*_“We can do more than what we think." It's a belief system that I have adopted and it has become my motto. There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.” ― Wim Hof
Love this content however i wanna point out you guys are forgetting Wim hof also studied with buddhist monks to learn the art of cultivating chi energy to heat his core. They take deep breaths relax and imagine breathing in heat and fire. Theres a name for it 🤔 but never mind, here this is the technique under scientific scrutiny. Wimhof learnt this n trained it for years - Crazy interesting. -th-cam.com/video/oCXr7rxTLBE/w-d-xo.html
I really liked how they talked about the 4 stages of cold exposure - as a very great guidance and safety information for those practicing the method :) Check 4:35 if you're impatient.
AJ Cleary..... exactly, this was nothing like the proper technique demonstrated by the man himself. I was thinking while watching them in tin foil “at what point is the other gonna realise that they ain’t doing it right”.
@@ajcleary2543 my feelings exactly, palms on thighs and horse stance after NOT tin foil! I'm not sure how much research these two did but you're not meant to shiver....it's time to get out .
You obviously made great progress. Some tips I have learned: Prior to getting into ice water, I ramp up the breathing and mental focus. As I approach the water, I tense up all of my muscles starting with my toes all the way up to my neck. My fists tighten and relax and so do my toes. The breathing, muscle tension and focus are all in clear focus. Nothing else matters. Then, I splash myself. Then I get more into it, then fully submerged. The breathing and mental focus at this point are critical. The flexing of toes and fingers gives me longevity in the water. There is a very strong reason for the 'adrenaline breathing' that Wim learned about and now professes. The breathing increases your body's fight mechanism, increases the strength of your mental focus and helps a little to increase your core body temperature. The muscle work I do by tensing the muscles ramps up the blood-flow and helps keep me warm.
Hmmmmmm... it feels like you could’ve done a lot more research before doing this. When we got out of the ice bath w/ WH we would do breathing exercises not wrap ourselves in blankets. The deal was to keep moving and using imagery to take control of the bodies core temperature.
Hahahaha. I'm watching these two goofballs and I'm thinking; "these guys don't really know what the hell they doing up on that mountain way out in nowhere to do the ice water"
I've found that when doing the Wim Hof breathing I get much better results if I lie in the "Recovery" position (laying on my left side with my right knee up towards my chest. It really improved my hold times and overall experience.
Practically what is useful is swimming in cold water ( not very cold, about 14° - 16° Celsius ) , for one hour. To train for this you only need to swim in the summer and continue to the winter. The water is always going colder very slowly ( about 1° a week )
@@WhyTH-camWhy depends if u align with the unlimited Soul connection or with the limited Ego . 2 very different approaches to risks in life . Mike Horn shows how the Soul is capable of holding into minus 70 degrees up in the North Pole with of course certain precautions . Watch his videos & Adventures .... way deeper than Wim Hoff & more funny . 😊😁🤗
Hey, that was a great video. Did you see when Wim Hof trained Yes Theory they stayed in cold water for 10 minutes WITHOUT ANY TRAINING just believing it is possible. That was absolutely incredible.
I'm sitting at home with the heating on and feeling freezing watching this. That seemed insane. Very impressing and must be feeling nice and alive after that.
In my experience, it's all about about relaxing and fully feeling the cold. I am under a blanket right now, but I took a cold-hot-cold shower today. I didn't really experience the stages but i guess it's not a full submersion.
That’s because your mindset is that strong, the same way you were watching and you felt the cold is the same way you can be in cold and think about warming up. Your body is able to do so with the combination of the breathing and the believing.
I did the program that i paid for through the Wim Hoff website. Like you guys I'm glad I did it. I started it pretty much in the middle of the winter so taking cold showers seemed really strange considering that it was cold and rainy outside. After the six weeks I continued the cold showers because I actually felt I benefited from them more. I have gone back to "warming" up the water again but just warm. The majority of the people out there would consider it too cold still. I havent had what would be a hot shower where the bathroom is all steamed up. I would recommend the program. It helps to buy the program and not try to learn from you tube videos.
Just when I thought nothing could be better than the cold shower and ice bath montage, I was greeted by the sight of two big, beautiful, pink boys. This is my favorite video on the internet.
I used to swim in cold water when I was young, and didn't think anything of it. Now if I try it, people will be saying "Look, there's Jesus, out for a stroll." ( I will not be IN the water. )
For future survival situations (AKA tips to warm up when you are so cold) Lay on something other than snow; get some branches and lay them down to get an air barrier between you and the snow Don't drink something that is super hot; the vessel dilation that occurs from drinking hot liquids will probably cool you down more than the heat you gain. Instead, drink mildly warm liquids and eat something very sugary and high calorie Rubbing your body down with snow immediately after will pull a lot of the moisture off your skin ASAP.
