To all of you commenting about the horse's neck, this isn't her horse, nor did she train it. She is just warming it up as a demonstration. Her reins were slack enough that the horse could have stretched if he wanted, but he is likely holding his head like that due to the way his usual rider rides him or maybe something he pick up before that even that they could be trying to work on. Who knows if she had even been on the horse before, and of course the horse would have been a little tense with a new and different rider on their back who they are not used to. I don't think any of you could have gotten on the horse and achieved a a horse that is any calmer in the same amount of time, unless maybe you were the horse's regular rider. I'm honestly so sick of people in the equine community judging other people and being nasty about it. Believe it or not there are multiple ways for people to care for and ride a horse in a way that ends up with a happy horse. Stop thinking because you ride a particular way, and your horse appears happy that that means all other ways of riding are horrible or abuse. Also just because you ride or have owned horses for x number years, doesn't mean you know it all about every horse, or that you are a trainer so stop acting like it online, your attitudes and behaviour are disgusting. Though that's no surprise given the followings Raleigh and Rick Gore have.
Agree, I believe this judging and no it all news is a big reason horses are in decline, everyone has to be most right. This does nothing for horses staying relevant in our lives
Maybe all the people on here talking shit about Charlotte are gonna go out and win 3 gold medals at the Olympics and make their own masterclass videos....
This right here is how I feel!! It takes a strong confident rider with lots of tools in their bag to just hop on a strange horse and make it looks easy, it’s not .
Her reigns may not be tight, but hes got his head down & in because that BIT is causing him excruciating pain...if he retaliates about it she will PULL on his mouth even harder, horses are clever, to many pple think they are HAPPY with metal in their mouthes being yanked on, NO they TOLERATE it, coz if they dont it causes more & more pain by being yanked on
@@angelmatagi7776 I think, to a certain degree, this should/can be allowed. There is, in a way, art, in knowing the right amount of pressure or pain to apply, not to break a spirit but to make it shine even more. But, training every horse through methods such as rollkur and with long shanks and leverage action bits, should not be allowed in pleasure riding or as a daily training, and should not be allowed when the rider is very rough with the horse's mouth and head and makes the animal unresponsive to normal bits that apply less pressure. When I look at all these high ranking competition, I want to see the bond between people and animals, not the devices used to subjugate their own horses.
What a lovely look into her training method and work ethic. Working with a horse who has clearly been trained behind the vertical and without classical principles, she still attempts to offer him a lot more rein that he is probably used to which he is still reacting to by curling under as opposed to reaching forward and out which takes a lot of horses who are trained BTV to accept and reach for. You can see the occasional flop of the reins against the horses neck so she is trying, and encouraging him to reach, but it is not something you see in the first session, or week or sometimes even month of introducing a non-classically trained horse to stretching.
I would like to see everybody warming up their Horses this way, I've seen Charlotte and Carl several times live.. the way they do the Warm-Up is simply perfect and respectful, thank You.
sonseere10 Do you even understand what dressage is? It literally means 'to train' in French and relies on the horse and rider having a good bond, you literally get marked on the horse's relaxation, which is not possible if you are harming the horse.
sonseere10 your comment literally makes no sense. I wasn't making any comment on a particular ride or this video, I was talking about the principles of dressage, which are exactly what I said. There is no use for a critical eye in that because like I said, I'm not talking about a particular case, so there is no horse to read. Please tell me how a horse can be in pain if they get good scores for relaxation (and I think I know the difference between the being relaxed and being tense)? Those two things are mutually exclusive, you can't have both.
I really like this class with Robert Dover and Charlotte Dujarden. They compliment one another well with their philosophical approach to Dressage. It has been said that everytime you are with your horses from pasture to grooming to groundwork to riding to back to stall or pasture, you are teaching your your, good or bad. So don't be lazy and concentrate in a relaxed way on what you are doing. As both Robert and Charlotte said, Good work equals good habits and then good rides and tests. Sounds to me like common sense to me!❤😁
"Now he's going into the canter so I do the same" pure gold. Sadly Dover was bit***ing about his mike (lol) so this was somewhat lost. However it's extremely important to listen to your horse and let them have that freedom to do what they prefer to do first rather than fighting with them, this way you come to a consensus very much quicker and can then go on as one.
