Martin Rees - How Many Universes Exist?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- More than one universe? It's a ridiculous question no more. How could multiple universes be generated, and can we ever find evidence, one way or another, for their actual existence?
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Rees is a genius at explaining very abstract and difficult concepts _without math_ .
ChrisBrengel yeh...even i can do that lol
I concur
@mustafa eseerr That may be true, but few people can do the math required for this subject. It is very important that more people then math professionals can understand this stuff.
@@ChrisBrengel Not really that important, since the concept of "multiple universes" is pure speculation, with not a speck of solid empirical evidence to support its existence in reality.
When Rees and his peers are gone, it’ll truly be the end of an era
@V^IVIike^V Given the current state of scientific academia (and academia in general), don't count on it.
Wisdom begins with humility. Earth is a blue orb among an unimaginable vast array. Agnosticism seems appropriate but all life desires more. Hope, faith and ignorance abide because we need them to cope with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Stay strong.
I sware I had a dream/nightmare as a child about inflation, started with noisy nothing, then a single event/fold caused an exponential rate of increase in complexity of the manifold/shape. It was awesome to dream about, but the more I hear about inflation/multiverses the more the dream seems to fit theory in some way. Very cool video :)
i had a similar nightmare as a kid, rather often just before falling totally alsleep. It is a feeling of some expanding larger thing encapsulating or eating an other smaller one. It was very disturbing for a while, lately i can fight it by simply not thinking of it. but as a kid I couldnt do that and it once made me even cry. Sounds crazy I know.
thanks for sharing, helps me believe I'm not crazy :)
Absolutely fascinating!
Fascinating! What a charming man.
Somewhere a mitochondria is wondering if there's a chance of a plane of existence beyond the cell wall.
He has a Wizards face!
I wonder what his staff looks like.
What was the size of the Universe right after Big Bang? It could've been still infinite except much denser, and now it is still infinite.
I was taught as a young fellow, like most, that space was a void. Now, today, we know my teachers taught me crap. Space is not devoid of stuff ... it is full of stuff ... just stuff smaller than we can see. For example and just to prove how smart I am today ... light waves traveled billions of years through space just to show that they existed billions of years ago. Now of course light waves are invisible ... actually everything is black and dark ... except when a light wave from billions of years ago enter my eye, hit the receptors at the back of my eye, and is turned into an electronic pulse communicated to my brain through my eye's optic nerve, and then interpreted into sight. That's my introduction so now lets rock and roll.
Space is devoid of stuff but it is on a much more grander stage than my early childhood teachers ever imagined.
Our Universe exists within space ... many universes can exist in space ... these universes can be flat or they can be spheres ... they can have physics that are unique or common ... they can be horizontally configured or vertically ... So when you think of space/time think of multiple universe space/times ... I do ... and it is fun.
I think, like stars in galaxies, we have billions n billions of universes. Ours was started 13.78 billions years ago, we may have older as will as younger universes. These big bangs are there since eternity and will never end.
The word universe means everything that exists taken as one whole. The meaning of the word precludes there being multiples. So all that stuff would be different regions of the one universe. I know what physicists mean when they use the word universe in a more local sense but they could use cosmos or our region of the universe so as to not trample all over the language.
Martin Rees or when a tall thin man with white hairs, white cold skin that doesn't move as if he were not breathing at all, and whose little red eyes that never blink stares at you and you feel like dominated and hypnotised... And the moment you ask him what he did in life he answers "I study cold death, mass human extinction and the end of times since 1211... err since 2011 I mean."
I love this man :)
Wow!! This guy is on the ball.
what a wise man
It astounds me that such speculative ideas can be discussed as if there is, or has been, or will be some kind of eternal objective observers who have or will personally witness these events.
multi verse absolutely fascinates me...i have often wondered if you went to the most outer reaches of the universe to where the universe is "expanding out" so to speak, then what is beyond that expansion? is it "nothing" or "something" and if it's something , what is the something and what is it doing before the expansion reaches it? or maybe i am getting this all wrong.
i love the idea of infinite universes, each with their own big bang, each overlapping the next universe like a bubble. perhaps we can go back for eternity to literally where there is no single starting point. perhaps it has just always existed?
puzzling. i certainly think if we jumped forward 10,000 years from now, much of what science currently tells us will be re-written and proven incorrect.
i think multi-verse is very possible.
closer to truth, thanks for this initiative
Sir Martin Rees is top gentleman, and he's British!
