Shocking Study Reveals How Americans' Shifting Views Spark Biblical Worldview Crisis
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- A new survey reveals the stunning impact COVID-19 had on Americans' religious perspectives.
The percentage of adults with a biblical worldview has plummeted to just 4%. Dr. George Barna, director of the Cultural Research Center, finds the results of the American Worldview Inventory report alarming.
"It's ... much more extensive than we actually expected. Typically, you don't find that religious beliefs change very much," Barna told CBN News. "They're probably the most stable of the factors in a person's life because they relate to worldview that's formed when you're young, and it doesn't change much as you age."
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My faith has increased since Covid. I literally have a personal relationship with Jesus as soon as I wake up in the morning until I go to bed I don’t go to church so much these days as health reasons keeps me home, but I have a love for the brothers and sisters in Christ.
You guys hang out? What’s his favorite food?
*2 Thessalonians 2:3*
*Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;*
I was thinking the exact same thing and then I read your
It’s shocking to hear that less than half of America’s born-again Christians believe that Jesus lived a sinless life
I find that figure difficult to believe. If Christ was not sinless, then he can't be saviour. If he's not Saviour then every one of us remains unsaved and we have no hope of salvation. Thank God the scriptures clearly tell us that Christ was the sinless lamb of God. He died for our sins and rose again. In so doing he conquered death and sin and we do have hope. So in Adam all die, but in Christ all are made alive.
Most professing "Christians" do not even know who the Lord Jesus Christ is, nor could they tell you what God's word actually says.
Revelation 17:14 KJV - These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
It makes no sense that they would be born again and believe Jesus was a sinner.
I don't believe cbn news 100% either. I've heard some propagandist info from them as well
And I’m proud to confess that, yes, Jesus lived a sinless life! God can not sin!
I pray many more get right with God quickly.
The one you are looking for is the one who is looking (almighty GOD). The language our great GOD best hears is silent love & tears. He wants a personal relationship & is waiting for you.
God tells us the ending from the beginning. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
2 Timothy 4:3-5 KJV
That the prosperity gospel of Joel osteen, td Jakes, creflo dollar, Benny hinn, Kenneth Copeland, rod parsley
@@luckydawg7176 Put together the apostolic letters of Kepha ('peter'), Yochanan ('john') and the Word of The Anointed King of Israel, Messiah Yahshua, and the only conclusion as to the heresy which was coming into the emunah ('faith') once delivered to the 'saints' (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is TORAHLESSNESS ('lawlessness'). Matt 7:23
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:14)
Something to think about… only a few find it.. don’t want to be selfish.. but I certainly want to be in that number of the few.❤
Join the faithful 6% from Britain.
Remnant on fire for the Lord.
Remember Gideon's army.
Time for the saints to rise!
"Jeremiah 1:5 & John 3:8"
Philippians 2:15
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Me and my family are going in the opposite direction. Thank God.
Read “fate of empires”. It says throughout all of human history empires fall around 250 years after started. There’s 7 phases. The last phase is collapse. Durning this time spiritual revival takes place. America is at 247 years so far. There will be a revival because life will get so hard and they’ll have no other place to turn. Those of us in Christ now should study hard, we need to teach people while we still can.
John Glubb, life's lessons.
The Roman empire lasted for a lot longer than 250 years, so the part about how all empires fall around 250 years of its existence really isn't true. The Roman empire existed before Christ was born and fell 476 A.D.. America hasn't even existed for half the amount of time that the Roman empire has, and it's already in its final stages of existence. Sure, there may be a spiritual revival, but finding religion isn't the same as obeying or believing God.
Once a person accepts a non-literal view of biblical creation in favor of evolutionism, it's only a matter of time before they question the rest of the Bible, too.
I will tell you right now that the Babel might not be real but evolution the 100% isn't how we came to be I have studied this extensively and if you would like resources let me know
@@libbyallen8817 Do you believe in God exist? Answer the simple question.
Is it ok for someone to own another human being as property?
I am not seeing why the lockdown from the Plague would affect a person's religious beliefs. But I do agree that churches and parents willfully neglecting instruction in theology and philosophy has had a dire effect on young people. Theology, not focused on obscure subjects but on the basics, is critical for any Christian to withstand atheist and humanitarian attacks on Christianity that can easily be answered by a layman with some background in philosophy and theology. And this includes a full appreciation of the fact that humans are fallen and living in a fallen world.
I spoke to a Mennonite woman in Denver, Colorado, USA, regarding church attendance during 911. There was a big rise in attendance which gradually faded as the security of the nation was assured. A percent of so called Christians run to God during a crises and then fall back into indifference when their life feel safe.
