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Tornado Headed Our Way! 🌪😱
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Christi keeps an eye on the weather on a hot and humid Iowa day. The family plans a picnic in the park. Christi discusses a new cleaning routine she has devised. The family gets hit with severe weather in the evening and once again tornadoes are popping up around them.
We welcome you into our home and life everyday to share our happiest moments while chasing our dreams. Life can be hard and chaotic and we struggle through those challenges everyday, but it can also be beautiful and those are the moments that can be easy to forget in the chaos. So join our family in creating some beautiful memories.
We have seven beautiful children: Skylur (19), Charlea (18), Tearlyn (14), Braxen (12), Zane (9), Ireland (7) and Aspen (3).
Want to check out Christi Riverton's books:
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P.O. Box 351
Guttenberg, IA. 52052
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Finally a TH-cam Family channel with a actual comment section.
You are definitely right
Anyone who thinks Mom's stay at home to watch Soaps all day, just watch your videos to change their minds! You go, I admire you. Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much ☺️
I just stumbled upon your blog and I really enjoyed what I've watched so far, I am originally from the south ( Ok. and Tx. ) so I'm a HUGE weather buff ! I was a storm spotter in Ok for about 6yrs. now I am in Austin , Mn. I love it up here and the weather too. So thank you for the videos and blogs ! Be safe and God bless!
Thank you and welcome to the Love Jar family 😀
When you ask for rain you get a tornado lol
I can do that
Well you get both lol
Wow, thanks Mother Nature
I feel your cleaning pain. I clean the house all the time for my mom and dad. Its hard to keep up. Every time I finish the laundry more comes. Not complaining. I love helping them. Im always cleaning.
That's a good habit. I never clean, but I did yesterday!
Wow guys, y'all just get HAMMERED with those tornadoes! We get our turn for severe weather here in Maryland tomorrow, hopefully nothing on the scale of what you guys got, but it sounds like it's going to be pretty dicey! Glad you guys heeded the warnings and got to your basement! That's what everyone should do! :)
Oh no! I hope you all stay safe. We are sending good thoughts your way. My sister-in-law lives in Maryland. Keep us posted.
I haven't had a storm in Philadelphia PA
Big Money's Lifep
Big Money's Life Us too here in Ohio. Maryland is a beautiful state.
I remeber the college park F3 F4 storm i think it was 1 wk after 9/11. My fathers building was hit by the tornado down there. He worked at the college. One of my scariest moments in my life.
You guys just
Got one MORE subscriber
I moved on the 28th and I love the new apartment and love most of the people and most of them like me back !
Wooooooooow I have two precious Supersons!!!!!!!your soul kind for sharing🌺🌻🌺🌻🌼
Love how calm she is
Me to
I'm so sorry to tell you this but...
You just earned yourself a new subscriber
Well welcome to the tribe!
Projectile Gaming when you be sarcastic 😂...
littlelambs1academy lol and I'm a new sub too ;-;
Love Jar Vlogs be safe 😭😭😢😢
Sadly... A Tornadoes path follows the rivers.... Hope you all stay safe, good luck!
Thank you 🙏
Wait it does?
no, they do not. they don't care about rivers or not.
Wonder who told you that lie ,😂 tornadoes move northeastern
The only time a tornado touched down in or near my town was at the end of march 2018. At nighttime, a severe Storm moved into my town and 3 Tornadoes Touched down in and near my town. I lost power for at least 7 Hours
I hate tornados but I love to see how people react to it I do hope your all safe and your family seems lovely , I live in the uk so we don't really get tornados, I love watching your videos
Aww, thank you and I am with you I hate tornadoes too.
Love Jar Vlogs thanks for replying and fast too! Your family is so sweet and it's nice you want to share that with the world 🙂
Wolfie same here
Wolfie same here 😂👍
Wolfie same here. 2017 Hurricane Michael hit and I hated it! 🌀🌪️🌪️🌀🌀
Thats a cute little park it reminds me of the park behind my elementary school years ago I used to love those tire things!😂😍
"Where are your shoes?" I dont need them!! lol hes too cute!😂😂
@@Nick-hn1dh aspen
i will say, tornados and their storms are absolutley horrifying, but are very beautiful to watch knowing, its nature at its finest (pardon my spelling, im terrible with it)
Haha as soon as you said "I hope we won't get rain" I got a notification from the weather saying that it's gonna rain where I am 😂🤣🤣
What the heck I was rewatching this vlog and saw my comment HOW WAS THAT 5 MONTHS AGO WHAT
I’m sooooo glad you survived the tornado 🌪️
You are a great mother!
