Theodore W. Allen and The Invention of the White Race - Jeffrey B. Perry

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @kushsakhu
    @kushsakhu 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    What a comprehensive presentation that taps into what it means to be a human and the powers that be benefit from tricking us into their various thoughts processes. After the murder of George Floyd, this presentation and its numerous tangents, must become basic education in schools. Jah live

  • @danthaman5230
    @danthaman5230 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Much better presentation slides than your first video upload. Highly interested in this topic. Who's here in 2019?

  • @cosmopessoa1556
    @cosmopessoa1556 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great presentation , finally the truth is ebbing out. Few of us knew most of this for years, but could only whisper it

  • @2phone_ike
    @2phone_ike 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for your Studies to help Society know the Truth.

    • @BiGGBLUNT1
      @BiGGBLUNT1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He's just informing his people

    • @dannalondon903
      @dannalondon903 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And by doing so he is informing us all, which is a pleasure.❤​@@BiGGBLUNT1

  • @realdealreds2578
    @realdealreds2578 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This was amazing, thank you

  • @MariahYanez
    @MariahYanez 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh wow! I didn't know these vids were on YT!

  • @dawnalittleton440
    @dawnalittleton440 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you you just answered my question about John punch. # listen

  • @Smortion
    @Smortion ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Rest in power Jeffrey

    • @bandoogiemanz
      @bandoogiemanz ปีที่แล้ว

      Dang. Didn't know he transitioned. Safe journeys, Mr Perry. 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @jonathanmcdonald7512
    @jonathanmcdonald7512 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Just shared this in my local Democratic Club page. It's good mental grubbin for all things left. Thanks for sharing!!!

  • @dlon8899
    @dlon8899 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Jan 2020...Wow!!!

  • @totonow6955
    @totonow6955 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    August 2019 here! Thank you so much.

  • @kelly980
    @kelly980 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you!

  • @alanblanes9572
    @alanblanes9572 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you very much for posting this valuable presentation. I have learned a lot from it, and I am very glad that someone has put together the contextual history of the pitting of white racial groups against other classifications of humans. I find it very encouraging that there is a discourse that can show a chronology of what has happened to create an antagonism rather than a tendency to seek common denominators, that enable labour solidarity. I would urge everyone who takes a didactic and hostile approach to white people - demanding that they "check their privilege" start to explore the history of this alienation, and adversarialism, rather than falling into the trap that perpetuates it.

  • @djuramalevic9919
    @djuramalevic9919 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish we can get the slides of this presentation somewhere? It was a great presentation.

    • @huizhechen3779
      @huizhechen3779 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Just download the video.

  • @dannalondon903
    @dannalondon903 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ayearofsunrises2314
    @ayearofsunrises2314 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Just what is race anyway? Think about it. Look it up in the dictionary. We aren't using race to define people correctly. Just because my skin is white doesn't make more like any other person who's skin is white. I HATE being defined as white. Why? Because these days that's a dirty word. POC shame the white person for no other reason than we are white. Sure, they say "Welcome to my world" but I never shamed a person of color because of their color. I never judged someone on their color. So that makes it ok for them to call me privileged? I've not gotten jobs because of Affirmative Action. I grew up poor, not able to afford the things that the black kids in my school afforded. I kept my nose out of view of the police and stayed clean. I worked four jobs at one time to afford my rent and bills. I went without. But still, I'm told I have white privilege. So if a poc went thru exactly the same things as me and ended up in the same place, I would still be considered "privileged" over that person, just because of my skin color. THAT is a perfect example of racism.
    Don't tell me poc's can't be racist. Everyone had the ability of being racist. The worst part is when you think you can't be, but you are.

    • @quietstorm0520
      @quietstorm0520 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You are one person. AMERICA has always systematically set white people up to succeed or at least not to fail. You and your family may not have taken advantage of it but it's still true. Just like my family has managed to be somewhat successful despite racism. However, just because you or I don't directly benefit or suffer doesn't mean that other people aren't. You may not get hired on every job however you hv a much greater chance of being promoted. You can hv children without people looking at you as a liability. Your children are generally treated well in school by teachers since most of them are white. There are many circumstances where your race has an advantage always has. Your race has NEVER been oppressed in AMERICA EVER. But now that black people are working HARD to catch up and your race is not giving everything like in the past, white people are complaining and calling foul. We have the right to complain. Unless, you are black you will/can NEVER understand how it is to walk in our shoes. Your race is uncomfortable if they are not dominating every one else even though there is enough to go around. Ur time of rulership is up, that's just the bottom line. You guys will HV to adjust to the new world.

