This Shaco OTP Disrespected Me...
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Chase really can't grasp what a skill floor and ceiling is?
And why is Dom catching strays?
Chase shaco for no reason what's so ever:
This busted up, broken down, withering, ex semi pro, hands broken, arthritis having, 50 year old going on 60 year old Man DOM beat people with Udyr. Therefore Udyr can't be hard
Its so cringe how people still cannot grasp the concepts of Skill Floor and Skill Ceiling.
i had an argument today with someone who claimed league is a piss easy game because they come from dota and got to diamond in league within one season. now i agreed that league is WAY easier than dota and has some really braindead champions but i wanted to comment to them about how the skill ceiling of the game as a whole is still infinitely high anyway, so to say that it is a easy game only makes sense in a specific vacuum (solo que climbing to a certain rank, but does that perfectly reflect a games difficulty? not really) well, anyway im just venting here bc this type of conversation happens 1000 times a day and for some reason i was so bored to take part in one and to write this comment now apparently
@@UnusGrunus thank you warrior, LoL > Dota
Bro 95% of the playerbase dont know what minions do lol
@@UnusGrunusjust ask "if it is so easy why arent they challenger?"
@@UnusGrunus When it comes to complexity and skill ceiling dota takes the cake, there really isnt an argument to be made here, and you can come to the same conclusion by taking a deep dive in dota2 for example, league is a more streamlined experience and it was designed to be that way, thats why it is overall more popular compared to dota.
I've seen pro players fuck up as Udyr after months of playing him already because they would double R instead of W or otherwise
right wunder?
Yeah its incredibly easy to do so if youre not used to it or ar epanic spamming
apparently they don't know how to click and read correct items as well, because 95% of the udyrs in pro all rush iceborne garbage instead of liandries which is the most broken shit on him
That's not all, you have to know against the enemy comp what will you do? What rune do you pick, is it conq, pta, dark harvest, or phase rush? What items is the best for these type of comps, is it ad, ap, or tank?
@@doomkingraye7692Wunder kinda sucks now right he's always losing lane it seems.
I don’t use light switches, I have open sockets that I shoot with a water gun, completing the circuit turning my lights on.
"hope this helps"
Damn Chase talked about Dom like he was talking about Doublelift.
underated lmfao
dom catching strays from both parties is crazy
Nah Malice likes dom and im pretty sure he kinda tried to defend dom saying dom is legit a good udyr player
Nahh read the thread. Chase is actively dissing dom. Malice is sneak dissing him throughout like the a little rat.
Disagree with Chase but Malice showing his true colours in this one. @@starzz1508
@treynguyen1236 Why wouldn’t they be fine? They respect each other, malice legit changed. Tell ME you don’t know history :)
@treynguyen1236 Doesn’t matter, since they respect each other as players
Remember when Chase and Scrubboob were Dom’s Shaco protégés… how sad the cheerleader has fallen
People forget man Depredge
The main problem is that the community values mechanics and apm way more than they value decision making and especially fast decision making.
Playing Ezreal is extremely flashy and click intensive to play perfectly but you have almost no decision beside E forward and lose the game or E backwards and win
Big facts here. Udyr is deceptively high skill ceiling since the number of choices you need to make on a moment to moment basis is quite high. For ezreal like you said it's either "chunk from here, go in, or back up". The buttons might be harder but there's a lot more nuance to Udyr. This also lends itself to Dom who's thinking about league all day even if he might not be able to do the flashiest of plays anymore.
It's weird how only Faker gets acknowledged for being smart even if his hands aren't what they used to be, basically any other player gets minimized if you say "oh they path smart". Xmithie never had crazy hands but he was able to enable Doublelift amazingly and play smartly to win a number of championships. I think you ideally need both on a team
Honestly that second half of the last sentence should be displayed in huge red letters before locking Ezreal.
@@m15t3rdud3 As an Udyr player I don't think he is that nuanced once you get the "flowchart" of recognizing what you need in which situation.
Only thing that makes him hard is that he is a simple champion that gets statchecked easily so you need to have good understanding of the game but that is honestly not far from what high elo Garen players have to do.
is that true? Dopa I feel like is very popular and played twisted fate, orianna, viktor a LOT.
