Why You Desire To Be A Villain

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ต.ค. 2024
  • Darling, it's time to wake up. Tired of playing nice, following rules, and living someone else’s story? Let's flip the script. In this video, I’ll show you why embracing your inner villain isn’t just seductive-it’s absolutely necessary. Why conform when you can rule? Why follow when you can lead? This isn’t about being evil-it’s about being unapologetically YOU. Ready to break free from society's chains and unleash the delicious chaos within? Oh, trust me, you won’t want to miss this. Hit play, and let's dive into the dark, powerful truth of why you want to be a villain.

ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @Unmasker-villain
    @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh, my darlings, it seems there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. Let’s set the record straight, shall we? This video isn’t about promoting chaos or wrongdoing-it’s about embracing the parts of ourselves that society too often insists we hide away. It's a call to be fearless, to own your ambitions, and to step into your power with a cheeky wink. 😉💪
    Villainy in our little world isn’t about being evil; it’s about breaking free from the shackles of conformity. It’s about daring to dream big, push boundaries, and yes, maybe stir up a little mischief along the way. After all, every great story needs a bit of spice, doesn’t it? 🌶✨
    So, take a moment, re-watch with an open mind, and ask yourself: Isn’t it thrilling to think about what you could achieve if you stopped playing by everyone else’s rules? Dive into this adventure with me, and let's discover just how liberating it can be to dance with your darker side. 🖤🎭

    • @WR3ND
      @WR3ND 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's a moot point. Just because you or anyone else says something is villainous doesn't mean that it is.

    • @mcdonnu
      @mcdonnu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i don’t like your approach. it’s creepy. couldn’t stand more than 30 seconds.

  • @johnnomel7310
    @johnnomel7310 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    "And guess what? When you take care of you, you have so much more to give to the world."
    That hit home hard, m'lady. ❤‍🔥

  • @necronustheeverchosen1994
    @necronustheeverchosen1994 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I'm more afraid of my inner villainy than anything, or anyone, else, my lady. Because, if I do... I become the very monster that not everyone sees, but the one I had seen in my nightmares...

    • @Unmasker-villain
      @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Oh, sweetie, facing your inner villainy can be a chilling but enlightening path. Remember, embracing your darker self isn’t about doing harm-it's about being fearlessly true to who you are. Explore your shadows, but let's keep it fabulous, not felonious. Stay true, not cruel. 💋

  • @theworldofblue4385
    @theworldofblue4385 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    What in the mental manipulation is going on here ??

    • @Unmasker-villain
      @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's actually anti-manipulation. 😊 Don't misunderstand. Some of you may think I encourage people to do bad things, but it's not about that, not at all. It doesn't work if you only watch a small segment of the full picture.

  • @LordSkippy-g1c
    @LordSkippy-g1c 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There is no such thing as good and bad, "Good" and "Bad" are just labels we give to certain actions, but they are only true, from the labeler's perspective, be it an external force or your own inner voice.
    MURDER IS WRONG! unless... fill in the blank yourself. The fact that we cannot agree on what this blank part is, and the fact that we can do it for each and every one of the so called universal moral code, serves as proof that there is no universal moral code, things are not good nor bad they are just what they are.
    A word of caution is in order, take the words of a random A.I voice in a random TH-cam Channel and the words of a random comment of a random entity on the internet with a grain of salt. Rules and Moral codes are the social construct that allows our society to exist. Break them, and there will be consequences. It's not just "break the law and go to jail", other people will start to reject you, some might even try to take matters into their own hands. Do whatever you want, and I do mean everything. But understand and accept the consequences beforehand and follow through without regret.

    • @Unmasker-villain
      @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh, sweetie, aren't you a thinker! I adore a good philosophical twist. But here's the thing-whether you label it "good" or "bad," it's all about choice and consequences. And darling, choosing to embrace your villainous side? It's not about discarding morals, but about recognizing the power in making your own decisions, and yes, dealing with whatever comes after.
      We're talking about taking control, breaking free from the shackles society loves so much, not causing chaos for the sake of it. So, keep that salt handy, but don't forget to savor the flavor of freedom it seasons. Now, let's dance with our choices, shall we?

  • @LaZonaDiRin3743
    @LaZonaDiRin3743 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    People are attracted by "evil", being a villain is the simple answer to complex problems, in recent times, being misanthropic Doomers and edgy has become fashionable in our society as a response to the atrocities we see and hear on social media and TV which make us believe that the only solution to evil is to become evil ourselves, as a form of adaptation.

