link to your flag idea, it can be through Imgur or anything. For a new nation, you'll need to tell me the Official Name (Republic of Afriyna, Union of Estistan Republics, etc), Flag, Location and whether they will be Neutral or Aggressive or smth.
    2) War
    If you suggest a war, make sure you tell me which nation(s) STARTS the war, and who they are going to war with. Do remember that the alliance of the defender (blue) will join the war no matter what. You also must mention which nation wins, and it must be realistic who wins. Like if The Bahamas declared war on the USA, I'll let the USA win even if the comment says The Bahamas should win since that's extremely unrealistic. Also, the war can end in a stalemate. You also must tell me what the winning nation gains in land. You can include other stuff, like maybe make nations independant if you want in the comment too, just describe it in the comment and I'll allow it.
    3) Arcs and Ideas on Previous Episodes
    Ideas will only be used if it's on the most recent upload. Any other ideas on other episodes before the most recent AFOW Infinity will not be used. So if you want to do an Arc that goes across multiple episodes, you'll need to suggest the arc in each new episode. Essentially, you can't post a comment asking - "Nation A invades Nation B, then in the next episode a coalition is made to stop Nation A....", you'll need to post the 2 ideas in seperate episodes, if that makes sense. The only exception to having an idea from a previous video appear to the video after the next episode is if the idea was posted when the next episode is being:
    | Exported to MP4
    | In the middle of being uploaded to TH-cam
    4) Alliances
    If you want to make a new alliance, you have to tell me the Full Name, an Acronym for it, Founding Members (First nations to join it - there must be at least 3 founding members), and it's purpose (Defend eachother, Alliance against a nation(s), etc). DO NOTE economic alliances won't be shown in the Alliances box in the Text Box. Only Military Alliances will be shown.
    If you wish to submit an idea in private, here's a form:
    Mistakes Found:
    None yet.
    Extra Credits:
    Light Awash by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-...
    Artist: incompetech.com/
    Music used: The End of Mankind by Per Kiilstofte
    Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
    [Series Playlist]
    Previous Episode: • Alternative Future of ...
    Next Episode: • Alternative Future of ...
    Installment 2: Coming after 5 Episodes.

ความคิดเห็น • 147

  • @officialAmpersand
    @officialAmpersand หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This is truly one of the best alternate future series out there. I love that theres no random alien superpower appearing in the middle of nowhere, and instead things are actually interesting.

  • @jordanterrell5891
    @jordanterrell5891 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Idea: The USA apparently decides to take all for Antarctic by having toxic waste into in making mutant penguins

  • @alexdroste7234
    @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Due to the intensive fighting in this alternative world, the carbon emissions would be extremely high, so you should have some islands in the eastern pacific (like Niue and Samoa) start sinking into the ocean and end up in the other world.

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Idea 2 - more regions countries separate and gain independence, containing some or all of the following: Kaliningrad, this would happen due to Russia being focused on getting revenge on Ukraine, and they could join the Baltic counties union. If they decide not to, they would keep their current flag that they have for the region and possibly form an alliance with Galicia, Bavaria, and the Celtic countries to guarantee their sovereignty. This might be extremely unlikely even in this alternative world, but would be interesting nonetheless. Next would be Transnistria and Transylvania, since Russia is going to likely already be fighting a war against Ukraine in the next episode, they could discover that top Ukrainian officials have fled the country into neighboring Moldova and Romania, which would give them justification to declare war on them. Their allies would not help them because Russia would threaten their countries with obliteration from their nuclear arsenal if they join. In this war, regardless of what happens with Ukraine (possibly in this scenario, an armistice while ending Russia’s plans with the Moon, in exchange for Ukraine keeping their failed operation a secret from the world), they would force peace on the other two nations, freeing Russian supported Transnistria as well as Transylvania, and giving Hungary Northern Romania due to the Hungarian election of 2038 (possibly rigged) as a victory to a more Russian friendly party. After losing much of their land, Romania decides to reform themselves (name and flag) to match their medieval roots of Walachia. Due to this chaos, the Balkan nations of Bosnia, The Federated States of Herzegovina and Dalmatia (who successfully gained their diplomatic independence individually and decided to unite to avoid being under threat from the Anti-autonomy alliance), Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia, decide to form a militaristic alliance, the S.I.L. (Slavic Independence League) to stop foreign powers from encroaching on their nations. Slovenia and Croatia decide not to join because they are economically unstable and are focused on improving their economies.