I appreciate his big minded-ness. I think one of the problems today is that we like to put everything in absolute boxes based on our current understanding of so called "laws". But this only means that we will be dissapointed when our awareness/knowledge expands to break those laws. Hence, the reason science is so politicized these days. Politicized in direct proportion to how much we are invested in those "laws". If we could all look at science as a question instead of a law, we might make progress better, faster, and not so painful.
It seems to me believing in multiple universes requires no less faith than believing in the possibility of an intelligent designer.
Since our existence is so short, whether there are more possibilities doesn't make any difference to us. It may be fun to think about though.
hopefully we live long enough to learn the answer
One has to be the answer. The word encompasses all that exists. So if we expand what exists that is now the one larger universe.
What a interesting man , away search more of his theories.
Maybe many but that all existing one at time in there own little bits space-time but can reset themselves to a starting point is my guess
What is likely to be the case is that science underestimates the vastness of our reality and remains consistent. To bad there can't be a way of including this into an equation.
"getting my ARMS around it..." Huh? You wonder about cosmology with your....arms? I think the phrase is "just when I'm getting/wrapping my MIND around it". Arms are for hugging not wondering.
Infinite inflation producing infinite universes. We simply cannot comprehend.
It seems that postulating on what the laws might have been to support these possible theories, begs the question where these laws originated. Unless we are to have an infinite regress, in which case we would have never arrived when we are today, it would seem that an un-caused first cause, which of course wouldn't be governed by space, time or matter, is ultimately necessary.
My question is, why would these other universes be governed by different laws (or have a different fine tuning)? What is this law setting property when a universe comes into existence? Why do we assume that these cosmological constants could have any other values?
We assume that because 1. if just one the many physical constants there are is slightly of, the universe would look completely different und 2. they cannot be derived from logic, so why should they be the way they are anyways?
@@startswitha3239 Thanks for your reply. But my confusion comes when these constants CAN take other values. If they can, then everything is possible. Rather than the question of "why is there something rather than nothing", we end up with "why is there everything rather than something". You can explain anything away if you allow everything to be possible, and it feels more like a sleight of hand trick, rather than a true explanation.
I like the idea of a finite black hole universe in a finite or infinite multiverse / parent universe.. Even finite sub-universes inside our largest black holes, although they're probably too small... Same rules, different universes.
Liquid Crystal Space -- Bottom-Up Universe Thought Experiment.. Colloidal Crystal Multiverse
Constraints: 3D, minimal base rules + parts. No singularities with the infinite possible
Like charges repel, unlike attract. -ve ether balances close-packed +ve lattice cells
1 Cell volume of Ether -6, Cell +6. Pulls 6 opposites to light speed in 1 cell length
Escape velocity = light speed (C) tied to the constant time light takes to move between cells
Tunneling: stretched, faster than light front, light speed or slower rear
Tunneling cells form in phase extrons+holons that often annihilate to regular='empty' lattice
Tunneling particles reform elsewhere and their original space 'heals' as regular empty lattice
Particles: Inflows repel. 6 equatorial and 2x3 polar flows (-6 if poles flow in, +6 if out)
Extron: extra cell compresses the lattice, pulls in ether that repels as rays
Holon: ether-rich lattice hole stretches the lattice, pulls in cells that repel as rays
Dipolons: extron + holon.. Diextron: +ve + -ve extron.. Diholon: +ve + -ve holon
Junkons: lattice chunks/holes heal to in phase extrons+holons and/or/then empty regular lattice
3D polar flows are more concentrated than flat equatorial flows so effect particles more
Moving extrons push cells that -ve ethereal space behind pulls in with an inertia-providing kick
Particles make lattice and holon flow waves that can interfere and alter a particle path
Strong gravity may force (some) particle outflows to repel back to its inflows in various patterns
Charge / Entanglement: -ve inflows, +ve outflows. Polar flow count. Lattice, holon, extron charge
Close flows attract or repel, regional gravity fields affect velocity and direction
Holon charge flow is one unit so changing spin/flow direction or cutting it effects it all at once
Dipolon / Matter-Antimatter: Gravity shrinks cells, lowering phase difference resolution
