It was lowkey annoying but i still manage to be the last person standing lol Tags (ignore): #roblox #robloxvid #dandysworld #plsgoviral #idkwhattoputhere #meow #Kandii
Yall this was supposed to be a silly little video why is it blowing up😭😭 Edit: 10K VIEWS TY SO MUCH GUYS🫶🏼🩷 Edit 2: We reached 20k views yippee :D Edit 3: HELP I FORGOT TO CHECK THE VID AND WE GOT 100K VIEWS?? THANK YALL SM >.
@@Ihatehaters-yes Im currently trying to figure out a way to report the rodger, altought i dont have discord (which i think is the only way to contact the devs) im asking some of my friends if they have discord and if they are in the dandys world discord group but no one pf my friends have discord. So im currently finding another way
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person should I get shelly or Astro, becoz I'm at 100% research at twisted shelly, finished Tisha's mastery. I'm at 70% Research on twisted astro. I encountered twisted dandy :P?
@@Orangie_kit It all depends on ur gamestyle but if you have problems with getting seen by twisteds and just survival in general then i recommend astro but shelly is also good if you want to jelp ur teammates do machines quickly. But i personally like playing as shelly because stealth is not my biggest concern. Overall, its all up to you to decided wheter to get astro or shelly
@@SH4D0WM1LKSH4NDL3R as a goob player sometimes we misclick or mess up with our ability, like when i thought my teammate was getting chased (3 stealth) so i pulled them away but the twisteds just immediately chased me and hit me-
One time I was in a run with a Rodger and he kept sprinting inside an rnd (people were there) and then saying "womp womp". When panic mode came, I went to the ele (i was distracting) and then he died and started blaming me and saying i suck at distracting.
One time a t-rodger was near a machine and i went to do it at 1 heart and a brightney told me not to go there but i did. And then a rodger decided to take the capsule with t-rodger in it killing me.
I have an idea to solve these problems: Stealing bandaids: it will be only for people at 1/2 hearts *2 hearts if you had it for a long time* Activating R&D: If someone is extracting in a machine, it will have the player 5 or 7 seconds to get out,or based of the speed of the toon. If the same player does it 3 times in a row, R&D will not be effected by the player Not doing machines: Not doing 1 machine 5 to 3 floors in a row, a little dandy doodle will show up, warning you to do a machine *same will happen if you camp elevator*. He will get angrier every time you do this. On the 3rd time, you get instantly killed. Rodger capsules: Only one person must be there to pick up a Rodger capsule. Basically one person must be in Rodger’s sight, but if there’s more people, you can’t Air horn: If a toon has lower stealth then you when you do air horn, their stealth will gain a star. Abusing this will block you from using air horn/Speak *Speak will be blocked if you abuse it as Pebble*
pro tips! - pick up everything possible: capsules, items (especially healing items, they help you last longer!), twisted rodgers, tapes, the usual stuff - if you are spotted by a twisted, run away! make sure to keep in a straight of a path as possible, as turns slow you down and therefore let the twisted catch up - keep to your toons duty: boxten extracts, goob distracts, rodger researches, scraps survives (do NOT do someone elses job, that will mess up the whole flow) - run only when you need to: getting to a machine before someone else, getting research in rnd circles, getting away from twisteds - use unwanted items at the start of a floor, to make room for the picking up i mentioned in the first tip (this is satire btw, each line is wrong in multiple ways and contains at least 1 fallacy)
Rodger doesnt research, he extracts. All toons extract *as long as they are not distracting* as if they dont it would be useless to the team *exception to cosmo, he can heal, but has 1 star skillcheck*
A goob was trying to kill me once when he was being chased by a twisted then he grabbed me and I almost died because I was at one heart (he also did that to Vee)
@@pizzapizzacrust Fr, i know her stats are kinda trash (especially the mov. speed and the stam ratio like why does she have 5⭐ stamina if she has 2⭐ mov. speed) but still she's not ENTIRELY useless
Plan for the toxic 1. If a newbie (or a good newbie) is mean DO NOT HEAL (If you are a healer ofc) if not then grief even if u can get banned 2. Pro players: IF you found a show off (or toxic) then tell they are not cool (if toxic say anything you got) 3. Trollers: prob toodles the easiest griefer if you saw grief then report them (death run is not induced) 4. Ichor wanter: IF you saw a toon who isnt doing anything ONLY STANDING ELE just let the toon stay there and say "guys lets do nothing bc hes/shes not doing anything THATS IT tell me more
Bro, I was playing as Rodger and we had 3 goobs, we got to floor 11 and I swear to god I was on a hit list, Goob was distracting and he'd stop pull me over to him and he would get hit, BRO WAS TRYING TO KILL ME- LIKE ZAYUM
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person FUNNY THING IS, IS THAT WHEN HE TRIED TO GET ME TO TAKE THE FALL, IT DIDN'T WORK- HE ALWAYS GOT HIT- (thx for liking my comment!!!)