Its kinda scary the ignorance coming out in some of these comments. Clearly some of you critics have only backed, ridden, schooled and developed certain types of horses. Im assuming you've all done those things at least with one horse, cause if you haven't you can't really have the knowledge to even voice a provisional opinion on training/ riding different types of elite horses with different natural tendencies, strengths, weaknesses and psychological traits. Please just watch and learn. Not all horses can be stretched well at the start of work, especially in that environment. Biomechanically horses stretching need to stretch on a contact not on the buckle to have any physiological advantage, and getting a hot, tense horse to relax through its back and stretch well through to a contact isn't gonna happen at the beginning of work, no matter how good a rider you are. Riding a horse you don't know in front of a crowd full of people and getting it to work effectively with you with minimum anxiety is not an easy thing to do. Give her a round of applause for trying to give everyone a chance to understand/feel what it would be like to be an experienced rider working with a new unknown horse, in exceptionally stressful circumstances.
You're so right. There must be quite a few Olympic champion dressage riders commenting here eh? Who else would think they could advise one on how to do things better! LOL
Robert Dover is aging well. He was the guy to watch a million years ago when I rode. Good job RD. I love Charlotte! Dressage is lovely & not boring. Horse is pretty at trot, but his canter is not my style. *We were always told we had to ride that strange (not our horse) horse to get better. Learn by riding the strange one to us. At 650 he says practice perfectly; my favorite vhs to watch was ? saying "perfect practice makes perfect." Too bad I can't remember her name. Beautiful rider. I can still see the lovely lt bay in the video. Thanks for the upload and memories of a wonderful youth.
Guys remember this ain't her horse. She probably only started riding him twenty minutes before this! So he won't act like a horse she has trained and ridden herself.
I didn’t say he was her own horse - but Whether or not it’s her own horse is irrelevant really because she is already a kind and awesome rider who got the best out of this horse. And considering he’s not her own horse and she’s probably not ridden him before she did an amazing job as always
Yep there are a lot of critics concerned with the degree or lack of stretch seen here and the position of the neck. In my opinion there is stretch, I can see it I can even feel it just by looking. However the point to be made here is that this is a hot sensitive horse being ridden by a stranger in front of a very packed and noisy stand, this is America after all . She asked that the audience try and remain quiet after the initial applause whistling and mayhem when she was announced so she could enter quietly so she could show what she was doing to best advantage on a very sensitive horse. However allowing the horse to completely stretch by giving too much rein could be too risky, so Dujardin is obviously having to play it safe which is of course extremely sensible on a borrowed horse this touchy. She still gets a reasonable stretch for the purposes of the class. Can the horse do better well we will never know unless we do LOL.
I always like a long trot, after a brisk walk, especially when it is difficult to contain the energy at a walk, then begin to reel in the engagement and flexion, and light flexing and then large, loose circles. OCD's, those of us that insist on complete control, of the spine and feet, no matter how long it takes. I have 20,000 hours, but, it still is not enough. One injury, one health issue, on the rider's end, and it will fall away in two weeks, and take two months to recover. Just love the Dance. Oh, that reminds me, if you have no rythm like one would need on the dance floor, or playing a musical instrument, you will find Dressage, very difficult. It's a tempo thing. Your cue, either is timed in sync with the horse, or is a momentary half-beat in advance of your next request (cue) Sorry had to respond to your advertiser. Not everyone, can be great at dressage, or reining, or jumping, or ...? Do it for the "Dance."
I used to sing songs that fit the beat of the trot. Grandma got run over by a reindeer is a great trotting song. So is Patsy Cline walking After Midnight. It allowed me to fall into my hurts trot rhythm.
This appears to be the same horse during the same session, after Charlotte Dujardin has worked with it for a little while: Notice how much more relaxed and supple the horse is, and how it comes into the bridle onto the bit, and vertical.
July 2024, judging by the recently released video, get your whip out! It shows her whipping a horse 24 times because it failed to respond to her commands. It was distressing to watch and a shock. So much for the love of horses. She has withdrawn from the Paris Olympics opening this evening Friday 26 July 2024. Very sad.
this is how you should always warm up your horse. I do this .. using your inside leg and giving on inside rein like shoulder fore exercise... its very natural and great for the horses loosening of his whole body. The horse is not behind vertical it is reaching for bit becuz charlotte is using her legs to push him from his back thru to his bit. He is very happy with the contact. Not sure why other people are saying what they are saying. Horses that aren't using their back and are hollow are not reaching for bit. And its more uncomfortable for the horse and that is how horses get back issues.
