I LOVE that when calypso finds out about Odysseus’ wife, she’s sad instead of angry and jealous. I think her silence could be interpreted as her being slightly sad for Odysseus because as far as she knows, *no one* can come or go. Odysseus can’t leave, and Penelope can’t find him and visit. He’s stuck never seeing his wife again.
I mean she knows the drill, on the original mythology Calypso, is stuck there just as much as Odysseus, and from time to time the gods will send a man she's cursed to fall in love with and take him away from her, for like, eternity. This prolly has happened thousands of times already it makes sense that she would be sad.
0:13 Yeah, in hindsight, this is something that I can blame Ody for. Don't give a son of Poseidon your name and address, Ares only got away with that because he was Ares.
He was never actually told that this was a son of poseidon until ruthlessness, in his mind he gave a random monster his name and address, also he was right not to kill it, there were other cyclopes that could have heard the death throes of polyphemus and come to investigate, if athena had instead said "This is a son of posiedon, be careful" then he wouldn't have been in anywhere near as much danger
@@MattJWaters Uh... Dude, all the Cyclops are sons of Poseidon, So unless ODYSSEUS was too stupid, he should know that. The only Cyclopes who were not children of Poseidon were the original ones, who were imprisoned in Tartarus. All Cyclops are sons of Poseidon And Athena warned him that he was a threat until he was dead, Odysseus did not listen to his teacher and paid the consequences
@@anniefemmas5097 1: its never actually stated in greek myth that all non elder cyclopes are sons of poseidon 2: They were freed from Tartarus so that's not a reason they couldn't be in this story 3: even if it were true Ody cant be expected to know the ancestry of every single monster 4 there's a difference between "He's a Threat" and "His father is a god who will punish you for this" one is a good warning the other is a vague statement that isn't even true, he can cause threats by telling his father but he himself is blind and not really a threat 5: you didn't actually rebut my point about how the other cyclopes could have heard polyphemus dying and come over to investigate which would have got the entire crew killed so there was a risk to killing him as well Im not saying that leaving him alive was correct, just that the situation is more complex than people give it credit for
@@MattJWaters 1) In fact, as far as I know, it is clearly stated that only 3 Cyclops are not sons of Poseidon, it is never mentioned that the Cyclops have another father other than Poseidon. 2) It is known that ancient and "current" Cyclops are different The Cyclops of the Titanomachy were HUGE, as well as MOUNTAINS 3)If Odysseus knows ancient history like Sicylla, I think he is capable of knowing the origin of the Cyclops. 4) We are talking about GREEKS!! First of all, if the goddess of wisdom AND BATTLE tells you "It's a threat" You don't doubt that it's a threat, you kill it, Second, there are many ways in which polyphemus was STILL an active threat, just read the odyssey, When the clever Odysseus decided to shout his name, what do you think Polyphemus did?I threw giant rocks in his direction that sank 2 of Odysseus' ships, so yes, Athena was right. It was still a threat, For the Greeks, any enemy left alive was a potential threat because they could take revenge later, It doesn't matter if she wasn't in appearance, Athena is right according to Greek culture and not just because Poseidon was his father 5) When someone kills you... You know, you die, you don't make any noise, you die. When you hurt someone it makes noise, that's what happened Odysseus himself implies that he only did not kill the Cyclops at first because he was blocking the entrance Killing Polyphemus when the Cyclops had already heard that no one had hurt him and had left was actually super smart, Even if they heard something they could have said "he's bothering you again" And leave it Polyphemus had already told them there was no threat, they had no reason to go back even if the guy made more noise And yes, it was a more like complex situation. But not for logical reasons but for sentimental reasons Odysseus was bad emotionally, And that is something Athena could not understand until she felt it herself.
@anniefemmas5097 If we're using implications from 'Remember Them', then we should also use implications from 'Ruthlesness' where he whispers, "No..." in a voice filled with dread and disbelief.
Omg the details of red showing the death cause of each character during his vision, I can't! Also, I love the depiction of the thorn branches showing up during the second part. I'm pretty sure they are physical plants and it feels kinda like they grow with Odysseus mentak break, as if the years spent on the island made him grow a bond with it and now it reacts to his mental state.
You can tell that she's thinking along the lines of, "The first man to arrive on my island in years, and the name he spoke of belongs to another woman, who is his wife. Great."