@@haven6455 dopa went to korean military service a while ago and we haven't really heard anything since
7:26 comparing players using only Twitter clout as diversion to how you fear reading is insane. Chase needs to do better, seriously. Bro lost his OG account because he didn't read LPP rulings, and that set a pattern.
Love seeing one trick pony’s who only know how to play one champion complain about other champions.
Ezreal = requires higher mechanical proficiency + similar game sense (compared to most other adcs)
Udyr = requires higher game sense compared to other top champs + simple mechanics
Different types of skills needed to pilot the champs and hard to compare how difficult playing them really is.
Ah yes shaco, the champion that relies on cheese to win 90% of their games.
Isn’t dom beating good players on udyr an indicator that udyr has a high skill ceiling because dom plays it a lot? Or am I just stupid
No he's saying Dom is bad so if Dom can do it anyone can do it
lmfao dom really catching strays that are strayed from the strays man. GOAT response after that diss tho
Dom tweet response is a G.O.A.T. Response. F their drama
Me reading the title:
"But Pink Ward seems so chill"
dom catching strays just existing
The reason why I was not A huge fan of udyr rework was because I locked old udyr when I got autofilled jungle. But now its kinda Hard To play so can't just slam it
The thing is champions like Kai'sa and Ezreal have a difficulty subtier. Positioning, skillshot landing, timming and AA spacing which you can see in pro play.
I agree that on a superficial level (as u can see in soloQ) Udyr and Shaco are harder to master. On the other hand, Kai'sa or Ezreal are harder to perfect.
Not really. Positioning, landing skillshots and AA spacing isnt champion specific at most you will have to adjust to a different range.
@@xBox360BENUTZER its not champ specific but if you compare Korean ezreals to non Korean, then there's a noticeable difference in skill and mastery
They must've forgot EL TRUCO
Man that LS tweet about ppl reading comprehension hits hard here
Literally a guy that played pro during League’s golden era in NA and co-streams the highest level games weekly doesn’t know what he’s talking about… that’s ridiculous.
I have the same argument about Sona, Warwick, Yi etc. Yes, they have insanely low floor but their ceilings is definitely higher than a lot of champs that are suooosedlt harder than them. I don't think majority of players know that Sona has a mini-Exhaust and a mega slow on her Passive. Insanely good Warwick can timing his Q and E the way that he can outplay all of what enemy does. Master Yi can dodge or negate all of skillshots thrown into him. But their floor is so low they are considered mega low elo stomper with no skill ceiling at all
@mohamedjoumaa3544 not as high of a skill ceiling as the other champ he mentioned yes, but definitely higher than what the majority of the playerbase say. the difference between a good and a bad sona is legit day and night
The best example of this has to be old Faker playing Yi mid in soloq and stomping Korean solo q. Totally agree with this. And yes im implying that Faker were better before when he was younger, had faster reflexes, put less pressure on himself and thousands of more games played a year because of youth.
All of sonas skill expression is dont get fisted in lane. And using passive properly. I wouldn't put her at the bottom but shes definitely not in the upper 50% in terms or ceiling.@NDREI3000
Disagree about ww but yeah yi is definitely deceptively hard, now more than ever
Fucking Challenger otp Sona that keep inventing shit on botlane (Sona+Taric, Sona+Seraphine, etc) then that shit reach soloQ and proplay hahahaha
Chase has always been an obnoxious troll. Literally half the things he says is just for engagement. Pulled in Dom just so he could spout more of his ego.
Even Chase says he has no passion for league so why is anyone listening to anything he says. Even Chase says he doesn't like how he acts as a streamer. Even Chase says he doesn't blame people for not liking him. But what funny is how many of those that consistently watch Chase say they watch him for his skill but just put his stream on mute.
Anyone that listens to an OTP about other champ balance is kinda stupid tbh. If you are not proficient on the champ, you have no clue on what to balance
Like the difference between a champ their micro (mechanics) vs macro(game knowledge). Sure a cool mechanical champ might have a high floor and ceiling if you played perfectly but deeply understanding the kit of a champ is a skill too, even if their abilities are simple mechanically
champs like Udyr or singed are just unintuitive, that's it. People dont pick it up rigth away because of it. Udyr is not as braindead as Chase said, but it's not as nuanced as Malice is saying. It's just unique-ish champ, that's it, and he is not THAT complex
This is what I've been waiting for
When i struggle against a champ i simply play it and see where i have a hard time against my enemies and then go back to the champs i play and try to replicate that next time im against said champ.