I once almost being killed by a goob using Rodger,the goob keep grabbing me whenever he’s being chased and I only have 1 heart. He died after that and start to insult me
This happened to me to but instead it was a glisten. They kept saying "GET BACK TO WORK!!" so we left them to do the work themself and he actually did but it took longer than expected. Then RnD killed em.
One time, i was playing and this stupid tisha stole two medkits (we had a cosmo) and they were like: “iTs NoT a BiG dEaL-“ and everyone (but a goob) was yelling at them to apologize and I suggested for us to sacrifice them to twisteds, and the goob was on the Tisha’s side, and it was basically a war, and when i died eventually, i just left bc i was over it- (ALSO I MAIN RODGER AND RODGERS LIKE THAT SHOULDNT ACT LIKE THOSE-)
Ik they stole meds and it was for cosmo but the thing is that i dont think that it’s worth to scream at a toon because they are not just stealing they might be saving it incase, but cosmo heals so i kinda agree
Something like this happened to me, a Goob stopped distracting twisted Finn, then twisted Finn went around the corner and I got killed bc I didn’t see him… And then GOOB STARTED CALLING ME DUMB AND ALMOST KILLED MY FRIEND- (I was a Shelly and my friend was Finn)
Today a vee tried getting my own FRIEND to kill me because apparently i stole a machine from them edit: how did this comment get 99 likes also yes editing your comment deletes the heart
I remember once when a Tisha wanted me to die bc I was on 1 heart and I took a bandage, and one of our other teammates were about to die. So when they did, she said “I hope you die” she was left with twisted Shelly in a blackout LOL
I haven’t even seen the vid but y’all 😭 a vee let our team down on floor 12 cuz she told us she finally got her mastery for vee and that was the only reason she was there when she was the one who started a DANDYS RUN and guess who showed up when she left? That’s right twisted dandy..and no one to point out where the twisteds were in the dark😭
Nah cause wtf💀 Im so sad that vee and other toons are overused by bad ppl cuz they are super useful but everyone is skeptical abt vee and the other toons bc of trolls
Ideas to solve! Band aid/med kit idk RND it will give u a amount of 10 seconds to run if u run out of time then hide somewhere not doing machines! a little thing will make u know where the machines are all u have to do is click on it if u do not do any of the machines then u will be kicked out of the server (there should be a button where ur afk) also when it only happens if u don’t move Rodger caps! it will give u abt 4 seconds to run and It has a cooldown of 50 seconds Airhorn!! the twisteds will only follow u not the person next to u or someone close by) being toxic if someone catches someone being toxic, lets use Rodger and Shelly as a example Rodger: LOL ALL OF U GUYS ARE SO EZ Rodger again: I’m the better toon Shelly: don’t say that, thats pretty rude Rodger: girlies in 2nd grade🤣 *button to vote kick toxic ppl out of the game* Shelly: clicks on the button Rodger: oh shoot- *rodger gets banned for 2 hours* That’s all
Why are so many Rodger mains toxic?? PLEASE I JUST WANNA GET RODGER (because i like extracting and i wanna get a lot of ichor and rodgers kinda good at that i think, and research as well)
@@pretendiwasneverthere Because they dont use the right build, they put full extraction trinkets on rodger and complain on how slow he is, to cope with that they lead twisteds to ppl so they can continue extracting in peace (my theory)
Once i had a tisha in a dandy run who kept griefing by buying from dandy, the first time they lied and said. "What happened?" And then the second time gave up. So than, we kept trying to kill them bc she ruined our run. And i died in the process, then tisha died and started cussing us out
I used to be a griefing player playing as boxten in a run. I got the bandaid on purpose, the person got mad, then left. So, I decided to die and learn my lesson :3
Once while i was in a run twisted Rodger was near a machine (i was at one heart) and it was the last one so I chose to do it, I said to not open the capsule near me a Tisha walked by (MIND YOU THE MESSAGE WAS VISIBLE WHEN SHE WALKED OVER!!) AND OPENED THE CAPSULE,ofc everyone got mad at her but then gurl had the AUDACITY to say “I didn’t have chat open” and people still were mad for her opening it while the message was visible and she just wanted to go about the run as usual
5:00 I remember me and a group of other people were doing a normal run, and we accidentally spawned Dandy XD I also remember I did a dandy run solo, and both Astro and Dandy spawned XD
One day I was playing as Gigi, I saw a med and I was typing to say “MED COSMO” then the goob or pebs toke it, they blamed it on me. I told them that I only gamble meds and bands but they not listen, get ur mind tight and right ppl…
One time I was playing as tisha and joined a run, 2nd floor we got rnd. Rodger was doing a machine and he went to exit the circle, I thought it would be funny to run when he was near the edge since he wouldn't get hurt immediantly and it would be like a jumpscare. As soon as I ran in it (which he was able to exit withought getting hurt bc of how close he was to the edge of the circle) he decided to run back to thr middle of it.. I apologize so much and whatever but later on floor like 7 vee was low snd there was a band, we decided to let her get it so I took the twisteds away from the band so that she could get it. I had my camera turned towards vee so I didn't notice rodger behind me and somehow the twisteds went to him and he was on two hesrts.. he ended up dying and his friend (who was playing as astro) and 2 others really got upset. Pebble continued to try leading twisteds to me and took meds/bandaids when he was on full hearts and I was low. Luckily I got a med and survived past all of them, they where still spectating and everyone was silent other than pebble who was also dead who called me a bunch of fat jokes. (Idc about what people say to me through a child's game especially insults like casoh). Then they all rage quit after I told them I didn't care.