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Idea 2.2 - Abkhazia and South Ossetia gain independence from Georgia due to a three way war between Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Azerbaijan is the victor due to being supported by Iran, and the independence of these two nations are the terms of Georgia’s defeat, while Armenia has to recognize the western occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Idea 2.3 - The Danish government grant the independence of Greenland. The newly founded nation of Greenland realizes that they still require heavy economic aid from Denmark, so these two nations, along with Norway and Iceland, found the Alliance for the Economic and Research Assistance of Scandinavia (A.R.E.A.S.). this alliance is mainly to financially secure Greenland as well as help Norway research this new mineral (Greenland shares with the Nordic countries and the Baltic Union, their closest friends, that they also have found the purple mineral that Norway found in this episode. Norway then pretends to rediscover this mineral in abundance in their Northern most land near Longyearbyen). After the announcement of the mineral Sweden and the Baltic Union join this alliance too while Norway keeps all of this a secret from Russia to continue receiving aid from them.

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว

      Idea 2.4 - Kurdistan successfully rebels and gains Kurdish majority owned lands of Turkey after turning to Facism to receive American support, while also being supported by India due to their religious rivals Iran declaring war on Kurdistan since they also own land with a Kurdish majority in them. Other attackers of Kurdistan include Turkey, Greece due to being friends with Turkey for the time being, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon for the same reason as Iran, Jordan because they want to support their Arabic brethren, as well as Palestine. The other Arabic nations do not join the war due to still recovering from a brutal war against Israel to finally have Israel recognize the independence of Palestine, as well as Egypt obtaining the Gaza Strip in a narrow victory against Israel. Kurdistan tried to gain more of their Kurdish lands, but due to the massive coalition against them, they only obtain the Turkish lands, slightly increasing tensions between Turkey and Greece.

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Idea 2.5 - After the untimely death of the Queen, as well as a new scandal that was released of the future king, the opinion of the monarchy outside of England plummets to an all time low, which results in their oversea territories in the Caribbean striving for independence. Due to them continuing to struggle with recovery after the previous war (WW3), they decide to grant these places independence on the condition that they continue to stay in the Commonwealth of Nations indefinitely.

  • @Sabyrcus
    @Sabyrcus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    stellar job as always

  • @Faint236
    @Faint236 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amazing video as always

  • @danielkimdude3500
    @danielkimdude3500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice vid,, keep up the great work.

  • @NiloticMapper
    @NiloticMapper ปีที่แล้ว

    great vid man

  • @AZMapping
    @AZMapping  2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    NOTICE: Ideas are no longer being accepted here, so if you have an idea, you have to wait for episode 7.
    Some new things added after this episode:
    | Removed the "One Cutscene per Episode" Rule
    | Now you can submit ideas in private if you don't want other people seeing the idea. Here's a link: forms.office.com/r/h91PMvgzLs
    | Also, I'll begin getting a little bit more stricter in enforcing the rules in the description. This doesn't mean every idea that doesn't follow the rules 100% will be rejected, but I will reply to comments that are too vague and stuff.
    | Any comments referring to adding/removing countries in the Other World will be rejected as the commenter with the original idea has said so (And the OG commenter always gets priority on ideas).
    | Aliens are allowed but they must be extremely creative, so them invading earth or something isn't allowed because it is too basic. I'll decide what is allowed and not when you comment;
    Alright, AFODW returns after this episode, see you all in, like, a month.

    • @Lokak_GD_
      @Lokak_GD_ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @No_Nem12345
      @No_Nem12345 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi can you pls add a Boer/Afrikaner Country?

  • @user_jovandrisusanto
    @user_jovandrisusanto ปีที่แล้ว

    Tomorrow i can't wait to see ep 7!

