Reed flutes are my favorite. I have the Greek version called the Mantoura (μαντούρα) that's played on Crete and the islands. They come single or doubled like mijwiz. Even though they're made out of Arundo donax, you can make them out of Phragmities. I've had success with it and you can make one in a few minutes, but they're not as big and sturdy as the Arundo donax. Still super fun!
Wow, those look amazing. I'll have to put those on my ever growing instrument list. I wonder if we have some sort of substitute here in Florida for the plant.
Ah thank you. I might try to make a Aulos, single pipe. I live in Florida and I'm pretty sure I can find some Phragmites grass to give it a shot, just have to watch for gators.
@@Fellow_Traveller1985 Oh yeah, I’m going to try to find some bamboo straws and give that a shot! What do you use to close the top, clay or an eraser or something?
@@Fellow_Traveller1985 Alright, I bought some bamboo straws and went for it. I did ok, not great, but it worked like you said.
It was a bit tough but once I figured it out, it's a bit like a tiny clarinet. The one thing I can't do on this is circular breathe. I can on the Didge but with the Didge there is nothing inside my mouth unlike the Mijwiz which has the reeds.
So sounds like a cross between a car horn, bagpipes and vuvuzela
Just kidding. Sounds ace.
@@JayboTheHood You’re right though! My wife says it sounds like angry wasps.
Reed flutes are my favorite. I have the Greek version called the Mantoura (μαντούρα) that's played on Crete and the islands. They come single or doubled like mijwiz.
Even though they're made out of Arundo donax, you can make them out of Phragmities. I've had success with it and you can make one in a few minutes, but they're not as big and sturdy as the Arundo donax. Still super fun!
Wow, those look amazing. I'll have to put those on my ever growing instrument list. I wonder if we have some sort of substitute here in Florida for the plant.
That's a Yarghoul, it's almost the same as a Mijwiz, but the Mijwiz doesn't have a drone, instead it's double melody pipe.
Ah thank you. I might try to make a Aulos, single pipe. I live in Florida and I'm pretty sure I can find some Phragmites grass to give it a shot, just have to watch for gators.
@@worldmusicsafari Yeah I make similar instruments like Sipsi from bamboo drinking straws. The hardest part is making a good reed.
@@Fellow_Traveller1985 Oh yeah, I’m going to try to find some bamboo straws and give that a shot! What do you use to close the top, clay or an eraser or something?
@@worldmusicsafari Beewax is excellent, I also tie the ends with strings to prevent cracking and seal the string band with melting beewax.
@@Fellow_Traveller1985 Alright, I bought some bamboo straws and went for it. I did ok, not great, but it worked like you said.
نحن بالاردن وفلسطين معروف ان الة مجوز الاكثر شهرة بالاعراس والدبكات
Thank you! I love how they sound. Very interesting to learn they are used at weddings and dances.
واصلا المجوز اصلها اتى من الاردن او غالبا من بلاد الشام @@worldmusicsafari
very cool
Thank you! I love this little instrument.
That is really cool! How did you learn to play it?
It was a bit tough but once I figured it out, it's a bit like a tiny clarinet. The one thing I can't do on this is circular breathe. I can on the Didge but with the Didge there is nothing inside my mouth unlike the Mijwiz which has the reeds.
Thank you!