I have a story actually, once I joined a random run and died because someone was griefing. Also once we got a griefing Scraps that laughed at me for dying to Twisted Shelly. Bro I only died for research I’m not bad at the game. And atleast Tisha has a use unlike Scraps. She isn’t really a “survivalist” and her only use is for getting Goob. What do you mean “ew a tisha”
Nah BC there is a boxten in my team (we were doing a dandy run) anyways I was distracting but after that when dandy comes we tell them don't buy he still does so it keeps going later on I'm at one heart hiding so I can type AND HE LEAD THE TWISTED TO ME I died and brightney said she is gonna kill him but she will also die of course she killed boxten and she also died. BOXTEN IS SO ANNOYING BUT I HAVE TO FORGIVE
For people who don’t know why people wanna be chased by mains: Getting chased by a twisted gives you 5 more research on the main twisted! (More random facts: Sprout is the rarest main twisted to find.He was for some reason on the board for two days straight.) guys uhhh idk why I made this. If u already know this then that’s cool💪
The only problem is that people dont have patience so they just run straight to the twisteds essentially getting them off the distractor which is a danger for everyone, they could be running around the map trying to get them off which could result in many people getting hurt, including the distractor
@ okay I agree with you, but most people just run into the twisteds and wait to be on one, then blame it on the distractor for not helping them even though they basically just stayed by the twisted 🙂
I remember my first time playing and rodger was being useless af all he did was do sometimes 1 machine or just hide beside the elevator not doing any of the work..
@@urijiahjadenmalapaya8386 i would always get astro early. One time i was doing a solo run with my brother and we were both gigi, on floor 5 we got sprout and astro. I didnt even knew it was possible😭
Let me tell you a story One time i encountered a begginer.this begginer kept activating rnd and leading twisted to me but other people says she is just a begginers even though i told her to stop so when i said i would report her for griefing they told me to be nice because she is a begginer and reporting people because of a game rule is dumb like bro its literally bannable Edit:this was before i knew you need to send proof to the owner
@@VerseTube7 I used capcut for this video but i dont recommend it because ever since tiktok has bought it everything became pro, but i can give u some better free alternatives (according to google): - Inshot - VEED - VN: Video editor and maker - DaVinci Resolve - Node Video - ClipChamp - Story Studio by Snapchat - Blender - And if you are looking for a tweening app i recommend alight motion
as someone who's been playing rodger to get my main research completed, i do not support rodgers like this. i try to stay out of the way of the distractors, telling other people if there's health items even if i myself am missing a heart (because i know the mains need the bands more than me), and just stick to doing machines so everyone can make it to the next floor safely. (also i have R&D trust issues so i try to stay far away from them if i ever see them)
the fact that the poppy main is better than the Rodger is not crazy to me since I was a poppy and there was a fin that stole bandages, but nobody expected me to take
Plan for if u have this situation again with a Goob : get the Goob to gather the twisteds then have them use there ability on the toxic player and continue until death
Dude, this reminds me how a rodger once told me there was a medkit (i was using cosmo) so i followed him and got in RnD's circle and then he ran on the circle waking RnD and i ended losing a heart Also he had some beef with glisten for some reason 😭 🦐
Yall this was supposed to be a silly little video why is it blowing up😭😭
Edit 2: We reached 20k views yippee :D
Just report that Roger to devs
@@Ihatehaters-yes Im currently trying to figure out a way to report the rodger, altought i dont have discord (which i think is the only way to contact the devs) im asking some of my friends if they have discord and if they are in the dandys world discord group but no one pf my friends have discord. So im currently finding another way
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person should I get shelly or Astro, becoz I'm at 100% research at twisted shelly, finished Tisha's mastery. I'm at 70% Research on twisted astro. I encountered twisted dandy :P?