  • @wurtel9974
    @wurtel9974 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea: More oceanic territories get put into the alternate world, but in completely separate locations.
    Idea 2: The South Sandwich Islands become green, and the people there declare independence from the UK.

  • @kaseychu1750
    @kaseychu1750 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Some Other Minor Ideas I had but didn't know where to put. (Just to flesh out the Countries that really haven't had much screentime as of yet)
    - California Fears that America (Or a Resurgent USA, Depending on where placed in the episode) will Start a new Manifest Destiny across the Recently freed Western states. So Approaches Washington and Oregon about a Defensive Allience. They Both Accept and The "Pacific State Entene" (Or PSE) Is declared
    - Turkey Decides to have a Rapprochement with Iran, Hoping to mend there Rivalship. The talks go decently. and turkey Agrees to pull out of Their Boarder Region and all occupied lands in Iraq, While they aren't Friends just yet. The road has been paved for a friendship in the Future.
    - Norway's Geologists have Studied the New Gem, and If combined with Light Particles in just the right condiitons, it creates rays of Blue and Teal light in one Direction that can melt through Metal in Seconds. Norway Realizes the Ramifications if this Gem got out, and that viens of this gem run off into the Northern Sea.

  • @theotherdashmelted
    @theotherdashmelted ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea: New Zealand finally tells Australia and New Caledonia about the fact they might not be on Earth and they start developing space rockets to investigate what's going on on planet Earth and maybe start a new Oceania

  • @Fluxxarr
    @Fluxxarr ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice the end

  • @darealstupid
    @darealstupid ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Plot twist: the light was an eraser of someone drawing an average meme world map

  • @BriswallYT
    @BriswallYT ปีที่แล้ว

    How do you make it so the countryballs move when talking, just like VoidViper? Just wanna learn.

  • @turkishmapper2ndaccount
    @turkishmapper2ndaccount ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Strenatos
    @Strenatos ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea: Australia is split into the rest of the states and one by one the come back to earth

  • @Yesletsgo144
    @Yesletsgo144 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    36:15 Russia being a ceral killert

  • @nepdep1945
    @nepdep1945 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    IDEA: A New Zealander astronomer contacts the New Zealand government about some findings they have made. Specifically, they have found the exact planet they are located on.
    The astronomer has noticed that the traditional planets do not appear in the sky, replaced by new ones(though there are still seven of them), and the constellations are different as well. However, the Sun looks the same, implying the planet is orbiting a star similar to the Sun. The radio telescopes they have been operating have detected radio signals from Earth dating back to the year 2025, suggesting that they are around 12 light-years away from Earth. The only star that fits both being Sun-like and being 12 light-years away is the star Tau Ceti. This means that radio signals from Australia and New Zealand won't reach Earth until 2051.
    However, Tau Ceti has not one, but two habitable planets, both larger than Earth. Since temperatures had been dropping recently, the astronomer assumes they are on Tau Ceti f, the colder of the two. Radio signals have been detected from the hotter planet, Tau Ceti e, however, that mention the fascist United States.
    New Zealand now knows that the fascist USA, and to that extent the UFN, is somehow connected to this planetary system, but has no way of warning their compatriots on Earth, unless they can get ahold of the technology that stranded them on Tau Ceti f. They won't tell Australia either, for reasons stated in this episode. All they can do is continue trying to explore the alien world they now inhabit.

    • @SeptoScotius
      @SeptoScotius ปีที่แล้ว

      Tau Ceti f 4 times more massive than Earth. Also, 6 of the planets are rocky and orbit closely.

  • @littlehepatitus10
    @littlehepatitus10 ปีที่แล้ว

    No no no... Youre putting Ace attorney references into this? It's like Henry stick in but just like 5 or less references.

