Day at DMV renew license change surname to maiden 24thApril2024 12 4pm

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2024
  • Day at the DMV to get my surname changed back since I am on vacation. I realized that this whole time I thought I had my driver's licence Real CA ID but it was just a CA Real ID and needed to get my driver's license as it actually expired shortly after I got my Real CA ID or 2022. No biggie, just take eye exam and the written test after waiting in their shorter kiosk window lines to pay fees.
    Except, the laws have changed drastically and the DMV written exam is not longer the best choice as in the most low extreme to be correct, but it is close to it and only two other options and they do let you do it at the computer and let you know which one you missed after you miss it and remind you to read the handbook.
    After missing it two times, I read the handbook in my car. They let you take it 3 times before having to reapply and it was around $54-59 for the driver's license and about $39 for the ID. I didn't want to drive out and have my car impounded for driving without a license so needed to take it within 3 hours. It took 2 hours to go through and meticulously look at each section and reason for writing it and remind myself of the sections they tested on and all that with a pen I keep in my car to circle and speak out loud while drinking a celsius on an empty stomach.
    I had plans to go to the gym, but instead was reading out loud stressed and note circling and making stars and talking out loud to think about the logical answers in situations and if they printed it and its there and seems common sense, you should read it to see that some of those questions came from those sections you missed. They had a ton of Arabic DMV handbooks next to the English ones.
    Do not try to take the written exam without first reading through all the new changes since I last took the written exam 20-25 years ago. They even have sections to help guide blacks and minority on what to do when recording and rights and not to reach for anything in the glove box and do what officer says. And did you know there is a section that specifically says police officers and firefighters direct traffic and you have to listen or pay up to $1000 fine. Wow! Really?
    And there is a supposed max time if hit and run to spend in jail, but realistically a vehicle is a weapon and if you kill someone with it intentional or hit and run or while intoxicated or medicated or incoherent to some extent you will spend much more time than 7 years in state prison or 1 year in jail.
    There is a section about bright lights, you can have them on but off when a vehicle approaches you 300-500 feet and when you approach from rear another vehicle at night.
    Also, if you are SLOWER than traffic, move over so the flow of traffic can move if in the fast lane, its the law. And a specific section about not assaulting a freeway worker or you can fast up to $2000 fine and a year in jail, and outlines for the road markings and turning from two lanes to one, round abouts, T intersections, not to ever back up in a firefighters' driveway ever, and stop completely until all kids crossed when lights red flashing, run obliquely from car if stuck on tracks and when to set off your emergency lights and when to honk your horn, what direction to turn your wheels when turning left (straight) seems common sense but on test exam have to think, as well as making outlines for stating the obvious that trucks turn and stop much slower, the BAC, cops can test you in CA for breath, urine, or blood and you can get arrested for DUI even if on medication prescribed that is assumed to be making you unable to drive, 30 day impound if you don't have a license, 0.08% for 21 up and 0.01% for 21 down in age, and the new law all heard about being told what your are pulled over for instead of asked if you know, unless they think telling you would cause a threat to public, and you can record and 1st ammendment but you should tell the officer you are recording, it or not, and you can say you don't want to have vehicle searched and disapprove but not intervene and if they erase your video for intervening its illegal and same with forcing your passcode to phone and deleting video. So many changes added to the handbook. And if you file a report and send to DMV they can at any time for any reason but more so if reports of you being incapable or danger to public have your driving skills, vision, mental aptitude etc tested, and reply within 10 days to any hearing or void rights, read it all, it and any of it can show up on exam as a question. Such an eye opener. Made me wonder if somebody did that to me to have me take the written exam, or if it was just because the law changed and everybody has to take written exam when getting their driver's license renewed.

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