The church has a secular, not a biblical view of the world.
They're all afraid outside of a few to instruct the traditional Christian view of life family patriarchy marriage masculinity etc Feminism is idolatry & we all know what Book of Romans says about idolatrous populations. It's happening before our eyes,literally. Check out Father Marcellus Moylan,Bishop Markus Ramolla, Bishop Donald Sanborn,and Father Roy Randolph sermons. They're are preaching & instructing traditional Christendom.
Hard to find a biblical church, praise God I am in one. Let us hold fast to the Word of God and draw close to him each day
How sad! This report is motivation to tell the truth of Scripture by relying upon the loving boldness of God the Holy Spirit living within us as believers.
It's possible that many of these churches were spiritually dead and/or that the professing "Christians" attending them weren't truly genuine either. Most churches today seem focused on entertainment, rather than edification. They are typically not compelled to go out into the community to share the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. The question is what are they doing for the Lord?
1 Thessalonians 5:11 KJV - Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
1 Samuel 12:24 KJV - Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.
Return to Me, oh My people.
Said to me in 2021.
Wow!! Help us, Jesus.
Jesus can’t hear you…he died for your sins remember?
Shalom beautiful people and many blessings to you all and to your beautiful families.
Covid-19 revealed the actual state the Church was in within that particular time. That inhumane event uncovered where many people were in their walk. It also unveiled how many people were not prepared internally to deal with that situation. And walking away from The Most High is never the answer. We cannot treat this walk in Christ as if it were just another religious practice to hold on to. This is a real life walk in The Most High. We all are responsible for bearing a real cross in this walk,. And covid exposed how many people have been walking through this life "bare back" and without a cross. We cannot give a pure expression of this life without the cross of Jesus Christ. Anyone who believes otherwise will find himself or herself in a very disheartening position. And that position alone will force people to give up because they have no real foundation built underneath their walk. I just hate that many of these people were in churches that failed to teach The Word of God correctly and with a fortitude that would have held people to the ground with a run that was real.
A born again believer is suppose to be having real encounters with The Messiah Jesus Christ and The Godhead. And the believer is suppose to be having them often and not just every once in a while. The encounters themselves keep a believer grounded in his or her covenant relationship with The Most High and grounded in his or her focus in this walk. The intimate encounters make the different, the intimate spiritual intercourse that is shared between the believer and The Most High changes everything. And it causes the believer to see the challenges of life through the heart and eyes of The Most High and not through their own. When the hardships of life are seen through The LORD's heart and eyes, a person is able to endure through those things from a different realm of power and strength. When the church environment is used correctly alot more people end up seeing why this life is not just some random religious practice to fill a void with. They will see just how real this life truly is in Christ. And their lives will be changed for real and with the fruit to back it. God Bless you all and Shalom
A mini book if you ask me, and since you didn't, it was good anyways. God bless you on your journey ❤️
@@willielee5253 God Bless you too man of valour and thank you for sacrificing your time to read it. Shalom unto you and to your beautiful family.
@@mariebright6985 it was so so clear, and moving to say the least, and yes, book worthy.
Are you a book writer???
@@willielee5253Shalom man of valour, and many blessings to you and to your beautiful family.
Thank you for your kind words. I do not take them for granted. And I give all the glory to The Most High.
I have written a couple of books. But that was years ago. I tried to go in that direction but The Most High had a totally different direction and plan for my life. It was a desire of mine (writing). But The Most High wanted to utilize that in a different way. So I have not written any books since then. But I do enjoy reading books. Shalom
@@mariebright6985 I hope you and God don't mine if I ask, what different did God want of you other than writing???
I’ll tell you what a lot of the problem is. Churches are not teaching Biblical foundational truth, they are just treating church like a therapy session trying to make everyone feel good instead of showing them how to live life more abundantly as Jesus said was the reason He came. With no foundation to build you’re life on of course you’re going to feel like your life has no purpose. Also, while church attendance and faith are important, nothing is going to change a person like prayer and seeking a relationship with Jesus will. Not enough teaching on that these days either, in my opinion.
I agree with you 100%
The church I attend does teach biblical truth. Sermons and Bible studies are the based solely on the Bible. Many are searching for a church that does not just tickle the ears.....we are now witnessing people leaving their denominations, for the Bible believing churches!
It was all done on purpose to get you away from God and have a Godless view with no hope but all the more get closer to God ❤️ to save us in this psycho world that we live in
run and cling to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior 🙏
Why so surprised when the Bible warned us about it? Don't you know we are truly living the last days? People will choose a "comfortable" (false) Christianity that will accommodate their wicked ways rather to follow the true will of God.
