Actually I eat very few seed oils other than coconut oil. Primarily I use olive oil, butter and lard and I eat very little processed food except for instant noodle. But damn, who doesn't like making korean 2x spicy noodles or Indomie? I'm just not terrified of seed oils because who the fuck cares? Being so worried about oil from a seed is a very sub primal mentality. edit: unironically, I eat pretty similar to liver king, minus the liver because I don't like it. I mostly eat meats, fatty fish, vegetables, a lot of eggs and rice or pasta.
The 9 influencer tenants: 1. Never break character 2. Never take full ownership or responsibility 3. Promote a product that you're selling 4. Have some unique slogan 5. Preach that you're on a mission to do good 6. Call your followers some special name to make them feel special 7. Act like you know this big secret and have special info that you can't get anywhere else 8. Appear on dozens of podcasts 9. Have a dominant social media presence that's critical to your entire brand
“At the very least, he doesn’t typically disparage women and isn’t a racist as far as I can tell” What an incredibly low bar to clear lol. Sad but true. Great video, Beige. Shit like this is why you’re the goat. Happy new year!
@bastiat4855 homie, who is offended? I think you misinterpreted my comment. All I was saying is that: if the only requirements of being a halfway decent person are to not be racist and not be misogynistic, that’s pretty easy to do. Therefore, liverking should have no excuse. If he turns out to be lying about his recent sincerity, as beige said, I think that would expose a moral failing on Brian’s part. That’s my subjective opinion.
It's a low bar to clear, but if you consider that he cleared that bar in a community full of people /influencers obsessed with being 'alpha' I think it's a lot more impressive.
The saying is bald faced lie, coming from hundreds of years ago when most men had facial hair. If you didn't you were considered an other and untrustworthy.
You don't help men who struggle with mental health by telling them lies, supposedly for their own good. His apology reminded me of when a violent /abusive parent tells the child "I was rude because I love you".
Exactly, hate to use an oft overused word, but this seems like a classic narcissist move. Ie. I did XYZ hurtful/harmful thing FOR YOU (with an implicit message that it’s YOUR fault that you experienced hurt/harm).
@bastiat I am a 43 years old heterosexual man who lived with anxiety and trauma because of physical abuse, and I don't even want to breed in this society...If that gives you an idea on the type of person I am...I accept being called a quitter but not a bigot. 🙂
You're coming off way too dramatic. That said, the simplest way to describe this situation is he's a savvy businessman that didn't want to downplay his product's effectiveness by admitting to steroids. He does believe in his lifestyle but he also wants to keep expanding his brand and is maneuvering through it right now.
Not only that; his whole thing is so over the top! Idiotic even. He exaggerated about his kids being sick and being in the ambulance back and forth and having to take anaphylactics. Yea dumbass they obviously have an allergic reaction to something. Just address what it is they're allergic to and have them stay away from that. Eating raw meat living like a caveman, it's freaking stupid. How about eating a normal healthy diet and living like a normal person. The whole thing about the cell phone affecting ones genitals, that shit was disproven years ago! He was the only kid that didn't speak Spanish growing up in his school, where the freak did he go to school?! That's the thing he doesn't communicate thoroughly or clearly. Whenever I encounter people like that in real life, I usually think this person is a liar or a charlatan or both. Also, he was lifting an insane amount of weight when he was natural. What need was there to take peds. Shit I have a hard time getting up to 225 on the bench. Meanwhile he was benching 325! He had no need at all to get on that shit! That guy seems like a total dumbass!
Was watching a documentary on body-building recently, where steroid use is a more accepted fact, and found it fascinating as to what would motivate somebody to be like this. A bunch of people explained to me that it was basically body dysmorphia, likely caused by what you mention here: Hollywood and celebrity portrayals of men. Found that to be a pretty interesting and convincing interpretation of what was going on. I think it speaks to a larger fact that we are entering an age of mental illness in the US where behaving in a mentally ill way is the "normal".