  • @ralseiprincefromdark8521
    @ralseiprincefromdark8521 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ur videos underrated

  • @Partyturtle357
    @Partyturtle357 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think that the place austrailia and nz are in are where countries that are dead go, like east germany, manchuria (but that got taken back) , nazi germany

  • @kaseychu1750
    @kaseychu1750 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cape Crisis Pt.2! (FInishing off my Idea form this Episode)
    - The AAP Realizes they Can’t Win in Africa in a long-term war. As it begins to look more and more like a Great War Situation. England and France decide to focus their forces on the Southern Front of the War.
    - The EAF Realizes French forces have moved away from their southern Flank, and Now Send a Majority of Their Forces to the Northern Front. Breaking Through Sudanese Lines and Make A spear Offensive to Khartoum. Putting the City under Siege
    - South Africa’s Eastern Lines break as French forces Connect up with The South African Insurgents and The English Coastal Forces. South African Forces Retreat across the Border into Namibia as the Central Government Falls. Their Last Action sending the full plans to the EAF and her allies.
    - Botswanian Forces are unable to break the Western Front, As English Troops are pushed out of Nanbia by the Fleeing South African Troops. Rodenasian Troops Make minor Gains into Botswana But are soon stopped.
    - The EAF Finally Captures Khartourn and Sudan Quickly Surrenders. Fascist Ethiopia Realizes they won’t be able to hold their gains for much longer and race to occupy as much of Sudan as they gain, Only making slight progress before being Halted By EAF forces.
    - The AAP Is pressured by Current European Politics (see Martin’s Idea 2 for Ref) And The Public is slowly turning against the ruling Government, due to lacking resources for Basic Public needs and A draft being implemented to fund the war. Reluctantly. France and Britain Decide to Meet in Addis Ababa To Hold Talks for Peace, and Both Sides of the War agree. And The Addis Conference Begins
    Treaty of - Addis Ababa
    Signed By: All Countries Involved In the War.
    1. Mozambique is fully annexed Into France, and French Claims over Madasgcar are Recognized.
    2. Lesotho, Eswatini, and Botswana gain corresponding Ethnic Land form south Africa.
    3. The Rest of South Africa is Annexed By England. (Now the united kingdom, Depending on were placed in the episode)
    4. Botswana shall ceed western Border lands to Namibia
    5. The EAF fully occupies Sudan until 2045. A pro-EAF goverment is put in power and is invited to Join the EAF at any time.
    6. Ethiopia and the EAF’s Borders shall stay the same. A non-Agression Pact is signed between The African Federation and Ethiopia to last until 2050.
    7. Namibia, Rodenasia, and Sudan shall join the African Federation.

  • @ademile_0973
    @ademile_0973 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Im thinking and in the year is the world, a very populated movement the hispanism, Its about a Union of Hispanic countries. It will be a insteresting what the regionals movement of every hispanic country take arms to do the ambicius thing to reunite all spanish speaking countries, It will be interesting.

  • @0Dx_ge
    @0Dx_ge ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't know exactly how to word this, but I think the Western US States should have some sort of unification or alliance.
    Unification Version: It'll start off with like Texas or someone making the proposition that a new United States of America would be a start to taking down the Fascists and reunifying America. Until the Fascists are taken down, it should be the Pacific States of America (PSA). Russia could allow Alaska to rejoin as he did mention that he would remake America into their original democratic form. Hawaii, still being under Fascist rule, could rebel against them and join the PSA.
    Alliance Version: It starts off the same way as the Unification one, but someone like Oregon would interrupt and say that it may anger the Fascists even more if they unify and that an alliance would be better. This could be called the Pacific Treaty Organization (PTO, basically NATO but Pacific). The mainland states would be the founders and (if Hawaii does revolt) would have Alaska and Hawaii join in the alliance about the next year or two.
    I think that in both versions, the PTO would be created, as former ASEAN members would want more protection from the Fascists in their region.
    The PSA flag could be something like the Maori flag, but with more blue colors symbolizing the blue in the majority of the state flags.
    Both versions would definitely set up a Cold War between the Fascists and the Anti-Fascists. Russia, although not needing to be in PTO, would definitely support the Anti-Fascists in this Cold War.
    In the episode after that, the PTO and UFN would possibly have a dispute over borders in Hawaii and South-east Asia.
    If you have not already thought through the entire series, I do think the Fascists should become the ruling power in every nation in the end of Installment 2. Installment 3 would mainly be about ending Fascism once and for all. Ending in like 2067, the ending for Episode 15 would jump ahead a few decades/centuries and see all the continents on Earth have one nation each. Seeing how peaceful the world is and how space colonies will make a new step for new nations, the 7 continents will unite forming the United Federation of Earth. Installments 4 and 5 would be like solar system and galactic scale things.
    I am typing this at midnight (for me), where I get most of my creative ideas. This may be a bit too much, but I am hoping at least some of this could happen. If this isn't really seen here, I will post this on the next episode when it releases.

