We are currently experimenting with different methods to hopefully provide more reliable English subtitles within our existing resources. We have now updated the English subtitles, and you can take another look when you have the time.
@@hemispherecompensation The material cost has nothing to do with the price of an audio product. The component price Goldensound estimated should be around 10 times or even higher than real market price. The BOM cost of this unit should be less than US$150.
Would really like to understand your reviews. Please reissue the video and turn captions on. You have a wider audience than you think. I auditioned this amp at home. Indeed I had two. There are some quality control issues. What surprised me was that the soundstage was narrow; the midrange didn’t exist and the magic with vocals didn’t appear for me at all. The amp did lots of things very well but it wasn’t engaging. Tried it in a friends system and home as well as my own and it produced the same results. Love the ergonomics and especially the remote. In the end I loved everything about it except the sound.
The Chinese subtitles for this video will be added within two days, but the English subtitles will depend on the workload. Regarding the issue you encountered, I didn't experience it during my testing. If it's a quality control issue, I think you should report it directly to the manufacturer. This can help them improve. Also, please note that for this amplifier's analog audio input, make sure source's output is not higher than 2V RMS, as it can affect dynamics and signal-to-noise ratio.
Thank you. Quality control issues were addressed with dealer. First amp had marks on the amp and the feet. Second, unopened box, had marks on the feet and the remote. First amp had a hardware issue and was stuck in the mode where you can’t set gain back to zero. Interesting what you say about 2V. I used a Chord Hugo TT2 in DAC mode which outputs 2.5V but also with a TotalDAC which outputs 1.6V. Same outcome. I hear what you’re saying about the impact on SNR and dynamics but that’s not the same as a complete lack of midrange.
25W AB類5萬二,淨係搵適合價位同匹配性啱嘅喇叭夾都足以令人頭都大埋,何苦要迫死自己?唯一優點肯定唔係聲,聲相信5萬2大把對手,淨落嚟優勢肯定係夠細
Thanks 國仁 評測。Thanks feverSound
又一環境鬥士恩物,Thank you 國仁
昨天就在等字幕,謝謝團隊的用心 ! 國仁哥,期待您介紹 naim。
English subtitles are definitely not working. They start but then cease.
We are currently experimenting with different methods to hopefully provide more reliable English subtitles within our existing resources. We have now updated the English subtitles, and you can take another look when you have the time.
如果用大坐地要聽廣闊野, 即係無土地問題, 即係可以買巨型amp. 自然唔會考慮呢部細機啦
5萬+唔會考慮啦~自己有用hifi rose 150, 都係韓國貨,但實際好多。
個volume control 咁靚,如果有前級輸出,會合理好多
真係好聲!👍 不過都唔會買,基本Balance input 都冇!
個價錢夠買1部合併金仔,真係值 ?
速度快, 好力. 唔太幼滑
😮呢個價位 好多選擇啦!註定失敗。.
SamSung 啲電子產品都賣咁多,呢部嘢賣得多都一啲都唔出奇,Made in Korea喎。我覺得就算點唔好或者幾貴都會好多人買。
可能我係較傳統,以這口價,如果只可以買一部,我較喜歡HiFi Rose RA180 或 Accuphase E-4000,起碼有個Balance 輸入
Goldensound did an informative review, parts are not worth the price, unlike what 國仁 says 😂
goldensound 條片我有睇,另外都仲有一個 youtuber 拍片講,但佢就半認同半不認同 goldensound 說法。講真,計零件成本真係無乜意義,我都同意售價進取,但售價其實係反映產品整體俾到啲咩出嚟。另外 dc offset 果一點我無講到,我試嘅時候,唔覺得呢樣嘢會令器材有風險(國仁)
passion for sound
@@hemispherecompensation The material cost has nothing to do with the price of an audio product. The component price Goldensound estimated should be around 10 times or even higher than real market price. The BOM cost of this unit should be less than US$150.
機內材料好重手 👍🏼👍🏼
feverSound 加油🤓🤓
Interesting to note the clear damage on the isolation feet.
This amp sounds really good for it's size, even via youutube!
yes it is
咁開價, 間廠好快摺.
外國好多推緊大那吧😍😍YG /b/w 好多
Naim uniti atom class ab 有串流都係二萬五,呢口價勁進取
但好老實,我幾肯定佢係贏 Atom 嘅(國仁)
想不到Naim會輸, 跟 Nuprime 比, 又如何?@@feverSoundHK
和Accuphase E-4000比,哪台好点?