I don't think body dysmorphia or mental illness are the right terms here. Or if you do insist on using these terms, you should define them and explain how they apply.
health and illness are a spectrum, not mutually exclusive. Most people who don't consider themselves mentally ill still do many things that are present in mental illness. Many people who are mentally ill don't realize that they are, and consider what they do to be healthy behavior. By the way, instead of saying "normal" in quotes like that, the word "normative" is better for what you mean.
@@nohrianscum9791 I mean ye olde king of the liver actually did some tours with tribesmen from around the world who live "ancestrally", I can't imagine he just ignored all the vegetations in their diet...
@@nohrianscum9791solid point we aren't genetically designed to be massive we're designed to survive meat veggies berries etc. are a staple it took us as a species to figure that out and to push it is literally nuts
The problem isn’t men 21+ years of age. We all knew he was on PED’s. Its the young men under 18 who really believe that it is possible to be middle age and still look like this without steroids. They actually believed he was natty.
thats actually not true Nate. of course younger people are more impressionable. but it would take you no more than a 20 min internet search to see that people of various backgrounds and ages believed he was natty. you almost hit the mark. ive been following the liver king situation for a straight year. thinking that every person over a certain age all believes the exact same thing is short sighted at best. much respect though
@@pyropulseIXXI and yet how many people eat like shit, even get waaay overweight and arent having any health problems? not to mention the people that smoke their whole lives and never get sick from it?
Well realistically it makes sense. Batman doesn't take days off. He also rarely ever sleeps, which is a huge component in muscle recovery. Sure he "works out" but he wouldn't realistically have enough time to do so and be as big as he's portrayed
Everytime I see Derek post an hour long video about someone who is supposed to be natural I know an apology video by that person is coming shortly after.. that man is thorough
I don't have very strong feeling towards MPMD, he is directly responsible for the growth of Liver King, giving him exposure when barely anyone knew him... he is shining as a "good guy" right now because he "revealed the truth", but even a blind man could have told that LK was on gear, I'm not saying he staged everything, but Derek got a big exposure as well from this. But everybody can also see that MPMD is a market genius
It's hilarious how he can so accurately predict what steroids a person is on, just by looking at their body. 6 months later, it'll come out that the subject was indeed on gear and tested positive for all the shit MPMD said he was likely taking. I wish I could hire the guy to put together a cycle for me.
Movie industry is more guilty than this guy ever will be. Arnold, Hemsworth, The Rock, Mark Wahlberg, and many other claim hard-work gets them the bodies they have naturally. Casuals believe them and attack people that call them out.
Arnold never said that. And it's probably for the best that movie stars don't admit to steroids, because they're typically idolized by children. It's better that young boys are inspired to exercise and think they can achieve the impossible, than it is for them to be inspired to jump on cycle.
They make no claim to be natty and don't monetize their physique. They took a paycheck to condition their body towards a certain character. Liver king, on the other hand, is an asshole who tried to convince people that they can have steroid physiques by eating raw meat. This is not the fault of hollywood
@@dasmuss6174he still helped damaged the image of the ideal male physique and helped create unrealistic expectations for future fitness idols to follow,him being honest just made people more aware and accepting of PED use
Literally just put a Geiger Counter next to your phone or cell tower, and people still believe that 5g is cancer inducing (internet cancer sure, but not the real one)
My biggest issue with Liver King is you can't promote "ancestral living" when you are taking substances that are far from what our ancestors had access to. IMO that ruins your whole brand.