This was AMAZING! I loved the character designs, and THE END? With Odysseus getting hugged by Calypso while his dead friends surround him? It was PERFECT. This was so, so great.
I love that here Calypso isn't just a "I want you no matter your feelings" antagonist, rather someone that does seem to care, even if she has ulterior motives. Very well done.
Yes, in part it is true, but in another part the power dynamics make it so that it does not matter that she does not seem to want to force Odysseus, she does it in a certain way
"From here on out your mine, all mine." How can that be interpreted any other way than possessive at best and dehumanizing at worst. It didn't sound like even giving the option of consent in my opinion.
I love your designs of the characters. The montage of Odysseus friends and enemies looked stunning, and 7 years later Odysseus looks like he needs a shower and about a decade's worth of therapy.
I've seen a lot of animatics for this song, and I think this one is my favorite. Her response to "shes my wife", ody putting a sword to her throat and her casually pushing it aside, the thorns when he's having his meltdown, and Athena at the end getting "ready for battle". She has something to fight FOR. something that odi criticized her for not having when they last spoke. And she was taught to fight for something by Telemachus. Right after this is God Games, where Athena has to convince several gods to agree to free odi. And when she's up against Aphrodite she tries to use her quick-think powers, only for ares to shut it down. he dominates the song, supplying arguments that she can't refute or find a way around. Until he starts trash talking Telemachus and her response is simply "shut your dirty mouth, he's my friend!" and that's... not an argument. It's not justification or a clever response. it's a threat that if you mess with someone she cares about, she will invoke all the fury she can against you. Which is shown when her final response to Aphrodite (the one she struggled the most convincing) was "broken hearts can mend" which roughly translates to "get over it." She doesn't have a response, but she does have sentimentality. The very thing she criticized odi for having, and that he called her out on lacking. That's a lot to say, Athena seeing odi struggle and grabbing her weapons with cold determination in her eyes definitely feels like it fits what happens next in the story (and her overall character) better than when the other animatics just show her as "staring and sad". Here, you can clearly see her GET ready. She's ABOUT to do something. and the very next thing we see is her doing that thing.
Hey y'all - glad to be back! Sorry for the massive break, been occupied by work and health so haven't had much time available 😅 Anyway, I wanted to do this one as it's another Calypso centric song, and I adore Barbara's voice! Refer to the description for links to all the brilliant singers involved!
it's okay, you take care of your health. Amazing Designs & video and Ody's design after seven years, damn depressing. Also does this mean there's a possibility for a renewed version of " not sorry for loving you"🙏
Welcome back! I'm very glad to see your work again! Your "Not Sorry For Loving You" animatic is one of my absolute favorite Epic videos! It's so awesome to see updated art for the characters I loved so much from it. :)
The second I saw Ody with the flower in his hair I instantly thought of your animatic for Not Sorry for Loving You, where he keeps it in his hair. I loved the thorns growing g around Ody as well to further signify how trapped he feels. You actually got me to cry a bit. This is very well made!
@@winstonpham4809 yeah but he looked too wimpy before, without any sharp edges, it was especially annoying in luck runs out when he was supposed to be cold and commanding toward Eurylochus. But now, Odysseus finally give off the vibes of an adult who's able and willing to fight, kill and be commanding.
I don’t even know what to say but my jaw is currently on the floor. Wowww, I love the character designs, especially how Ody and Calypso are shown to have changed over the years, and I love your take on Ody hearing the voices at the end, and how the cage of thorns was tightening around him because he really couldn’t go on any longer. Honestly, I could keep going, this whole animatic is a masterpiece of the grandest type! Amazing work ❤❤❤
I don't know what Jorge's take on Calypso is. But I love that in here, Calypso really cares for Odysseus. And the way she cares is just how anyone would care. She's trying to make him fall in love with him, but doesn't force him because she knows he's hurting. Instead, she offers her hospitality and comfort. I know the real Calypso is different and absolutely abusive, but this is what I think how Epic's Calypso is.
I absolutely love the thorny vines in the 2nd half of the song. The vines reaching out and pulling him in as he falls deeper into the depression from his traumatic past is just a perfect metaphor. It reaches out and surrounds a person and it feels as if no matter how much a person resists the more it hurts and engulfs somebody to the point where they feel they can't escape. It is just such a great touch to this animation.