*I am doing this too!! Ok..no, not as extreme haha but I’m taking cold showers every morning now and it’s truly awesome!* 🙏 At the beginning it’s uncomfortable, but then you get used to it
We used to take university students into the southern alps of New Zealand for 14 days - We’d start every day with a dip in a glacial river ... hypothermia quotient for that river was 6 mins. The great thing about our river systems was the geothermal hot pools everywhere. Great times.
I never really did the whole cold thing, but wim hof breathing is great for anxiety. Im not a doctor, but my guess is supplying your body with lots of oxygen, calms down the nervous system. Rly Good video, insane that you actually did this.
Indian sages have been wandering in Himalayas mostly in naked condition. It requires tremendous amount of heat to be generated from within and to do that one needs to center their whole energy around their body. Its not an easy task. Simply hats off to you guys.
I will be ready for ice water next year - this year will be ice showers and reducing the layers outside when its cold. I want to build up core mental skills before diving in .
They left out some things allright. Breathing technique beforehand, palms on the thighs in the water, the dance, the non-hesitant attitude. But then again, without all that, they still did it, which is impressive.
Great video as usual. I wouldn't normally comment something like this but I'v just made a video where I use the Wim Hof method too, but instead of using it for cold endurance I used it (as well as multiple other techniques) to achieve a two minute dead hang (a whole lot harder than it sounds). Would appreciate it if you watched it, but if not no worries I know these comments could be annoying, even so you should make a video for a 2 minute dead hang if you cannot do it already, it would be really interesting to see your journey throughout the whole thing. Great editing by the way, I had no idea how much went into making a video until I tried it myself it must of taken hours and hours.
When you do a cold shower take a huge inhale and hold your breath - do your armpits first - stay calm while holding that big breath in which will brace you and it won’t be that bad.
How will you do a 5 minute cold shower on a single breath? The whole point behind Wim Hofs techniques is to use the mind to control the body. You should be able to stand under the cold water, breathe correctly and eventually, not feel the cold. It should become bareable. Mind over body.
I just don't get it, is it TH-cam algorithm fault or why don't you already have over a million subscribers, something isn't right. Seriously you have some of the most well made, informational and entertaining videos on TH-cam.
@@rudy8409 to me they're representing the wim hof method in a bad way. They seemed uneducated on how to go about cold therapy. I'm pretty sure if they sat in that water a few minutes longer they would have died
@@harmondraws okay, so how should they have done it wise guy? they did the breathing technique followed by cold therapy. is there something im missing here??
@@rudy8409 yeah a month is not enough time to get your body used to taking an ice bath. Not only that, who in there right mind sits in ice water when they're so far away from warmth?? That's how you get hypothermia. Just so many things they did unwisely. I've been practicing cold showers for a year and I still haven't came close to jumping in ice water
Hey really appreciate your support for the breathing and ice cold therapy, I was excited to see your video but it when I realized it was just an ego booster instead of explaining the benefits of it I was disappointed, please explain the benefits of it that is more important then the egotistical side of it❤️
I teach OIO deep breathing contrast technique. I too am a classical singer (counter tenor). Did you get a super runny nose after 4 to 10 min dip in cold water? I get it every time with no exception. My nose runs pure salt water full 20h. After that all is well.
I was excited to try this, then I came to my senses and realized I think “winter“ is a four letter word. At the age of 72, “cold“ to me is a lukewarm shower. Ha ha
Have fun. Cold is COOL. I will advise anyone trying this to focus on very different things that Wim tells you. You can do his stuff as well but it is certainly not the only thing you can do. There is so much more that he does not disclose. First thing. You want to make contrast. Do not speak or you breathe wrong. Sorry. Absolutely not correct if you talk, better off to sing. Tip 1. empty lungs to the absolute minimum volume (3/4) of full breath time cycle. You may have to train this skill. Make a record on every breath when emptying the lungs. Volume to minimum, squeeze those abs. Make that exhale also last longer and longer as you go. You want to make contrast between work done for empty and the easiness of inhaling with no effort (1/4) of full breath time cycle. This lets your warmer fluids circulate and even up the temperature in the smalest capillaries in your blood. Cell oxidation is more efficient and it might have to do with creating heat at cell level. Breathig is a super power not just cold contrast alone. tip 2. Use every opposing muscle pair contraction as possible during those 10second long exhale sequences. Abbs are a must, but other large muscle groups should be added. I like to press my arms, hands, palms and fingers to the sides of my thighs which I use to push back with. tip 3. Do this progressively during exhaling sequence. As important as the strain is, also the short period, which lets the abdomen and rib muscles to relax, also lets the diaphragm do its job. What ever muscle you flex, strech, scueeze ie do work with, you subsequently relax . This relaxing means there is no need to do inhale on purpose and with effort. In fact I never do any conscious filling of the lung. Think what happens to a person not expecting to be thrown in to the cold water. Ghasps air. cold shock, rapid and shallow breathing, having full lungs with a co2 build-up in the tips of the lungs. Perfect way to shut down all blood flow and freeze the outer limits of your limbs. The exhale work + automatic inhale ease, is done completely below volume levels found in normal breathing such as speaking or sleeping. Even running normaly never empties the lungs and this is the reason why some get that all ending stinging sensation (a stich) in their lungs and have to stop to chatch breath. I hope this insite to my OIO breathing technique helps. There is no specific info available so far. I do coaching only in situ classes at this point. I admire Wim Hof. Respect.