Close out of phase extron+holon pairs form dipolons, in phase annihilate and radiate excess ether
A feeding black hole's core extrons+holons are forced in phase and annihilate. A universe grows
Black Hole Universes / Recursive Conformity: Big Bang = black holes colliding and merging
Pressure compresses extrons+holons, gravity blurs phases, vibes stop at light speed. Annhilation
Total energy and matter potential is conserved. No fine tuning, universes follow the same rules
Level n +/- particle lattice fields or cubic lattice of joined holons (+ free particles) feasible
Mass / Gravity / Dark Energy: lattice charge balance, charge inflow, entanglement, universe shell
Mass is (the number of) out of place lattice cells. An object's extrons + holon charge flow
Mass pulls ether pulls mass. Lattice vibes up to 1 cell radius and light speed effect matter
Outflows bounce in all directions, inflows lead to the center. Outflows tend to join inflows
Mass uses up ether so void cell repulsion increases. Open universes expand, closed shrink matter
Universe grows, shell thins, excess ether radiates, lattice expands. Shell gravity cancels inside
Photon / Light / Time: relatively quantum.. lattice compression-expansion blobs ripple holon flows
Lattice shock wave. Compressed, +ve mass/charge front and stretched, -ve rear. No mass overall
Holon charge flow has mass, transverse waves concentrate it. 2D adds effective area
Moves between cells in a constant time (+ universe expansion) as denser lattice takes more energy
Gravity shrinks and acceleration compresses the lattice so both absolutely slow light locally
Units shrink too and acceleration slows kinetic processes so vacuum light speed measures C locally
Velocity stretches kinetic processes in time as they travel more to complete. Clocks run slower
The Standard Model: the possibilities are numerous. Some SM particles may be junkons
We hope to have answers some day & we do not know. That is all for now.
This guy is great 👍
Lord Martin Rees is fucking boss asf
It's good to hear unanswerable questions being put on the table (metaphor alert), for I have long thought it was silly for scientists to answer, or refer to, a question as a question that cannot be asked. Example: I've heard physicists, when asked what came before the Big Bang, answer that that question cannot be asked. They're catching up.
I assume you meant "can't answer" instead of "can't ask"?
Eureka!......At last someone I can actually understand.
That's a great example, climbing up the mast.
But what laws would generate the Universe generating laws...and on and on...?
The answer is simple: there is only one Universum existing. (Uni = One) - How many multiverse do exist? The answer is also easy: several (multi = several) - This is not a matter of physics, its a matter of psychology. (How many am I?)
It's turtles all the way up as well as down. Also sideways, and any other angle you can't even imagine.
If we create our own reality then all things are possible as we create the laws by which our reality depends on.
I really doubt that there would be universes with gravity that's stronger or weaker than in our universe. I think all forces are emergent and built up from simple quantum behavior. So any universes that are different will be different because this quantum behavior was different. And that would lead to completely different forces that manifest in very different ways. To imagine them as having the same forces we experience but with slight tweaks seems like you're thinking too small.
Also those would be different regions of the one universe since the word universe includes all that exists taken as a whole.
We don't care what you doubt or think about universe as you are no scientist. We may indeed have extremely different universes, but the idea of additional dimensions mean that the universes close to our will have indeed very tiny small differences that could lead to for instance (but one example out of so many) lower gravity. The idea of other dimensions that slowly slides variables will end in indeed very small differences until you move further away in these other dimensions. Likes sliders, same as you can do with Julia.
So, if we assume that after inflation the universe expanded at a known accelerating rate and we know the amount of time the universe has been expanding, why can't we say the universe is roughly some multiple of the visible universe in size or why does that not make sense?
This is also my question
John Fortman I think it extends beyond that because they can measure the curvature of the universe. On the other hand, I don’t even think they know what shape it is
All that we see and detect is centered around the earth because we are looking out in all directions. All that we know exists could just be a tiny region of a larger universe. Because the ether is making "empty" space expand, all that we see and detect is also moving away form us at near the speed of light which severely limits how much more stuff we can detect in the future.
