Wonderful job cleaning it up. You must be enjoying sewing on it. I refurbished my Grandma’s machine too. Do you have any more detailed info or photos on the process? I am doing a quick cleanup on an embossed White Rotary that I rescued before it headed to the dump. I can not find any info on the upper tension and checkspring areas. I like to see photos before exploring a new Brand and model.
Awesome. A Domestic treadle was my FIRST vintage machine-7 years ago. It started the JOURNEY! Thanks for sharing! ❤👏❤
It is so much fun to sew on! Thanks for watching!
Wonderful job cleaning it up. You must be enjoying sewing on it. I refurbished my Grandma’s machine too. Do you have any more detailed info or photos on the process? I am doing a quick cleanup on an embossed White Rotary that I rescued before it headed to the dump. I can not find any info on the upper tension and checkspring areas. I like to see photos before exploring a new Brand and model.