Hi guys... great video...I do the WH method... i can see....that maybe the cold exposure was not 100% done right.....maybe someone more expirience than me can guide US better.
6 years ago I learned what a lung exerciser is from a friend of mine that I had just met. He kept harping I need to increase my VO2 max and that a lung exerciser was the ticket. So I got the BreatheEasy Lung Exerciser and, long story short, it changed my life, even to this day. Now fast forward to about 18 months ago, I came across Wim and another transformation in my breathing! It was almost an esoteric experience. I also took his training in Miami just over a year ago. So now I use both methods to keep my lungs in great shape while helping my body get the oxygen it needs.
@@renelac4331 I didn't realize that my breathing issues weren't simply the remnants of my childhood asthma. It would seem that much of my lungs, perhaps where deep breathing happens, was stuck closed from lack of use? My first use of the BreatheEasy Lung Exerciser had such a profound effect on my breathing that I felt like a new man! I remember walking to the mailbox and feeling something that I wasn't used to....very easy, effortless breathing. And I'm someone that has always exercised and tried to eat well, etc... I simply didn't know that I was missing a tool in my wellness toolbox. About 18 months I came across Wim Hof's work and it too was profound but for different reasons than the BreatheEasy. In fact, the first time I did his exercises, I felt like there were little minnows swimming in my fingertips. Really interesting sensation. Then several months later, I went to his training session in Miami and during the group breathing exercises, I felt so relaxed and reached a point of something dreamy too. Then last summer, I shifted my focused while using the BreatheEasy to deep inhalation exercises which complements Wim's method but isn't the same. Both trigger the relaxation, but the BreatheEasy's air restriction makes me consciously pull the diaphragm down further and further where Wim's method doesn't have the restriction but seeks to super saturate the body with oxygen. I enjoy both! And as I get to learn more about what cancer is, the inability for a cell to use oxygen, the more I work on my breathing and everything else that supports the Krebs Cycle.
Been doing the breathing exercises plus the cold showers (5 minutes) for about a week or so. I live in a place where the water is about 59 degrees F. or a little less. At the beginning the showers were brutal. Now I can deal with them a little better. I'm becoming addicted to it. But the problem is that I'm not dealing with the cold outside anything better. I suffer from Raynaud's disease, so I think I will never being able to get the benfits from the WHM, but that was the reason why I started in the first place
There are exercises you could do after the ice water exposure. It keeps blood moving and that way you can keep the body, hand and the legs warm. I was at a seminar of Bart Pronk and frankly, I was amazed that I could stay in the ice so long. But feeling after all of that... reborn.
Great video guys! Very fascinating and impressive. I myself have been taking cold showers for about a year and it's definitely helped me be more comfortable in uncomfortable situations, like speaking up in class and running to class if I'm in a hurry. Awesome stuff. :)
I think you should have gone to a fundamentals class before doing this by yourselves. It's way too advanced for someone who's just read a book and watched a few TH-cam videos.
But is the fundimentals worth it? Or can you just buy the 30 day audio challenge? It’s all about working up to it isn’t it? Like he says, it’s a method. Using muscles, you have to train them. I think you’re basically paying for a personal trainer.
@@bradyhalstead2824 Hi. I just felt they were pushing themselves too hard too soon. They don't seem to know what they are doing and it felt way too out of control and dangerous just watching. But the Wim Hof online courses are on sale for quarantine through the end of the year so even that would give them a more detailed understanding of what they're doing to themselves. Otherwise just sit in an ice bath like football players do.
I think the approach to the cold shower is not what Wim recommends. As I understand you don't just jump into the cold shower if you are not used to it. It has to be gradual so your body adapts. Wim recommends doing anything gradually and not forcing anything. The way I saw you did the shower in the video the first time, may confuse anyone watching this and make them believe that's how you do it. And hyperventilating is a sign your body is not used to a cold shower and some people may get sick because of that.