After I saw photos of the liver king the first 4-5 times I noticed he was always shirtless and same hat etc my mind immediately viewed it as a marketing costume before I heard one word on him. Then after 30secs of his salesman voice I began to feel pity for any adult who didn’t recognize he was nothing more than a walking ad selling BS
The way to think about the apology is, would it have happened if he hadn’t been caught? Can we imagine out of nowhere, a sudden admittance of guilt, based purely on the feeling of guilt. Say for example “I know this would never have come out, but I can’t keep living with this lie…” I believe the answer is no. He only apologised when he had no other option
He's full of shit. He's a grifter, full stop. If he's going to get on a soapbox about being a leader of lost men, then he's part of the reason why men feel lost since anyone who would take his shitty supplements or ascribe to his lifestyle would be highly discouraged if they didn't end up looking like him since THEY AREN'T ON TRUCKLOADS OF HGH. People who take advantage of other people's misery should be beaten
I think you are right. He was all-in, and wouldn't have admitted anything as long as his social media/money kept growing. The speculation would still have been there, but I don't think he would have owned up. The proof that MPMD showed was undeniable, and I think that's the only thing that could have got him to own up
Cold showers might be overstated, but routine exposure (some hours per week) to cold will result in adaptations. These could be arguably good or bad adaptations like expending more calories in the cold to stay warm. Adaptations might not even be perceptible. However, in general we are not built or adapted for cold. That's why people like winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. We haven't lost our aversion to cold or our aversion to too much heat. Those aversions help keep us alive even though we can adapt to some level of exposure.
We evolved in Africa, we have no fur, our bodies have many ways to lose heat to prevent overheating but little against freezing. We're clearly meant to live in hot climates.
@@bobbyrayofthefamilysmith24 Almost like most North American and European genetics doesn't come from evolution of living 5000 to 60 000 years in colder climate? It is just Miracle that humans average height goes up when you go to North and smaller when you land to Equator? Northen Europeans has more of stout/tall frame or both. Stout means you have less skin to radiate heat outside. Europeans can even pack more fat without health problems. Adaptations to cold... Very different kind of body than those who has born inin Asia and Africa. You can produce more heat by moving, but you can't loss heat if enviroment is humid and hot. But yes, you need community to survive in here North. Maybe that is one explanation of Scandinavian miracle...
@@bobbyrayofthefamilysmith24no our ancestor race did. Homo sapien arrived 6-7 million years after our species left Africa. Modern humans likely evolved from a mix of Neanderthal and Denisovan possibly some others. We are not related to the humans from Africa and are more related to the ones from Europe. This includes the modern African population who most likely migrated back to Africa from nearby areas
@@MeltedMaskhumans entered the very cold north areas when we were already in large groups most likely already cooperating with the other human races like the Neanderthals who were in in European areas like Austria and Spain.
I'm not the only one worried about the damage Rich did to his body prepping for Space Cop right? The wall of silence thrown up around the topic is really worrying... RLM seems more and more cult like every day... it used to seem so happy and carefree. We rarely see Mr Plinkett, and Mike gives really David Miscavige/Scientology vibes, and have you ever looked into Jay's eyes? Cold, dead shark eyes... he looks like he's prepared to go into some dark places to maintain RLM power.
@@urgamecshk This comment speaks to the brilliance of Rich Evans and his ability to be fully consumed with a role, so much so that he is rendered unrecognizable.
That's literally what is recommended for dogs with allergies lmfao. The "raw diet". But ONLY when you've narrowed it down to the food and changing food a couple times hasn't worked (unless you want to do it anyway, the raw diet is just expensive.) And even then you have to add things like raw eggs to make sure they get all the balanced nutrients they need. Fucking wild that he claims to have given his children a diet similar to, but not as thoughtout as, one for dogs.
@@PointsofData It's not so outlandish tbh. I'm no immunologist but it seems reasonable to me the immune system will go fucking haywire overreacting to random shit if you don't give it anything to do. In poorer parts of the world I've seen people live with dirt and grime all over them, you know what they don't get? Autoimmune disorders and bullshit allergies.
My issue is that as someone who's survived a suicide attempt I find it deplorable that he would try to hide his intentions behind suicide awareness when he knows damn well it was to take advantage of young kids who dont know better
This is the first time I've heard about a potential body dysmorphia issue. Your conclusion is excellent; I hope that more people become aware of the way beauty standards affect men!
I don't know if it's just the modern culture of fanboy-ism that perpetuates this male body image problem. I remember talking to my normie friend about Chris Hemsworth and when I brought up how he's probably on steroids he gave me a dumbfounded look. He just genuinely didn't know what a roided up body looked like and thought that he got that physic through hard work and dedication. I think alot of the general public are just really unaware on this kind of stuff. Which I don't blame them for, people have enough on their plate these days.
