I am new to this platform from Nigeria, quietly and also new to the mathematical aspect of Quantum mechanics, in the brief the summary is very interesting to whoever wants to study the new way of introducing and advancing of classical mechanics
The ai flows nicely, but a real voice would be a nice touch. Read them before you go to bed. Morgan Freeman says the best quality is when your vocal cords are relaxed
Learning the 'history' of quantum physics is a far cry from understanding what it is about! "Only a Mystical state of mind can even begin to probe the meaning of quantum mechanics!" - Richard Feynman
I just feel that the over produced visual content doesn't seem to reflect the theories represented. This distraction can make some viewers feel that their points are inaccurate
At 18:33 you show the hydrogen atom with one proton and one nuetron. This is incorrect. Well done all in all though. I've been studying Quantum Mechanics for 40 years and this is an excellent summary with surprising accuracy. I am assuming this is intended novices since theres a lot of images and no equations. Thanks for stimulating the public.
@@Leadership_matters I'm pointing out that Dueterium is an odd choice to represent the Hydrogen atom. I'm wondering if the creator of these videos understands the science half as well as they understand how to produce visually entertaining images.
the moon is there when i am not looking it at, because someone else is looking at it.. so its always there because there is always someone looking at it...even if its a mosquito...
I think you misunderstand the point. Take ALL that life away and then ask, is the moon there. Personally, I feel it's a dumb question asked only by physicist that don't understand what an observer actually is. Every atom can be an observer, if it absorbs a photon or interacts with another particle in anyway its an observer. If we take that away, then no the moon wouldn't be there because all other particles in the universe would no exist.
The AI voice doesn’t bother me at all. Clear, concise, and effective at stating the science. The people freaking out over a voice are definitely not scientists.
@Steve-v8t3t As somebosy said once: "don t look the teeth of a given horse" me, being from the third world i even didnt notice the AI voice and i don t care, and I am grateful for so good video.
Hey buddy you might want to do a video about dr chris mcginty founder of the mcginty equation he talks about Ai holographic quantum computing and zero point energy and wormholes and Healthcare.
that's because light has to travel through air - oxygen that changes it forms to wave like in water because the air is a thin field of HO2=water a thin layer of water..or humidity=water...
If i could travel about amillion times faster than lighti id be prity fast but very slow depending onhow far my understanding was in front or behind me prof john bye
"If a tree falls in the forest, and there are none to hear (goes the old Zen koan), does it make a sound?" I say NOT! It makes a SILENT shockwave. The silence of the shockwave can be demonstrated in a similar experiment to the one we performed with light. These silent shockwaves must act upon, stimulate, the eardrum, or similar membrane, and be translated in the old reliable brain as sound. The world around your ears is quieter than the emptiest reaches of deep space. Absolute silence. The place where all sound exists, (thank you Beethoven!), is, again, in the head. As the perceiver and translator of signals from the ear drum, the brain creates a concept of sound and attributes appropriate meaning to it, then stores the data. Outside your head... silence. Darkness. Likewise for all of those Original Senses. There are no deliciously aromatic clouds of fragrances hovering over a summer garden. There are bits of "random programming" (the stuff from which atoms are "made/discerned") that stimulates our olfactory sense. After filtering the information through our whole life history, making various modifications, lots of computing (albeit in a very short amount of time), correlating memories like a "line-up" at the Brain-land Police Station. We then "perceive" an odor, a perfume in the air all around. Ah, lilacs! Sorry, all in the mind. Without, there is "potential", within, a deliciously fragrant garden.
I enjoy these videos as they are at a higher level. Not too deep but interesting. I cannot watch a practical physics video explaining, for example, F=MA . It triggers a feeling of being back in school and that I have to engage my brain.
(EDIT answer at end)Question? If I could build a long pole stretching from earth to the sun for example (you must obviously suspend some belief for this thought experiment) and place a few in a rack each one representing a letter with one person on one side on earth and another on the other end on the sun couldn't I break the rule of the speed of light/information by passing messages by just pressing on a pole moving it on the other end almost instantly therefore passing a almost instant message while a message at lightspeed would take 8 minutes to travel the same distance. Wouldn't I be breaking a law of physics? EDIT: THIS IS THE ANSWER IN THE SIMPLEST TERMS I CAN THINK OF.....The force applied to a object travels through the object at the speed of sound when the force applied is at or below ~343 m/s^2! If the force applied is faster than the speed of sound (~343 m/s^2) then it travels through the object you're applying the force to at the speed of the force applied. So apparently the other end of the pole wouldn't move until the speed of sound made it's way from the point of applied pressure to the end or the fastest you could possibly move it ,C or the speed of light, would travel through the object at lightspeed. So the fastest the other end would move would be the same as light. It's seems counter to logic to me but that's the answer.