There is no always with horses. There are different types horses demanding different warmup routines. This is a good one, but not the only one or the right one.
carolannlocks The inside leg to outside leg mantra, or vice versa, simply cannot be supported in neurological terms. The horse's brain is incapable of understanding to competing two stimuli. What you've done is habituate the horse to one primary stimuli and it largely ignores the other. In neurological terms, it's also a myth that horses reach for the bit. You've habituated them to respond to bit pressure which is then described in lyrical but quite incorrect terms.
Moving from the inside leg simply has to do with carrying weight with the outer legs and not falling inwards. Basic balance. Creates a bend, creates lenghtening in the outside and hence reaching into outer rein. Not natural for most green horses, has to be taught in the first couple years of education or so. Comes from neurology of the rider, not neurology of the horse.
U.V. S. Thanks for your response. That's an interesting and, in my experience, different view of rein to leg, not that I'm much of an expert in most dressage vernacular, referring to it in my head as "The Venerable Society of Dressage Rhetoric and Bullshit"!! The most common understanding of this principle is not so much about balance, but explicitly about application of aids in that, for a rider to properly apply “inside leg to outside rein,” the aids must be independent and independently applied. Independent aids imply simultaneous aids. It then goes on to describe what is in effect the simultaneous application of aids, something which may, in the case of conflicting aids, represent flooding, in neurological terms. When flooding occurs, the horse habituates to the strongest aid and mostly ignores the other. The notion of “inside leg to outside rein” then becomes anachronistic. Love to know your views on that.
Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed all your performances at the last couple of Olympics. Please put up links to your training videos and educate me as you are all clearly dressage grand masters, girl please! 🙄
Wouldn't you just let the horse stretch without taking both reins at first? At the beginning, the back of the horse seems very hollow, it gets better at times but then gets worse again, and you can see how the bone of the croup is kind of above everything else (please forgive my lack of proper words), which is usually a sign that horses haven't been ridden correctly with an engaged back. Actually I had high expectations in this.
+Me My there is another video in the series that states the horses are walked for 20 minutes before this point in her own training program. Since this is not her horse she has to work with what she is given in a short timeline.
She has never ridden it before and there is a huge crowd, cameras and a buzzy atmosphere. Maybe it is not safe to do so. The horse has no relationship with her. She has no idea how it will react. It is also a very valuable horse and i am sure its owner would want to make sure it was kept safe. It is not just about the horse, you have to think about the rider too.
On a new hot horse that is in a spooky new environment.. Think that would be a silly thing to do. She was allowing him to stretch whilst still having some control
Maybe MeMy could win three Olympic gold medals and put out a masterclass video with a horse they've never sat on before, and then we can all anonymously pick apart what their doing wrong in it and talk about how our high expectations were dashed....
Lisa Trapp some horses (especially less experienced ones) do not stretch properly even when given a loose rein. One of my horses will overbend even on a long rein while others will stretch downwards like they’re supposed to. This horses previous training may mean it does not stretch downwards and has a tendency to still over bend or work downhill. It isn’t Charlottes horse so you can’t really tell how it was schooled
This is not her horse. Stretching isnt just having the neck loose its Stretching each and every muscle while the horse works correctly. You have to think of a horse working on the contact as us sitting up straigjt, and a horse being off the contact as us slouching. Slouching is more comfy but we can still do every think while sitting up straigjt and being comfortable (and its better for us and our core especially)!
Also ich habe schon aus weit weniger sehr viel mehr gemacht. Na... Wenn man mich nicht braucht und mich herablassend behandelt und obendrauf auch noch mein Geld stehlen möchte, dann ist man bei mir in Ungnade gefallen, lebenslang.
