Personal Defense Tips: Blades - Defensive Responses with a Knife

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    Personal Defense Tips: Blades - Michael Janich and Rob Pincus demonstrate four defensive responses that employ natural body mechanics and that we can use to defend against a knife attack. A Personal Defense Network (PDN) original video.
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ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome info. Mike's the man. Lots of people carry knives every day, whether as a utility tool or as a secondary/primary weapon in addition to a gun, or in place of one when you cannot carry one. Whether you consider it a weapon or not, when put in a life or death situation, if that's all you have, you better believe you're going to use it. Knowing what to do with a knife in a self-defense situation can make all the difference between it saving your life and having it taken and used against you.

  • @LMarshall32
    @LMarshall32 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for providing this very useful information!

  • @kaledune
    @kaledune 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    there are a few here saying slash/stab the vitals; just to point it out... if you cut motor tendons theres no use for a muscle. if you cut an intestine or other lower abdomen organs theyre still in fighting shape, if only for moments. trust me, ive used these techniques delivering in the ghetto, cut tendons. sides most people are gonna shit them selves after they see blood spray. a few seconds while they comprehend the "OH FUCK IVE JUST BEEN CUT" is more than enough to secure the situation, albeit more cuts or swift a knock out. lethal force or intention there of with out proper cause is a definite prison sentence, immobilizing someone stands up in court much better, cause if theyre not gonna hang you (for defending your self to proper extent) theyre gonna hang your assailant.

  • @NakedSteak
    @NakedSteak 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Outstanding video. Thank you.

  • @ueyouex9825
    @ueyouex9825 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Из всех видео про наживой бой это самое хорошее и поучающие.

  • @kevinward3305
    @kevinward3305 ปีที่แล้ว

    Absolutely amazing

  • @louisweinhold9259
    @louisweinhold9259 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Great knife techniques. The nay sayers here only practice flapping their lips. If they practiced the techniques, they would'nt be worried about their made up scenarios. Practice makes for confidence. Good job on these vids guys.

  • @jabba0975
    @jabba0975 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'll never have trouble defending myself if I can just learn how to get attackers to hold still while I kung-fu them. Is it chi energy that makes the attacker freeze in YT vids? And where can I learn the technique?

  • @Cab0408
    @Cab0408 10 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    If someone is swinging a pipe or bat at you there is no way you are cutting the inside of their arm. You will get caught right at the top of the bat which is where you don want to be. You have to get him when he chambers the bat. Otherwise you need to avoid the swing then enter before he can begin his backswing.

    • @lucienblue4763
      @lucienblue4763 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Michael C. agreed

    • @Piciorutza
      @Piciorutza 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Michael C, Mr. Janich covers that aspect in his full video course. Thx.

  • @lucienblue4763
    @lucienblue4763 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    good cutting, but I am calling BS here. in full speed swing the attackers just fell down at the end showing he was a willing participant... no way in the real thing would someone just fall down. I have seen a stabbing 10 feet in front of me in a fight at my high school. the dude who got stabbed didn't know it until the teacher who broke up the fight pointed out he was stabbed and bleeding everywhere.. nobody even saw the knife until the fight was over and it was on the ground. nobody fell down

  • @RobPincusPro
    @RobPincusPro 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Different Instructors have different opinions on this. Some teach to decrease the attacker's ability to fight "immediately" by going after limbs, others consider that a slim possibility of success and teach to go for major targets (head/neck/chest) knowing that attacks there are very likely to significantly affect the attacker's ability to present a lethal threat ("eventually").
    Personally, I think it is important to understand both concepts.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    way and cut. When smacking the hand out of the way, you usually hesitate on the cut a split second to ensure that you have avoided the knife (your primary concern), instead of focusing so much on cutting your attacker that you end up trading slashes. This is because center-line slashes/stabs, like a jab, are some of the most difficult to avoid. Practice makes perfect--no pain no gain, and the best part is, many of the skills translate over into empty hand vs. knife. At the end of the day, knives

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wounding rather than killing is certainly going to be more defensible in court, and will probably help you sleep at night. In a knife vs. club type weapon situation, stabbing and slashing at vitals is probably a more viable option. Knife vs. knife (which is rare, but if you carry a knife for self defense, you've already increased the likelihood) is a different story--many well respected martial arts teach you that "defanging the snake" should be your first priority, not to mention the fact that

  • @gimmeloot442
    @gimmeloot442 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, I'm going to have my wife take a look at this video!!

  • @19932real
    @19932real 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    so it is best to not go after vitals with a knife? i this just because it is not fast/effective enough to stop the attack or is it an ethics thing? so we slash to wound? is that legal?
    lots of questions i know.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    (continued) just aren't easy to deal with, whether it's knife on knife or especially empty hand vs. knife. Of course firearms are nice because they give you some standoff distance, but at close range, you may never get to your gun without some basic empty hand skills if attacked by a committed individual.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    These techniques are certainly not caveman simple, but compared to the myriad of martial arts techniques out there, it is fairly condensed. It's kind of hard to follow at first, but watch the video a couple times--you've essentially only got two basic sequences with slight variations depend on the angle of attack. You basically just want to cut their arm without getting cut yourself, and then their leg. To do this, you either have to dodge their arm and cut it, block/cut, or smack it out of the

  • @Victorsbzh
    @Victorsbzh 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Will the opponent always wait for you to pull your knife out? If not you need to start with your knife in the sheath (pocket).

