@holesh0t it all depends on what you grow up on really i used to ride a rm 85 suzuki bike it was ok the bike was a pile of shit so we bought my dads buddies quad for cheap that alli had so thats what i grew up on it all dpends but in my experience quads are wheyy harder to race than bikes
well i got mine 3 months ago, used, but its completely stock and im not gona do any upgrades to it since i only use it on sugar cane fields and occasionally on a track, but since i enjoy sugar canes more, ill keep it stock.
Wimmer is a cry baby dude pro tested me 2yrs in a row at high point in mount Morris PA because I beat him 1st year was on the good old blasters next year was on 4strokes to be fair he won the protest both years cause I wasn't old enough to race ama had to be 16 I was 14 the 1st yr then well ya know lol dude is fast tho.
Damn if Suzuki still made atvs I’d def watch
i ride here..pell city alabama i live in anniston...millcreek is awsome
thats millcreek for ya real fast track
@trxexrider13 you wait my friend just had to rebuild his whole quad not jst the engine but than again we both race
wat u ride with honda trx 400 500 600 or wat
Ouch, somebody was getting ran over by a Suzuki in the beginning. Towards the left of the screen.
yfz 450 all the way baby!! best quad out there Yamaha rules fuck all other brands no one can beat Yamaha
Mostly 450's. If you can find a club or a series that would allow you to run a 700 that would be great, but it's mostly 450's in the premier classes.
yeah man, like why would you even make a big check when its in the 100's
yes but it doesnt mean im not going again cus i couldnt go last time
I know a guy that said that quads are slow, loud, and rip up the tracks..................well he got 2 of 3 right
@holesh0t it all depends on what you grow up on really i used to ride a rm 85 suzuki bike it was ok the bike was a pile of shit so we bought my dads buddies quad for cheap that alli had so thats what i grew up on it all dpends but in my experience quads are wheyy harder to race than bikes
TRX250R only way to go
the one guy got ran over and the guy who ran him over was like "damnit get outa my tires so i can race, you fucker"
well i got mine 3 months ago, used, but its completely stock and im not gona do any upgrades to it since i only use it on sugar cane fields and occasionally on a track, but since i enjoy sugar canes more, ill keep it stock.
you did
best rider and winners ridding a zuk
what els is there to expect
ltr450 for the fucking win
ouuuchhh big crash
@dumontdunes400 dude i cant remember what i said so if i said anything bad am sorry
yamaha blasters are sooo much fun
wow, leave it to suzuki to run someone over in the 1st turn. jk suzuki and kawi are the favs.
@crazyshinanigenz atta boy!!!! Don't let foolish pride make you sound stupid, way to tell it like it is boss
i just got one. their pretty fast! u have any good upgrade ideas?
Why do I never see these on tv? i think it would be kinda interesting to watch even though i race bikes.
Wimmer is a cry baby dude pro tested me 2yrs in a row at high point in mount Morris PA because I beat him 1st year was on the good old blasters next year was on 4strokes to be fair he won the protest both years cause I wasn't old enough to race ama had to be 16 I was 14 the 1st yr then well ya know lol dude is fast tho.
in an open class yea. not 450 class or schoolboy lol
that was cool
ull get pwned
O m'y god
0:48 bad
yeah like anyone watches atv racing
it's almost unfair how good wimmer is