Aber was ich richtig geil fand war, dass die rund ne Million da rumstehen hatten und nicht dran kamen.... Hahahahaha... Versucht doch mal die großen Kaninchen platt zu machen.... Hahahahaha.... Es schien sich niemand gefragt zu haben wo die herkamen. Mussten die Tiere nicht eingetragen werden. Die Fleischwurst Schilder im Stall die Namen darstellen sollten fand ich schon recht witzig. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen in Deutschland sind wirklich sehr hoch. Die Stallungen waren ganz OK aber trotzdem Verbaut. Als ob diese Tiere in den Knast gehört hätten. Der Braune Party Boy hätte mich sicherlich mit Kopf aus dem Fenster aufgehalten... Hahahahaha.... Ich habe nur gedacht "geht da mal dran". Ist es nicht witzig.
A demonstration of a lack of understanding of and respect for the horse. Note the unnatural curved neck. Note the open mouth trying to relieve pressure from the bit. Note the being 'on the bit', not giving the horse release of pressure when he does a task correctly.
Wot? Lol. The horse is clearly relaxed, going nicely, and not tense at all. Charlotte is a quiet and effective rider, her hands are soft, and the reins are loose. The horse has a cresty neck, but it's not "unnatural" or curved wrongly. You might be confused because Charlotte is having him stretch at the base of his neck, which is the proper stretch. Michael Jung is a grand prix rider, and there is a video of him stretching his 4* horse Rocana before their dressage test. He does exactly what Charlotte is doing; stretching the horse and then slowly bringing her head into a proper "frame" when Rocana is warmed up. Truly tho, wtf are you smoking?
Do you ever let horses be horses? Do you let them free in a pasture? Do you ever think of what your repetition does to the horse? You have a choice, what choice does the horse have? I think it's cruel , his head crooked into his chest, his aching mouth in constant pain, I find the whole dressage world disgusting.
I literally just face-palmed so hard. 1. yes dressage riders let horses be horses ALL THE TIME. Charlotte had a video on Valegro and he got turned out all the time and hacked around rather than ring-work on regular basis too, that's part of why their bond was great and why they did so well. 2. nobody wants their horse's head tucked into their chests, that would be behind the vertical and would get marked poorly, not to mention be incredibly bad for the horse. The frame a dressage horse works mostly comes from the horse engaging their hindquarters and carrying themselves. 3. Bits are very regulated in dressage, you are told what bits for what level of test and you can't use anything harsher (most of the tests are ridden in a simple snaffle until you get to the double bridle), most bits are far better than bitless options anyway. If dressage disgusts you, then why did you want to come and watch a video of a top dressage rider anyway?
To all of you commenting about the horse's neck, this isn't her horse, nor did she train it. She is just warming it up as a demonstration. Her reins were slack enough that the horse could have stretched if he wanted, but he is likely holding his head like that due to the way his usual rider rides him or maybe something he pick up before that even that they could be trying to work on. Who knows if she had even been on the horse before, and of course the horse would have been a little tense with a new and different rider on their back who they are not used to. I don't think any of you could have gotten on the horse and achieved a a horse that is any calmer in the same amount of time, unless maybe you were the horse's regular rider.
I'm honestly so sick of people in the equine community judging other people and being nasty about it. Believe it or not there are multiple ways for people to care for and ride a horse in a way that ends up with a happy horse. Stop thinking because you ride a particular way, and your horse appears happy that that means all other ways of riding are horrible or abuse. Also just because you ride or have owned horses for x number years, doesn't mean you know it all about every horse, or that you are a trainer so stop acting like it online, your attitudes and behaviour are disgusting. Though that's no surprise given the followings Raleigh and Rick Gore have.
Agree, I believe this judging and no it all news is a big reason horses are in decline, everyone has to be most right. This does nothing for horses staying relevant in our lives
Maybe all the people on here talking shit about Charlotte are gonna go out and win 3 gold medals at the Olympics and make their own masterclass videos....
This right here is how I feel!! It takes a strong confident rider with lots of tools in their bag to just hop on a strange horse and make it looks easy, it’s not .
Her reigns may not be tight, but hes got his head down & in because that BIT is causing him excruciating pain...if he retaliates about it she will PULL on his mouth even harder, horses are clever, to many pple think they are HAPPY with metal in their mouthes being yanked on, NO they TOLERATE it, coz if they dont it causes more & more pain by being yanked on
@@angelmatagi7776 I think, to a certain degree, this should/can be allowed. There is, in a way, art, in knowing the right amount of pressure or pain to apply, not to break a spirit but to make it shine even more. But, training every horse through methods such as rollkur and with long shanks and leverage action bits, should not be allowed in pleasure riding or as a daily training, and should not be allowed when the rider is very rough with the horse's mouth and head and makes the animal unresponsive to normal bits that apply less pressure. When I look at all these high ranking competition, I want to see the bond between people and animals, not the devices used to subjugate their own horses.