  • @chameleonz3812
    @chameleonz3812 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea: Sardinia and Corsica break away from Italy.
    Norway and Sweden come together to form Scandinavia
    Australia discovers a new map with made up countries and flags

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      Can you tell me how Sardinia and Corsica did that, and why they would do that?

    • @chameleonz3812
      @chameleonz3812 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping I guess they have a coup or something.

    • @chameleonz3812
      @chameleonz3812 ปีที่แล้ว

      Or that they feel strong enough to be independent by themselves

  • @FaithfulCocoaTheThird
    @FaithfulCocoaTheThird 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Idea: The remaining territories of Australia and New Zealand, act as a link to the rest of the world, communications are researched more to provide a quicker link to the off-world territories. It takes a couple of episodes for the quick communications to be established, this ends in disaster as it accidentally rips a hole in spacetime, sucking orbiting satellites into the hole having a fate as they glitch out of reality once entering the rip.

  • @tree1594
    @tree1594 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the emus on australia wondering where the hell they are

  • @FaithfulCocoaTheThird
    @FaithfulCocoaTheThird 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    About Idea 2, i accidently didn’t watch the full episode :( So you can basically make Russia a puppet of the Galileans and then their plans happen (but stopped by a random country, maybe Ukraine)

  • @thegrandestbazaar4800
    @thegrandestbazaar4800 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have the crystal the Norwegians found named 'suspendium' (something from a game called airships conquer the skies) with properties that when energised can lift alot of weight
    This could end up developing into weapons (have the effect go horizontally and be a great peircing weapon) named a 'suspendium cannon'
    Could also develop new forms of transportation and aircraft that can *truly* hover, like a city in the sky
    (May write a book using the same thing but just thought id put the idea out there)
    Again the game 'airships conquer the skies' I think is the origin so I'll credit there

  • @MinnesotaMania
    @MinnesotaMania 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea, Minnesota gains independence from the fascist states and does not join the liberation movement, but instead joins a new nordic free trade and military alliance. Texas gets upset and declares war on Minnesota but the new alliance defends against the attack Minnesota becomes a progressively more prosperity filled place.

  • @user_jovandrisusanto
    @user_jovandrisusanto ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea (there are 3 minor ideas and 1 major idea)
    Minor Idea:
    1. (At the early of the ep 7) The Greenland ice suddenly melted a bit, it makes faroe island, Iceland, some canadian islands, and svalbard got sinked into underwater. And the canada got shocked some of their islands got sinked and canada tries to investigate then found out the some of greenland ice got bit melted because of the global warming.
    2. (At early, mid, or late? of the ep 7) The huge explosion appeared in paris france, then the england, germany and spain got shocked. and france found out it was because factory malfunction. Then Luckily England And Spain Restored Paris
    3. (At the mid of Ep 7) the brazil got rebel war, (because the rebels want make Brazil fascism) but the Portugal decided to help brazil. Then the rebel failed to attack brazil because brazil is too strong. (Brazil and Portugal: Blue | The Rebel: Red) and the brazil won.
    Major Idea:
    1. (At the mid of the ep 7) New Zealand Found Many Gold, Iron, And Diamond while mining. Then Australia created a satellite for see what planet looked alike. And The Australia found new gem that like unknown gem in Norway Svalbard.

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      Your major ideas cannot be done because the original commenter of the Other World idea has said that no new countries will be added/found in the other world, nor will any be sent back to Earth. This does include the cloning idea.

