Hey quick question hoping you can confirm, when getting to Knight Emperor, do you get the skill things for sonic blade, sandstorm, and windmill right away?
So I left this game because it felt like I reached a pay wall. And my question is, is it possible to get further into the game without buying armor or ice burners???
It's still possible.I play this game for 5 years and still play it without full set ice burner avatar(just sword shoes and hair that are ice items). For armor, I'm not sure. I still use SD and henir set for my Elboys and Ravens.
I've been doing just fine without Ice burners I don't know why people think they need them. The set effects, while good, aren't necessary and the extra wep socket is nice but you don't really need it to get 10k maxi/8k crit...
Paopong Chongratklang since when did you need ice burner sets to be op did they change something about them or something I have not played is for ever but last time I checked they didn't do much at all...
Troy Addict the new sets have op effects (like 10% crit dmg) but you don't really need it. But in terms of gear, you actually do get gated out of end-game content without a +9 at minimum which isn't so hard if you some thrifty marketing (a +10 is recommended though)
Wow, I'm starting to have feels for Elsword again.. this is just... amazing *-*
Feels like so many years went since I watched your videos
1. 하이퍼 스킬이 1개 생긴다
2. 패시브 스킬이 2개 생긴다
3. 일러스트가 생긴다
천칭 P 근데 더강해진거죠 패시브때문에
포스 스킬로 인해 오리지널 스킬 뎀딜 증가도있음
Lee DoHo 차이가 없다고 얘기한것에 대해 말한게 아니라 그냥 있다고 얘기한거뿐이니까 가던길 가라
Lee DoHo ㄷㄷ 왜 그러세요 갑자기 시비같은데..ㄷ
복귀할려했는데 너무나 많은 것들이 바뀌어 감히 할수가없다..
3차는 초월때문에 외형에 큰변화가 없다....
Elsword finally grow Up ;n; my little el boy ;n; so handsome now
올만이다 엘소드
엘소드하는 브베 만드시죠
well, LK / KE finally looks good for play now
Catastrophe HA Angra Mainyu means All the World's Evil
If you look carefully, he gets fancy blue eyes.
Hey quick question hoping you can confirm, when getting to Knight Emperor, do you get the skill things for sonic blade, sandstorm, and windmill right away?
왜 스킬컷인은 없는건지 의문..
Imperial crusher is not throwing the enemy now, haha i just realized after watching twice
다음 영상부턴 하액을 보스 잡으실 때 제일 먼저 써주실 수 있으신가요? ㅠ^ㅠ 가장 기대됐던건 하액인데 하액 제대로 안나오니 섭섭한 부분이 있네요 ㅠㅠ
Lmao, elboi become adol christin from ys series
Wow. You have a point he really does look like Adol LOL
That was a good way to end the boss
흐뭇하게 잘생겨진 엘소드 ㅎㅎ. 던전에서 스킬난사를 엄청 하던 건 패시브 효과를 위해서였는가?
So KoG gave our very old sandstorm back??
BGM이 록맨제로2 클로버 인가요?
Good Zero.
존잘 나이트엠퍼러 찬양합니다
차라리 전에 초월을 없애고 3차 나온다는 소식을 알리고 난다음에 초월 스킬을 3차 스킬이라고 하면 좋았을텐데..
윈드밀은 특성 뭐 드나요
룬슬인데 가만히 냅두는게 좋겠죠?
로나로 전직변경하면 금새 룬슬3차 나올것같음..
아쉽게도 투니랜드 그 븅딱같은 사이트에서 회원가입을 해서 아이디는 이동했는데 넥슨아이디 본인인증 해야되요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
So I left this game because it felt like I reached a pay wall. And my question is, is it possible to get further into the game without buying armor or ice burners???
It's still possible.I play this game for 5 years and still play it without full set ice burner avatar(just sword shoes and hair that are ice items). For armor, I'm not sure. I still use SD and henir set for my Elboys and Ravens.
Normani Kordei ohhhh sounds like fun
I've been doing just fine without Ice burners I don't know why people think they need them. The set effects, while good, aren't necessary and the extra wep socket is nice but you don't really need it to get 10k maxi/8k crit...
Paopong Chongratklang since when did you need ice burner sets to be op did they change something about them or something I have not played is for ever but last time I checked they didn't do much at all...
Troy Addict the new sets have op effects (like 10% crit dmg) but you don't really need it. But in terms of gear, you actually do get gated out of end-game content without a +9 at minimum which isn't so hard if you some thrifty marketing (a +10 is recommended though)
No edit?? :-:
엘소드 다시 해야겠다
I liked this song
재는 포스스킬도 오히려 다 안 좋고
패시브는 어따 써먹는지도 모르겄다..
앗..혹시 이 브금 제목이 어떻게되나요?!
엘리확찢협회장 록맨제로2 clover
Crush on Anime Char
확실한건 게임플레이 자체는 재밌어진거같음
Dat sandstorm 😭
Adol is that you? O.O
Hey it's departure from Megaman zero o.o
하... 8강 극비던무 7강 극비던방... 이 지긋지긋한 세트에서 언제 벗어날 수 있을까요...
지갑열면 가능
up 노현질러임다 중2라 지갑 사정이 좋지가 않아요...
근데 윈드밀 길게하는거 어떻게해요? 저도3차인뎅
이혁민 윈드밀 계속 누르고 계시면 됩니다.
로나 3차 하려는데 던대전 성능 어떤가요..?
풍운월영가 별로 달라진게 없어요
패시브는 그냥 더 단단해지는것 외에는
채감되는게 별로 없습니다
천칭 P 허..허허.. 얘는 항상 맞고 사는군요.. 인소로나 가야겠네요..
스텟 여쭤도 될까요?
왜 나만 니엠이 솔레스 닮았다고 생각하지
일러가 훨씬 어른스러워졌네 초월때보다
엘소가 23살이네 이제 ㅋㅋㅋ
3차가 나오면서 대전판정이 이상해짐
스킬컷인좀... 해주라...
엠퍼러예요... (찌질
3차라고해서 기대했는데 그냥 메이플 5차 꼴났네..
이제 로나라 부르면 안되겠네
뭐라 부르지
sun444 나엠?
sun444 나엠
Hakurei Reimu 오타면 니엠임
He is good, but for Free to Play, the quest is stupid... I don't like that at all.
Agustín Fernández how?
11-6 5 Run
3000 Henir Fanatics
30 11-3
Showa P. Myneversins/Lu con i thought it was 2000 and thats not even that bad maybe because i like PvE