@@Orangie_kit It all depends on ur gamestyle but if you have problems with getting seen by twisteds and just survival in general then i recommend astro but shelly is also good if you want to jelp ur teammates do machines quickly. But i personally like playing as shelly because stealth is not my biggest concern. Overall, its all up to you to decided wheter to get astro or shelly
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person i got shelly :D
I helped a random astro :)
"oh a goat is my spirit ani-"
ok? lmao
i love when people without thumbnails make videos and theres that one time it becomes front facing shelly 😭
TH-cam always has my back on thumbnails
@@girl-2763 HELP
@@boxtenplush ik i drew him holding his gun but not the worst part being in the thumbnail 😭😭
"no im here to die"
bros inv: 3 heal items
he had like 2 bandages and an eject button
I had a run that a glisten tried to take a life from leading a twisted to me
I had a long run and a Goob tried to kill me because he pulled me to a corner
@@SH4D0WM1LKSH4NDL3R as a goob player sometimes we misclick or mess up with our ability, like when i thought my teammate was getting chased (3 stealth) so i pulled them away but the twisteds just immediately chased me and hit me-
Same, and I didn't even get damaged at all, I was even doing machines farthest away from ele
im also surprised that i didnt notice her earlier
igot to floor 14 as boxten since a goob and 2 gigis and shelly was there (was someone there? my name was boxtenisaboxeheh beofre changing it to vamp)
As a Rodger Main, I would like to NOT apologise on his behalf and just leave him in the ichor
As a fellow rodger main, i would also like to do the same.
As another Rodger main, I agree
As a brightny I thank you for not using my stealth as a weapon to kill me 😌 because it’s happened before with every toon beside Gigi, Astro, or a rnd
As another Rodger main, same
As another Rodger main, yes.
I once got twisted dandy scraps and a blackout all in one floor
you can probably see how that went
naw I got sprout, Astro, pebble, toodles and a blackout, it’s one of my community posts for proof
Bro i understand u 2's pain. I had Shelly and Vee in a blackout on floor 5- 😭 (I do not understand if it's luck or UNluck.)
I got shelly, sprout, vee it wasn't even floor 20 btw (tisha died 1 death)
Nah I got Pebble,Toodles,Flutter, Shrimpo, Shelly and blackout in one floor 💀💀💀💀💀
@@AlyssaCylene_DW cool but why did u include shrimpo that’s not rare+ (included toodles in mine because she is rabies lord)
One time I was in a run with a Rodger and he kept sprinting inside an rnd (people were there) and then saying "womp womp". When panic mode came, I went to the ele (i was distracting) and then he died and started blaming me and saying i suck at distracting.
Idk what to say about that
Help I feel so bad for you,,
@@Unik1tty_pl4yZ should of hit them with the “karma” ahh moment and said “womp womp”
Yep this happen to me once but it was a boxten or poppy
That’s EXACTLY what happened to me and my entire team (that was real good) all died because of Rodger.
Tip: If you're gonna run in RND's circle or open Rodger's capsule, inform other players so they don't get hit!
I warned some players Not to go on Razzle and Dazzles circle or Rodgers capsule.
i did that and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED.
@@elenAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHerm they didn't do it fr fr (ik they probs did it :()
One time a t-rodger was near a machine and i went to do it at 1 heart and a brightney told me not to go there but i did. And then a rodger decided to take the capsule with t-rodger in it killing me.
Rodger the dumbest character ever literally
I feel bad for you. The exact same thing happened to me except it was a tisha who activated t-rodger.
That was exactly what the rodger was doing (it was off camera)
Ya that's why I don't allow Rogers in my run
the funny thing is that he got killed by shirmpo
Goob was predicting the future with asstroke 💀
I have an idea to solve these problems:
Stealing bandaids: it will be only for people at 1/2 hearts *2 hearts if you had it for a long time*
Activating R&D: If someone is extracting in a machine, it will have the player 5 or 7 seconds to get out,or based of the speed of the toon. If the same player does it 3 times in a row, R&D will not be effected by the player
Not doing machines: Not doing 1 machine 5 to 3 floors in a row, a little dandy doodle will show up, warning you to do a machine *same will happen if you camp elevator*. He will get angrier every time you do this. On the 3rd time, you get instantly killed.
Rodger capsules: Only one person must be there to pick up a Rodger capsule. Basically one person must be in Rodger’s sight, but if there’s more people, you can’t
Air horn: If a toon has lower stealth then you when you do air horn, their stealth will gain a star. Abusing this will block you from using air horn/Speak *Speak will be blocked if you abuse it as Pebble*
@@Spurrit-in-Fire-Oasis PLEASE BE PUT INTO THE DEV TEAM😭😭
Can you explain what the Air Horn one is? I'm confused..