Good question, that's a bit more of a loophole, you can think of it this way, the pole does not move at the speed of light, instead the entire length of the pole is a singular object, only moving back and forth an inch or so. If you start running at one end of a train while the train moves one inch forward, the train does not move faster than you, because it moved as a whole that covers a much larger distance that outdoes however much faster you are moving. But, on the other hand, you would by technicality be transferring information over distance faster than the speed of light over distance
@IvanLeeRossperry yeah it's not the speed of light I'm referring to technically it's the speed of information. From my understanding information is limited by the speed of light and information itself cannot travel faster than C. Unless I'm wrong about that.
No, you're right, but it's the experiment that wouldn't work, the information is as long as the pole, as if you move one end, there is zero delay, the only delay would be in the information from the end of the pole to the person at it,. For it to be fair, you would need a beam of light just as long as the pole to properly race the information, in which the light would win.
@IvanLeeRossperry yeah that's what I was thinking since it's one continuous piece of matter so the information transfer doesn't apply. I've been thinking of work arounds tho. They get pretty complicated tho so I'm not going to lay them out here but yeah it's different.
@@IvanLeeRossperry hey I came back to tell you something pretty weird I discovered. I still can't fully accept this but apparently the force applied to a object travels through the object at the speed of sound when the force applied is below ~343 m/s^2! So apparently the other end of the pole wouldn't move until the speed of sound made it's way from the point of applied pressure to the end. It's seems counter to logic to me but apparently that's the answer. I'm going to go research it some more to try and grasp the concept fully but figured I'd come tell you since you took the time to reply to me. Happy thanksgiving if you're an American unless you're a Indian then my condolences.✌🏻✌🏽✌🏿
Why do people put up with robotic AI narration that mangles many names and drones on monotonously? Don’t be complicit in your own demise - say NO to AI 🤖.
The irony is whether we have quantum physics correct or not makes no difference. The truth of what it is and how it works is limited by our brain's capability of understanding. the Quantum world is , no matter whether we understand it or not
Your stance reflects a cognitive bias a preconceived judgment about AI that assumes its output is inherently flawed. This overlooks the possibility that significant effort was made, with AI merely used for refinement. Ironically, you may have unknowingly relied on AI in other contexts without question, highlighting selective skepticism. The issue lies not in AI itself but in the rigidity of this perspective
I'm confused - Somehow I'm watching "The Entire History of Quantum Physics Explained in One Video" posted 10d ago on TH-cam by Big Scientific Questions on the Big Screen but can't find it on their page with my phone 🤔
47:34 indicating how masterfully things do not just happen, and what's beautiful is how the closer you look at how the quantum mechanics field explains the true fabric of reality. Intelligent design would be absurd to deny. The probability of everything having to be perfectly held together and subscribing to proven erroneous ideology like darwinism Is truly having faith. I'll tell you what open up a new deck of cards and shuffle them well. Then throw that deck of cards into the air. The probability of that deck of cards landing in perfect order is what you would call absurd. Just as likely it is absurd to believe everything that exist just randomly came together in perfect order. I mean we're talking about constantly hitting the lottery for 90 days straight without failing. From a supposed big bang happening to start the show.
There is none! A Soul is Consciousness! This is Reality as I see it; 1) All that exists is One Consciousness/Mind ('God' if you like...). Beyond this not anything else exists. 2) We are all unique momentary Perspectives (Souls) comprising the One Consciousness. 3) That which we, collectively, 'perceive/reflect' (are Conscious of) is Mind/Memory/concepts (the little bit before us at the moment). "God cannot know himself but by me!" - Meister Eckhart
The only way this video could service any practicality is by turning down the volume and listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Listening to the lyrics would give you far more insight to the world around us ¿`_
I hate to say it, i love your content but I can't with the AI voice, your first videos were everything. Now it just feels fake. Sad to go bc you have a gift.