    • @user_jovandrisusanto
      @user_jovandrisusanto ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping ok major ideas changed

    • @user_jovandrisusanto
      @user_jovandrisusanto ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping added new minor IDEA

  • @mrsnowman2011
    @mrsnowman2011 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    27:44 I Think This Location Will Be In Sevastopol, Russia

  • @AInsectZ
    @AInsectZ ปีที่แล้ว

    idea: layer of water disappeared and more land appear and bunch lsland

  • @kdqk410
    @kdqk410 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @lordofpatates
    @lordofpatates ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea:Turkey recreates Mishak-ı Milli

  • @PreppyRblxAestheticEdits
    @PreppyRblxAestheticEdits ปีที่แล้ว +1

    10:10 Thatbwas so funny 😂

  • @Hesked2
    @Hesked2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mozambique go YEET

  • @onyxisgone
    @onyxisgone ปีที่แล้ว

    bros turning this into half alternative future, half danganronpa

  • @electro6202
    @electro6202 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    hello so i found you channel 2 days ago and loved the movie part of infinity so now im here. For an idea i think nigeria should become more involved in africa and maybe annex cameroon and benin in order to show their strength

  • @adhd6248
    @adhd6248 ปีที่แล้ว

    Could norway invade denmark and sweden to make an empire

  • @Kiwistan
    @Kiwistan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Over lack of resources, the states of Arizona and New Mexico go to war and Wyoming and neighboring states on their own sides.

    • @nepdep1945
      @nepdep1945 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It would make more sense for Arizona and Nevada to go to war since they both have very limited water. Maybe because of this some states choose to unite with each other out of fear of being attacked, such as the Dakotas uniting, Wyoming and Montana uniting into Yellowstone, and many more. Texas could try to attempt to keep order.

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Who wins each war?

    • @Kiwistan
      @Kiwistan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping Arizona asks Texas for help and New Mexico is partitioned.
      The war with Montana v Wyoming V Colorado Idaho ends with Wyoming collapsing and Idaho annexed by Montana. Wyoming is partitioned.
      California invades Nevada and Oregon but Utah intervenes to annex Eastern Nevada with the rest of Nevada and Oregon annexed by California.

    • @Kiwistan
      @Kiwistan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nepdep1945 one issue: Dakota is part of Fascist states

    • @Kiwistan
      @Kiwistan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping another idea I had in place was once the news is spread to citizens of Australia and New Zealand, separatism occurs in New Zealand’s northern regions with 4 of them succeeding as independent states. These are Northland, Auckland, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty.
      They form the free state organization. (FSO) in conjunction with West Australia which also succeed.
      If this sounds vague, my bad. I just want to see my region exist in a series.
      If you want to accept these then search each flag on images. You can pick which comes up.

  • @08_BTR
    @08_BTR 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Idea 1: The EAF, wanting to weaken the AAP and the UFN, decides to call both out on breaches of the Antarctic Treaty. The rest of Project Point’s team, as well as most of the civilised world, increases and applies new sanctions to them, chastising their actions in the continent.
    Idea 2: The AAP, needing more influences and resources to sustain them in the war, begin to roll out rigged elections in support of pro-AAP politicians, who’s first act just so happens to be uniting with the AAP. Due to this, Wales is annexed by England and Morocco is annexed by Spain. A third referendum is about to be held in Brittany, when information on the elections is leaked to NATO. They give an ultimatum to the AAP: stop rigging the referendums, or they will make the information public and declare war. They AAP reluctantly stop, not wanting to have to fight in Europe in addition to Africa.

  • @flawlessdeer57
    @flawlessdeer57 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My OG comment is gone for some reason. How Ep.7 doing?

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Don’t worry, I saved all comments here, your idea hasn’t vanished.
      Episode 7 is still in the works, progress is a bit slow, the video is currently 14 minutes long.

  • @nashworld908
    @nashworld908 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    17:28 what kind of some game?

  • @TheNamesScootland
    @TheNamesScootland ปีที่แล้ว

    Tasmania literally portal'ed

  • @solecproductions
    @solecproductions 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:01 i have to say, i don't think the ksp space music fits during a war.