The animation is SOOOOO GOOOODDDD!!!!!! This is definitely my fav animation of this song by far. All of the characters designs in this are so good. Just overall absolutely stunning work 🤩
The emotions shown in the characters' faces are amazing. It's by far one of the best representations of this song I've seen. The desperation in Calypso's eyes, the hints of possessiveness over Odysseus, and the dead eyes of Odysseus after years of being trapped on the island. Great work!
I'm genuinely crying... I love the whole thing, the way in the begining it feels like sometimes he gives in to the spell but every time snaps out of it, every character design, the flashbacks and this cliff scene was horrible to watch in the best way possible... Thank you for sharing your amazing work with us we are truly being spoiled
FANTASTIC work!! I really love how you depicted the bit with the "ghosts" and how they surrounded him. And then Athena's face when she realized he needed her? Perfection. 💖
Awesome. Perfect. Amazing. Incredible. I loved this! I remember watching your I'm Not Sorry For Loving You animatic a while back and I loved that too. Keep cooking! 👍
Well I just zeroed in on you making Odysseus left-handed, I like it! It looks like you gave everyone a mark of death for the flashback sequence; the mark is over Ody's mom's heart, Eurylochus has the mark of a lightning bolt, I really enjoyed that detail.
Your design for Odysseus is giving Sinbad from Magi in the best ways possible!! I'm absolutely in love with how you designed him, Athena, and Calypso!! Keep up the incredible work!!
i must say, this is the best representation of calypso i have ever seen;n ever saw the musical ut always thought she was obssessed with him & manipulated his mind because of the lyrics, like that it made me see her as someone with attachement issues in consequences of her isolation. so great animation
I agree, I always saw Calypso as someone who can love in a genuine way but has no idea how to because of lack of social contact, attachment issues, fear of being alone and a too simplistic logic ("they'll love me if I give them pleasant things" and "If it's pleasant it's always good even if they don't want it" ). Because of that, she can't help Odysseus even if she wants to.
I don't think there is an actual musical yet has they are still working on the finals songs. But I'm sure that once they complete it all, a day is coming when there will be an actual live performance.
Odysseus screaming, then calling for Athena is even more heartbreaking when you realize this is his FIRST time (in 20 YEARS!) asking, no, SCREAMING for Athena to help him, not even knowing if she was listening. Why...? The mentor that appeared to him randomly one day, whose help he joyously accepted, yet NEVER requested, left him 10 years ago... Everyone he ever loved, he could ONLY remember now... The friends he was told to keep close were no more... The one who taught him "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" killed 550 of his men, after his son killed seven, Scylla devouring six more, with the king of the Greek gods killing the rest, then leaving Odysseus to drown alone... And now, trapped for 7 years on an island with a woman he does not love, not even knowing if Penelope and Telemachus were still ALIVE (his mother in the Underworld was a surprise for EVERYONE, what of his son and wife?), what is Odysseus left with? Nothing but his broken heart, mind, and spirit resounding in a single word... "ATHENA!!!"
Welcome back, and wow you came back with I think your best animatic yet? You are continually able to show emotions through abstract visuals very well telling quite a different interpretation that I know doesn't get you many fans, but I think it works well here just like it did in Puppeteer. big highlight for the best credits section I've ever for seen for an Epic Animatic. Properly shouting out these amazing voice talents is awesome!
U just made my day 😍😍😍 thank u so much I love your art. Your “not sorry for loving u” video has kept me alive while I wait for that song to release ☺️ your Calypso is my absolute favorite! ❤️❤❤❤
Omg you're back! I was hoping you'd do this one since I really liked your Not Sorry For Loving You animatic. I also see a slight difference in your art style. You've improved! Your Aeolus design is adorable, I love how you draw the island, and the breakdown part had a unique take as well. I liked the thorns. As someone else already said, it's like he's adapted with the island during his years there. Also love the determined expression on Athena. Most people make her sad, which is fine, but it's nice to see other interpretations. Glad to have you back! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store 😊
I like how you actually gave ody a scar cuz that man is NOT going to make it out unscathed. And the designs are so unique and are so cool also AHHHH the end was a jump scare it’s so good!!!!。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
I LOVE that when calypso finds out about Odysseus’ wife, she’s sad instead of angry and jealous. I think her silence could be interpreted as her being slightly sad for Odysseus because as far as she knows, *no one* can come or go. Odysseus can’t leave, and Penelope can’t find him and visit. He’s stuck never seeing his wife again.