Thank you ☺️
My mother is an alcoholic 😭
And she hates me cuz I’m altizum
Tony Vlogs and gaming That’s horrible
And I love the weather vlogs. Keep it up.
Thank you 😊
Beautiful family 😂💕
Thank you 😀
I live in NY and we don't get many tornadoes, but last year a tornado missed our house by 500yds. It took out an oak tree that's been here for over a100yrs. It came about 2am and sounded like a freight train. The NWS confirmed it was indeed a twister. F1- F2
I'm from Germany and Tornados aren't a thing here.. so it was very interesting to see how they alert you.
I hope you you are doing good...💕
We are and hello 👋 from Iowa 😀
So glad you all are having a good to time. It is so nice to see the kids happy and having fun. You all have a blessed day stay safe.
your new system seems to be working well Christi, as usual lots of laundry, that is a beautiful park for the kids and for a picnic, I am not sure I could manage storms with the odd tornado, very frightening, pleased you are all safe 😊
I can't wait to share the plans I have for this system. I am super excited about it, but I am keeping it under wraps for a bit until all of the details are ironed out 😉 I have lived here for most of my life and I guess I am so used to it, but I am always hyper-aware of the weather changes.
Love Jar Vlogs it is really exciting waiting to hear what your new system is, I suppose if you have been brought up with storms then they are not as terrifying but I would be very scared
I have never seen anyone that has as many tornado issues in vlogs as you guys! LOL! I was hit by 2 in the same storm while I was at my store in 2010... It was awful... While the danger from the storms are no joke, you crack me up with your reactions! I became a trained spotter to channel my anxiety... Thanks for sharing your lives with us! ⛈️🌪️🌩️🙂
Thank you ☺️
I also hate tornados too. I like your videos and I subscribed
Thank you 😀 and welcome to the Love Jar family ❤️
hope y’all are safe!
Thanks 🙏🏻
@@LoveJarVlogs 💗
Wow! I am so glad my place never has tornadoes! The western part is part of tornado alley though but luckily I don’t live there! I hope you stay safe!
Also, im not much of a kid person but your kids are soo adorable! Glad you and your dogs are safe too!
Aww thank you ❤️ We have been pretty lucky this summer with our weather 🤞
Hey you guys just say Ih & all your kid are funny & the dog is so cute stay safe from the 🌪 &⛈👍🏻 for good luck
Thank you 😀❤️
You guys have the best family channel ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you ☺️
That park is so cute!!
I miss chasing!! I was a storm spotter for Wapello County, I grew up in Ottumwa and Agency :) Now I live with my wife and Daughter in British Columbia ! enjoying the Channel, take care!!
Thank you 😃
He's the cutest, for sure.
I live in the uk and it was pitch black outside. It looked like midnight and I was at school. There was crazy lightening and crazy winds. We couldn’t even go home for ages. We had to go to a different classroom because of leaks. I can’t imagine what y’all feel like in tornadoes
U all are really good people god bless all of u so happy u all are ok
Thank you ☺️
My favorite super hero is spider man but here the funny thing Is I hate spiders 🕸🕷😲😱
We can hear the rain, too. It would be nice if you could record some of those storms as ASMR recordings just for the sound of them. Of course, you'd need to have a porch or covered patio where you can capture the sound for relaxation. Yes, there are lots of them here on TH-cam, but most of those are manufactured with sound effects. There's just nothing like the real thing with real wind, thunder and lightning. They are some of the best. I used to visit my relatives up there in Illinois, and my Uncle Don had a lake there at the house. We'd get lots of intense to severe thunderstorms, and once inside, the weather stripping would hum or even sound like a horn if the winds got up there around 70 mph. I love the smell of the air up there, too. My Aunt Gloria would grow Petunias all around the front yard, and they smelled so nice. I have a lot of memories of summer and Christmas vacations up there, and we really enjoyed ourselves.