@@Realhuman8 Aight if you use the Airhorn,it’ll attract the twisteds nearby.Too me,I think abusing the Airhorn stops u from using it-
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧? (𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞)
The people that can't find a machine
pro tips!
- pick up everything possible: capsules, items (especially healing items, they help you last longer!), twisted rodgers, tapes, the usual stuff
- if you are spotted by a twisted, run away! make sure to keep in a straight of a path as possible, as turns slow you down and therefore let the twisted catch up
- keep to your toons duty: boxten extracts, goob distracts, rodger researches, scraps survives (do NOT do someone elses job, that will mess up the whole flow)
- run only when you need to: getting to a machine before someone else, getting research in rnd circles, getting away from twisteds
- use unwanted items at the start of a floor, to make room for the picking up i mentioned in the first tip
(this is satire btw, each line is wrong in multiple ways and contains at least 1 fallacy)
this helped soo much tycm
Rodger doesnt research, he extracts. All toons extract *as long as they are not distracting* as if they dont it would be useless to the team *exception to cosmo, he can heal, but has 1 star skillcheck*
@@aririzbubblx did you read the last line in my comment or?...
@@iAmGGlitch i dont press read more 😭
Why did I think it was real on the first line until I read the other lines😭🙏
A goob was trying to kill me once when he was being chased by a twisted then he grabbed me and I almost died because I was at one heart (he also did that to Vee)
what toon were you using? (it sounds familiar kinda idk :3)
you know it’s bad when even poppy is doing machines, anyways THE GOOB UPDATE 😭
Goob got an update?
@@SunnyheartWCUE basically goob cant pull toons from ele
Now he has to pull toons outside the ele@@Brody-e5q
@@Brody-e5qthey COULD still pull them away from the ele as long as they don’t go in
@@Catamazed ik that
Everyone betrays me when im scraps
It also happened to me while o was trying to do her mastery quests to unlock goob. They assume that you are bad and try to kill you
@@Very_Very_Silly_Personthey think Scraps is worth a penny or smth💀🖐
@@pizzapizzacrust Fr, i know her stats are kinda trash (especially the mov. speed and the stam ratio like why does she have 5⭐ stamina if she has 2⭐ mov. speed) but still she's not ENTIRELY useless
Ngl scraps deserve some love from other players cuz some only use her for goob and not even completing her mastery
Plan for the toxic
1. If a newbie (or a good newbie) is mean DO NOT HEAL (If you are a healer ofc) if not then grief even if u can get banned
2. Pro players: IF you found a show off (or toxic) then tell they are not cool (if toxic say anything you got)
3. Trollers: prob toodles the easiest griefer if you saw grief then report them (death run is not induced)
4. Ichor wanter: IF you saw a toon who isnt doing anything ONLY STANDING ELE just let the toon stay there and say "guys lets do nothing bc hes/shes not doing anything
THATS IT tell me more
bro even if they r toxic DONT GREIF?? that’s like taking away months or years of work??
Nah but this Astro and Cosmo had beef over the Cosmo not healing even though on 2 hearts -
I love Dandys world drama it’s so funny 😭
ISTG its always the rodgers who greif or tell me or others to kill themselves for no reason.
I’m a Rodger main and I don’t do that -;
its either toodles or rodger
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person somtimes I use toodles but I use Tisha and goob and Rodger
@@notaloneiminsideyourhouse I don't mean to insult you, it's just that every time this stuff has happened to me it was a dodger :(
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person For me they’re normally Goob
it’s always a Rodger oml
not all the time.
Bro, I was playing as Rodger and we had 3 goobs, we got to floor 11 and I swear to god I was on a hit list, Goob was distracting and he'd stop pull me over to him and he would get hit, BRO WAS TRYING TO KILL ME- LIKE ZAYUM
The fact that goob was trying to lead you to the twisteds while he has less stealth than you is crazy💀
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person FUNNY THING IS, IS THAT WHEN HE TRIED TO GET ME TO TAKE THE FALL, IT DIDN'T WORK- HE ALWAYS GOT HIT- (thx for liking my comment!!!)
@@Auraisweird101 i can imagine that cuz you cant lead twisteds to someone that has more stealth than you (btw np >.
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person HA- THAT'S AMAZING (he died from doing that, I watched it happen then he yelled in chat about how bad of player I was)
I once almost being killed by a goob using Rodger,the goob keep grabbing me whenever he’s being chased and I only have 1 heart. He died after that and start to insult me
Omg I think I saw that video? Was he a normal goob?