    • @universephil
      @universephil 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The vid got prob copyright claimed and he had to replace the music cause I'm pretty sure it was something else when I watched the ep the first time

  • @huff120
    @huff120 ปีที่แล้ว

    Maybe on this new planet, Oceania finds different versions of the countries who turned fascist on earth

  • @earthball2024
    @earthball2024 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idea: A recession begins in The Chinese Republic. And they crack down on farmers for peaceful revolutions... this doesn't go down well with the population however. And a revolt is sparked by the New People's Liberation Army. This resulted in the culmination of the 2nd Chinese civil war. After The Chinese Republic Is forced to retreat to the Yangtze river a stalemate occurs. Leaving the 2 sides Trying to make a advancement. But both fail.

  • @Alpha-oe7zn
    @Alpha-oe7zn ปีที่แล้ว

    Bro the sudden danganronpa and ace attorney refences

  • @stanisawbujak8280
    @stanisawbujak8280 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    IDEA: poland can into space!!!!!

  • @ahmedmubabichawhabibi9229
    @ahmedmubabichawhabibi9229 ปีที่แล้ว

    Countryballs x ace attorney is very nice

  • @user-nb9nn1ct4b
    @user-nb9nn1ct4b ปีที่แล้ว

    Is there any countryball movie that doesn't portray russia as a villain

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      Volume 1 of this series and AFODW both by me don't really potray Russia as a villain. Although if you refer to Russia being a more main character, there's VoidViper's Alternate Future of Asia.

  • @vokhoi5725
    @vokhoi5725 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are vietnam?

  • @petroniosantos6601
    @petroniosantos6601 ปีที่แล้ว

    Name of game please

  • @Gavinnusz284
    @Gavinnusz284 ปีที่แล้ว

    Year 1,000,000
    🇺🇦:let’s join USA
    🇬🇧:nobody can beat me…
    🇹🇨🇹🇻🇸🇭🇬🇸🇵🇳🇳🇺🇳🇿🇲🇸🇫🇰🇹🇫🇫🇯🇨🇰🇮🇴🇰🇾🇻🇬🇦🇺🇦🇮:look at us!
    🇪🇺🇫🇷🇬🇮🇨🇾:sazoo totoo Kansas is goon
    Kansas:wait what?

  • @Smolmonke87
    @Smolmonke87 ปีที่แล้ว

    7:32 whats this music

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      Makai Symphony ~ Endless Storm
      All music is credited in the end of the video in order of appearance.

  • @redellafestafd1084
    @redellafestafd1084 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    32:17 It is really unsatisying seeing Japan back to fascism but not using the old flag... :/

  • @bannerjay3347
    @bannerjay3347 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What's the music at 2:01

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Song names are listed at the end of the video in chronological order.
      The song here is a variation of Broken Circuitry that I made.

    • @bannerjay3347
      @bannerjay3347 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AZMapping Oh I stopped the video before that rolled in, thanks for telling me :)

  • @minoaxe3681
    @minoaxe3681 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can't believe russia is actually the villain >:(

  • @jxq12
    @jxq12 หลายเดือนก่อน

    10:10 bro died 💀

  • @Soviet-Mapping
    @Soviet-Mapping ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you make the new soviet union

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      Can you specify how and why they appear?

  • @isaac8658
    @isaac8658 ปีที่แล้ว

    Conalization of mars

  • @sydajax
    @sydajax ปีที่แล้ว


  • @BritishFood
    @BritishFood 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @mrboezio
    @mrboezio 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    danganronpa ahh moment

  • @leeyenherngcalebpeircess6121
    @leeyenherngcalebpeircess6121 ปีที่แล้ว

    Next: Austraila finds the gem that Norway found, and Tasmania is taken by England after the South African war
    And the mysterious Lunar country reveals themself

  • @YeamlakAbebayehu1000
    @YeamlakAbebayehu1000 ปีที่แล้ว

    Realistically, Ethiopia would have helped South Africa and wouldn't have become fascist

  • @michawandzel4046
    @michawandzel4046 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @thegaming6603
    @thegaming6603 ปีที่แล้ว