Yo well done guys that was text book stuff, you both went into preparation beforehand n then that prepared you both for the event, you were both realistic about doing the Wim Hoff experience so hats 🧢 off to ya both. XX🤠🙏🌈🦋🌎🙌✌️
Not saying this applies to me but these common ailments. Two questions: 1. What if you have asthma? 2. What if you have non-allergic rhinitis that can be triggered by cold (causing post nasal drip and/or swelling sinuses)?
When I first started I couldn't do the really deep breaths without setting off an asthma attack. Fast forward a few weeks and my asthma was gone. BTW, I also took nutritional advice to quit all dairy products that are a known cause of asthma and rhinitis. No more blocked nose or asthma.
I've always wondered why North Americans choose sneakers to hike up mountains (even with snow on the trails!) And I also heard that you shouldn't immediately put clothes back on but do some light warming up excercises so the body can adjust slowly. At least they put in a disclaimer that it is dangerous 😅
*_“We can do more than what we think." It's a belief system that I have adopted and it has become my motto. There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.”
― Wim Hof
This was one of the biggest takeaways for us throughout this challenge!
Love this content however i wanna point out you guys are forgetting Wim hof also studied with buddhist monks to learn the art of cultivating chi energy to heat his core. They take deep breaths relax and imagine breathing in heat and fire. Theres a name for it 🤔 but never mind, here this is the technique under scientific scrutiny. Wimhof learnt this n trained it for years - Crazy interesting. -th-cam.com/video/oCXr7rxTLBE/w-d-xo.html
Outstanding quote! I loved seeing Wim in Miami just over a year ago.
Goal Guys mu l
@@aztecvillan5840 the name is Tumo Fire
I really liked how they talked about the 4 stages of cold exposure - as a very great guidance and safety information for those practicing the method :) Check 4:35 if you're impatient.
and then they were just sitting in the water and it hurt at the end so it's probably was 4th stage lol
"This is gonna be my first ice bath."
(*Adds 6 ice cubes*)
That’s funny.👍
The cold water is enough cold. Give it a try
hahahaha i thought the same, but they did very well
I thought I remember Wim Hof telling people to put their palms firmly on your legs to keep warmth while sitting in the cold water for long times
yes he did
yea he does to help keep the blood flowing within the hands
As well as actually breathing, Then when you get out, move, horse stance even, not sit down. Doesnt seem like the whm at all to me...
AJ Cleary..... exactly, this was nothing like the proper technique demonstrated by the man himself. I was thinking while watching them in tin foil “at what point is the other gonna realise that they ain’t doing it right”.
@@ajcleary2543 my feelings exactly, palms on thighs and horse stance after NOT tin foil! I'm not sure how much research these two did but you're not meant to shiver....it's time to get out .
"I think I have the leg up in controlling my breath".... *Turns on shower and immediately stops having any control over his breath*
You obviously made great progress. Some tips I have learned: Prior to getting into ice water, I ramp up the breathing and mental focus. As I approach the water, I tense up all of my muscles starting with my toes all the way up to my neck. My fists tighten and relax and so do my toes. The breathing, muscle tension and focus are all in clear focus. Nothing else matters. Then, I splash myself. Then I get more into it, then fully submerged. The breathing and mental focus at this point are critical. The flexing of toes and fingers gives me longevity in the water.
There is a very strong reason for the 'adrenaline breathing' that Wim learned about and now professes. The breathing increases your body's fight mechanism, increases the strength of your mental focus and helps a little to increase your core body temperature. The muscle work I do by tensing the muscles ramps up the blood-flow and helps keep me warm.
Hmmmmmm... it feels like you could’ve done a lot more research before doing this. When we got out of the ice bath w/ WH we would do breathing exercises not wrap ourselves in blankets. The deal was to keep moving and using imagery to take control of the bodies core temperature.
Hahahaha. I'm watching these two goofballs and I'm thinking; "these guys don't really know what the hell they doing up on that mountain way out in nowhere to do the ice water"
When I watched this, Beavis and Butthead came to mind. Hahaha
You guys make the best content! I always find myself coming back to your channel and rewatching everything. Keep up the great work!
thanks for the support! We really want to turn it up over the next couple of months!
I do as well. They are living life to the fullest!
I've found that when doing the Wim Hof breathing I get much better results if I lie in the "Recovery" position (laying on my left side with my right knee up towards my chest. It really improved my hold times and overall experience.