50k 買到 E-4000 嗎?咁就睇你點睇喇,取向明顯唔同(國仁)
@@feverSoundHK 同意,我覺得2款機應用完全唔同。有機會我都想試聽,如果有特價平啲,可以放喺書房枱頭用,又可以當耳擴用。
thanks thanks~(國仁)
睇埋片先講,同外國嘅 review 一樣,佢強項係別人沒有,但佢嘅不足都唔少(國仁)
定价2万內可以考虑 5万揾水鱼去玩
見到個價錢嚇一嚇,代理應該要俾個special price feversound既聽眾,哈哈
部機美金價(USD 6250)都差唔多,所以呢部機出名嘅地方,除咗細部靚仔好力之外,就係定價較為進取。不過我相信 hk-68 一定會盡計靚價嘅~(國仁)
You can get this for $40000 new
呢個價位買Hegel 啦
Would really like to understand your reviews. Please reissue the video and turn captions on. You have a wider audience than you think.
I auditioned this amp at home. Indeed I had two. There are some quality control issues. What surprised me was that the soundstage was narrow; the midrange didn’t exist and the magic with vocals didn’t appear for me at all. The amp did lots of things very well but it wasn’t engaging. Tried it in a friends system and home as well as my own and it produced the same results. Love the ergonomics and especially the remote. In the end I loved everything about it except the sound.
The Chinese subtitles for this video will be added within two days, but the English subtitles will depend on the workload. Regarding the issue you encountered, I didn't experience it during my testing. If it's a quality control issue, I think you should report it directly to the manufacturer. This can help them improve. Also, please note that for this amplifier's analog audio input, make sure source's output is not higher than 2V RMS, as it can affect dynamics and signal-to-noise ratio.
Thank you. Quality control issues were addressed with dealer. First amp had marks on the amp and the feet. Second, unopened box, had marks on the feet and the remote. First amp had a hardware issue and was stuck in the mode where you can’t set gain back to zero.
Interesting what you say about 2V. I used a Chord Hugo TT2 in DAC mode which outputs 2.5V but also with a TotalDAC which outputs 1.6V. Same outcome. I hear what you’re saying about the impact on SNR and dynamics but that’s not the same as a complete lack of midrange.
If there's really no midrange, it's pretty evident that there's an issue that needs to be addressed.
I think so too but when it went back to the dealer a second time they confirmed that to them it sounded exactly as it should.
@@mikehughescq You are just imagining things then.
實情係呢個韓國人呃/抄咗曰本Bakoon牌子嘅專利設計線路改機殼之後賣貴一倍⋯, 網上可以搵到日本擴音機型號好似係SCA-7511 Mk4 兩萬多
@@feverSoundHK網上有公開資料, 6moons 亦有提及兩公司歷史
Enleum 亦冇Bakoon 最新技術
價錢貴,玩老麥MA5300好過。 😊😊😊
Still sounds like a low power integrated amp. Too expensive.
依家好多非老牌所謂歐美後起音響產品純粹造個靚D外殼及花廣告或送樣品比TH-camr拍片浸淫式宣傳 , 實質盲測跟身價三四成既其他產品無異 , 有D膽機幾萬蚊都夠膽行電路板唔係搭棚,買個唱放又話要幾萬蚊..... 實屬玩家不幸
@@feverSoundHK @feverSoundHK 用料?你同我講講裡面線路板沉金幾安士?所用FET是什麼型號?是否該公司自行設計然後給半導體生產廠家生產?電容電阻電感的精度級別是多少?還有那個音量控制線路,標榜什麼MPU控制,1024 step音量,這套玩法20年前已有,不過step數低些,可能256左右吧,但256與1024的成本相差也不會多過三十蚊,但關鍵在於這些差別根本對音質毫無關係;這些MPU音量控制玩法,大家隨隨便便在大陸有品牌幾百蚊的功放機也可以找到。再看看那火牛,那麼貴的前後級,牛牛連鐵罩都不戴,真不知道廠家用什麼手法去保證火牛的交流噪音不會在比劏房還小的機箱內不對所有線路造成干擾。其實真的不要開蓋,這機內部與網上兩千有找的DIY機完全無分別。我的評語是就算是山寨機,買到幾萬塊錢,好歹內籠都下點本雕欄玉砌一番,令人覺得你真的有點高科技吖,並唔係靠寫同靠把口吹就叫人落踏就算。
愛好用料者,世間自有堆料機可揀。此機的設計,很多不同 review 都一樣有談及,不少比我的更深入及技術性,當然也有人破口大罵的。各取所需,並無不妥,也可以各抒己見,但拍埋開機芯反而唔啱睇?小弟就真係摸不著頭腦(國仁)
$52,000 ? LOL
hello wood~(國仁)