    If Russia actually died when holding on to the spacecraft, countries in Earth will split up Russia, Moscow will be in autonomy for a few years and a Soviet-Communist Insurgency happens. Otherwise, Russia finds who caused the neo-fascist movements in Earth and makes a deal with it.
    The democratic US rebels will be supported by NATO and eventually overthrow the fascists in a long civil-war.
    Australia and New-Zealand replaces the Union Jack part of their flag with the English flag, or they become republics. (Same for all other countries with a union jack on their flags)
    There is a communist insurgency in India , same like the one in Russia.
    All the post-soviet "Stans" unite for the sake of empowerment and protection form the communist insurgency in Russia.
    There will be a plot-twist when the rest of ASEAN unite into a communist regime and attack the fascists.

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  ปีที่แล้ว

      A bit of 1) can't be satisified because it has been said that no other nations are teleported around, yet. They can be sunk though

    • @thegaming6603
      @thegaming6603 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping Thank you for your consideration! Yes, I realize it now.

    • @thegaming6603
      @thegaming6603 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping edited the comment accordingly

  • @michawandzel4046
    @michawandzel4046 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @JustSiberia
    @JustSiberia ปีที่แล้ว

    My Ideas that MIGHT get rejected because some may not follow the rules:
    A communist revolution breaks out in Libya. The communist libyan rebels flag will have a star in the upper corner, and the moon and star in the central will be replaced by an hammer and an sickle. The anti-communists (Algeria, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Tunisia, Facist States of USA, etc.) form an coalition to defeat the Libyan rebels. But sadly, they begin building fortifications, leaving the war in a stalemate. The democratic goverments and communist goverments agree on peace, because the war is a back and fourth slug.
    Treaty of Algiers
    -Libya will be split into two: Democratic and Communist
    -The communists get some parts of Algeria and Tunisia
    -The communists has to be recognised as a country
    -A neutral zone has to be built between the communist and the democratic
    Libya after the war is in economic and war ruins. Both Libyas have to get back their economy in order to survive.
    The Facist-Nationalist Alliance (a military alliance) is created between The Phillippines, Indonesia, and the Facist States of America. The countries agree to work together.
    Because of Morocco always wanting to get back The Western Sahara, it declares a war on the country.
    (To be continued because i have low battery)

  • @BlueGuyFG
    @BlueGuyFG 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    0:47 music name?

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Song names are listed at the end of the video in chronological order.
      The song here is a variation of Broken Circuitry that I made.

    • @BlueGuyFG
      @BlueGuyFG 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you.

  • @susanyong6325
    @susanyong6325 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Asean took over all 3 fasist which are indonsia Philippines and japan , Austrila and new zealand tp back from where they came from, Rebels took over facist america. England manages to deafeat south africa and east africa federation won sudan and make terms with Ethiopia. Both Malaysia and sinagpore will become facisr after the terms were made on africa

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The "Oceania returns to Earth" ideas will have to be delayed until at least episode 9 or 10 unless the original creator of the idea says otherwise, because plot

    • @alexdroste7234
      @alexdroste7234 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping You should have the exploded Russian ships crash land outside of Sydney in the other world

  • @lizhang3073
    @lizhang3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    put them on the moon

  • @skits3861
    @skits3861 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Oofdorni
    @Oofdorni ปีที่แล้ว


  • @boilra
    @boilra ปีที่แล้ว

    Turkmenistan civil war

  • @ThePigeonCompany15
    @ThePigeonCompany15 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    England decided to reform united Kingdom and Oceania returns to earth and usa declared independence facist America. Winner: usa

    • @AZMapping
      @AZMapping  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The "Oceania returns to Earth" ideas will have to be delayed until at least episode 9 or 10 unless the original creator of the idea says otherwise, because plot

    • @ThePigeonCompany15
      @ThePigeonCompany15 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AZMapping ok

  • @lizhang3073
    @lizhang3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    use urk more

    • @lizhang3073
      @lizhang3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      more than more

    • @lizhang3073
      @lizhang3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      more than more than more

    • @lizhang3073
      @lizhang3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      more than more than more than more

  • @Pech2nisger
    @Pech2nisger ปีที่แล้ว

    Bruh Russia win ukarainr is fool