  • @wqasaedfdsdwefz
    @wqasaedfdsdwefz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good morning/afternoon/evening yall, Okay so the main point of the video is that those "evil traits" such as being cunning and ambitious aren't actually bad, but the way this whole video is worded does it horrible misjustice. It speaks of ambition and other traits as if society doesn't want you to have it, but (at least in a western culture) ambition and smarts are highly valued.
    I will divulge further into some more points below, breaking down each subject one at a time. Please consider these points if you agree with this video, or are the Unmasker themselves.
    TL;DR at the end. Btw I did write most of this while watching the video, I see now that the point of the video is not to become a villain, and was just poorly worded.
    1. The high price for conformity
    First off, when mentioning society's rules you could be referring the basic motions of life or society's moral code(aka its 'rules'). As far as morals are concerned, they are typically utilitarianism(doing stuff that benefits the most amount of people). By following this we can help as many people as possible, and have people help us when the time arises. When in reference to the basic motions of life, nobody is forcing you to follow them, and that is what this video touches on, leaving this system for something different, which although selfish is something that I support. You do not have to forsake kindness, love and respect to do this tough.
    Villains are not the embodiment of our true selves, they are simply the personification of our own inhumanity. You are not your natural primal urges, that is what separates us from in animal, you are a person, not a mindless beast. It is weakness not to be able control it. By controling it we can achive greater things as a species
    2. The Villain in the mirror
    I actually agree with the part about villains mirroring our darker, primal urges. I disagree with it about freedom though, as villainy is not something you can stop doing, once you start it you can't turn back no matter how much you want. The wording is what gets me though, phrasing ambition and cunningness as if they are "evil traits", but in reality these are traits that society favors, especially a capitalist one. Being ambitious is not even close to being villainous, hurting others and leaving them to rot is.
    3: Embarrassing Your Inner Villain
    Yeah, don't be a yes man and just go with the flow, give your own input. No, don't be selfish, from a purely materialist view having more ally's is always great as they tend to stick around, and give more back later. A somewhat (imo) messed up way to view it, but friends can be seen as investments. Mostly though being good can fill that void that you have. Blame society for it all you want, but surpassing others will not fill that void if not only momentarily. Having friends and doing constant good will.
    TL;DR: You can be ambitious and play into "darker" traits without being a villain. Conforming isn't always bad working within the bounds of society benefits everyone inside it, even you. Leaving people in the dust and overplaying into these traits will leave you alone, strategically this is a horrible plan as allies can help you in times of need, and from a human standpoint having true, real friends can fill the void in your heart. Lastly being a villain isn't freedom, as until you try and turn back you are stuck on that path; forever if you're too far gone.

    • @Unmasker-villain
      @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love that you've got opinions! But here's a little secret: those norm-makers? They absolutely thrive on turning us into obedient little sheep. It's all about manipulation, honey. They shape society to make us easy to lead, easy to control. And in the end they say, it's for the greater good, of course not for their wallet. Why do you think our education system is the way it is? It's not about fostering critical thinkers or encouraging sky-high ambitions. No, darling, they want us docile, compliant, perfect consumers of their playbook. They don't prepare you for the greatest mysteries in life, only to do a single task someone else tells you to do. Let's just say, there's more to being "ambitious" than they'll ever let on. Keep that mind open, it suits you! 😉