I am going sober from today, wish me luck Ali
It is my understanding that in a fraction of a second just after the Big Bang, the universe was expanding much, much faster than the speed of light. That would explain how the universe got to be the size it is at the present time: far greater than 29 billion light years across, if you assume the universe was expanding like a balloon, over the past 14.5 billion years.
Space can expand faster than the speed of light
In other words, there is 0 evidence for multiverse at this stage.
That's right . May be there are some clues in our universe , but nobody noticed or understood they were there ...
I have an evidence for a Multiverse which determines the speed of light on earth's position and produces the dark matter and the dark energy effects.
The veil as Christians talk about and believ where quantum physics and mechanics do not hold so perfect world for the saints
Audio is too low in most of these videos.
Maybe one starting point of this String is ABSOLUTE ZERO. Can't start with upper mathematical limit for heat.
If it can be perceived (or conceived) then it is part of THIS universe...
For a sentient being with all possible intel of the cosmos, how is that being even supposed to observe, for instance from which angles, which resolutions, should it be playing music or would any music simply sound like a stupid tacky exercise.
I enjoy watching paranormal videos where shadow figures are caught on video. If there are other universes, I think shadow lifeforms should come out of the theoretical physics of one of these other universes.
This is why i dont understand the big bamg theory or much less, the multiverse theory. As far as the big bang goes, they say the universe is expanding and at one point started from a singularity. The problem i have with this theory is, if they can't find the end of the universe, then how can they know the universe started from that singularity? And if the theory of an infinite universe is plausible, why conclude that the big bang theory makes any sense at allbecause if the universe is infinite, then it could not possibly have a beginning no matter how far back in time you go to try to trace that expansion into a single point in time. Let's all face the facts that something made all this. I'll simply call that "something" a creator.
mike martin You followed your own convoluted logic short on facts and comprehension to state that because you don’t understand it, god must exist. Let’s just face facts, that is no fact.
iambiggus lol convoluted? I'm not sure if convoluted would be accurate to describe my statement. There is nothing complex about what I wrote smh.
A far more complex topic would be the multiverse for which there is absolutely 100 percent no proof of. I'm simply trying to think as logically as possible.
Besides subatomic particles which pop in and out of existance which, name me something that's been created without having a creator. And I'm not talking about God. I made no reference to the God of the bible; i'm simply stating that it takes something to create something else. All I'm doing is following the pattern until someone can provide something better. Lawrence Krauss himself admitted when asked if there's proof of a muliverse.
His answer was simple: NO
mike martin You are absolutely right. “Doesn’t understand shit and needs to go back to the basics” would be a better way to describe your statement.
iambiggus I can paint you with the same brush. You do realize the BB theory is a theory right?
I'm simply bring some common sense to the arguement and you bring insults. You'll need to articulate yourself a little better if you want to raise any meaningful points.
I have a strong evidence for the existence of a Multiverse that determines the speed of light on the earth's position and produces the dark matter and the dark energy effects. The expected Multiverse is gathering 420 universes in the size and the mass of our observable universe.
"Universe" used to mean "everything that exists". So if you postulate "multiple universes", you are misusing or redefining what the word "universe" means. You can't have two or more entities that contain everything that exists. Whatever entities you are calling "universes" are by definition parts of the one universe. Or you have redefined the word to mean something else entirely, in which case, just once I would like to see them actually trouble themselves to tell us what that new definition is, in specific terms, so that I could know what they are even talking about. Otherwise the term "multiple universes" is a semantic absurdity. Why do they talk and talk and give elaborate explanations about these multiple universes, without ever bothering to specify the term's new definition?
These days, the line between science and non if not pseudo science is so blurry that scientists look more
as fiction writers than sciencts. Martin Rees seems to be one of them. So far as big bang and quantum theory
are concerned, theories are supported by physical evidences. But multiverses? where is even one testable
evidence for it except that it is speculated on the basis of certain mathmatical numbers? Will there come a time
when a scientist receive Nobel prize because he/she presents enough physical evidence for multiverse? I doubt it.
My universe has laws which has a secret dimension of Beat The Bush ...bang bang.
We may as well believe in god. I don’t but those that do often seem happier. I’d bet my life that the human species will not be around long enough to ever know.