None of this has any affect on my life, so why do i watch it.Because its interesting.Cant help but wonder what aliens call these things.we call the atoms .Guess thay would have another name for them. Thats interesting to me
Terrible video, there's no history. It's just a list of events... Someone else in the comments said that it is read by AI and that you should read it by yourself. Sadly it has been generated by AI as well and it's quite obvious how you did it, thanks to the intdoduction: you asked for the core points in the developement of quantum mechanics and then asked about those one by one. You clearly have no idea about anything regarding the field. You put zero effort in this creation and it shows, I just write my comment in hope you read it and understand that science communication requires to study. Knowing nothing about a topic shows, in a quite sad way. Remember, science is much more interesting than a stupid list, something that an AI could never understand.
the universe does not require an observer to exist, because it was there ' long before any absorber existed that we know off...light was there before the first photon... that is energy that = matter...
EXPLANATION: MATRIX, TIME, SPEED OF LIGHT, QUANTUM UNCERTAINTY, ELECTRIC POWER, RADIO WAVES, CURVATURE OF SPACE, DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY, GOD, SOUL Our world is an encoded information program A quantum computer is no longer science fiction, but a reality. The next step is to create a quantum printer. According to the theory of modeling, our world is a holographic three-dimensional matrix of pixels. The size of a pixel is equal to the minimum Planck length The Planck length is a unit of length in the Planck system of units, equal in the International System of Units (SI) to approximately 1.6⋅10-35 meters. The Planck length is a natural unit of length, since it contains only fundamental constants: the speed of light, the Planck constant, and the gravitational constant. The approximate radius of the observable Universe (14.3 billion parsecs or 4.4⋅1026 m) is 27⋅1060 Planck lengths. To within π, the Planck mass is equal to the mass of a black hole whose Schwarzschild radius is equal to its Compton wavelength. The radius of such a black hole would be of the same order of magnitude as the Planck length. The Planck length (and the Planck time associated with it) define the scale at which modern physical theories cease to work: the geometry of space-time predicted by general relativity ceases to make sense at the Planck length. These scales preserve a yet-to-be-discovered theory combining general relativity and quantum mechanics that can most fully describe the laws of physics. For this reason, modern descriptions of the development of the Universe begin only when the Universe was 1.616 • 10-35 meters in size. Time: t = Ch t- time (1 sec) C- speed of light h - Planck length The movement of light is the alternating switching (exposure) and switching off (fading) of pixels according to the amplitude of the sinusoidal wave of the spectral frequency period. In one second, the frequency of alternating switching of alternating pixels is 300,000 kilometers - according to a given qubit code program. The speed of light in a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 m / s. The pixels of the matrix form atoms, molecules and the entire surrounding world. The entire subsequent program of actions and forms of living nature is embedded in DNA. Based on this constant, light formally moves uniformly, regardless of the direction of parallel movement and the speed of its movement, another object. If, by coding, modulation and detection, the pixel grid (matrix) changes with a certain step, much smaller or larger than the Planck length of about 1.6⋅10-35 meters, there will be movement into the future, the past, or going beyond the pixel matrix. Quantum dualism in the Young double-slit experiment is also explained by switching photons at a given frequency of the past and future. The photon does not move anywhere. The illusion of movement is formed by switching pixels that create a photon in the form of a spectrum of frequencies of different colors by the amplitude of the sinusoidal period and passes through both slots in the on and off state. The eye determines only the on positive frequency - the amplitude state of the photon. Passing light through a prism, we see its entire spectrum, so experiments show different values of the photon particle or wave. In the same way, the movement of electric current, radio waves and magnetic fields occurs. Their nature is also to expose and darken the gradation of the pixel grid. Pixel formations in objects such as planets, stars, black holes have a curved structure in the form of spirals, on which balls and curvature of space-time arise. The galaxy is formed and controlled by a black hole by detecting and decoding information from software, memory or consciousness. Dark matter and - is a pixel-encoded software and objects of memory of the past and future, which are in a state of binary qubit code shutdown and cannot be detected by any device. Dark energy is the gravity of the White hole in which our universe is located God is a program that controls the universe based on the information world intelligence launched from the outside. Beyond the Planck length The soul of man is part of the information program of the world intelligence, which is stored in the program memory in the form of a binary code of Planck lengths in the qubit form of the future and the past Practical use. Using the technology of pixel-holographic software modeling, it is possible to artificially create any object using a quantum computer, a quantum 3D printer and a quantum holographic projector, up to the Universe. Instantaneous movement when copying, move objects and move in space using antilight, etc. The ultimate goal is a quantum printer. Then all sorts of problems will be solved and all religious miracles and extrasensory abilities will be understood
Nonsense! All that Exists is perceived, all that is perceived exists. Not anything exists that is not perceived!! Existence is, thus, all-inclusive. If Reality is predicated on Existence, then Reality is all inclusive! If Truth is predicated on Reality, then Truth is ALL INCLUSIVE! If you cannot see Truth somewhere, then the 'lack' lies within you!