1 Timothy 4:1
The Great Apostasy
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons."
Ever since the church here in the west, went academia based(systematic theology) instead of faith based(as the church outside of the wear is and is blooming), the western religious church has imploded. Plenty of folk can recite the doctrines of grace and how God sovereignly controlls everything, but only a remnant has a working relationship with Jesus at the true center.
The mistake was that the western church refused to embrace their Pentecostal charismatic brethren and move on from the elementary principles of Christ unto maturity of knowing Jesus Christ in a working way, which the primary church abroad is experiencing the fruits thereof. This is the Pentecostal charismatic church.
1. How large was the survey’s sample size?
2. Was the size/demographics truly representative of the US population?
- Stratified?
- Homogeneous?
3. What was the instrument/methodof gathering responses?
4. Did the surveyors hold any of their own conscious or unconscious biases?
These questions need to be disclosed so that viewers can determine whether the survey was valid or invalid and whether the results could have been skewed towards its conclusions due to any or all of the factors above.
@@Needle_to_the_Pole_144K Thanks for your feedback but I question surveys like this since there is also an agenda by global elites who are part of this satanic world system to “cancel” Christianity and to make it appear as if it is dying. But the Gospel continues to be preached and souls continue to be saved or in the case of backsliders be restored. The fastest growing churches however are Pentecostal of which I myself am a member. The Word of God is taught at all levels in our church from new souls (Initial Bible study, discipleship classes, Bible college, Youth bible study, marrieds Bible studies etc) to mature saints and biblical literacy is fairly robust amongst our congregations. God bless you.
Does not the Bible clearly tell us that before Christ’s return, that there will be a falling away from the faith! Just one more sign for those who are awake, and watching!
My child getting indoctrinated into the trans cult has cause me to renew my faith. I cannot be the only one. Blessings to everyone out there living for God instead of for self. ❤
Gods is shaking..... And their falling.... More shaking is on the way
Preach the Salvation of Jesus Christ and how he died for our sins period give deliverance to those in bondage etc...
Even so, come (return) Lord, Jesus!!!!!😢
******** How many People were Surveyed ???
Jesus through Paul foretold of A FALLING AWAY AND DEPARTURE from the biblical gospel in the End Times!
Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
The churches today are more and more focused on entertainment than on Gods word. The last church I went to service started off with a tongue speaking session. They had two praise teams, each team did two lengthy songs, where the members took turns showing off their vocal ranges.. like it was a talent show.. Then the pastors wife got up and did her own two songs. Then after the sermon the ministers were released into the congregation to pray individually with those that wanted someone to pray with them. It was so bizarre to me. Unfortunately every church I visit has some type of drama or special entertainment going on. It was not like this many years ago, for churches to be putting on so many shows during Sunday service. Then they’re not actually teaching the gospel during the sermon. Really don’t have a desire to be there when you’re just wanting real praise and worship and a sermon based on the holy scriptures. The church definitely has changed.🙏
Brilliant expose of Target's method of changing the narrative!
The great falling away is being seen all around the world. When Jesus Christ comes back, will He see any faith on the earth?
Maybe you need to stop focusing on teaching kids a Crockett ship book and let them figure out and make discoveries for themselves and who knows maybe those children who aren't brainwashed will make it the best discoveries of their lifetime and for the greater good of the world
Teaching transcendent values makes for a better world and sets up people for success. You probably do believe to some extent in one, for example if you have a family that you are dedicated to. Religions teach to be humble and place a higher value above the self.
End Times. Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior!!
I love USA from the bottom of my heart ❤
The great falling away! Bye! Sooner the Lord will be here! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
LOVE this video
Loving parents, "Psalm 127:3" teaches the heart what love truly is, beware of "Matthew 18:6"...
JESUS CHRIST, how much do you love me ?? He stretched out his arms on the Cross and said, this much.
Every tongue shall confess
In the name of Jesus .
Jesus is dead. Get used to it.
Covid made my faith stronger. I have peace and am living a full, fear free life.
Covid only makes your lungs weaker. Please learn some science.
They constantly say share the Gospel. How many of them even know where the Gospel is in the Bible! Let me share it! 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 ... "THE" GOSPEL! If anyone preach any other let him be accursed! Galatians 1:6-10.. Roman's 10;9-13..Roman's 3:23-25.. if you want people to share THE GOSPEL. At least know where and what it is. We will be judged according to this Gospel, given to Paul. Roman's 2:16..Roman's 16:25...
Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Shalom,wonder how many saved in that church.
“biblical worldview” sounds like an undefinable term.