Interesting. Ive been experimenting with breathing and positions after doing wim hof for awhile I might have to try this
@@alanquinn8745 how's the recovery positokb work?
You guys are insane! Wim Hof is a super human. We've been following his work for years.
Honestly such an incredible guy. So much to learn from him.
It feels like forever between videos. BUT, the wait is well worth it! Great video! Thanks guys.
I agree!
Appreciate that Jonathan! We're working on getting better at posting more consistently.
Love this channel. Keep up the great content!
Practically what is useful is swimming in cold water ( not very cold, about 14° - 16° Celsius ) , for one hour. To train for this you only need to swim in the summer and continue to the winter. The water is always going colder very slowly ( about 1° a week )
Awesome, the Wim Hof technique is pretty amazing
The breathing is life changing too
That is so risky, to do your first really cold water swim in such a remote place... In trainers... Jesus!
Glad it turned out ok
Seriously that is so uncomfortable. They made a poor choice.
@@oddmad8613 they were courageous - Life is about risks - just watch Mike Horn explorations in the North Pole ......
@@BlueHopi144 There is a thin line about being courageous and being dumb...
@@WhyTH-camWhy depends if u align with the unlimited Soul connection or with the limited Ego . 2 very different approaches to risks in life . Mike Horn shows how the Soul is capable of holding into minus 70 degrees up in the North Pole with of course certain precautions . Watch his videos & Adventures .... way deeper than Wim Hoff & more funny . 😊😁🤗
@@BlueHopi144 More deeper? Does he have world record on cold as wim hof?
Hey, that was a great video. Did you see when Wim Hof trained Yes Theory they stayed in cold water for 10 minutes WITHOUT ANY TRAINING just believing it is possible. That was absolutely incredible.
Beautiful video and congrats to both of you.
I love this channel! Great video!
I'm sitting at home with the heating on and feeling freezing watching this. That seemed insane. Very impressing and must be feeling nice and alive after that.
In my experience, it's all about about relaxing and fully feeling the cold. I am under a blanket right now, but I took a cold-hot-cold shower today. I didn't really experience the stages but i guess it's not a full submersion.
That’s because your mindset is that strong, the same way you were watching and you felt the cold is the same way you can be in cold and think about warming up. Your body is able to do so with the combination of the breathing and the believing.
You guys are absolutely insane. Love it!!
Thanks Jake!
Huuuge respect guys, huuuge. I can't handle the cold at all... dear lord that was intense.
Hahaha thank you!! Maybe it's time for you to give cold water training a try to boost up that resiliency :)
@@GoalGuys I have begun doing the hands and feet immersion. Hahaha...ye gods it's hard.
@@jimstormcrow extremities isolation is pretty tough, should start with 30 seconds cold showers and going longer
I did the program that i paid for through the Wim Hoff website. Like you guys I'm glad I did it. I started it pretty much in the middle of the winter so taking cold showers seemed really strange considering that it was cold and rainy outside. After the six weeks I continued the cold showers because I actually felt I benefited from them more.
I have gone back to "warming" up the water again but just warm. The majority of the people out there would consider it too cold still. I havent had what would be a hot shower where the bathroom is all steamed up. I would recommend the program. It helps to buy the program and not try to learn from you tube videos.
Crazy and thanks for sharing your experience with the method; wished you could had shared more details during your prep.
Congrats. You're an X-Men now.
Just when I thought nothing could be better than the cold shower and ice bath montage, I was greeted by the sight of two big, beautiful, pink boys. This is my favorite video on the internet.
This is quite the compliment!
Do you have a fetish for guys and cold water or what?
Yakkup Arturo big pink boys to be exact
@Gojira Salad lol ok.... I'm sure your some real eye candy aye mate?
@Gojira Salad they're hot ; change my mind
I swim 200m in cold water every morning in Northern France. It gets me moving some.
I bet!
I used to swim in cold water when I was young, and didn't think anything of it. Now if I try it, people will be saying "Look, there's Jesus, out for a stroll."
( I will not be IN the water. )
For future survival situations (AKA tips to warm up when you are so cold)
Lay on something other than snow; get some branches and lay them down to get an air barrier between you and the snow
Don't drink something that is super hot; the vessel dilation that occurs from drinking hot liquids will probably cool you down more than the heat you gain. Instead, drink mildly warm liquids and eat something very sugary and high calorie
Rubbing your body down with snow immediately after will pull a lot of the moisture off your skin ASAP.
This is your best video yet!
*I am doing this too!! Ok..no, not as extreme haha but I’m taking cold showers every morning now and it’s truly awesome!* 🙏
At the beginning it’s uncomfortable, but then you get used to it
Nice!! Definitely a good jolt to get the body awake in the morning.