Well done explaining yourself in this video, was a few points I didnt agree with but you gave some good reasons for it
i honestly have days where I wish Dom would play 1 more season man that would be dope
read "shaco otp" and i instantly knew it was chase he's the only one who has beef with these NA streamers
malice isnt even NA chase is sadly just rtarded
the problem with braindead champs is that they typically have no tools to outplay you which makes them easier to play against in higher elo unless they're just simply unbalanced (cough garen).
Dont mind me. Im just waiting for a garen otp explain how you can outplay others using garen.
@@kaly8329 Q+Flash+R get outplayed noob. /s
But the real answer is wave management and fight timings. You game knowledge diff them, which becomes harder to do when the knowledge gap shrinks in high elo.
My biggest problem with people saying Udyr is 'braindead' is they are usually the same people who want a level 3 gank from Udyr. If Udyr is such an easy champion, how hard is it to remember that before level 4 Udyr can not gank, and even if Udyr does gank he is flipping the entire game on that, and more so than other junglers. Imagine the game is complete 50/50 If other Junglers failing that level 3 gank makes it 60-70 enemy sided, Udyr failing makes it 85-95 enemy sided. If other junglers win that level 3 gank and get First Blood combined with the 3 camps they will get 2 Long Swords, Udyr however winning that level 3 flip and getting Fist Blood combined with the 3 camps allows him to get Amp + Dark Seal. Which he doesn't want, he needs 900 gold to get Fated Ashes, which he does if he full clears + 1 scuttle. Even with Udyr being susceptible to invades level 3 and losing Blue or Gromp, him starting Raptors can still get him Fated Ashes when he clears the level 4 Raptors+Krugs and get him Fated Ashes on 1st recall.
chase has been forgotten for the past 10 years lol
I remember being Shaco OTP at one point and thought it would be cool to watch OTP of the champion I want to play, so I found Chase stream and holy shit it was straight up unwatchable. The guy is rare breed degenerate.
The ceilings fine but the floor is also very high. The punishment for messing up Udyr R usually isn’t a huge window. Sure you’re doing maximum possible damage but the worse case scenario usually isn’t that bad
Bro, I can play Aphelios but didn't have a single clue what Udyr does when I played him a couple of months ago in one for all
OTP (derogatory) should keep their mouth shut about knowing jackshit about other champs.
Back in season 2-3-4 i was a Diamond top laner. Mained Renekton, Tank Rengar, Ignite lvl 1 all in Khazix and many more. Once i saw Azubu Frost's Shy play Singed and i was excited to main that myself. I stopped playing regularly back in season 8. 3 years ago was my last game. Singed, in my opinion, remains, by far, the most difficult champion to play. He requires deep knowledge of the game. Jhin or Aphelios felt easy compared to him.
Friendly reminder dom was a shaco otp
Malice make Trick2g proud I love it
Chase is notorious for calling people out for publicity.
Chase has been relevant since night blue 3
nah editor edits out him calling someone lost cost cause he didn't know which viper. was the best part man had to rewatch it on twitch for the full glory smfh boo editor
*locks in malphite*
Udyr runs at you at 9999 movement speed and deals 9999 damage per point and click auto at level 2. Oh what's that? I want to make the enemy team die a slow painful death instead? Me build Liandry and all tank items to deal 9999 AOE damage with 9999 ms slow with 9999 heal+shield during laning phase with 400 armor 200 mr 99999 ms in lategame instead. Defending ultimate bravery champions = talon e from ceiling asap
"but he takes more than 1 game to play good you just dont get it !!!! I have 999999 game on him I know"
Actually, what all the comments here complain about it just human: react first and fast, think little, don't care about maths. It is mathematically totally clear what Dom explains, just so much better, he says it in words. I do not believe any of the viewers here would stay on for me showing the maths (statistics and stochastic). You can call it psychology, and at least a small number might listen ....
chase sounds like a dummy.
sad for him.