@ Idk he speaks like a 6 year old kid
thats called griefing, u can ban someone for griefing (just tell to creators)
@@MrExofrast Ik its griefing but i dont have discord so i cant tell anyone (if there isnt any other way to contact the creators)
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person then find a way, u just gotta get some proof and the user name
@@Very_Very_Silly_Personhey Whats griefing
@@baySkim.Itz.aidellit means someone ruining a run i think
Nah its leading TWISTEDS to ppl or trolling@@Popcat_Named_Poppin
This happened to me to but instead it was a glisten. They kept saying "GET BACK TO WORK!!" so we left them to do the work themself and he actually did but it took longer than expected. Then RnD killed em.
that’s kinda cruel :/
i was new and got to floor 16 as a poppy and no one noticed unlike ur team that did (that was so lucky bc mostly everyone doesn’t like poppys)
@@vanillafrostedcookie awie im sad that no one noticed but you did great and even though ur team didnt care you did very well
Even the poppy was doing a machine instead of the Rodger lmao 1:10
me just enjoying the speed up version thinking the normal was too slow
Same thing happened to me, this Finn got me killed by running in an rnd circle.
One time, i was playing and this stupid tisha stole two medkits (we had a cosmo) and they were like: “iTs NoT a BiG dEaL-“ and everyone (but a goob) was yelling at them to apologize and I suggested for us to sacrifice them to twisteds, and the goob was on the Tisha’s side, and it was basically a war, and when i died eventually, i just left bc i was over it-
Ik they stole meds and it was for cosmo but the thing is that i dont think that it’s worth to scream at a toon because they are not just stealing they might be saving it incase, but cosmo heals so i kinda agree
The thumbnail gives me a unknow feeling of an unknow emotion
Good gameplay tho. Hate the player not the toon, remember that!
Something like this happened to me, a Goob stopped distracting twisted Finn, then twisted Finn went around the corner and I got killed bc I didn’t see him… And then GOOB STARTED CALLING ME DUMB AND ALMOST KILLED MY FRIEND- (I was a Shelly and my friend was Finn)
ok the only thing wrong here is calling u dumb, goob isnt required to distract
i swear it’s ethier a super cool nice rodger or a means griefer rodger, its literally a love hate relationship with rodger
Finally someone who calls Astro, asstroke aswell
bro i said that in pony town
I keep misspelling him as Asstro 😭
i got banned for saying that lol
@@Halizahaizi bc of the ass
Today a vee tried getting my own FRIEND to kill me because apparently i stole a machine from them edit: how did this comment get 99 likes also yes editing your comment deletes the heart
That vee neds therapy cause what the hell💀
@@Very_Very_Silly_Personye like don’t ask a person’s friend literally it’s
a friend of course she/he is not going to kill her/he’s own friend… right?
Uhm hopefully sprout isnt like that..
as a Vee main, what the hell is that Vee smoking. that's the most OUTRAGEOUS reason for griefing in this game I've heard so far.
It's ALWAYS RODGERS 😭. (From my experience too,could be a main too)
I remember once when a Tisha wanted me to die bc I was on 1 heart and I took a bandage, and one of our other teammates were about to die. So when they did, she said “I hope you die” she was left with twisted Shelly in a blackout LOL
Im a rodger main and I just wanna say that you should just lead the twisteds to him he deserves that istg
Tips: if any floor is boring, just delete this FLOOR wideo part
Dw bro, ur not alone. Goob tried grieving me once, and his ability was quite powerful. But it didnt work in the end :) ..
What if it’s a she
“Shelly jumpscare” ahh thumbnail
I got triple astro a shelly and a vee, with a pebble ;~; You wiuld like to see that!
@@Pigedd Dang thats a lot of mains i wish i could be as you were >.
The silly goob that said he needed astro 2 times is real Lucky bc he really appeared!
I haven’t even seen the vid but y’all 😭 a vee let our team down on floor 12 cuz she told us she finally got her mastery for vee and that was the only reason she was there when she was the one who started a DANDYS RUN and guess who showed up when she left? That’s right twisted dandy..and no one to point out where the twisteds were in the dark😭
Nah cause wtf💀 Im so sad that vee and other toons are overused by bad ppl cuz they are super useful but everyone is skeptical abt vee and the other toons bc of trolls
I followed you on roblox!!! :D
@@KJPhilly tyy!! :3
Plot twist: rodger plays on console and doesn't watch dandys world videos
Ideas to solve!
