make a story like tikki and plagg turn into humuns and at school plagg annoying tikki to say her sugercube. and after school someone gwt akumtized and adrien and marineete cant transform so tikki and plagg have to defeat him. but after defeating the villian tikki get fainted and plagg was very worry and confess that he loves tikki in the room and kisses tikki and she wake up
Mia Can you make part 3 Pls💖🌷
Sure, and maybe it will take me so long to post tho cause im working on 2 videos :')
@@miacookies4012 Ok🤗💖
make a story like tikki and plagg turn into humuns and at school plagg annoying tikki to say her sugercube. and after school someone gwt akumtized and adrien and marineete cant transform so tikki and plagg have to defeat him. but after defeating the villian tikki get fainted and plagg was very worry and confess that he loves tikki in the room and kisses tikki and she wake up
shout out pls me is big make a dare
Wait Mia are you filipino?
I want part3 please
Okie :')
Hi 😅❤️
Hellow :D
Part 3
What did you do to Kagami she's Weird Very
I was thinking of if plagg or tikki got akumatized sorry i dont think they get akumatized
hi mia shout out pls im your bro
Anyone ship pliki