This aired originally between June 1-July 3, 1987, as July 5th was on a SUnday in 1987 and the Pontiac SUnbird was the Pontiac on offer from March 2-May 29, 1987 on Fandango(Jeff a five time champion retired and won that with winnings of $17,800 in prizes). The SKi Boat was won on June 9, 1987 for winnings of $18,100. Interesting that they had eight envelopes to pick from and only seven grand prizes were mentioned.
Came across this today too good. I had not thought of being on that show in years. Bill was so nice! 💖👍😁🎶
Carson, K, & Colt are the contestants for this episode of the American TV show Fandango.
13:48 Carson wins the grand prize! And leaves with $7,800 in cash and prizes!
Finally, an episode of Fandango where the Meet the Stars round is actually won.
"Oh that edgar what a ham".
"Whispering bill-anderson"(still).
Even with the major wager question this game is totally over..Can't touch Carson.
This aired originally between June 1-July 3, 1987, as July 5th was on a SUnday in 1987 and the Pontiac SUnbird was the Pontiac on offer from March 2-May 29, 1987 on Fandango(Jeff a five time champion retired and won that with winnings of $17,800 in prizes). The SKi Boat was won on June 9, 1987 for winnings of $18,100. Interesting that they had eight envelopes to pick from and only seven grand prizes were mentioned.