Interview with George Takei, internee at Rohwer Relocation Center in Arkansas

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2024
  • When George Takei was 5 years old, he and his family were forced to leave their home and move to Santa Anita Assembly Center, where they would eventually be transferred to Rohwer Relocation Center in Arkansas. Takei was among 110,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans who were sent to internment camps under Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066. Signed on Feb. 19, 1942, the order granted the U. S. government authority to relocate both citizens and non-citizens based on the fear that anyone with Japanese ancestry was a potential spy or saboteur.
    This clip is a selection from a two hour interview of Takei for the documentary, Time of Fear, which shared the stories of Japanese Americans who were interned in Arkansas during World War II. Takei talks about being forced to leave home, his experience as a child incarcerated in a camp in Arkansas, and his family's transfer to Tule Lake Segregation Center, a higher security facility for those deemed "disloyal."
    This interview is a part of UALR's Center for Arkansas History and Culture's collection, "Life Interrupted." Every month, the Center will release a new interview clip, leading up to our exhibit on Japanese American internment in Arkansas, which will open in September 2014.

ความคิดเห็น • 30

  • @timrhicks1234
    @timrhicks1234 11 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Excellent interview about a truly terrible injustice that has been rolled under the carpet for 70 yrs

  • @agalgonzalez
    @agalgonzalez ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mr. Takei is very erudite and well-spoken.

  • @authorsaraelliemackenzie
    @authorsaraelliemackenzie ปีที่แล้ว

    Broke my heart. ❤ My God.

  • @robertsmith5744
    @robertsmith5744 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have been to a small house in Dumas, AR that was constructed from some of the barracks from the Rohwer Camp. This was in 1993 and I was lighting the pilot light for the gas heater in the attic and noticed how strange the construction was, That was when I was told "where" the house came from.

  • @temptor7585
    @temptor7585 ปีที่แล้ว

    My grandmother grew up on the Rohwer internment camp, her father was a math teacher there ( yes we are white). She told me she would socialize with the other children there and befriend them. Wonder if she ever spoke with a young George Takei. Still all so very sad for the japanese americans at the time.

  • @southernquirkygirl6294
    @southernquirkygirl6294 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would love to see the full interview.

  • @FunCamMUSIC
    @FunCamMUSIC 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love your music.

  • @ualrcahc
    @ualrcahc  10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The full, unedited interview is now available in our online catalog at Here is a direct link to the video interview:

  • @confederatecharlie
    @confederatecharlie 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Let me see if I got this right. His family were forced to leave everything that they had and known, to be forcibly "relocated" and then asked by the country that did this if they would swear loyalty to it? I would tell that country to kiss my ass.

    • @thomaserickson6884
      @thomaserickson6884 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      To Charles Goodson:. You are entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong. It is not against the word of God. In the old testament, homosexuality was not correct because warring armies "raped" the conquered men, it did NOT refer to the lifestyle.
      To Adrian Gusting:. Homosexuality is NOT an abomination, this was back in the days of Moses. Back then the law required the "Stoning of those that committed adultery. That law was changed, civilizations have the right to make changes. Homosexuality is NOT ever mentioned in the NEW Testament (only in the Old). Further, if this was a sin why did not Jesus speak of it when he preached? Because Jesus did not come to condemn. Again if homosexuality was a sin why was is it not written into the Ten Commandments. Come on, let's stop being "brainwashed", your interpretation is wrong. God is LOVE, Remember to "render unto Caesar what is Caesars (laws to govern society), and render unto God what is God's (meaning the Ten Commandments). Update your thinking into the 21st century, and not in the archaic world of the cavemen.

    • @confederatecharlie
      @confederatecharlie 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thomas E Actually, I was just talking about what happened to his family, not his sexuality.

    • @confederatecharlie
      @confederatecharlie 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thomas E I am not arguing whether or not Homosexuality is wrong, I agree it is. I was commenting about what happened to his family, not his sexuality.

    • @thomaserickson6884
      @thomaserickson6884 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      To Adrian gustings. It is interesting that you are indeed brainwashed by man's writing. It is Paul who is condemning. Remember Jesus Never once spoke on the subject of homosexuality, (again it was Man who spoke out). If homosexuality was so bad, or a sin don't you think Jesus would have said so? God who is a loving God, created all of us, you can't have a loving God and then to have him condemn his own "creation". I am surprised that you are not more open minded. God gave you a free mind and a free will, but you chose to be closed minded. Back in the old testament, when nations went to war against other nations, the defeated nation it was the men that were "raped" by the conquering nation. This is what God was against NOT the lifestyle. That is why the world is so fractured, chaotic is because you are among those that keep propagating hated, bigotry, discrimination. Aren't these offense to God, or do you chose to ignore those negative feelings. After all you have not the "right" to "judge" anyone, that is only for God to do. When you and others stop the hatred, and healing begins, you can be forgiven for when you have done. You are just as "guilty" when you harbor thinking that is in "thought, word and deed". Are not homosexuals as human as straights, do they not bleed when injured, hurt by words. Remember homosexuality is not listed as a sin or against God's "ten commandments". However "adultery is" You cant commit adultery unless you are "married". And married is between a man and a woman!
      Remember, Moses created laws to govern society, once of which was to be "stoned" if you committed adultery. We certainly do not stone anyone for that, because society changed the "laws". Society was given the right to change laws when the times changed and peoples thinking progressed. Your thinking brings back "Old testament" thinking. Don't you have a "loving heart" as God gave everyone? Jesus summoned up the 10 comments as follows: TO LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND, SOULD AND "TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF". Or do you not believe in the "Golden Rule"?? Common, this is the 21st century, you need to bring your thinking forward and progressive. Or are you going to one day stand before Jesus and say that "Lord, I condemn in your name, I persecuted in your name", I put down others, only to make yourself look good in the Lords eyes". To me that is a hypocrite. God is Love, you need to show that ALL the time. Everyone is your brother and sister. Do not JUDGE! Unfortunately, I have a feeling that what I have said will be ignored by you, it will go in one ear and out the other. What a shame.

    • @thomaserickson6884
      @thomaserickson6884 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      To Adrian Gustings. In your section you said and I quote "I never said I hated homosexuals, I just said it's a sin...: you are judging And why do you say it is a "sin". In order for something to be a sin it must be a transgression of the "law". But homosexuality is not listed in the law (not in the 10 commandments, again only "man" makes that assumption. So why do you espouse the doctrine of HATE, DISCRIMINATION, BIGOTRY, NON LOVE? Which is clearly what is happening when you say you think it is a "sin". God is love. PRAISE BE TO GOD! Amen

  • @ryadboulasbaa6335
    @ryadboulasbaa6335 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The adventurous trip alarmingly hurry because cost alternately wander unto a sick attempt. boring, cloistered use

  • @user-ou4wy3ul9x
    @user-ou4wy3ul9x ปีที่แล้ว

    this is terible that this stuff happend to you

  • @ThatStonerHat
    @ThatStonerHat 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm doing a paper for school on how internment camps were a good thing cause it was to easy to say it was not a good thing

  • @giannithestud1
    @giannithestud1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish they kept them there

    • @erianacuriel7411
      @erianacuriel7411 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      cooper cooper oh you rotten person

    • @thomash226
      @thomash226 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      cooper cooper Piss off