No one? Or Nobody? >:)
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes@rangerskrillen8667
@@rangerskrillen8667his name is Nobody… nobody
According to the song, she talks about "HER SPELL" (In EPIC it seems that she is the one who maintains the fact, unlike in Odyssey)
I mean she knows the drill, on the original mythology Calypso, is stuck there just as much as Odysseus, and from time to time the gods will send a man she's cursed to fall in love with and take him away from her, for like, eternity. This prolly has happened thousands of times already it makes sense that she would be sad.
0:13 Yeah, in hindsight, this is something that I can blame Ody for. Don't give a son of Poseidon your name and address, Ares only got away with that because he was Ares.
He was never actually told that this was a son of poseidon until ruthlessness, in his mind he gave a random monster his name and address, also he was right not to kill it, there were other cyclopes that could have heard the death throes of polyphemus and come to investigate, if athena had instead said "This is a son of posiedon, be careful" then he wouldn't have been in anywhere near as much danger
@@MattJWaters Uh... Dude, all the Cyclops are sons of Poseidon, So unless ODYSSEUS was too stupid, he should know that.
The only Cyclopes who were not children of Poseidon were the original ones, who were imprisoned in Tartarus.
All Cyclops are sons of Poseidon
And Athena warned him that he was a threat until he was dead, Odysseus did not listen to his teacher and paid the consequences
@@anniefemmas5097 1: its never actually stated in greek myth that all non elder cyclopes are sons of poseidon
2: They were freed from Tartarus so that's not a reason they couldn't be in this story
3: even if it were true Ody cant be expected to know the ancestry of every single monster
4 there's a difference between "He's a Threat" and "His father is a god who will punish you for this" one is a good warning the other is a vague statement that isn't even true, he can cause threats by telling his father but he himself is blind and not really a threat
5: you didn't actually rebut my point about how the other cyclopes could have heard polyphemus dying and come over to investigate which would have got the entire crew killed so there was a risk to killing him as well
Im not saying that leaving him alive was correct, just that the situation is more complex than people give it credit for
1) In fact, as far as I know, it is clearly stated that only 3 Cyclops are not sons of Poseidon, it is never mentioned that the Cyclops have another father other than Poseidon.
2) It is known that ancient and "current" Cyclops are different The Cyclops of the Titanomachy were HUGE, as well as MOUNTAINS
3)If Odysseus knows ancient history like Sicylla, I think he is capable of knowing the origin of the Cyclops.
4) We are talking about GREEKS!! First of all, if the goddess of wisdom AND BATTLE tells you "It's a threat" You don't doubt that it's a threat, you kill it, Second, there are many ways in which polyphemus was STILL an active threat, just read the odyssey, When the clever Odysseus decided to shout his name, what do you think Polyphemus did?I threw giant rocks in his direction that sank 2 of Odysseus' ships, so yes, Athena was right. It was still a threat, For the Greeks, any enemy left alive was a potential threat because they could take revenge later, It doesn't matter if she wasn't in appearance, Athena is right according to Greek culture and not just because Poseidon was his father
5) When someone kills you... You know, you die, you don't make any noise, you die. When you hurt someone it makes noise, that's what happened
Odysseus himself implies that he only did not kill the Cyclops at first because he was blocking the entrance
Killing Polyphemus when the Cyclops had already heard that no one had hurt him and had left was actually super smart, Even if they heard something they could have said "he's bothering you again" And leave it
Polyphemus had already told them there was no threat, they had no reason to go back even if the guy made more noise
And yes, it was a more like complex situation. But not for logical reasons but for sentimental reasons
Odysseus was bad emotionally, And that is something Athena could not understand until she felt it herself.
If we're using implications from 'Remember Them', then we should also use implications from 'Ruthlesness' where he whispers, "No..." in a voice filled with dread and disbelief.
2:10 just noticed as soon as she revealed she was a goddess the music got more electronic since she’s magic!
Omg the details of red showing the death cause of each character during his vision, I can't! Also, I love the depiction of the thorn branches showing up during the second part. I'm pretty sure they are physical plants and it feels kinda like they grow with Odysseus mentak break, as if the years spent on the island made him grow a bond with it and now it reacts to his mental state.
1:27 1:29
That's what I love about every Love In Paradise animatic.