Really? The vast majority of murder and mayhem in the world is due to belief in a particular 'God'..... and
has never intervened to stop it i might add.
I think the literaral interpretation of infinity is a mistake, and when you do that it leads to nonsensical results. Like the theory that every possibility will happen in an infinite multiverse. That's a kind of mental game from a human mind, but does not really exist in reality.
Does alcohol affect the time in space in the human mind
Great head of hair!
Hard to concentrate on what he's saying. What a dreamboat!
How many infinities?
An infinite number?
How many infinite numbers of infinities?
How many infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinities of infinities?
How many infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinities of infinities?
How many infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinities infinities?
How many infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinite numbers of infinite numbers if is infinite numbers of infinities infinities?
Needs tidying up, heck this is on my phone. But you get the picture
if beyond the universe is a higher dimension of which our resides in and that higher dimension is eternal an infinite and other singularities (aka big bangs) occur then there would be an infinite amount of universes.........and a subset of them would have the same standard model we have......and that subset would be infinite in sample size.............and of course an infinite same size of milky way galaxy like ours..........and going with the infinite subsets then.........infinite solar system like ours.....infinite earths like ours.......with an infinite histories llike ours.........and then of course infinite copies of you and I only consciously trapped within that universe so we can't realize copies of each other than to speculate on that. Now what does a crazy speculation like that imply...............that while this actual physical body we have on this Earth is mortal.........that copies of us are so similar that represents copies of us are infinite and eternal but we may never come to realize that scientifically because it may be beyond our grasp to discover if that is a layer of reality or not.
I came from eternal inflation n return to there. I'm eternal! I'm forever I'm never ending!
The "I am" is never ending. As each former shell breaks away into eternity. "you" still are?
consciousness is eternal :)
How many Deities exist?
There's only one universe!
There's only two genders!
Nope again.
The word universe means all that exists taken as one. Whatever exists is included in the word universe. If we find out more exists then that is still part of the universe.
@@0ooTheMAXXoo0 Appeal to definition fallacy.
love the multi-verse theory. i think he's right.
He is the anti-Sam Harris. That's a good thing.
I hate Sam Harris...ugh
His nose is distracting
I'd like to ski off it.
@@richardsylvanus2717 hahahaha
One thing theoretical physicists seem to lack is common sense and logical ability.
It is more that their explanations do not go into enough depth so you end up with more abstract levels of explanation which can easily be misinterpreted. I find most explanations to be terrible at describing what is actually happening in a 3D mechanical way but if you know what they are talking about you can see what they are reaching to describe. Lots of lingo tends to be used in specific ways that might not be obvious to someone trying to understand which can make it seem like they are way off... Like the word "universe" which is supposed to be all-encompassing. Most physicists use the word in the sense of the bubble we observe from our viewpoint which is why they talk about multiple universes...
That's like saying famous boxers lack physical strength and nimble footwork.
The interviewer wants to be his girlfriend so bad.
They do have a "groovy kinda love".
Abigail Sockeye .......Resist the urge to be cruel and crude.
Hey, let's dress-up Mart!..........................ooooooooooooooooh!
Somebody seems jealous ;-)
Bimbo, what are you babbling about?
All these scientists have to do is listen to the voice of our Creator and obey His commandments. If they do this, then our Creator will reveal to them exactly how He created everything with His voice;
Psalm 33
8: Let all the earth fear the LORD, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
9: For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood forth.
Cosmologists don't know that telescopes are just illusions in the computer generated simulation we're living in.
+Brad Holkesvig White noise.
White noise or dark matter is what scientists and religious people make of our Creator's voice. If they were chosen to hear Him, they would learn exactly how they were created.
💤 💤 💤
Shut up you bible bashing theres a god???? Oh really???, well bone cancer in children??? How fucking dare your god do such a thing!!! Now fuck off!
Our Creator created everything that His people perceive as evil.
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
Martin Rees or when a tall thin man with white hairs, white cold skin that doesn't move as if he were not breathing at all, and whose little red eyes that never blink stares at you and you feel like dominated and hypnotised... And the moment you ask him what he did in life he answers "I study cold death, mass human extinction and the end of times since 1211... err since 2011 I mean."
I love this man :)
what a wise man