    • @alanblanes9572
      @alanblanes9572 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Year of Sunrises has a valid point - and it serves no socially meritorious purpose to suggest that such generalities as "only whites can oppress" and "no black person can be racist". All these mantras do is cause anger among whites who need to become allies, starting with the grounding in the fact that black labour is proletarian. Perry has created a coherent way to avoid the useless antagonism that has surrounded the "white privilege" rhetoric of recent times. Hectoring whites - and objectification of whiteness in a derogatory context is ONLY serving the interests of recruiters to the Nazi Right. Labour historians can counter this phenomenon by thinking inclusively - the way that Jeffrey B. Perry gave this presentation.

    • @Mrbamis22
      @Mrbamis22 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Racism Is Inherently About The Institutionalized Systematic Exclusion Of People Of Color. We As Black People Can Do Nothing To Stop White People From Doing Anything! Can We Hate Whites? Certainly. We Can be Prejudiced, Everyone Is, But We Can Never Be Racist.

    • @Mrbamis22
      @Mrbamis22 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Eric Eric How So?

    • @garyvlahos635
      @garyvlahos635 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Mrbamis22 Name me a single Institution in your country which legally excludes People of Color in the year 2020 ...
      And who are these "WHITE PEOPLE" you speak of ?
      The major Atlantic slave trading nations were the Portuguese, the British, the Spanish, the French, the Dutch Empires, and the Danish.
      Take a look at a map of Europe. LOTS OF WHITES had nothing to do in the Atlantic slave trade.
      So who are the bad white people exactly ? How many are there ? All of them ?
      How about white children today ? Are they guilty ? If not yet, what age do they automatically become guilty ?
      How about a white who'se been homeless since young ... does he escape the BAD WHITE FOLKS label ?

  • @kristilindley7849
    @kristilindley7849 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Martin Luther King was a registered communist. It is legal to be a communist in this country, but it must be registered in Washington D. C., and King is registered as a communist there. He was a great "hero" for the Russians, who always gave him kudos after stirring up riots here in America and then slipping out the back door afterward. Also, the entire time he was traveling around giving his speeches, he traveled with a black dentist's wife, who was the "other woman". His wife was very aware of his cheating ways, but was instructed to keep quiet about it and to keep it covered up. The black dentist was also aware of his wife's cheating, but also kept mum on the situation. King attended a school in Tennessee where he was taught about communism, and he became a communist at that time. Of course black people don't know this or want to know this, but it certainly says something about his true morals. Also, the Civil War was not over slavery, but slavery was the "excuse" for the war. All wars are BIG BUSINESS and many war capitalists supply both sides with war materials. As one war capitalist bluntly put it, "We make more in one day of war than in a year of peace." Lincoln did not have anything to do with ending slavery, but said, "These two peoples cannot live peacefully together and "they" should be returned to their own homeland." Also, you will discover that ALL the slavers, the ones in the business of slavery, were Jewish. They owned all the slave ships and slave trade, which is also archived in Washington D. C. They were also the vast majority of plantation owners, who bought slaves to labor for them. Most black people believe that all white people owned slaves, but that is certainly not true and there were millions of whites who never owned a slave, or wanted to own a slave. Slaves were very expensive, costing far more than the average person made in many years, still, many wealthy whites never owned any slaves.

    • @waynetables6414
      @waynetables6414 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      "MLK was bad, The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, Jews did the slave trade, poor whites couldn't afford slaves." Very non-unhinged points you got there. Im sure you're a very well adjusted person.

    • @asage5801
      @asage5801 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whats MLK have to do w/ this? You mad cause you know, on time, this puzzle is coming into focus and you know we are coming for ours…

    • @kristilindley7849
      @kristilindley7849 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      W@@asage5801 WHY are black people always saying they "deserve" to be rewarded CA$H for their ancestors having been slaves? The FACT is...if their ancestors had NOT been slaves...not only would they NOT be in this country TODAY...they wouldn't even EXIST! That is because if the blacks had been left in Africa, they would have married different people...had different children...and so that means the black people of today, OWE it to their relatives that WERE brought here...for their very EXISTENCE! Do you understand what I'm saying here? When Africans were brought here, they naturally ended up among different people, than they would have, if they had remained in their homeland. I'm not in any way saying that slavery was right, not at all, just that if today's black people stop and consider their history, they have MUCH to be glad of because their forefathers WERE brought to America! There are millions of people all around the world who want nothing more than to be in this country...and we are seeing that today, as thousands are now flocking here...which, sorry to say, will not be helping those who were born and raised in America. And at the rate we are going, we might soon become another third world country! But back to my original people should stop belly-aching about their forefathers having been slaves, the past is past, and today's white people are NOT responsible for what THEIR ancestors did, or what happened hundreds of years ago! Black people need to get the right attitude, and realize that it was by their forefather's coming here...they DO LIVE here in America TODAY...and EVEN EXIST AT ALL!...WERE EVEN BORN!! Also, taking down monuments is ERASING YOUR OWN HISTORY, WHICH YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO OWN! For Big TRUTH! kristi