That is definitely a part of the problem. If you are familiar bodybuilding you will be able to pick out the most egregious offenders like Huge Jackedman because their bodies are like the poster boys for bad genetics mixed with brain melting amounts of tren. But I think the reason normies can't tell the difference stemsdirectly from the fact that people has been fed nothing but steroided bodies through the media. Nobody knows what a natural bodybuilding physique looks like because all they see are people on steroids.
Most people have never trained seriously in their lives. They don't have the perspective of how quickly you can realistically make progress since they haven't done it themselves.
That’s what I think a lot of comments here don’t get. Of course, WE (over informed nerds lol), know he’s full of shit. We’re on video talking about it. But a majority of people do not know Jack Shit about fitness, health and what’s possible naturally. You see all those MensHealth covers of the Rock with 30 anabolic needles worth of muscles on each arm and it totally fucks with how normal people see fitness
@@matthewhall1467 Fitness for most people is some light cardio a few days a week. We ourselves have an inflated sense of what fitness is. I'm sure most guys who exercise 3+ days a week are actually quite fit but they aren't happy with just that. Magazines like that and other fitness media mostly feeds off people's insecurities and it obviously works.
Imagine the next guy. He's coming. He'll have some strange philosophy, no shirt on, a cute name for his followers and he'll make outrageous statements. And of course, a line of overpriced supplements 'With my creatine, you can be a Cryptonian too!'
"Eating your own shit is the most optimal way to recycle the nutrients your body missed out on the first. The native American's even had a name for: the second harvest."
@@BeigeFrequency No it was called the triple harvest and consisted of planting Corn, Beans and Squash(is that the english name or is it pumpkin?) together in the same field
@@Sahiyena11 You don't get it because you've never been desperate for improvement. A lot of people are, to the point where they want to be someone completely new, an idealized version of themselves that is nothing close to who they actually are. A lot of people just do not value themselves at all, let alone think of themselves highly enough to not be enticed by shortcuts. Guys like Liver King, AKA grifters, are viewed as predatory for that exact reason. Their goal is to capitalize off of deep insecurities and paranoia, which there is so much of.
@@emperorbirb1Nah. Sam Sulek is way more genuine than someone like LK. Dude just shows you what works for him. Hes def on steroids but also has insane genetics. He isn’t going to turn into a joke of a human like LK has.
I remember when I was like 16 and started working out with noticable gains, I had to convince my 50 year old dad that Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't natty lmao. It's not just young people you'd be shocked how gullible adults are too. Middle aged adults. I already knew all this shit by the time I was like 15 because I got into fitness subreddits and stuff at a super young age. My dad was like "wow son in 10 years you're gonna be like Arnold Schwarzenegger level" and I had to explain reality lol.
I started working out when I was 14 over summer, about to turn 15. And I preferred the cut and athletic build. I never liked the unnatural buff sizes, and it was such obviously fake. I was shredded and lean, but muscles weren't really that big, just really defined. I prefer it, and I had six pack but it was lean and cut, not these weird nasty buldges Big muscles can look good, but it depends on the proportions. Liver King looks nasty, imo The buldges buldge in all the wrong ways
As a digital freelance artist and a fan of bodybuilding, i really appreciated the artwork and the video. I usually find long form videos boring and dip out really easily but you made it more interesting.
Our early ancestors also had a habit of dying from waterborn illnesses, getting parasites, dying in childbirth, dying in infancy, dying in early childhood…
I can't tell you what a joy it was, sitting here at home wiped out from the flu, to look at my feed and see a fresh Beige video on a topic I'm familiar with. Happy New Year, Beige!
I've been a fitness person since my early 20s (40 now) and fake natties are probably my biggest pet peeve. I'm all natural, but when I was younger, I struggled with the reality of what that meant for my physique when I was still ignorant to the pervasiveness of PEDs. I really thought I could look like guys like that just by working my ass off... and I did work my ass off, but I didn't look like these dudes. Obviously, I now know just how this part of the world works, but I always have a "fuck you" in my heart for people who don't open up about what they take.