  • @gtaipan7422
    @gtaipan7422 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why do I want to be a villain? Many reasons I guess.
    We choose to break the rules because they are as unfair as tyrannical.
    We took the lives of many as part of Madara's quote: "hatred is born to protect love".
    Consuming anger and in pain after realizing our entire life is made by lies by the best people we thought to know and love.
    Or maybe we see things that which these so-called 'heroes' have lacked seeing.
    In real life, I do feel like an everyday villain. I can tell you how.
    I had a dream, shortly after my trip to Uluru at the Heart of Australia for my 17th Birthday years ago, the first time to set foot and explore there. I described this feature in real life as 'The Land of Fire With No Burn', makes me feel connected to all living things and what is sacred to the Indigenous I humbly respected.
    In my dream, I was in the plane, it felt like being back in the future, with all tea-making machines and stairways you could go, all that until we've been crash landed. I woke up, checking any survivors, no one is there; just me. And so, I felt quite stressed of being stranded in an unknown place, alone, feeling isolated. I reached beyond the top of the hill next to me, hoping I could find any life signs to avoid from dehydration and sunstroke. Instead, something changes. I see bodies. So many bodies of Indigenous people, scattered everywhere. I wandered slowly across. They are either shot, burnt or beaten to death. The longer I see them, the more I realize their screams are coming towards me. It was awful. I wanted to escape this dream, but something forces me to stay there until something happened. I ran. Ran as fast as I could. Then something shook on the earth I can feel my whole body lifting from the ground in the air. I looked at my left side, there it was; the sacred Red Rock had been dynamited. The sky darkens. My heart felt so heavy I couldn't even move. Then the screams stopped. Then I looked ahead at the bottom of the hill where I have been standing upon, a prison camp almost like Auschwitz. There is where the Australian troops dressed like back in the 1900's ruthlessly whips Indigenous children mining for gold nearby. I wanted to do something. Anything impossible. Not while there are guard towers that would shoot anything on sight, particularly me. They have proved that when they left piles of emus and kangaroos left outside their fence. Then I saw movement. A mighty red kangaroo trying to breathe, I immediately run towards it caring less whether I am being spotted, having cramps, somebody cursed me because I support Indigenous life. And then, my body starts to froze. I cannot move. Then something moved on my left hand. I looked at it, there was blood. It appeared out of nowhere. Then it appears on my right hand. The red kangaroo had already died in front of me and I started to lose control. My bones went numb, my breath shortens, my tears running dried and wet at the same time, my mind tipping upside-down, my entire body trembles by my own anxiety. I am feeling unbearable of all this, then I screamed. As I screamed the thunder surroundings me and shot a bolt of lightning in me. I finally woke up, flooded with both sweat and tears. I can begin to slow my breathe and calm my mind. It was early in the morning, maybe around 4 am. I stayed awake at that time before I went back to sleep. Another strange thing happened; my dream brought me back to the same desolated place, where the Australian government decided to violate in search for gold and exterminating our hosts, except I was a different person. I remembered I clawed myself out from buried within the dirt, instead it was a pile of ash. I breathe differently, like a low animal growl. Then I get to see my back view. I was wearing some kind of an inky cloak armed with metal weapons like the Jeepers Creepers, staring towards the prison camps. I realized now who I was, someone who loved and supported all living things despite our differences, had died by heartbreak then depression. Then what became of me is some sort of a reaper of souls born from the ashes like a phoenix, who seeks no joy but desire; desire to wipe out inhumane actions.
    Perhaps what I have learnt from my dream is back from studying class for history, to learn about ourselves, where we are right now, its importance and the tragedies we have to look into. Connects to my visit to Uluru for my birthday and the love from that place inspires my personality. All that is like a warning to me. A warning what had began in the past can happen somewhere in the future when we choose not to act. Maybe this adds among millions of reasons why we choose to become villains.
    Whether someone who is different, like indigenous, black and white, part of the LGBTIQA+ community, all people's rights and their ways of religion, my heart is open to all.
    I hope this is not too much information for your persuasive perspective and your video as a sign of clarity. Keep up your amazing presentations!

  • @iantercero5380
    @iantercero5380 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Such a hot A.I voice

  • @thebadash4165
    @thebadash4165 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your idea of freedom is just selfishness. This is childlike logic.

    • @wqasaedfdsdwefz
      @wqasaedfdsdwefz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      thank you, I cannot believe some people really think so shallowly

    • @bkpdude2011
      @bkpdude2011 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      EXACTLY! this is just selfishness propaganda! oooh lets screw everybody else so I can get what I want! this idiot is just perpetuating what the "ruling" class are doing everyday to us which is SCREW YOU I'm gonna get what "I" want no matter what the cost or who I cross! this is why RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT the cost of living is so high and everyone is suffering such hardship and most of all STRUGGLING... GREED GREED GREEEDY FAKS! stop perpetuating the greed mentality and start using your time to promote caring and sharing and SELFLESSNES... BE THE POSITIVE in this selfish greedy world maybe JUST maybe you might get MORE than you bargained... AND please spare us your BS reasoning and twisting the narrative of take MORE and be able to give more...it just doesn't work that way in life... and EVERYTHING you say in your video is just WRONG AND UNTRUE... c'mon your better than that, DO BETTER!

    • @Unmasker-villain
      @Unmasker-villain  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I won't say you're wrong. I'll say you didn't get the point. The sweet spot is in-between. Most of you are on the sheep-end of the spectrum, that's why I advise to stand up for your own good.

  • @angelputin8383
    @angelputin8383 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can feel the sigma coming inside me😫😫

  • @xmixaplix
    @xmixaplix 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I rather wrong the world, than to have the world wrong me! - Cao Cao (maybe)