The face Calypso makes when Odysseus tells her that Penelope is his wife.
You can tell that she's thinking along the lines of, "The first man to arrive on my island in years, and the name he spoke of belongs to another woman, who is his wife. Great."
This was AMAZING! I loved the character designs, and THE END? With Odysseus getting hugged by Calypso while his dead friends surround him? It was PERFECT. This was so, so great.
God the shots where Calypso looks GENUINLEY worried/concerned about Odyseeus. They're so fun. I love them this anaimatic is amazing
"I'm what you want here"
Keep telling yourself that, but doesn't mean it will become reality
uh… that’s the point
I love that here Calypso isn't just a "I want you no matter your feelings" antagonist, rather someone that does seem to care, even if she has ulterior motives.
Very well done.
Yes, in part it is true, but in another part the power dynamics make it so that it does not matter that she does not seem to want to force Odysseus, she does it in a certain way
"From here on out your mine, all mine."
How can that be interpreted any other way than possessive at best and dehumanizing at worst. It didn't sound like even giving the option of consent in my opinion.
@@daring6983 You can be like that and still care in your own fucked up way.
I love your designs of the characters. The montage of Odysseus friends and enemies looked stunning, and 7 years later Odysseus looks like he needs a shower and about a decade's worth of therapy.
I've seen a lot of animatics for this song, and I think this one is my favorite. Her response to "shes my wife", ody putting a sword to her throat and her casually pushing it aside, the thorns when he's having his meltdown, and Athena at the end getting "ready for battle". She has something to fight FOR. something that odi criticized her for not having when they last spoke. And she was taught to fight for something by Telemachus.
Right after this is God Games, where Athena has to convince several gods to agree to free odi. And when she's up against Aphrodite she tries to use her quick-think powers, only for ares to shut it down. he dominates the song, supplying arguments that she can't refute or find a way around. Until he starts trash talking Telemachus and her response is simply "shut your dirty mouth, he's my friend!" and that's... not an argument. It's not justification or a clever response. it's a threat that if you mess with someone she cares about, she will invoke all the fury she can against you.
Which is shown when her final response to Aphrodite (the one she struggled the most convincing) was "broken hearts can mend" which roughly translates to "get over it." She doesn't have a response, but she does have sentimentality. The very thing she criticized odi for having, and that he called her out on lacking.
That's a lot to say, Athena seeing odi struggle and grabbing her weapons with cold determination in her eyes definitely feels like it fits what happens next in the story (and her overall character) better than when the other animatics just show her as "staring and sad". Here, you can clearly see her GET ready. She's ABOUT to do something. and the very next thing we see is her doing that thing.
Immediately rewatched “Not Sorry for Loving You” after this!
Hey y'all - glad to be back! Sorry for the massive break, been occupied by work and health so haven't had much time available 😅 Anyway, I wanted to do this one as it's another Calypso centric song, and I adore Barbara's voice! Refer to the description for links to all the brilliant singers involved!
it's okay, you take care of your health.
Amazing Designs & video and Ody's design after seven years, damn depressing.
Also does this mean there's a possibility for a renewed version of " not sorry for loving you"🙏
Welcome back! I'm very glad to see your work again! Your "Not Sorry For Loving You" animatic is one of my absolute favorite Epic videos! It's so awesome to see updated art for the characters I loved so much from it. :)
@@monalisayoutube yeah agreed, one of my favorite songs/video too
Oh shit. That shot of Calypso's back as she says she's a goddess is both perfectly timed and a great reveal.
The second I saw Ody with the flower in his hair I instantly thought of your animatic for Not Sorry for Loving You, where he keeps it in his hair. I loved the thorns growing g around Ody as well to further signify how trapped he feels. You actually got me to cry a bit. This is very well made!
Finally Odysseus doesn't look like a softie when he's sad or supposed to be threatening /give off an aura of strength.
I love it!
I mean with everything he's been through no wonder why the glass has shattered
@@winstonpham4809 yeah but he looked too wimpy before, without any sharp edges, it was especially annoying in luck runs out when he was supposed to be cold and commanding toward Eurylochus.
But now, Odysseus finally give off the vibes of an adult who's able and willing to fight, kill and be commanding.