_"I really thought I could look like guys like that just by working my ass off... and I did work my ass off, but I didn't look like these dudes."_ Reminds me of particularly goofy point in my childhood years from 7th through 8th grade when I was obsessed with pro wrestling. After watching some VHS tape that featured Brock Lesnar and The Rock giving instructions on their personal workouts, I started to lift weights/workout obsessively because I wanted to look like the pro wrestlers I watched. I naively thought it was achievable purely through hard work, determination, and following the workouts shown in the VHS. Busted my ass as well, I remember a few months in being like "When will my arms get all jacked and cut like marble?? Is it gonna happen soon?" Oh man, lol. I don't judge, nor do I necessarily blame anyone that uses gear, but when you explicitly lie about the fact repeatedly and make money off of that lie, it's absolutely scummy as fuck.
@@gregm32 yeah. Boys and girls growing up, your brain is still growing, so your reasoning and logic arent all the way there yet. I was in the same boat too, but it wasnt wrestling so much as it was teen dramas weirdly enough. I used to look at shows like the OC and One Tree Hill and look at those people and go "damn, how do I look like that, these guys are built like grown men", without the critical thinking that 1) it's a TV show, and 2)slot of those guys WERE adults. So I was just stuck from jump St. I would go to my HS weight room, I even lost weight over the summer, but I still didnt look like them. Obviously as an adult I have a far better opinion of myself but those teen years were really rough for my self esteem
Top quality content Beige. Just found you in my feed randomly and started watching all of your videos. Seeing your art and documentation quality progress over the course of your videos is awesome. You inspire me to give my hand at art again. If you could give any advice on how to even start, would be much appreciated.
Interesting video. Ending reminded me of that video on male celebrity body transformations by Macabre Storytelling. I think it's a shame these sorts of things don't really get talked about that much, but it can be particularly hard to notice this issue especially with all the coping and denial from people not wanting to accept that their favorite celebrities are anything but "natural".
True I’ve never seen these discussions outside of a few TH-cam channels this I don’t have much hope of it ever getting addressed on a larger scale and fixed
oh my god his "apology" 😩 reminds me of scammers (tech support or international romance $$ scams). when you bust them, they "drop the act" but then they reveal a second scam. "yes, I was scamming you, but I did it because my daughter is very ill and we have medical expenses! pls help? send more money?" "yes, you got me. I used PEDS. But it was an experiment! I did it to bring awareness to suicide." bro fucken what.
Lol I used to put weights in the bottom of my bookbag in college and wear ankle weights around campus to help offset the stress-eating weight I was gaining in that environment. Didn't know somebody else would give that very simple idea a goofy ass name like "The Barbarian."
It would be interesting to see his charity donations. Surely someone so rich and caring has donated vigorously to charities that help the problems he is trying to tackle.
This grindset mindset is selling you body dysmorphia and ED. Think about who makes money or gain something off of your insecurities. Thanks for another good video, beige!
The Liver King reminds me of a very specific type of IG model - the girlies that get plastic surgery (often BBL or liposuction) then turn around and sell flat tummy tea, waist trainers and appetite supressant lollipops to their young gullible followers. I can't stand people that make big bank off teenager's body image struggles.
If you didn't acquire the food directly from the source, it's processed. Dessication is a form of processing, pills are processed, supplements are processed. Also, a lot of food needs to be cooked for you to absorb the nutrients effectively.
Technically, picking an apple off a tree is a “process”. Skinning an animal is a process. Unless you’re leaping on a deer and ripping it apart with your teeth and nails, you’re eating processed food.