When you get in are you starting like warm and getting colder? Or starting on the coldest setting as soon as you start?
Great video as always
So good and blown away that you did this.
You guys are freaking awesome! Subscribed❤️
We used to take university students into the southern alps of New Zealand for 14 days - We’d start every day with a dip in a glacial river ... hypothermia quotient for that river was 6 mins. The great thing about our river systems was the geothermal hot pools everywhere.
Great times.
fuck that was a good video guys, very tense and good editing!
Appreciate that mate!
I wish ice man will see this
Wow you guys have done great.....amazing.
I never really did the whole cold thing, but wim hof breathing is great for anxiety.
Im not a doctor, but my guess is supplying your body with lots of oxygen, calms down the nervous system.
Rly Good video, insane that you actually did this.
Indian sages have been wandering in Himalayas mostly in naked condition. It requires tremendous amount of heat to be generated from within and to do that one needs to center their whole energy around their body. Its not an easy task. Simply hats off to you guys.
I will be ready for ice water next year - this year will be ice showers and reducing the layers outside when its cold. I want to build up core mental skills before diving in .
How come you didn't do the Wim Hof horsestance dance/improvised tai chi movement afterwards? It helps you warm up from inside.
They left out some things allright. Breathing technique beforehand, palms on the thighs in the water, the dance, the non-hesitant attitude. But then again, without all that, they still did it, which is impressive.
Love your videos guys!
Troy Wood Wildlife thank you!!
Great video as usual.
I wouldn't normally comment something like this but I'v just made a video where I use the Wim Hof method too, but instead of using it for cold endurance I used it (as well as multiple other techniques) to achieve a two minute dead hang (a whole lot harder than it sounds).
Would appreciate it if you watched it, but if not no worries I know these comments could be annoying, even so you should make a video for a 2 minute dead hang if you cannot do it already, it would be really interesting to see your journey throughout the whole thing.
Great editing by the way, I had no idea how much went into making a video until I tried it myself it must of taken hours and hours.
that sounds interesting. I'm working on a learning a muscle up and doing a dead hang is part of my trailing. Will give your video a watch.
@@GoalGuys Thanks a lot I would appreciate any feedback, but I understand your time is limited so no worries if not :)
I have been binging on Wim Hof just to see people freezing their asses off 😂😂😂 for whatever reason, it's very funny.
Really impressive that you managed to stay so long in the water!
When you do a cold shower take a huge inhale and hold your breath - do your armpits first - stay calm while holding that big breath in which will brace you and it won’t be that bad.
Its true
How will you do a 5 minute cold shower on a single breath? The whole point behind Wim Hofs techniques is to use the mind to control the body. You should be able to stand under the cold water, breathe correctly and eventually, not feel the cold. It should become bareable. Mind over body.
It's not just physical exposure and determination the meditation part and the mind body connection which really makes things happen good job guys
Dude: If it hurts get out immediately, don't risk it!
Dude:Aaaaaaah it hurts so bad
*stays in water*
I just don't get it, is it TH-cam algorithm fault or why don't you already have over a million subscribers, something isn't right. Seriously you have some of the most well made, informational and entertaining videos on TH-cam.
Just looked like some dummies doing some dangerous things they barely understand and trying to act professional to me
@@harmondraws u sound like a really cynical and critical person. the point is, they overcame a mental barrier.
@@rudy8409 to me they're representing the wim hof method in a bad way. They seemed uneducated on how to go about cold therapy. I'm pretty sure if they sat in that water a few minutes longer they would have died
@@harmondraws okay, so how should they have done it wise guy? they did the breathing technique followed by cold therapy. is there something im missing here??
@@rudy8409 yeah a month is not enough time to get your body used to taking an ice bath. Not only that, who in there right mind sits in ice water when they're so far away from warmth?? That's how you get hypothermia. Just so many things they did unwisely. I've been practicing cold showers for a year and I still haven't came close to jumping in ice water
Great video, I’ve been doing the WIM HOF METHOD for two weeks now.
Great vid! How’s the “muscles ups” going??? Anxiously awaiting that! 👍👍👍😎
Man... you don't want to know :(
Hey really appreciate your support for the breathing and ice cold therapy, I was excited to see your video but it when I realized it was just an ego booster instead of explaining the benefits of it I was disappointed, please explain the benefits of it that is more important then the egotistical side of it❤️
I teach OIO deep breathing contrast technique. I too am a classical singer (counter tenor). Did you get a super runny nose after 4 to 10 min dip in cold water? I get it every time with no exception. My nose runs pure salt water full 20h. After that all is well.