Aside from the ridiculous butchering of "observation" as it pertains to things quantum...going (inappropriately) as far as to suggest it is tied to consciousness (a word that is unarguably bereft of specificity)...the manner in which this presentation zeroes in on the critical/key historic moments and provides the relevant details succinctly--is just outstanding. FYI: As it pertains to consciousness...do yourself a favor and go read the Psychology Today article "10 Problems With Consciousness" by Gregg Henriques, PhD.
So, Consciousness is not the Ground of all perception, including observation? Really? lol There is no "Problem with Consciousness", there is a problem with some people's understanding and... quite limited Consciousness!
@nameless-yd6ko There's a problem with people's lack of hubris. So lacking are these people that they go around asserting that they actually possess an elevated/superior state of something that they can't even define. Not a good look.
@@jaybingham3711 So, you have nothing rational to say to refute anything I said, but your panties got all awad, and babbling insult is all you have? Ad-hominem? (look it up) Sad. Republikan? MAGA? Muted! ;)
Please read Seyed Kazem Mousavi's articles on six-dimensional space-time. He has solved all the problems of physics.General Balance in the Six-Dimensions of Space-Time
Berarti yg mereka ramalkan melalui angka2 jelas ta' nyambong??,, padahal, TUHAN menciptakan semesta SE isinya, sudah ditanggong segala galanya!!,, artinya sudah dari zaman dulunya dulu zaman ini zaman keemasan,, namon,kalian ta'brusaha mengubah sistem,, justru yg di ikuti paradok lama di zaman jahiliah/ zaman kebodohan 🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮⚡👁️👁️💎🌍🌏🌎🌐☔☔☔💯💯💯💯💯
I am new to this platform from Nigeria, quietly and also new to the mathematical aspect of Quantum mechanics, in the brief the summary is very interesting to whoever wants to study the new way of introducing and advancing of classical mechanics
The first three decades of the 20th century were the golden age of physics.
The ai flows nicely, but a real voice would be a nice touch. Read them before you go to bed. Morgan Freeman says the best quality is when your vocal cords are relaxed
Learning the 'history' of quantum physics is a far cry from understanding what it is about!
"Only a Mystical state of mind can even begin to probe the meaning of quantum mechanics!" - Richard Feynman
I’ve been looking for a video that explains advancements/discoveries in Quantum mechanics in Chronological order. Liked and subscribed. Thank you.
Beautifully produced and very informative. Congratulations on making these concepts accessible to the layman .
I just feel that the over produced visual content doesn't seem to reflect the theories represented. This distraction can make some viewers feel that their points are inaccurate
I respectfully disagree‼Just listen to the words and enjoy the light show = no confusion‼
At 18:33 you show the hydrogen atom with one proton and one nuetron. This is incorrect. Well done all in all though. I've been studying Quantum Mechanics for 40 years and this is an excellent summary with surprising accuracy. I am assuming this is intended novices since theres a lot of images and no equations. Thanks for stimulating the public.
Tell me different types of detectors in the double slit experiment.
Also bucky balls is not the limit.
Are you saying all hydrogen atoms have no neutrons or just the isotope Bohr used?
@@Leadership_matters I'm pointing out that Dueterium is an odd choice to represent the Hydrogen atom. I'm wondering if the creator of these videos understands the science half as well as they understand how to produce visually entertaining images.
Great video.
Thank you, this was really well done and clarified a really difficult subject‼
Whoooaaa ! New masterpiece !
Thank you so much ! 🙏😊
Keep on creating; you’re doing an excellent job!
The david bowie theory is very missunderstude princess professor john can explain it in a stunning way
Great work but was expecting something on string theory towards the end since it seems to be answering some of the outtro questions.
the moon is there when i am not looking it at, because someone else is looking at it.. so its always there because there is always someone looking at it...even if its a mosquito...
I think you misunderstand the point. Take ALL that life away and then ask, is the moon there. Personally, I feel it's a dumb question asked only by physicist that don't understand what an observer actually is. Every atom can be an observer, if it absorbs a photon or interacts with another particle in anyway its an observer. If we take that away, then no the moon wouldn't be there because all other particles in the universe would no exist.