I don’t even know what to say but my jaw is currently on the floor. Wowww, I love the character designs, especially how Ody and Calypso are shown to have changed over the years, and I love your take on Ody hearing the voices at the end, and how the cage of thorns was tightening around him because he really couldn’t go on any longer. Honestly, I could keep going, this whole animatic is a masterpiece of the grandest type! Amazing work ❤❤❤
I don't know what Jorge's take on Calypso is. But I love that in here, Calypso really cares for Odysseus. And the way she cares is just how anyone would care. She's trying to make him fall in love with him, but doesn't force him because she knows he's hurting. Instead, she offers her hospitality and comfort.
I know the real Calypso is different and absolutely abusive, but this is what I think how Epic's Calypso is.
I absolutely love the thorny vines in the 2nd half of the song. The vines reaching out and pulling him in as he falls deeper into the depression from his traumatic past is just a perfect metaphor. It reaches out and surrounds a person and it feels as if no matter how much a person resists the more it hurts and engulfs somebody to the point where they feel they can't escape. It is just such a great touch to this animation.
The animation is SOOOOO GOOOODDDD!!!!!! This is definitely my fav animation of this song by far. All of the characters designs in this are so good. Just overall absolutely stunning work 🤩
The emotions shown in the characters' faces are amazing. It's by far one of the best representations of this song I've seen. The desperation in Calypso's eyes, the hints of possessiveness over Odysseus, and the dead eyes of Odysseus after years of being trapped on the island. Great work!
I'm genuinely crying... I love the whole thing, the way in the begining it feels like sometimes he gives in to the spell but every time snaps out of it, every character design, the flashbacks and this cliff scene was horrible to watch in the best way possible... Thank you for sharing your amazing work with us we are truly being spoiled
00:24 I'll wait surprise face Ody, when he saw what Aeolus is girl as a matter of fact
Love cloud gal’s pigtails! So cute!
FANTASTIC work!! I really love how you depicted the bit with the "ghosts" and how they surrounded him. And then Athena's face when she realized he needed her? Perfection. 💖
0:52 The bubble popping right when the thunderbolt makes contact with Odysseus' ship is a nice touch 👌
OMGGG THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!I really like Calypso's and Aphina's designs
This was so great. The designs of the gods each having a sigil‚ the thorns‚ the ghosts... Loved it!
Awesome. Perfect. Amazing. Incredible. I loved this! I remember watching your I'm Not Sorry For Loving You animatic a while back and I loved that too. Keep cooking! 👍
Well I just zeroed in on you making Odysseus left-handed, I like it! It looks like you gave everyone a mark of death for the flashback sequence; the mark is over Ody's mom's heart, Eurylochus has the mark of a lightning bolt, I really enjoyed that detail.
Your design for Odysseus is giving Sinbad from Magi in the best ways possible!! I'm absolutely in love with how you designed him, Athena, and Calypso!! Keep up the incredible work!!
great work. In my opinon the best Love In Paradise animatic yet, i love your style.
Omg you're back!!! This is so good too aaaa
SO AWESOME!!!! Your athena design is gorgeously cute, your calypso design is my favorite, and I also really love your poseidon and tiresias designs!
This was so good. I love these designs, and how you captured emotion on their faces. Absolutely love it!
1:12 I’ve listened to the “Epic except Odysseus gets around ;)” and I expected to hear “When you f### up on my isle”
i must say, this is the best representation of calypso i have ever seen;n ever saw the musical ut always thought she was obssessed with him & manipulated his mind because of the lyrics, like that it made me see her as someone with attachement issues in consequences of her isolation. so great animation
I agree, I always saw Calypso as someone who can love in a genuine way but has no idea how to because of lack of social contact, attachment issues, fear of being alone and a too simplistic logic ("they'll love me if I give them pleasant things" and "If it's pleasant it's always good even if they don't want it" ). Because of that, she can't help Odysseus even if she wants to.
I don't think there is an actual musical yet has they are still working on the finals songs. But I'm sure that once they complete it all, a day is coming when there will be an actual live performance.
calypso's glowing eyes honestly set the mood. pretty, yet undeniably creepy and with cruel undertones.
Odysseus screaming, then calling for Athena is even more heartbreaking when you realize this is his FIRST time (in 20 YEARS!) asking, no, SCREAMING for Athena to help him, not even knowing if she was listening. Why...?
The mentor that appeared to him randomly one day, whose help he joyously accepted, yet NEVER requested, left him 10 years ago...
Everyone he ever loved, he could ONLY remember now...