"But he isn't disparaging women and isn't a racist as far as I can tell" When the guys entire product is likely entirely fabricated but he isn't a laughably poorly written real life villain makes you reflect bleakly on how laughably poorly written villains have inundated our society and are getting praise and success for it.
the advice i was told by the guy who taught me how to be a PT is that anyone who sells a product based on how they look is probably not natural. social media has made the problem like 1000x worse than it used to be, and now everyone is driven nuts at all times by perfectly manicured and artfully posed instagram bodies
Solid advice. The part of Liver King that gets me is of the 9 tenants about half are rooted in some mostly helpful advice. I don’t necessarily like the delivery but who can argue with sleep, put the phone down, eat real food, exercise and be social. I guess my wording doesn’t move product or attract eyeballs.
@@user-up1us9jf1o This is how most scams work. They take something that kind of make sense, to ease you into buying their bullshit. "Here's all this stuff that's good and you can do or learn for free - but if you pay me you'll get the really good stuff and over-night results!"
49yo. Began working out & lifting when I was a teenager. Read Men’s Fitness and Schwarzenegger bodybuilding books. Little to no knowledge of steroids. I’m 5’7” 125lbs before. Blew out most of my joints (shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, elbows, wrists) and have cervical spine damage. Be careful kids
Great video as always. Really a more sympathetic portrayal than I was expecting that made sense with the overall lesson of his story. One a side note I salute you for all the terrible podcast appearances you had to listen to haha.
a friend of mine loved to follow Liver King advice and over time I became concerned over how much he was working out. I’ve always believed that if you want to be fit it should be within reason, your body needs time to heal and you need to give it maintenance to make sure it’s the best it can always be. Your body takes care of you so you should take care of it, but social media has twisted everything to such degrees that if you work out and want to be fit you are somehow discriminating against people who you probably don’t know, but you better be fit because only guys who are extra cut seem to be having better luck finding companionship.
What annoyed me about his apology is that he didn't acknowledge at any point that no one would care about him if he didn't claim to be natural. He only took the steroids to get bigger than real life and he lied about it because he knew it would make him money and admitting he was on steroids from the start would mean he gets no attention
there's also the false narrrative that if you take steroids and do 20 pushups and situps a day you'll get super jacked in 6 months. you won't, the steroids only exist to make the recovery cycle between workouts go faster so you can work out more often without injury.
Bro I just found this video. Great work, and the last 8 min or so are really good PSA worthy points. I use to literally lift twice a day 5 days a week for looks alone. Not for pleasure, not for discipline, for looks. That level of insecurity is dangerous and it took me being in a committed relationship to stop. I had to have a woman tell me to my face that the only person who cared about my 19 inch neck, my 220 lbs of muscle at 5”7 was me. I was eating weird, taking more protein than my kidneys should worry about, and not getting enough rest. I went bald at 22 and probably short circuited my adrenal system for a while. Luckily this woman came into my life before the drugs, because I was def on crash course to use. You’re doing young men a great service with this video, best wishes and much success for you
Absolutely agreed that he is a symptom and every podcast that had him on is part and parcel to the endemic problem. They would simultaneously talk *about* him as a fraud and a con, but would each be all-too-happy to bring him onto their show, do his entire song-and-dance of trying raw meat then play out the charade of bringing out his supps and supporting them and him. They benefitted from his bullshit and were happy to do so - they promoted a person they believed to be a fraud to each of their fanbases and were happy to do so regardless of how they felt about the veracity of his claims. The Liver King doesn't become famous if every podcaster tells him to get bent. Podcasts and the influencers that host them should be held accountable for the people they choose to promote, they are not blameless.
@@michaellopez-lq5fn "held accountable" means to be held accountable for the people and views they promote on their platforms, as I said in my original message. I *don't* listen to these podcasts because I know better, but there are tons of young and/or impressionable people out there who do not know better and are led by people they like and trust into listening to people like the Liver King.
Great video! I’m a long-time-first-timer as far as commenting on your stuff but your ultimate thesis was very interesting, and branching out into how it’s an issue with mainstream media presenting an unattainable ideal to young men was spot-on, in my opinion. Well done!
the latter point in the video is so very important. i yearn for a day where boys' bodily struggles and mental health is talked about and ressources make their way into our care systems
As someone who has been an athlete their whole life and has spent the past 18+ years of my life trying to look like these people, this whole steroid usage stuff has really helped me with my own self worth and accept my limitations as someone who doesn't want to take steroids. Doesn't mean I won't push past those limitations as I always have, but it means that I won't be upset with myself when I can't push myself as hard as the guy taking drugs that allow him to do that.