What a lovely look into her training method and work ethic. Working with a horse who has clearly been trained behind the vertical and without classical principles, she still attempts to offer him a lot more rein that he is probably used to which he is still reacting to by curling under as opposed to reaching forward and out which takes a lot of horses who are trained BTV to accept and reach for. You can see the occasional flop of the reins against the horses neck so she is trying, and encouraging him to reach, but it is not something you see in the first session, or week or sometimes even month of introducing a non-classically trained horse to stretching.
Damn her warm up is what I wish I could do at the show😂
I always say train like you've never won and compete like you've never lost and I feel like that is the best mind set ever
I would like to see everybody warming up their Horses this way, I've seen Charlotte and Carl several times live.. the way they do the Warm-Up is simply perfect and respectful, thank You.
I would love to work with Charlotte Dujardin, as it was she and Valegro, that showed me my path in the dressage world!
The path to selfishness. Not the path to what is in the best interests of the horse.
sonseere10 Do you even understand what dressage is? It literally means 'to train' in French and relies on the horse and rider having a good bond, you literally get marked on the horse's relaxation, which is not possible if you are harming the horse.
Spotted-----You are only seeing what you want to see. Use your critical eye.
sonseere10 your comment literally makes no sense. I wasn't making any comment on a particular ride or this video, I was talking about the principles of dressage, which are exactly what I said. There is no use for a critical eye in that because like I said, I'm not talking about a particular case, so there is no horse to read. Please tell me how a horse can be in pain if they get good scores for relaxation (and I think I know the difference between the being relaxed and being tense)? Those two things are mutually exclusive, you can't have both.
SpottedLeafy, Thank you for standing up with me, I have been in a argument with some people on this video:)
Charlotte you are so lovely and talented, horsemanship and rider - world class, the best !
I really like this class with Robert Dover and Charlotte Dujarden. They compliment one another well with their philosophical approach to Dressage. It has been said that everytime you are with your horses from pasture to grooming to groundwork to riding to back to stall or pasture, you are teaching your your, good or bad. So don't be lazy and concentrate in a relaxed way on what you are doing. As both Robert and Charlotte said, Good work equals good habits and then good rides and tests. Sounds to me like common sense to me!❤😁
Absolutely!!! And this also helps to form an amazing partnership with your horse as well for that trust and understanding going forward.
I am really inspired by Charlotte in every way.
"Now he's going into the canter so I do the same" pure gold. Sadly Dover was bit***ing about his mike (lol) so this was somewhat lost. However it's extremely important to listen to your horse and let them have that freedom to do what they prefer to do first rather than fighting with them, this way you come to a consensus very much quicker and can then go on as one.
Its kinda scary the ignorance coming out in some of these comments. Clearly some of you critics have only backed, ridden, schooled and developed certain types of horses. Im assuming you've all done those things at least with one horse, cause if you haven't you can't really have the knowledge to even voice a provisional opinion on training/ riding different types of elite horses with different natural tendencies, strengths, weaknesses and psychological traits. Please just watch and learn. Not all horses can be stretched well at the start of work, especially in that environment. Biomechanically horses stretching need to stretch on a contact not on the buckle to have any physiological advantage, and getting a hot, tense horse to relax through its back and stretch well through to a contact isn't gonna happen at the beginning of work, no matter how good a rider you are. Riding a horse you don't know in front of a crowd full of people and getting it to work effectively with you with minimum anxiety is not an easy thing to do. Give her a round of applause for trying to give everyone a chance to understand/feel what it would be like to be an experienced rider working with a new unknown horse, in exceptionally stressful circumstances.
You're so right. There must be quite a few Olympic champion dressage riders commenting here eh? Who else would think they could advise one on how to do things better! LOL
@Tig Wig, people need to watch her ride in a competition. No Rollkur in sight. Her trained horses are soft, supple, happy campers. 😊
I wonder how many have now revised their opinions of this now?