Udyr is one of those champs you "think" you understand until you olay vs one that KNOWS what they are doing. Myself, i thought Udyr was trash in Aram (thats most of what i play) that was until i got my shit kicked in by a good Udyr. He didnt build tank and yet it felt like he did a million damage and never died. I had always thought he was a little hard to understand but that realllly showed me how high the ceiling goes. And I mainly play Aram but I'm E1 in solo Q and have played since S3. You can also look at Gen G Spring. Kiin Udyr was WAY better than anyone else. The kits not as Ezreal just needing to hit Qs.
Sidenote Georgia is so pretty
banger tweet XDDD
I think when the champ was overtuned it was broken and easy but these days no way
Unironically dom could’ve brought his udyr to worlds and could compete. Some champs dom is a monster at (not nocturn)
Wait the shaco otp is clueless about how the game works?
mobas dont have the same drop off as fps does when a player hit likes 35.
don't get me wrong, I didn't like this page of phreak's slideshow, but to be fair he made it rather quickly and he does all of this out enjoyment. I disagree with some of Phreak's takes and ideas but for the most part he is spot on and we should consider ourselves lucky to have a dev that makes so much content for us.
That being said, I think Chase is really upset about something else, maybe something to do with the game, and he started all this from taking one moment of a Phreak video out of context. It's really not that serious.
Chase perma GM/low chall never achieved anything professionally, flaming a chad jungler that was considered one of the best junglers of his region when he played LCS.
Udyr hard into Graves? What? Lmfao
I guess League players can't understand what the word intuitive means.
Udyr is insanely brain dead
Why are those 2 clowns (Chase and Malice) still relevant?
Udyr is hard. And also braindead in the correct hands.
Same as idk, Velkoz. Gwen. Lillia.
I'm dogshit at the game and Udyr is one of my highest winrate junglers. Just not a hard kit to understand at all.
Hard agree with doms and phreaks take on champ skill. Sure i can't miss my poison or fling, but put any toplaner that's used to sustain or being able to cs from range on singed against a half decent gangplank and they will solo lose the game.
I didn't see this post because Chase blocked me because I said he wasn't an alpha lol
Another chase L, not surprised at this point that the shaco 1trick has no idea about how champs with more mechanics in the kit would work
with note to ezreal being low skill as mentioned, its not even that he is a a lot of what other adcs want. its just that skillshots arent a unique skill, nobody is playing caitlyn but cant figure out how ezreal q works.
like youre just a safe adc with a good lane phase whats to miss?
yes. But with Udyr you just learn what his kit actually does, and you dont even need hands to play it. I get it champ is unintuitive but that's the only hard thing about him, just read his abilities, mate.
While Ezreal would require you to sweat even after 2k games, but yes initially people who have mechanics and familiar with the game, can pick him up faster
chase is so lost
Difference between mechanical skill and champion complexity too. Like Ezreal is a lot harder than Udyr mechanically, but a lot simpler to understand, maybe the simplest adc actually in terms of game plan.
Aphelios is a good example of a hero that isn't actually very hard mechanically, but is really complex and difficult to understand/optimise.
I feel like lee sin is hard in both categories, it can be pretty hard deciding on ward hop vs long range q ect. Tons of different decision trees.
OTPs man
So both Malice and Chase are wrong.
AD shaco is braindead, AP shaco takes skill
i feel like Akali is the opposite... the champ is not that hard to pick up and do well of course there is some Chinese tiktok shit that my brain and fingers cant do but in its core pretty easy
It’s almost like you’ve been involve with league for years.. it’s almost likes it’s been your job… lol… league Reddit and drama is weird lol
wait so now just go hit challenger on shaco?? youre the OG na shaco player anyways
Chase Shaco being the biggest crybaby in league community, what's new?
Lol these frauds. You have forgotten more about league than they will ever know. 😂
Chase came off as really ignorant. Which is a shame, I like that guy
Idk about Ezreal ,but Kaisa is a really basic champion ,idk a single person saying she is hard to play .
Mechanically simple, sure. But to play kaisa at a high level, you need to constantly be positioning close to the enemy (unless you are playing pure poke), be willing to dive enemies with ult, and have intimate knowledge of your exact damage. Can be a high risk champion, which inherently makes it harder to play in high elo than a champ like ezreal, who is extremely safe. Both champs have low skill floor high skill ceiling though.
If udyr take so much skill then why is udyr top considerd a chess pick by most high elo toplaners?