You can do some selective eugenics so your descendants can almost look like that. Marry a butchers or miners daughter. Improves you children natural muscle growth and size by a huge lot. I come from a 7 generation military line and look at my photo and I only work out once, sometimes twice a week
Wait, what kind of allergies did his kids have? Was it a food allergy, like peanuts or shellfish? Because lots of kids have those. And obviously if you stop feeding someone foods that they’re allergic to, regardless of what you substitute those foods for, the symptoms will go away. Edit: holy sh*t how tiny is this guy???? 14:28
Never thought you'd dabble in the muddy waters of TH-cam Fitness again. Happy to see the series on Lolcows initiated by the Genova triptych getting a continuation; based on the title alone, I can tell I'm in for more than a simple surface level examination of the roidmonkey known as Brian Johnson, who is just a symptom of the disease that has been destroying bodybuilding for the past 60 years. Looking forward to listening tonight as I train.
It always irks me when characters in tv/movies are muscular when it the character as written would never be working out. I still recall when Chidi, the nerdy philosopher in the Good Place, takes off his shirt to reveal a full 6 pack. It's ridiculous, and it perpetuates the idea that men are muscular by default, and that if you aren't, there's something wrong with you. Speaking as a woman, i often had the thought, growing up, that there are no characters above a certain weight because people above that weight don't deserve to have stories written about them. Men absolutely have this problem as well, and i feel bad for the boys growing up with this.
If cell phones emitted ionizing radiation, they would zap you with static electricity when you pick them up, like the front of a CRT tv screen. Also, early humans got horrible sleep
@@tllgestalt1942 Not true, the electrons from a CRT tv are about 10,000ev, which only have the energy to travel about ½ inch into the air, which is why the cathode ray tube is under vacuum pressure. The static on the screen is due to the electrons ionizing the air molecules, granting them negative charge
Ionizing radiation doesn't "zap you with static electricity". A CRT screen becoming ionized isn't giving off ionizing radiation. They're two different phenomena. "Ionizing radiation" is made up of energetic particles that penetrate the body and ionize atoms in cells thus making those cells not work properly.
@@BiggieTrismegistus I didn't say it did, I said the static shocks you get from the front of the screen are due to the electrons ionizing the air molecules in front of it Learn to read and you wouldn't erroneously correct people who are already correct
“Anybody with functioning eyeballs and an ounce of skepticism would see that his body didn’t come from eating liver and testicles. “ Very true. Even Joe Rogan called him a liar. If you were conned by the Liver King, it’s on you. Whatever happened to Caveat Emptor?
Yeah it takes one to know one. I love when shill rogan keeps calling people liars. Its the most ironic thing ever. Its like Alex Jones calling Bill Hicks a actor or comedian
It's actually a very sad time in human existence, ALOT of people are lost looking for anything to make them happy and the internet for all it's good has equal negatives.
I do have to admit, I walked out in the grass by the lake behind my building, barefoot, and put my face to the sun, eyes closed, and man, dog shit stinks.
They are all frauds. However, I’d argue that he is one of the worst. He’s openly said he’s doing it to help young men and and talked about suicide in young men. He’s said if you do these things then you feel better and look like me. So you have these young guys who are depressed and try his shit, then don’t look like him. So now they feel more of a failure. Great video.