Robert Dover is aging well. He was the guy to watch a million years ago when I rode. Good job RD. I love Charlotte! Dressage is lovely & not boring. Horse is pretty at trot, but his canter is not my style. *We were always told we had to ride that strange (not our horse) horse to get better. Learn by riding the strange one to us. At 650 he says practice perfectly; my favorite vhs to watch was ? saying "perfect practice makes perfect." Too bad I can't remember her name. Beautiful rider. I can still see the lovely lt bay in the video. Thanks for the upload and memories of a wonderful youth.
Guys remember this ain't her horse. She probably only started riding him twenty minutes before this! So he won't act like a horse she has trained and ridden herself.
What a stupid comment, do you know who she even is?
mandiemoo it says in the video that it's not her horse
I didn’t say he was her own horse - but Whether or not it’s her own horse is irrelevant really because she is already a kind and awesome rider who got the best out of this horse. And considering he’s not her own horse and she’s probably not ridden him before she did an amazing job as always
mandiemoo yes and that's all this other person was saying and you questioned if they even knew who she was
What a talented rider.
Cruel more like.
Great rider
Yep there are a lot of critics concerned with the degree or lack of stretch seen here and the position of the neck. In my opinion there is stretch, I can see it I can even feel it just by looking. However the point to be made here is that this is a hot sensitive horse being ridden by a stranger in front of a very packed and noisy stand, this is America after all . She asked that the audience try and remain quiet after the initial applause whistling and mayhem when she was announced so she could enter quietly so she could show what she was doing to best advantage on a very sensitive horse. However allowing the horse to completely stretch by giving too much rein could be too risky, so Dujardin is obviously having to play it safe which is of course extremely sensible on a borrowed horse this touchy. She still gets a reasonable stretch for the purposes of the class. Can the horse do better well we will never know unless we do LOL.
The speaker is so superfluos
Thank you, Charlotte for sharing your knowledge.
I always like a long trot, after a brisk walk, especially when it is difficult to contain the energy at a walk, then begin to reel in the engagement and flexion, and light flexing and then large, loose circles. OCD's, those of us that insist on complete control, of the spine and feet, no matter how long it takes. I have 20,000 hours, but, it still is not enough. One injury, one health issue, on the rider's end, and it will fall away in two weeks, and take two months to recover. Just love the Dance.
Oh, that reminds me, if you have no rythm like one would need on the dance floor, or playing a musical instrument, you will find Dressage, very difficult. It's a tempo thing. Your cue, either is timed in sync with the horse, or is a momentary half-beat in advance of your next request (cue) Sorry had to respond to your advertiser. Not everyone, can be great at dressage, or reining, or jumping, or ...? Do it for the "Dance."
I used to sing songs that fit the beat of the trot. Grandma got run over by a reindeer is a great trotting song. So is Patsy Cline walking After Midnight. It allowed me to fall into my hurts trot rhythm.
Can you get a dressage trainer to do long lining dressage videos?
This appears to be the same horse during the same session, after Charlotte Dujardin has worked with it for a little while:
Notice how much more relaxed and supple the horse is, and how it comes into the bridle onto the bit, and vertical.
July 2024, judging by the recently released video, get your whip out! It shows her whipping a horse 24 times because it failed to respond to her commands. It was distressing to watch and a shock. So much for the love of horses. She has withdrawn from the Paris Olympics opening this evening Friday 26 July 2024. Very sad.
Disgrace to the sport.
She is uncredible
It's important to warm up properly, all horses, prior to being used for any human made activity.
this is how you should always warm up your horse. I do this .. using your inside leg and giving on inside rein like shoulder fore exercise... its very natural and great for the horses loosening of his whole body. The horse is not behind vertical it is reaching for bit becuz charlotte is using her legs to push him from his back thru to his bit. He is very happy with the contact. Not sure why other people are saying what they are saying. Horses that aren't using their back and are hollow are not reaching for bit. And its more uncomfortable for the horse and that is how horses get back issues.