Band aid/med kit
it will give u a amount of 10 seconds to run if u run out of time then hide somewhere
not doing machines!
a little thing will make u know where the machines are all u have to do is click on it
if u do not do any of the machines then u will be kicked out of the server (there should be a button where ur afk)
also when it only happens if u don’t move
Rodger caps!
it will give u abt 4 seconds to run
and It has a cooldown of 50 seconds
the twisteds will only follow u not the person next to u or someone close by)
being toxic
if someone catches someone being toxic, lets use Rodger and Shelly as a example
Rodger again: I’m the better toon
Shelly: don’t say that, thats pretty rude
Rodger: girlies in 2nd grade🤣
*button to vote kick toxic ppl out of the game*
Shelly: clicks on the button
Rodger: oh shoot-
*rodger gets banned for 2 hours*
That’s all
As a Rodger-kin, I will NOT apologize for his behavior, and for our sake, make them never player Rodger again, thank you, bye!
Why are so many Rodger mains toxic?? PLEASE I JUST WANNA GET RODGER (because i like extracting and i wanna get a lot of ichor and rodgers kinda good at that i think, and research as well)
@@pretendiwasneverthere Because they dont use the right build, they put full extraction trinkets on rodger and complain on how slow he is, to cope with that they lead twisteds to ppl so they can continue extracting in peace (my theory)
When i was playing as sprout i got a medkit from floor 3 and a bandaid from blind grab
You literally deserve more subscribers. 😭
@@zeze.capcut Ty >.
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person Yw
Once i had a tisha in a dandy run who kept griefing by buying from dandy, the first time they lied and said. "What happened?" And then the second time gave up. So than, we kept trying to kill them bc she ruined our run. And i died in the process, then tisha died and started cussing us out
She is a stupid kid that's all
I used to be a griefing player playing as boxten in a run. I got the bandaid on purpose, the person got mad, then left. So, I decided to die and learn my lesson :3
Once while i was in a run twisted Rodger was near a machine (i was at one heart) and it was the last one so I chose to do it, I said to not open the capsule near me a Tisha walked by (MIND YOU THE MESSAGE WAS VISIBLE WHEN SHE WALKED OVER!!) AND OPENED THE CAPSULE,ofc everyone got mad at her but then gurl had the AUDACITY to say “I didn’t have chat open” and people still were mad for her opening it while the message was visible and she just wanted to go about the run as usual
5:00 I remember me and a group of other people were doing a normal run, and we accidentally spawned Dandy XD
I also remember I did a dandy run solo, and both Astro and Dandy spawned XD
30:51 omgah he died
One day I was playing as Gigi, I saw a med and I was typing to say “MED COSMO” then the goob or pebs toke it, they blamed it on me. I told them that I only gamble meds and bands but they not listen, get ur mind tight and right ppl…
4:01 was me when (as goob) when I didn’t have full research on vee and astro
One time I was playing as tisha and joined a run, 2nd floor we got rnd. Rodger was doing a machine and he went to exit the circle, I thought it would be funny to run when he was near the edge since he wouldn't get hurt immediantly and it would be like a jumpscare. As soon as I ran in it (which he was able to exit withought getting hurt bc of how close he was to the edge of the circle) he decided to run back to thr middle of it.. I apologize so much and whatever but later on floor like 7 vee was low snd there was a band, we decided to let her get it so I took the twisteds away from the band so that she could get it. I had my camera turned towards vee so I didn't notice rodger behind me and somehow the twisteds went to him and he was on two hesrts.. he ended up dying and his friend (who was playing as astro) and 2 others really got upset. Pebble continued to try leading twisteds to me and took meds/bandaids when he was on full hearts and I was low. Luckily I got a med and survived past all of them, they where still spectating and everyone was silent other than pebble who was also dead who called me a bunch of fat jokes. (Idc about what people say to me through a child's game especially insults like casoh). Then they all rage quit after I told them I didn't care.
I legit got a heart attack cause I was in a run with a Shelly as Rodger 😭 I don't do stuff like this thankfully.
I love the fact that even the poppy was helping being such a pookie poppy (Nickname I have for new good and useful poppy’s)
I have a story actually, once I joined a random run and died because someone was griefing.
Also once we got a griefing Scraps that laughed at me for dying to Twisted Shelly.
Bro I only died for research I’m not bad at the game. And atleast Tisha has a use unlike Scraps. She isn’t really a “survivalist” and her only use is for getting Goob. What do you mean “ew a tisha”
this is great video! new sub
@@blvshie Ty 🫶🏽🩷
@@Very_Very_Silly_Personyw, sorry about the 2 week late reply though
@@blvshie No worries!!