I was excited to try this, then I came to my senses and realized I think “winter“ is a four letter word. At the age of 72, “cold“ to me is a lukewarm shower. Ha ha
What is the hike called! I do them this summer!
We hiked the trail to Garibaldi Lake... it was one of the lakes frozen over.
You guys are so brave. Cheers
I just started and wanted to know if the skin is warm to touch as well or is it just the internal heat?
Sehr interessant. Danke.
Awesome video,super interesting challenge
Awesome work guys!
Love your videos guys !!
David Wood thank you!
You both did really good.
Was your breathing/exercise all done when you wake up? Or was it at any point during the day.
Any point during the day, but I think Cam had an evening routine with breathing.
I work random shifts so I'm pleased to know that it works at some point during the day and not just a morning routine. Thank you.
Wim Hof mentions first thing in the morning upon awakening on an empty stomach is best.
Have fun. Cold is COOL.
I will advise anyone trying this to focus on very different things that Wim tells you. You can do his stuff as well but it is certainly not the only thing you can do. There is so much more that he does not disclose.
First thing. You want to make contrast. Do not speak or you breathe wrong. Sorry. Absolutely not correct if you talk, better off to sing.
Tip 1. empty lungs to the absolute minimum volume (3/4) of full breath time cycle. You may have to train this skill. Make a record on every breath when emptying the lungs. Volume to minimum, squeeze those abs. Make that exhale also last longer and longer as you go. You want to make contrast between work done for empty and the easiness of inhaling with no effort (1/4) of full breath time cycle. This lets your warmer fluids circulate and even up the temperature in the smalest capillaries in your blood. Cell oxidation is more efficient and it might have to do with creating heat at cell level. Breathig is a super power not just cold contrast alone.
tip 2. Use every opposing muscle pair contraction as possible during those 10second long exhale sequences. Abbs are a must, but other large muscle groups should be added. I like to press my arms, hands, palms and fingers to the sides of my thighs which I use to push back with.
tip 3. Do this progressively during exhaling sequence. As important as the strain is, also the short period, which lets the abdomen and rib muscles to relax, also lets the diaphragm do its job. What ever muscle you flex, strech, scueeze ie do work with, you subsequently relax . This relaxing means there is no need to do inhale on purpose and with effort. In fact I never do any conscious filling of the lung.
Think what happens to a person not expecting to be thrown in to the cold water. Ghasps air. cold shock, rapid and shallow breathing, having full lungs with a co2 build-up in the tips of the lungs. Perfect way to shut down all blood flow and freeze the outer limits of your limbs.
The exhale work + automatic inhale ease, is done completely below volume levels found in normal breathing such as speaking or sleeping. Even running normaly never empties the lungs and this is the reason why some get that all ending stinging sensation (a stich) in their lungs and have to stop to chatch breath. I hope this insite to my OIO breathing technique helps. There is no specific info available so far. I do coaching only in situ classes at this point.
I admire Wim Hof. Respect.
Great work guys
Guys ure so amaizing! Well done!
You guys are awesome.
I did this challenge last year in a mountain in Alberta, Canada. It did hurt like hell. Felt like a thousand needles poked me.
that's a very accurate description
Love this bb so proud
You guys are awesome
Hi guys... great video...I do the WH method... i can see....that maybe the cold exposure was not 100% done right.....maybe someone more expirience than me can guide US better.
What Camera are you guys using? Good Luck with the WH method. I'm a fan too.
6 years ago I learned what a lung exerciser is from a friend of mine that I had just met. He kept harping I need to increase my VO2 max and that a lung exerciser was the ticket.
So I got the BreatheEasy Lung Exerciser and, long story short, it changed my life, even to this day.
Now fast forward to about 18 months ago, I came across Wim and another transformation in my breathing! It was almost an esoteric experience. I also took his training in Miami just over a year ago.
So now I use both methods to keep my lungs in great shape while helping my body get the oxygen it needs.
How did it change ur life bro pls more details
@@renelac4331 I didn't realize that my breathing issues weren't simply the remnants of my childhood asthma. It would seem that much of my lungs, perhaps where deep breathing happens, was stuck closed from lack of use?
My first use of the BreatheEasy Lung Exerciser had such a profound effect on my breathing that I felt like a new man! I remember walking to the mailbox and feeling something that I wasn't used to....very easy, effortless breathing. And I'm someone that has always exercised and tried to eat well, etc... I simply didn't know that I was missing a tool in my wellness toolbox.
About 18 months I came across Wim Hof's work and it too was profound but for different reasons than the BreatheEasy. In fact, the first time I did his exercises, I felt like there were little minnows swimming in my fingertips. Really interesting sensation. Then several months later, I went to his training session in Miami and during the group breathing exercises, I felt so relaxed and reached a point of something dreamy too.
