There are few facts not mentioned in this discussion. The North & East are not a continues stretch of land or territory. Eastern province is separate from the North province. Tamils make up less than 40% of the population of the eastern province. Sri Lankan government regained control of the Eastern province in 2007, after the defeat of the Tamil Tiger in that area. The eastern province has a functioning provincial council after the elections in 2008.
The fact is more than half of the Tamil population has left Sri Lanka to the West in the last 30 years. This Tamil Diaspora has not woken from the dream of creating the so called exclusive ethnically cleansed separate Tamil state.
Wast majority of the Tamils in Sri Lanka want normalcy & peace to get on with there livelihoods. The demographics have changed large in addition to large number of Tamils who have left Sri Lanka, Significant proportion of Tamils have moved to town & cities in other parts of Sri Lanka & living peacefully with Sinhalese.
There are few facts not mentioned in this discussion. The North & East are not a continues stretch of land or territory. Eastern province is separate from the North province. Tamils make up less than 40% of the population of the eastern province. Sri Lankan government regained control of the Eastern province in 2007, after the defeat of the Tamil Tiger in that area. The eastern province has a functioning provincial council after the elections in 2008.
The fact is more than half of the Tamil population has left Sri Lanka to the West in the last 30 years. This Tamil Diaspora has not woken from the dream of creating the so called exclusive ethnically cleansed separate Tamil state.
Wast majority of the Tamils in Sri Lanka want normalcy & peace to get on with there livelihoods. The demographics have changed large in addition to large number of Tamils who have left Sri Lanka, Significant proportion of Tamils have moved to town & cities in other parts of Sri Lanka & living peacefully with Sinhalese.