    • @PersonalDefenseNet
      @PersonalDefenseNet  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great question! The ‘Ask an Expert’ section is currently for members of our online community. By becoming a member, you will have access to our expert’s knowledge in personal defense . Here is a link to your Premium Membership:

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also, the "stabbing at the vitals" method of knife fighting will not produce an instantaneous stop--many people that have been stabbed dozens of times and died were still ambulatory for a good minute and a half, which is an eternity in a knife fight--death by exsanguination isn't immediate. I imagine even those who advocate stabbing/slashing at the abdomen/neck/face would recommend a cut to the limbs as soon as possible. The thing is, though, once you've done that, stabs to the abdomen, etc. are

  • @CB-uc2zm
    @CB-uc2zm 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    What qualifications do your instructors have and what backgrounds.

    • @PersonalDefenseNet
      @PersonalDefenseNet  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello Cory. PDN Contributors and Tour Instructors have a very wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Some of their bios can be found HERE contact them directly or visit their company websites to learn more.

  • @kevinferrari5525
    @kevinferrari5525 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bad hombre

  • @jimforgrave6365
    @jimforgrave6365 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2 long as you fight a guy youre 3X faster than, you got it made!!

  • @mosin9105
    @mosin9105 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've heard Mike call this, "Defanging the Tiger." Remove your attacker's ability to fight/hurt you. I think the idea boils down to PRIORITY. In other words, is your priority to kill your attacker or to protect yourself?

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    it will be less dangerous to keep your distance and cut your attackers arm than to try and get close enough to cut their face/abdomen. To think you can "suck it up" and take a cut is naieve--whoever gets cut first is probably going to lose due to mental shock, or loss of grip, etc. IMO, I would wait for them to make the first move and take their arm out ASAP. To do this, you're going to need a little room to move, and to know they're coming after you. If someone really wants to kill you, they're

  • @TheDannyddd
    @TheDannyddd 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    like a lot of combative (not all i do agree that some are a little farfetched) its only theory until practiced ingrained in the motor complex (gross motor is ideal that is or not fine motor).

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    going to walk up to you, poke you in the eyes, and work your guts over like a sewing machine, in which case there's not a whole lot you can do. This is why situational awareness is so important. I'd much rather fight someone wielding a knife with a chair/pool cue, etc., if I had the choice (a small/light enough chair is an especially good knife defense tool), and obviously, if you have the opportunity, run.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    probably not so critical anymore, and I personally would not want to slash/stab at someone's abdomen/head why they still have a knife in their hand. In my mind, slashes/stabs to the vitals make more sense against someone trying to choke you out, grab your gun, etc., not an attacker armed with a blade. To each his own, though. I'm sure neither are very pleasant.

  • @frankwoods135
    @frankwoods135 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've never seen any situation where someone stands square like that and swings the stick in straight lines like a trained fighter they just go wild if you really want to train against things like this you have to train yourself with someone who is unpredictable the person is gonna rush you swinging as fast as he can as many times he's not gonna stand there like he is boxing you this is so unrealistic

  • @chrisrow3
    @chrisrow3 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is all theory, while it could be useful with a very short range screwdriver, you should try slashing someone while they have a steel/aluminium baton which has 3 or 4 times the range of your knife... They can swing that baton almost equally as fast as you and a lot further. By the time you've tried to slash him you've also gained a new blunt force trauma hole to your brain as well as a free pass to the coroners office.

  • @bae313
    @bae313 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd much rather try to move my body off the attack line while using my knife as a 2nd line & my empty hand as a 3rd line of defense rather than trying to slap a weapon off course (if he feints u're still in front of him with crossed arms). Look @ the cross techniques again & see how close the blade is to the empty hand. With a threat trying to run U over & consider that U haven't done this complex motor skill for years like Mike & what r the chances u cut yourself? Club & knife defense don't =

  • @gunboatzen4995
    @gunboatzen4995 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There's no way your getting that cut on the angle 1 at realistic speeds. Crash in on him or get the heck out of the way. Also, slashing the thigh with a knife of that size isn't going to do much especially if they're wearing something thicker like denim. If you're lucky you'll cut him, but that's one of the thickest muscles in the body and a slice across the top of that is NOT going to make an adrenalized attacker fall to the ground.
    All these repeated decisions to target muscles instead of major organs is the beyond stupid. If you're unfortunate enough to find yourself in a knife fight, you'd better have lethal intent if you have even a hope of surviving.
    Absolute garbage.

    • @gchqjtrig6492
      @gchqjtrig6492 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is the problem of theory vs. practice, muscles usually take several cuts with a razor sharp scalpel to dissect.....something much more effective than a slight laceration with a small street knife......ask any orthopedic surgeon

  • @rfross771
    @rfross771 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    You didn't address a leveraging arm....its more common to grab a shirt etc and go sewing machine.

  • @picknickmondlicht7555
    @picknickmondlicht7555 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Give me an Edding and i show you that your technics are not realistic

  • @ardvarkkkkk1
    @ardvarkkkkk1 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    No point in watching vids like this. Just as in "martial arts", someone with a little imagination can make it up as they go along as well as these "instructors".

    • @mathswithgarry7104
      @mathswithgarry7104 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mike Janich is a highly respected instructor. His material seems very realistic and effective to a lot of people. If you don't want to try then fine, but if you are going to criticise then please at least offer some reason why you don't like his stuff.