The friends he was told to keep close were no more...
The one who taught him "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" killed 550 of his men, after his son killed seven, Scylla devouring six more, with the king of the Greek gods killing the rest, then leaving Odysseus to drown alone...
And now, trapped for 7 years on an island with a woman he does not love, not even knowing if Penelope and Telemachus were still ALIVE (his mother in the Underworld was a surprise for EVERYONE, what of his son and wife?), what is Odysseus left with?
Nothing but his broken heart, mind, and spirit resounding in a single word...
Your depiction of Calypso is by far my favorite
That Athena is TOUGH🔥⚔🛡🦉
I love this,the calypso design is very beautiful
i KNEW that if you did this one it would be awesome, so glad i waited!!
Absolutely, utterly beautiful! Your art style works perfectly for the song.
Your art style is beautiful! I love your design for Calypso
Welcome back, and wow you came back with I think your best animatic yet? You are continually able to show emotions through abstract visuals very well telling quite a different interpretation that I know doesn't get you many fans, but I think it works well here just like it did in Puppeteer. big highlight for the best credits section I've ever for seen for an Epic Animatic. Properly shouting out these amazing voice talents is awesome!
I almost spat out my drink in shock when the CALYPSO sign dropped as she introduced herself 😂
U just made my day 😍😍😍 thank u so much I love your art. Your “not sorry for loving u” video has kept me alive while I wait for that song to release ☺️ your Calypso is my absolute favorite! ❤️❤❤❤
Your designs are amazing! I really loved Athena's design, especially!
Omg soooo good. Favourite part was when he's at the cliff and the thorns (i think they're thorns😅) surround him
You've improved immensely, this was beautiful, you should be proud of your work.
I love your art style. The emotions are so subtle and beautiful. The color contrasts are nice. Great work!
You’re art style is absolutely beautiful, the watercolor effect is so stunning and makes it truly feel like we’re watching a art piece
I ADORE your character designs and your art style!!! 💖💖💖
Omg you're back! I was hoping you'd do this one since I really liked your Not Sorry For Loving You animatic. I also see a slight difference in your art style. You've improved! Your Aeolus design is adorable, I love how you draw the island, and the breakdown part had a unique take as well. I liked the thorns. As someone else already said, it's like he's adapted with the island during his years there. Also love the determined expression on Athena. Most people make her sad, which is fine, but it's nice to see other interpretations.
Glad to have you back! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store 😊
oh God! I was hoping to see another of your animatics again, they are beautiful!
God! my heart completely broke when I saw your Polites design
This is beautiful and tragic. Perfection ❤
this looks so good
Love how much your art has progressed! Keep up the good work!
you have grown so much in skill, I love to see how much you improved
Pop Off!! Glad to see you're back!!
This is such a beautiful animatic you did a great job! :7
You’re such an underrated Epic animator! So glad to see a new one of yours!
This was so beautifully done!!! I love your art style and the way you do expressions is just ARGHSIHGKNK! SO GOOD
Holy shit I love your design for characters during the Athena section
The designs are mwah
I adore your design for aeolus its such a cute design, your animatics are amazing
You have a very pretty and clean artstyle! This is visually stunning and I love how creative a lot of the gods’ designs are ^^
Absolutely amazing! Stunning!
I like how you actually gave ody a scar cuz that man is NOT going to make it out unscathed. And the designs are so unique and are so cool also AHHHH the end was a jump scare it’s so good!!!!。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Homegirl Calypso out here trying her best and just not having a clue how to handle this poor traumatized dude.
briliant, give me a dozen more
(also long pony ody is the best fucking thing I've seen today)
Amazing work, great to have you back
I love the full-metal alchemist vibe of your artstyle
Oh. . . Wow. This is so amazing. Look at all the characters, movements, emotions! Just . . . . Wow mate. Well done
I loved your early version, and this is even better
calypso is so cute and when calypso reveals herself as a goddess, Ody's face
As always, a masterpeace. i LOVE your style SOOOOOOO much
You’re awesome!
Your Calypso might be my favorite
Real! (She was frist version of her I saw too)
So good!!
i love your art ❤️
0:46 Your fault! Again!
Amazing =D
Absolutely amazing! I’m glad to be early!!
I love that Odysseus looks like Hunter (my favorite character) from the Owl House
Wow ❤
Amazing work!
Best One.