🔴Road to *BRONZE* | 🎲 Random Car Ranked... | !commands !redeemables

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2024
  • all you need
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    Tiktok: / pepsionyt
    Twitter: / pepsi_rl
    Discord Server: / discord
    ⚙ settings ↓
    FOV: 110*
    Distance: 250.00 | Height: 90.00 | Angle: -5.00
    Stiffness: 0.20 | Swivel Speed: 6.00 | Transition Speed: 1.50
    Controller Deadzone: 0.20 | Dodge Deadzone: 0.13
    Steering Sensitivity: 10.00 | Aerial Sensitivity: 10.00
    Controller: Thrustmaster Eswap S
    Deadzone Shape: Square
    ❕ stats ↓
    Playtime: ~ 5000 hours
    Rank: Grand Champion 1 (I don't play a lot of it okay)
    #rocketleague #gaming #live

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