There is no always with horses. There are different types horses demanding different warmup routines. This is a good one, but not the only one or the right one.
carolannlocks In biomechanical terms, that is not an ideal way to warm up your horse and most of what your posited cannot be supported.
carolannlocks The inside leg to outside leg mantra, or vice versa, simply cannot be supported in neurological terms. The horse's brain is incapable of understanding to competing two stimuli. What you've done is habituate the horse to one primary stimuli and it largely ignores the other.
In neurological terms, it's also a myth that horses reach for the bit. You've habituated them to respond to bit pressure which is then described in lyrical but quite incorrect terms.
Moving from the inside leg simply has to do with carrying weight with the outer legs and not falling inwards. Basic balance. Creates a bend, creates lenghtening in the outside and hence reaching into outer rein. Not natural for most green horses, has to be taught in the first couple years of education or so. Comes from neurology of the rider, not neurology of the horse.
U.V. S. Thanks for your response. That's an interesting and, in my experience, different view of rein to leg, not that I'm much of an expert in most dressage vernacular, referring to it in my head as "The Venerable Society of Dressage Rhetoric and Bullshit"!!
The most common understanding of this principle is not so much about balance, but explicitly about application of aids in that, for a rider to properly apply “inside leg to outside rein,” the aids must be independent and independently applied. Independent aids imply simultaneous aids.
It then goes on to describe what is in effect the simultaneous application of aids, something which may, in the case of conflicting aids, represent flooding, in neurological terms. When flooding occurs, the horse habituates to the strongest aid and mostly ignores the other. The notion of “inside leg to outside rein” then becomes anachronistic.
Love to know your views on that.
Anyone know what type of horse this is??? He\She's BEAUTIFUL
Feel your horse and let him feel you!!!!
What is the best way to get a horse loose anf supple
stretch ... I am missing.
Years and Years of being ridden BTV!
Not her horse (by that I mean someone else has the ride on him, she wouldn't own him either) so if that's the case it wasn't her fault.
The horse is tense, watch the end of the ride where she gets the stretch she wants
Keith Bartlam 3
Though it is depressing just how quickly horses can be conditioned to stay behind the vertical like that with certain pieces of training equipment...
Is this Fuego? 🥰❤️
Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed all your performances at the last couple of Olympics. Please put up links to your training videos and educate me as you are all clearly dressage grand masters, girl please! 🙄
Kerry Casson ohhhh you're jealous!
Wished that guy would shut his yap and let her talk XD
I think he is letting her catch her breath. It is hard to ride and talk for an hour.
Don’t you know who ‘that guy’ is? Lol
Blah blah Robert Dover blah, I'm here to see the real superstar, Queen Dujardin
Miley Holtzman Queen Charlotte?
Wouldn't you just let the horse stretch without taking both reins at first? At the beginning, the back of the horse seems very hollow, it gets better at times but then gets worse again, and you can see how the bone of the croup is kind of above everything else (please forgive my lack of proper words), which is usually a sign that horses haven't been ridden correctly with an engaged back. Actually I had high expectations in this.
+Me My there is another video in the series that states the horses are walked for 20 minutes before this point in her own training program. Since this is not her horse she has to work with what she is given in a short timeline.
The horse is tense, watch the end of the ride where she gets the stretch she wants
She has never ridden it before and there is a huge crowd, cameras and a buzzy atmosphere. Maybe it is not safe to do so. The horse has no relationship with her. She has no idea how it will react. It is also a very valuable horse and i am sure its owner would want to make sure it was kept safe. It is not just about the horse, you have to think about the rider too.
On a new hot horse that is in a spooky new environment.. Think that would be a silly thing to do. She was allowing him to stretch whilst still having some control
Maybe MeMy could win three Olympic gold medals and put out a masterclass video with a horse they've never sat on before, and then we can all anonymously pick apart what their doing wrong in it and talk about how our high expectations were dashed....
i watch on netflix zoe and raven you gave the trophy to rebeca
How long has Charlotte been abusing her horses?
Whether you are Talented or not
Stretching the horse? Where in this video is the horse actually allowed to stretch properly....^^°
Lisa Trapp some horses (especially less experienced ones) do not stretch properly even when given a loose rein. One of my horses will overbend even on a long rein while others will stretch downwards like they’re supposed to. This horses previous training may mean it does not stretch downwards and has a tendency to still over bend or work downhill. It isn’t Charlottes horse so you can’t really tell how it was schooled
This is not her horse. Stretching isnt just having the neck loose its Stretching each and every muscle while the horse works correctly. You have to think of a horse working on the contact as us sitting up straigjt, and a horse being off the contact as us slouching. Slouching is more comfy but we can still do every think while sitting up straigjt and being comfortable (and its better for us and our core especially)!