Even if nobody is observing a thing the thing can still be there. An object does not require an observer to exist. To suggest otherwise is absurd.
Everyday is a full moon people don't understand shadows and atmosphere
If the moon wasn't there when nobody looked, the tides would swell the poles.
@donaldwhittaker7987 not at all. It's consciousness theory. Self can observe self. The universe is both creator and observer (perceiver, measurer)
The AI voice doesn’t bother me at all. Clear, concise, and effective at stating the science. The people freaking out over a voice are definitely not scientists.
Honestly I didn’t even notice. We’ve made great strides in the last 3 years with A.I voice synthesis.
As somebosy said once: "don t look the teeth of a given horse" me, being from the third world i even didnt notice the AI voice and i don t care, and I am grateful for so good video.
Hey buddy you might want to do a video about dr chris mcginty founder of the mcginty equation he talks about Ai holographic quantum computing and zero point energy and wormholes and Healthcare.
that's because light has to travel through air - oxygen that changes it forms to wave like in water because the air is a thin field of HO2=water a thin layer of water..or humidity=water...
Light doesn't travel, it's reflected
Recommend listen to Prof. Sean Caroll lectures on QM. if one has no attention deficit.
Thanks. Great explanation.
If i could travel about amillion times faster than lighti id be prity fast but very slow depending onhow far my understanding was in front or behind me prof john bye
"If a tree falls in the forest, and there are none to hear (goes the old Zen koan), does it make a sound?" I say NOT! It makes a SILENT shockwave. The silence of the shockwave can be demonstrated in a similar experiment to the one we performed with light. These silent shockwaves must act upon, stimulate, the eardrum, or similar membrane, and be translated in the old reliable brain as sound. The world around your ears is quieter than the emptiest reaches of deep space. Absolute silence. The place where all sound exists, (thank you Beethoven!), is, again, in the head. As the perceiver and translator of signals from the ear drum, the brain creates a concept of sound and attributes appropriate meaning to it, then stores the data. Outside your head... silence. Darkness.
Likewise for all of those Original Senses. There are no deliciously aromatic clouds of fragrances hovering over a summer garden. There are bits of "random programming" (the stuff from which atoms are "made/discerned") that stimulates our olfactory sense. After filtering the information through our whole life history, making various modifications, lots of computing (albeit in a very short amount of time), correlating memories like a "line-up" at the Brain-land Police Station. We then "perceive" an odor, a perfume in the air all around. Ah, lilacs! Sorry, all in the mind. Without, there is "potential", within, a deliciously fragrant garden.
It could happen but it dont but it will prof john
........................."Beatifull PRODUED"OLD SCHOOL" "GOLDEN" "AGE' of Quentum Physics & "History" & "CODE"!!
I enjoy these videos as they are at a higher level. Not too deep but interesting.
I cannot watch a practical physics video explaining, for example, F=MA . It triggers a feeling of being back in school and that I have to engage my brain.
(EDIT answer at end)Question? If I could build a long pole stretching from earth to the sun for example (you must obviously suspend some belief for this thought experiment) and place a few in a rack each one representing a letter with one person on one side on earth and another on the other end on the sun couldn't I break the rule of the speed of light/information by passing messages by just pressing on a pole moving it on the other end almost instantly therefore passing a almost instant message while a message at lightspeed would take 8 minutes to travel the same distance. Wouldn't I be breaking a law of physics?
EDIT: THIS IS THE ANSWER IN THE SIMPLEST TERMS I CAN THINK OF.....The force applied to a object travels through the object at the speed of sound when the force applied is at or below ~343 m/s^2! If the force applied is faster than the speed of sound (~343 m/s^2) then it travels through the object you're applying the force to at the speed of the force applied. So apparently the other end of the pole wouldn't move until the speed of sound made it's way from the point of applied pressure to the end or the fastest you could possibly move it ,C or the speed of light, would travel through the object at lightspeed. So the fastest the other end would move would be the same as light. It's seems counter to logic to me but that's the answer.