How can you be born again if you do not believe that Jesus lived a sinless life? That is one of the basics of the gospel.
If he did, then he wasn't human. If he wasn't human, then he couldn't have suffered for you. You aren't making any sense, kid.
All the healing ministries on T V caused the decline .
I don't trust statistics more than I trust God. Also, it's not up to us to sit down and think and strategize, that's God's job and we just need to be in a position of listening and submitting.
You're study is only in your area. Globally my friend its another study- But, and if you say what you say is true,well then all are not called to be chosen.
You sound like you are completely full of yourself. Religion will do that to people.
This is the new world deception.
Maybe "it" never existed ??
Jsaying- it is better to take refuge in Hashem than to rely on man. Christianity is considered idol worshipping bcuz jc is not G-od
What great news 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I don't agree I see revival breaking out everywhere just sayin....🥰😁
Drugs will do that to you...
I think more intelligent people are questioning Christian mythology, seems healthy and too be expected.
I think some people realized that the church they attended was not a place that they were being fed the word of the Lord and found another way to gather-to study verse by verse the scriptures. Others decided that going to a dead church wasn’t causing any changes in their lives so they stopped going all together and lost faith in faith. Just my thoughts. 🤷🏼♀️
Check out Minister Derek Prince.
Jesus sins throughout the gospel of Mark. Where you or I commit misdeeds against others, Christ only commits sins-of-omission, with never any victims to accuse him. We should sense his human nature repeatedly missing the opportunity to bring about a literal kingdom on earth. As one example: he first chooses his disciples from fishermen he knows locally. It's not just unambitious, it's also (in the soft sense) corrupt, immediately reminding of ancient patronage. I believe this firstly throws the triumph of his divine nature, into relief - for example in the way that Satan's and the Pharisees' thwarting of a ministry to the Jews opens up a universal salvation - which is the eternal Logos outmanoeuvring the temporal Adversary. Secondly it teaches us a mystery about sin: our omissions are inescapable and unknown, but we are blessed if we only sin by omission. Because then, we might pay the penalty on earth from our own flesh, deserving no further judicial additions on to Adam's and Eve's punishments (not to mention the Snake's). Thirdly and finally, it completes and perfects Christ's human nature: where many Christians find the paradox of a sinless human, we can instead find the mystery of 'synhapsis' - a convicted and murdered man also being our all-triumphant God. And moreover: that fallen man's rising is identical with our heavenly God's descent to and touching of the earth.
Jesus NEVER sinned. "Without sin", "knew no sin" and "in him is no sin".
Hebrews 4:15 KJV - For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV - For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
1 John 3:5 KJV - And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
I read all of those passages as referring to the risen Jesus, who has already paid the penalty for all of us, including himself. Before the crucifixion, Jesus' sins of omission are numerous and plainly recorded - as well as the examples I've given, he doesn't rebel against Pontius Pilate, and he advocated paying taxes to Rome. We should put the legion of angels to one side, it's as a human that he commits a moral failure: by not attacking Pontius Pilate when he has the chance. Turning to Paul, John and the author of Hebrews - if they aren't referring to the risen Jesus it might be that their term 'hamartia' excludes sins-of-omission, which is natural language since 'to miss' implies we have taken aim and shot. Or it might be that they are referring to the sinless Logos to the exclusion of the human nature (if we distinguish verbal sin, or blasphemy, that's also very much in the category of things that Jesus definitely never does). Or it may be that our readings of the passages aren't subtle enough, or are injured by being lifted into each others' contexts. If Jesus was 'me gnonta hamartian'='knowing no sin' absolutely, he couldn't forgive the sins of the paralyzed man. Lastly I return to the paradox: if Jesus was without sin prior to the crucifixion and redemption of humanity, then he was not a human.
Pretty sure that window closed, and was covered with bricks
Gods not in the church no more but he is in óur hearts n thats where he belongs
Whether in Church or not, if one is listening, He's leading and teaching.
God bless us on our journey ❤
To be more honest this is end times , a great falling away , a hardening of the heart , we are what we eat ! Poisioning our food , has effected our body's poistening our air is slow death , pouring death into our water , kills water animals , kills who drinks the water ( animals , humans ) our brains ( what brains ) our ethics, to work and care for life , to live a bibical life has died ,
Question : if the old saying is true , monkey see monkey do , the apple does not fall far from the tree , you reap what you sow , 1, we have no one to turn to , to show the way , our histoty is lost , so we will repeat , and not learn a thing proveing its time too clean the earth and start over
Are you getting help with that?
You all fail to recognize, the most important element of human existence is Faith! Gonna burn soon!
Yes, because religion is a grift… there are zero “gods”.