Also ich habe schon aus weit weniger sehr viel mehr gemacht. Na... Wenn man mich nicht braucht und mich herablassend behandelt und obendrauf auch noch mein Geld stehlen möchte, dann ist man bei mir in Ungnade gefallen, lebenslang.
Hat mit korrektem Vorwärts Abwärts nichts zu tun
Die hatten alle einfach kein Potential das war mir wirklich wirklich zu weit unter meinem Niveau.
Aber was ich richtig geil fand war, dass die rund ne Million da rumstehen hatten und nicht dran kamen.... Hahahahaha... Versucht doch mal die großen Kaninchen platt zu machen.... Hahahahaha.... Es schien sich niemand gefragt zu haben wo die herkamen. Mussten die Tiere nicht eingetragen werden. Die Fleischwurst Schilder im Stall die Namen darstellen sollten fand ich schon recht witzig. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen in Deutschland sind wirklich sehr hoch. Die Stallungen waren ganz OK aber trotzdem Verbaut. Als ob diese Tiere in den Knast gehört hätten. Der Braune Party Boy hätte mich sicherlich mit Kopf aus dem Fenster aufgehalten... Hahahahaha.... Ich habe nur gedacht "geht da mal dran". Ist es nicht witzig.
OMG shutt up. Let her talk
A demonstration of a lack of understanding of and respect for the horse. Note the unnatural curved neck. Note the open mouth trying to relieve pressure from the bit. Note the being 'on the bit', not giving the horse release of pressure when he does a task correctly.
Wot? Lol. The horse is clearly relaxed, going nicely, and not tense at all. Charlotte is a quiet and effective rider, her hands are soft, and the reins are loose. The horse has a cresty neck, but it's not "unnatural" or curved wrongly. You might be confused because Charlotte is having him stretch at the base of his neck, which is the proper stretch. Michael Jung is a grand prix rider, and there is a video of him stretching his 4* horse Rocana before their dressage test. He does exactly what Charlotte is doing; stretching the horse and then slowly bringing her head into a proper "frame" when Rocana is warmed up. Truly tho, wtf are you smoking?
are you an olympic winner?? i know charlotte is, but i've never heard of you.
pat-----Develop your critical eye. It is more about the person and their ego than giving good care to the horse.
I have never read a more ill informed criticism. Wrong on all points!
Vanessa Mather actually comment was spot on. No loose reins there just because it has always been done this way does not mean it is the RIGHT WAY
She uses too much rein. Pulling the horse almost down to its chest is not the point.
Tabea Pohlmann 😂😂😂 okay.....
Neil Bancroft, Tabea and all the other know-it-alls on here are gonna whip out their Olympic golds any minute now
Sorry, you are NOT CARL, and there will never be a Velagro again.
Do you ever let horses be horses? Do you let them free in a pasture? Do you ever think of what your repetition does to the horse? You have a choice, what choice does the horse have? I think it's cruel , his head crooked into his chest, his aching mouth in constant pain, I find the whole dressage world disgusting.
If you don't like dressage, then don't watch dressage videos.
I literally just face-palmed so hard. 1. yes dressage riders let horses be horses ALL THE TIME. Charlotte had a video on Valegro and he got turned out all the time and hacked around rather than ring-work on regular basis too, that's part of why their bond was great and why they did so well. 2. nobody wants their horse's head tucked into their chests, that would be behind the vertical and would get marked poorly, not to mention be incredibly bad for the horse. The frame a dressage horse works mostly comes from the horse engaging their hindquarters and carrying themselves. 3. Bits are very regulated in dressage, you are told what bits for what level of test and you can't use anything harsher (most of the tests are ridden in a simple snaffle until you get to the double bridle), most bits are far better than bitless options anyway. If dressage disgusts you, then why did you want to come and watch a video of a top dressage rider anyway?
Yes, Charlotte and Carl let their horses have regular turnout is pastures. That being said, I agree that this isn't ideal riding
Just Me hi
Just Me hi