Good question, that's a bit more of a loophole, you can think of it this way, the pole does not move at the speed of light, instead the entire length of the pole is a singular object, only moving back and forth an inch or so. If you start running at one end of a train while the train moves one inch forward, the train does not move faster than you, because it moved as a whole that covers a much larger distance that outdoes however much faster you are moving. But, on the other hand, you would by technicality be transferring information over distance faster than the speed of light over distance
@IvanLeeRossperry yeah it's not the speed of light I'm referring to technically it's the speed of information. From my understanding information is limited by the speed of light and information itself cannot travel faster than C. Unless I'm wrong about that.
No, you're right, but it's the experiment that wouldn't work, the information is as long as the pole, as if you move one end, there is zero delay, the only delay would be in the information from the end of the pole to the person at it,.
For it to be fair, you would need a beam of light just as long as the pole to properly race the information, in which the light would win.
@IvanLeeRossperry yeah that's what I was thinking since it's one continuous piece of matter so the information transfer doesn't apply. I've been thinking of work arounds tho. They get pretty complicated tho so I'm not going to lay them out here but yeah it's different.
@@IvanLeeRossperry hey I came back to tell you something pretty weird I discovered. I still can't fully accept this but apparently the force applied to a object travels through the object at the speed of sound when the force applied is below ~343 m/s^2! So apparently the other end of the pole wouldn't move until the speed of sound made it's way from the point of applied pressure to the end. It's seems counter to logic to me but apparently that's the answer. I'm going to go research it some more to try and grasp the concept fully but figured I'd come tell you since you took the time to reply to me. Happy thanksgiving if you're an American unless you're a Indian then my condolences.✌🏻✌🏽✌🏿
Why do people put up with robotic AI narration that mangles many names and drones on monotonously? Don’t be complicit in your own demise - say NO to AI 🤖.
The irony is whether we have quantum physics correct or not makes no difference. The truth of what it is and how it works is limited by our brain's capability of understanding. the Quantum world is , no matter whether we understand it or not
Drop the AI voice and read it yourself. Was interested until I realized it was AI a few minutes in. Now, not interested. Do your own work.
AI sucks. Just let someone read it
Your stance reflects a cognitive bias a preconceived judgment about AI that assumes its output is inherently flawed. This overlooks the possibility that significant effort was made, with AI merely used for refinement. Ironically, you may have unknowingly relied on AI in other contexts without question, highlighting selective skepticism. The issue lies not in AI itself but in the rigidity of this perspective
@yoshimitsu8643 No, my stance is that AI voice is annoying to listen to. But if you enjoy it then more power to you
DeBroglie is pronounced "de broy."
We hear the 'g' when Google pronounces it.
I'm confused - Somehow I'm watching "The Entire History of Quantum Physics Explained in One Video" posted 10d ago on TH-cam by Big Scientific Questions on the Big Screen but can't find it on their page with my phone 🤔
We don't know all of the various ways the quantum world reveals itself
In the beginning there was nothing
Then there was a point
But you couldn’t pinpoint the point bcz of quantum physics
Where is the Stern-Gerlach experiment? You could have introduced spin in 1922, well before the Dirac equation and Pauli exclusion principle.
Imagine watching these animations after smoking weed
I'm gonna hafta imagine seeing them without having done so . .
.. but wait a stoned minute ; "Einstein discovered light was a particle " ? ?
47:34 indicating how masterfully things do not just happen, and what's beautiful is how the closer you look at how the quantum mechanics field explains the true fabric of reality. Intelligent design would be absurd to deny. The probability of everything having to be perfectly held together and subscribing to proven erroneous ideology like darwinism Is truly having faith. I'll tell you what open up a new deck of cards and shuffle them well. Then throw that deck of cards into the air. The probability of that deck of cards landing in perfect order is what you would call absurd. Just as likely it is absurd to believe everything that exist just randomly came together in perfect order. I mean we're talking about constantly hitting the lottery for 90 days straight without failing. From a supposed big bang happening to start the show.
Terrible music at times makes it hard to understand narrator’s words. A big distraction. Please ditch the music.
What is the Quantum Mechanics of Soul?
Spiritual Mechanics. I'm writing a paper on it.
There is none!
A Soul is Consciousness!
This is Reality as I see it;
1) All that exists is One Consciousness/Mind ('God' if you like...).
Beyond this not anything else exists.
2) We are all unique momentary Perspectives (Souls) comprising the One Consciousness.
3) That which we, collectively, 'perceive/reflect' (are Conscious of) is Mind/Memory/concepts (the little bit before us at the moment).