We have severe weather here in Dallas a couple times a year but tornados only like 1 every 2 years hope y’all are safe
I,m hoping that you get 1 Million subscribers
Thank you 🥰
Thanks for your amazing content and hope you be successful in life!! Be safe this tornado season
Thank you ☺️
Love the vlogs 💖
Im sorry to say this
You've got a subscriber!!!
Awesome videos watch them everyday 😍
Thank you ☺️
@@LoveJarVlogs Np Stay safe💖💖💖
You have a great family and the kid's are so funny. 😋🙂😊😉☺😁
well they like it lol
Rain Rain go away
Tornado: OH HECK NO
It always seems like a perfect day but it can change so fast! Storms are crazy
Yes they are 😀
You should move to Australia because it's beautiful!! And we don't have deadly tornados but god bless that you all are safe 🙏🙏🌩🌩🌧🌧🌪🌪 and just sing this... God is bigger than the tornado and he's coming right down to protect us and everything will be a -ok
I love your channel new😉❤💛😘
How are ever told you I’ve been studying tornadoes for five years in my notebook and I also have saw 4 tornadoes in my life
RJ MCCAIN PARTY did they come toward your house?
One was a false alarm i think.... and 3 were waterspouts on lake erie
0:11 did y’all hear that thunder
So did I lol, the tv went off. But no, the power went out
That looks crazy!!! But it is the same level of crazy as the Memorial Day Tornadoes, I was not affected but we had an EF-0 and I lost a few shingles and a few tree branches but that was it.
You guys should finish the basement so it's not creepy
We will eventually 😀 the house is 6,000 square feet and we have a ton to do yet.
You just earned a new subscriber
Thank you and welcome to the fam 😀
Sorry to tel you that but severe weather is coming your way what should you do go to shelter evaluate or take shelter with one
I’m sorry for you I hope you r ok you are the best love
Thank you ☺️
i used to live in iowa. ive been to lock and dam 14, i miss that place
Took out a lilac bush?? They smell so good! Can't imagine but each their own. Actually I come to watch the tornados! But she does seem like a good mommy! And daddy to!😊❤
I know I love them too, but It was dying 😞 Thankfully the other one was in good shape.
I just started watching some of your storm videos, I heard the news talking about Amana Colonies, I live about 25 minutes from there, in Williamsburg.
I really hope you hit a million subs!
you guys definitely deserve it!
Thank you 😊
I had no idea Iowa had such crazy weather. Glad it wasn't bigger. Woah...
Iowa has insane weather. I didn't think it was either until the next day...
U think Iowa is crazy look at Indiana
@Tara Barton we get most of the crap either from Texas or oklahoma
What a clean house #mums life 😎
Thank you 😊
Your kid is adorable.
Thank you ❤️😀
Thank you we are glad you’re liking them ❤️
Thank you ☺️
“The baby swing?” Lol
Gues what...
You earned a new subscriber yay
Welcome to the Love Jar family 😃
Love Jar Vlogs thxxxx
wait someone was watching sam ans nia i love them and hi this is my. first video of you
I was trying to figure out what he was watching, lol. I think you are right though, you are the second person to say that.
ya i know it and love them as much as your channel
+thunder eclipse and i remember there theam song and herd it
Aww thank you so much ❤😀
thunder eclipse I watch Sam and nia
Crack chicken is one of my faves!! Love your little family
Mine too and thank you ❤
my freind and I drove away from a night tornado.
That must have been pretty scary for you.
nah.i was excited
That is so scary! I hate Thunderstorms and Tornados!! Can you do more of tornado vlogs because this is getting me get over my fear of Thunderstorms and Tornados
I promise if we have bad weather we will put it in the vlogs. 😆
Love Jar Vlogs thanks because it is helping with my anxiety to
I'm sorry to say this tho but
Dat thunder and the power outage coming randomly; silence lmao
what a storm!its crazy omg and so scary!and so satisfying to see the lightning strike
Im a new sub! Love your vids they help me know about tornado alley as im moving to oklahoma soon to a nice appartment
Thank you ☺️
I love ur family and I love severe thunderstorm
I live in Iowa too so I totally understand the weather and tornado problem!