Nah BC there is a boxten in my team (we were doing a dandy run) anyways I was distracting but after that when dandy comes we tell them don't buy he still does so it keeps going later on I'm at one heart hiding so I can type AND HE LEAD THE TWISTED TO ME I died and brightney said she is gonna kill him but she will also die of course she killed boxten and she also died. BOXTEN IS SO ANNOYING BUT I HAVE TO FORGIVE
same happened to me except it was a tisha
DANG idk why i don't care to starters tho
If Rodger died what would you do:Womp Womp and /e dance also drawing cursed art abt him
For people who don’t know why people wanna be chased by mains: Getting chased by a twisted gives you 5 more research on the main twisted! (More random facts: Sprout is the rarest main twisted to find.He was for some reason on the board for two days straight.) guys uhhh idk why I made this. If u already know this then that’s cool💪
The only problem is that people dont have patience so they just run straight to the twisteds essentially getting them off the distractor which is a danger for everyone, they could be running around the map trying to get them off which could result in many people getting hurt, including the distractor
@ okay I agree with you, but most people just run into the twisteds and wait to be on one, then blame it on the distractor for not helping them even though they basically just stayed by the twisted 🙂
I remember my first time playing and rodger was being useless af all he did was do sometimes 1 machine or just hide beside the elevator not doing any of the work..
anyone else somehow got an astro on floor 6??
(He was more likely to appear btw)
@@urijiahjadenmalapaya8386 i would always get astro early. One time i was doing a solo run with my brother and we were both gigi, on floor 5 we got sprout and astro. I didnt even knew it was possible😭
Wait, I think I've seen that exact rodger before-
When i was doing the machine in Rnds circle, There are two teagans activeting it and made me died and said it was funny and idc after i died
10:19 Asstroke 10/10 my fav chracter i love asstroke
"CUZ YOU BARELY SEE HER." You know who else is dangerous in a blackout?, me 😈
once I literally found two mains on floor 10 😭😭🙏
Fun fact ! : fake capsule doesn't have a belt/tape (or whatever they call) around it
I think that those are tapes around them
@@Very_Very_Silly_Person ok
5:03 this is so relatable when I’m a toon that requires dragging abilities to other toons like what 😭😭😭
congrats on your most viewed video!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@Originalpebbledog tyy
Let me tell you a story
One time i encountered a begginer.this begginer kept activating rnd and leading twisted to me but other people says she is just a begginers even though i told her to stop so when i said i would report her for griefing they told me to be nice because she is a begginer and reporting people because of a game rule is dumb like bro its literally bannable
Edit:this was before i knew you need to send proof to the owner
What a beautiful thumbnail
Y’all yesterday Rodger killed me and I was trying to go the elevator and he broke the capsule to made twisted Rodger killed us😭😭😭
What app do you use for editing? I’m looking for a good editor app lol
@@VerseTube7 I used capcut for this video but i dont recommend it because ever since tiktok has bought it everything became pro, but i can give u some better free alternatives (according to google):
- Inshot
- VN: Video editor and maker
- DaVinci Resolve
- Node Video
- ClipChamp
- Story Studio by Snapchat
- Blender
And if you are looking for a tweening app i recommend alight motion
as someone who's been playing rodger to get my main research completed, i do not support rodgers like this. i try to stay out of the way of the distractors, telling other people if there's health items even if i myself am missing a heart (because i know the mains need the bands more than me), and just stick to doing machines so everyone can make it to the next floor safely. (also i have R&D trust issues so i try to stay far away from them if i ever see them)
so true i try to do as many machines so im not just a slow meat shield 😋😋😋
Honestly, the only reason why i take medkits/bandages is because i save them if i need it, but this is wild 💀
@@Green_Real I can understand that but taking bands and meds when someone is litteraly on the verge of dying then no
I have all toons and mains
Happened to me but bro brought a DANDY
the fact that the poppy main is better than the Rodger is not crazy to me since I was a poppy and there was a fin that stole bandages, but nobody expected me to take
EDIT: I saw you a couple of hours ago, and if it isn't u, then idk what
@@MELON12287 i played dandys world today but i was doing a solo so it want me sorry :c (my display name is Silly_Lynn amd my user name id Redmi_9F)
This looks so alike to my phone-
Plan for if u have this situation again with a Goob : get the Goob to gather the twisteds then have them use there ability on the toxic player and continue until death
"i got pebble and died (so preppy omg)" that was when i paused to READ then i unpaused then it just restarted...
@@gupgupseniorbeatdown Ty pookie 🫶🏽🩷
at 2:02 did none of yall notice that Rodger took it?
i did notice it but didnt say it i thought everyone noticed
Idk what this video is about bc I’m getting off but omg I’m giving a like for the thumbnail
Dude, this reminds me how a rodger once told me there was a medkit (i was using cosmo) so i followed him and got in RnD's circle and then he ran on the circle waking RnD and i ended losing a heart
Also he had some beef with glisten for some reason 😭