"God cannot know himself but by me!" - Meister Eckhart
bro im watching ts at 6am i dont fucking know 🙏
Brain faded😮
The only way this video could service any practicality is by turning down the volume and listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Listening to the lyrics would give you far more insight to the world around us ¿`_
cordless electricity
the atoms exist, because energy light was there before time began to exist...light might have created time but time didn't create light or did it???
Nothing exists without the illusion of time. It takes time to exist!
And 'time' is an illusion! ;)
:-: Atom Army :-:
Exciting presentation
Go home universe, you're drunk 😂
I hate to say it, i love your content but I can't with the AI voice, your first videos were everything. Now it just feels fake.
Sad to go bc you have a gift.
I think we need to more investgation
Please silence the someetimes loud, superfluous and superdistracting music and I'll try to watch this fantastic video again.
Correction, God created all mathmatical equasions, men just discover them.
About 45 minutes into it they start playing Music behind the Narrator? Could not understand him and cut off the Sound.
Bots sure know all about the universe
Good imagination
Draax = Diracs.
The music however is annoying
Nuclear energy
Thank - you . ( 2024 / Dec / 15 )
Nice video but the AI narration is unbearable.
Jika kalian merubah sistem /konsep?,, yg ada komplek teros meneros, seperti manusia purba ⚡🌟🇲🇨☢️🇷🇺💥💯💯💯
red is unification easier to detect because it is in clusters ...
None of this has any affect on my life, so why do i watch it.Because its interesting.Cant help but wonder what aliens call these things.we call the atoms .Guess thay would have another name for them. Thats interesting to me
This IS life.
Schroedinger’s Cat is treated to a little too much visual licence.
Terrible video, there's no history. It's just a list of events...
Someone else in the comments said that it is read by AI and that you should read it by yourself. Sadly it has been generated by AI as well and it's quite obvious how you did it, thanks to the intdoduction: you asked for the core points in the developement of quantum mechanics and then asked about those one by one. You clearly have no idea about anything regarding the field.
You put zero effort in this creation and it shows, I just write my comment in hope you read it and understand that science communication requires to study. Knowing nothing about a topic shows, in a quite sad way.
Remember, science is much more interesting than a stupid list, something that an AI could never understand.
Think this is AI generated and narrated but it’s pretty good nonetheless.
Completely misinterpreted and misrepresented the Schrodinger's Cat history and concept. Please fix and stop repeating the error. 😢❤
How can you tell that it's a ai voice? I can't.
see blue like the sky is created by distance not by clusters of photons
the universe does not require an observer to exist, because it was there ' long before any absorber existed that we know off...light was there before the first photon... that is energy that = matter...
That's actually the proof of god...the universe observing itself
Our world is an encoded information program
A quantum computer is no longer science fiction, but a reality. The next step is to create a quantum printer.
According to the theory of modeling, our world is a holographic three-dimensional matrix of pixels. The size of a pixel is equal to the minimum Planck length
The Planck length is a unit of length in the Planck system of units, equal in the International System of Units (SI) to approximately 1.6⋅10-35 meters. The Planck length is a natural unit of length, since it contains only fundamental constants: the speed of light, the Planck constant, and the gravitational constant.
The approximate radius of the observable Universe (14.3 billion parsecs or 4.4⋅1026 m) is 27⋅1060 Planck lengths.
To within π, the Planck mass is equal to the mass of a black hole whose Schwarzschild radius is equal to its Compton wavelength. The radius of such a black hole would be of the same order of magnitude as the Planck length.
The Planck length (and the Planck time associated with it) define the scale at which modern physical theories cease to work: the geometry of space-time predicted by general relativity ceases to make sense at the Planck length. These scales preserve a yet-to-be-discovered theory combining general relativity and quantum mechanics that can most fully describe the laws of physics. For this reason, modern descriptions of the development of the Universe begin only when the Universe was 1.616 • 10-35 meters in size.
Time: t = Ch t- time (1 sec) C- speed of light h - Planck length
The movement of light is the alternating switching (exposure) and switching off (fading) of pixels according to the amplitude of the sinusoidal wave of the spectral frequency period.