Then last summer, I shifted my focused while using the BreatheEasy to deep inhalation exercises which complements Wim's method but isn't the same. Both trigger the relaxation, but the BreatheEasy's air restriction makes me consciously pull the diaphragm down further and further where Wim's method doesn't have the restriction but seeks to super saturate the body with oxygen. I enjoy both!
And as I get to learn more about what cancer is, the inability for a cell to use oxygen, the more I work on my breathing and everything else that supports the Krebs Cycle.
Wow. That was hardcore. But, very interesting, informative and entertaining.
Been doing the breathing exercises plus the cold showers (5 minutes) for about a week or so. I live in a place where the water is about 59 degrees F. or a little less. At the beginning the showers were brutal. Now I can deal with them a little better. I'm becoming addicted to it. But the problem is that I'm not dealing with the cold outside anything better. I suffer from Raynaud's disease, so I think I will never being able to get the benfits from the WHM, but that was the reason why I started in the first place
6:22 whats wrong with the books
FAM, why are you hiking in khakis. Also, you cray.
How dit you feel after a few days or week. Didn’t get sick /flew or something?
There are exercises you could do after the ice water exposure. It keeps blood moving and that way you can keep the body, hand and the legs warm. I was at a seminar of Bart Pronk and frankly, I was amazed that I could stay in the ice so long. But feeling after all of that... reborn.
Well done. But I would recommend to do the preparation at least over a period of then weeks, just like Wims video course.
How long do you hold your breath?
Great video guys! Very fascinating and impressive. I myself have been taking cold showers for about a year and it's definitely helped me be more comfortable in uncomfortable situations, like speaking up in class and running to class if I'm in a hurry. Awesome stuff. :)
I think you should have gone to a fundamentals class before doing this by yourselves. It's way too advanced for someone who's just read a book and watched a few TH-cam videos.
But is the fundimentals worth it? Or can you just buy the 30 day audio challenge? It’s all about working up to it isn’t it? Like he says, it’s a method. Using muscles, you have to train them. I think you’re basically paying for a personal trainer.
@@bradyhalstead2824 Hi. I just felt they were pushing themselves too hard too soon. They don't seem to know what they are doing and it felt way too out of control and dangerous just watching. But the Wim Hof online courses are on sale for quarantine through the end of the year so even that would give them a more detailed understanding of what they're doing to themselves. Otherwise just sit in an ice bath like football players do.
Put me through all that with a few cases of beer and I'll be good! Great job guys!
Just one question when you inhale the air, are you breathing with your nose or just your mouth?
AWESOME! 👏 👏👏👏👏
I think the approach to the cold shower is not what Wim recommends. As I understand you don't just jump into the cold shower if you are not used to it. It has to be gradual so your body adapts. Wim recommends doing anything gradually and not forcing anything. The way I saw you did the shower in the video the first time, may confuse anyone watching this and make them believe that's how you do it. And hyperventilating is a sign your body is not used to a cold shower and some people may get sick because of that.
I dont remember wim hof getting wrapped up like a burrito when he came out the water
Trolls will troll ....but to do it , u wont see them .
facts r a facts
Your chest was getting so red while under the water. You guys are amazing.
Yo well done guys that was text book stuff, you both went into preparation beforehand n then that prepared you both for the event, you were both realistic about doing the Wim Hoff experience so hats 🧢 off to ya both.
Not saying this applies to me but these common ailments. Two questions: 1. What if you have asthma? 2. What if you have non-allergic rhinitis that can be triggered by cold (causing post nasal drip and/or swelling sinuses)?
When I first started I couldn't do the really deep breaths without setting off an asthma attack. Fast forward a few weeks and my asthma was gone. BTW, I also took nutritional advice to quit all dairy products that are a known cause of asthma and rhinitis. No more blocked nose or asthma.
Nice video guys!
Ps.: I didn't know Matt Davella and Vsauce had a channel together 😂
"lays on the ground shivering like shit wrapped in emergency foil" ... oh I could have stayed longer in there, yea sure lol
thank you goal guys
AMAZING video. Damn, you guys are so good. Keep it up
Take Aim thank you!!
Great video guys! Did you know if you ask a Tibetian or Nepalese about fire breathing they will tell you almost the same technique.
Good job guys
You are the best
Great video ! thanks for doing it so I don't have to !
I've always wondered why North Americans choose sneakers to hike up mountains (even with snow on the trails!)
And I also heard that you shouldn't immediately put clothes back on but do some light warming up excercises so the body can adjust slowly.
At least they put in a disclaimer that it is dangerous 😅
Good for you. 👍🇨🇦❤️