I love it when we meet people on here from Iowa 😀
Love Jar Vlogs You're the first vlogger I've found on TH-cam from Iowa!
I honestly wish I knew of others most of my TH-cam friends except for one live quite far away.
I'm feeling a little better 😊
I like your weather videos
You guys are a loving family love your vids. Go down for surprise
New subscriber cheers
Thank you
Great job keeping your family safe! Sweet family and new sub :) Have you ever considered getting a tornado shelter? Last summer was crazy! Here in Maine, we had 7 tornadoes! All F1’s and an F2 very briefly. Crazy stuff!
Thank you ❤️ No I have seen them though. Last year was insane for tornado weather, this year...we’re supposed to have three to six inches of snow tomorrow 😂 Someone please tell Elsa to stop 🛑 Welcome to the family ❤️
I swear, that intro is so cute
Thank you 😃
My goodness. I’ve been watching your videos for a few days now and they are great but my my, you guys do get ALOT of tornado warnings and severe weather. Whoa! I live in Canada and trust me, it’s no better during the spring and summer. All of you are safe and took all the precautions possible and your safe.
We really do and storm season hasn't started yet, but the flooding we have been having is concerning.
The weather here is very mild high of 40s sunny out too.
You earned a new subscriber! I always love watching storm blogs. I was thinking of becoming a meteorologist some day😊
Thank you and welcome to the Love Jar family 😀
I hate every kind of thunderstorms plus tornadoes but one day I was at my sisters house and storm hit and my dad had to pick me up and on the way home I saw a lightning bolt come down and hit the ground next to family dollar and another day my dad was driving Aubree and myself home from the beach a two thunderstorms hit us as we were driving ⛈️🌩️🌪️💨🌀💨🌊
I'm so sorry to tell you this but...
You just earned a new subscriber
Hi Christi, I am a fellow romance writer (yes, published) from Tulsa. Thank you for these wonderful vlogs.
Well thank you for watching them 😊 and it is nice to meet you 👋
@@LoveJarVlogs You also! If you are a part of RWA, maybe we can meet sometime at a conference.
I am not yet, but a lot of my writer friends are so I think it is probably time.
@@LoveJarVlogs It is SO worth it. They help so much to help writers become published mainstream, but they are a bit expensive to start off with.
Oh wow! If you live by the Mississippi river than you must be close to where I live!! What a coincidence!
15:50 lol
That’s the vidoe
That so scary once there was a hurricane that destroyed my playground but the we moved then moves to the city where I live now
So the another hurricane Michael I think and it kinda dis somethings but all of that was in 2017 and 2018 glad there’s no tornados in Florida
Stay safe every one!!!!🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🤪🤪😋😋😋
GalaxyKitty3 tornados suck whenever a thunder storm happends that mostly has tornado warning
Wow I love this videos
Thank you 😀
Where I live it has been foggy for like a month straight no joke. We had a tornado hit, but couldn't tell where it was considering our house has good installation and the fog. It didn't hit us, though.
Glad you are safe, but that still had to be scary.
Sam and Nia! Hehe!!!
Love Jar Vlogs i watch sam and nia
Your spoiled little girl
She's not spoiled?!
a taco salad sounds amazing right now lol 😂🤤🤤
I love pretty much anything to do with tacos 😆
Love Jar Vlogs I’ll take the turkey (was it turkey?) sandwich with Doritos!
Thank God ur ok
Thank you 😊
I love tornados bc there cool but if I see one in person I'll be like "YEET"
Me too
My life exactly
Be safe! I pray you'll be alright
Omg I haven't gotten a tornado warning or a flash flood warning yet this summer only tornado watches, severe thunderstorm warnings, flash flood watches, and severe thunderstorm watches, I'm so lucky.
I kinda like tornadoes but I hate tornadoes
Omg i hope u guys are safe
We are 😀