In one second, the frequency of alternating switching of alternating pixels is 300,000 kilometers - according to a given qubit code program. The speed of light in a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 m / s. The pixels of the matrix form atoms, molecules and the entire surrounding world. The entire subsequent program of actions and forms of living nature is embedded in DNA. Based on this constant, light formally moves uniformly, regardless of the direction of parallel movement and the speed of its movement, another object. If, by coding, modulation and detection, the pixel grid (matrix) changes with a certain step, much smaller or larger than the Planck length of about 1.6⋅10-35 meters, there will be movement into the future, the past, or going beyond the pixel matrix. Quantum dualism in the Young double-slit experiment is also explained by switching photons at a given frequency of the past and future. The photon does not move anywhere. The illusion of movement is formed by switching pixels that create a photon in the form of a spectrum of frequencies of different colors by the amplitude of the sinusoidal period and passes through both slots in the on and off state. The eye determines only the on positive frequency - the amplitude state of the photon. Passing light through a prism, we see its entire spectrum, so experiments show different values of the photon particle or wave.
In the same way, the movement of electric current, radio waves and magnetic fields occurs. Their nature is also to expose and darken the gradation of the pixel grid.
Pixel formations in objects such as planets, stars, black holes have a curved structure in the form of spirals, on which balls and curvature of space-time arise. The galaxy is formed and controlled by a black hole by detecting and decoding information from software, memory or consciousness. Dark matter and - is a pixel-encoded software and objects of memory of the past and future, which are in a state of binary qubit code shutdown and cannot be detected by any device.
Dark energy is the gravity of the White hole in which our universe is located
God is a program that controls the universe based on the information world intelligence launched from the outside. Beyond the Planck length
The soul of man is part of the information program of the world intelligence, which is stored in the program memory in the form of a binary code of Planck lengths in the qubit form of the future and the past
Practical use. Using the technology of pixel-holographic software modeling, it is possible to artificially create any object using a quantum computer, a quantum 3D printer and a quantum holographic projector, up to the Universe. Instantaneous movement when copying, move objects and move in space using antilight, etc.
The ultimate goal is a quantum printer. Then all sorts of problems will be solved and all religious miracles and extrasensory abilities will be understood
@@susanwerb7962 the universe observing itself, kinda like self awareness that's an idea worth looking into...
All that Exists is perceived, all that is perceived exists.
Not anything exists that is not perceived!!
Existence is, thus, all-inclusive.
If Reality is predicated on Existence, then Reality is all inclusive!
If Truth is predicated on Reality, then Truth is ALL INCLUSIVE!
If you cannot see Truth somewhere, then the 'lack' lies within you!
blue represents chaos, entropy reason why it harder to get...
I've heard of the uranium atoms, but what about the Mexican atom?
Music... could be better
This is not a music channel. What an utterly useless and ridiculous comment.
I am reading or hear the christian bible. Sound like
Aside from the ridiculous butchering of "observation" as it pertains to things quantum...going (inappropriately) as far as to suggest it is tied to consciousness (a word that is unarguably bereft of specificity)...the manner in which this presentation zeroes in on the critical/key historic moments and provides the relevant details succinctly--is just outstanding.
FYI: As it pertains to consciousness...do yourself a favor and go read the Psychology Today article "10 Problems With Consciousness" by Gregg Henriques, PhD.
So, Consciousness is not the Ground of all perception, including observation? Really? lol
There is no "Problem with Consciousness", there is a problem with some people's understanding and... quite limited Consciousness!
@nameless-yd6ko There's a problem with people's lack of hubris. So lacking are these people that they go around asserting that they actually possess an elevated/superior state of something that they can't even define. Not a good look.
@@jaybingham3711 So, you have nothing rational to say to refute anything I said, but your panties got all awad, and babbling insult is all you have? Ad-hominem? (look it up) Sad.
Republikan? MAGA?
Muted! ;)
BGM is irritating and suppressing the voice explanation
Please read Seyed Kazem Mousavi's articles on six-dimensional space-time. He has solved all the problems of physics.General Balance in the Six-Dimensions of Space-Time
I hate a.i
Berarti yg mereka ramalkan melalui angka2 jelas ta' nyambong??,, padahal, TUHAN menciptakan semesta SE isinya, sudah ditanggong segala galanya!!,, artinya sudah dari zaman dulunya dulu zaman ini zaman keemasan,, namon,kalian ta'brusaha mengubah sistem,, justru yg di ikuti paradok lama di zaman jahiliah/ zaman kebodohan 🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮⚡👁️👁️💎🌍🌏🌎🌐☔☔☔💯💯💯💯💯
I echo the above comment.
Great Scienc😊😊e😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊m😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Jika kalian merubah sistem /konsep?,, yg ada komplek teros meneros, seperti manusia purba ⚡🌟🇲🇨☢️🇷🇺💥💯💯💯