@@WeekendWeakling how do you explain the likes of o Hearn then? Sure as shit has nothing to do with height and just being a deceiving sociopathic scumbag
I always found it fascinating he never elaborated on his kids ailments that were solved given his marketing hinges on these claims. I have an epipen. I’d like to know what his kids were eating that nose to tail diets solved. Bc it sounds like just cutting that one food out would have done it. Not sure why such a drastic change as he suggests is necessary. But even not Nati the tenets he cobbled together from a few sources can survive. It’s all pretty smart, vague stuff as far as a money making scheme go. Having seen much of your content I anticipate this video to take a softer, empathetic approach bc this doesn’t even feel like punching up anymore with this guy lol Edit: 41:00 okay so here’s why I’m skeptical. If I have a comfortable amount of money and this is my image and I’m attacking a claim that easy to debunk on a time where that’s highly necessary, WHY NOT GET AN MRI? Definitive proof would knock this totally out of the park. This alone is highly highly suspicious. Derek covered a guy who he’s consulting a detection program designed to do drug tests in longevity form to definitively prove his Nati-Ness. Now THAT is doing it right. This could have simply out to bed a silly claim in one simple MRI… I can’t help but wonder why he wouldn’t do that knowing how calculated he’s been…
Bro his kids were literally allergic to everything except wild caught raw organs cuz of chemtrails and ionizing radiation contamination in the soil DUH
Missed you big homie, great work as always. Happy New Year everyone, stay safe. Don't let a fun moment cost you or anyone else their life. Don't drink and drive and be kind.
The last part of your video make me recall how a lot of people was angry with Robert Pattinson because he refused to become Christian Bale 2.0 in order to perform Batman.
All hail Liver King… You know he would do nothing but praise this video…. For bringing the primal ancestral tenets to light or something along those lines..
Amazing content as always Beige. One suggestion. You should make a video about a certain Bugatti owner. With amount of stuff he has done and said and your ability to create and produce high quality videos, I think it would be a banger.
been thinking about it. Tate getting arrested because got into a twitter fight with Greta Thunberg as legitimately been cracking me up. I do kind of want to see how things shake out though before making a video.
@@brianmeen2158 booty operation to get a ridiculous hip to waist ratio. The Kim k treatment basically. Also a lot of samey noses, fake boobs and for more mature ladies a truckload of Botox. Seriously tho being a plastic surgeon in the Instagram age is a money printer.
Thank you Beige Frequency for this amazing video and hearing you talk about celebrities being on steroids and denying they are on them, makes me glad someone sees the bullshit. And The Rock and Chris Hemsworth are perfect examples of people who take advantage of their audience so they can make the most amount of money. Maybe a video on exposing mainstream celebrity fitness would be wonderful.
@@totalprecisioncarpenter5922 Good try but HE'S at least always been on the forefront of transparency about his test and other usage. He's the one speaking up for honesty about it.
@@justinklenk ahh yes the old I did in the past but not anymore haha yeah ok then. So if rogan came out and admitted he was still on a course don’t think it would be too good for his supplements companies or his other sponsorship’s. If you think he is all natty your choice I’m not buying it thanks
@@totalprecisioncarpenter5922 No dude you don't get it yet - he's never gone OFF them, and talks about this FREQUENTLY. Do just the tiniest bit of research first!!
I’m a competitive powerlifter (and an average one at best) Most of the dudes in my office came up to me and asked about this guy when he started to get popular. After a quick 15 minute review of his videos and website I said “well, he’s most likely lying about something here or is using anabolic steroids” they looked at me like I was crazy lol
Lmao u like seed oils
Actually I eat very few seed oils other than coconut oil. Primarily I use olive oil, butter and lard and I eat very little processed food except for instant noodle. But damn, who doesn't like making korean 2x spicy noodles or Indomie? I'm just not terrified of seed oils because who the fuck cares? Being so worried about oil from a seed is a very sub primal mentality.
edit: unironically, I eat pretty similar to liver king, minus the liver because I don't like it. I mostly eat meats, fatty fish, vegetables, a lot of eggs and rice or pasta.
@@BeigeFrequencythere deleted
Olives have seeds.
What about rice?
@@MiguelGonzalez-vz6qi what about semen?
The 9 influencer tenants:
1. Never break character
2. Never take full ownership or responsibility
3. Promote a product that you're selling
4. Have some unique slogan
5. Preach that you're on a mission to do good
6. Call your followers some special name to make them feel special
7. Act like you know this big secret and have special info that you can't get anywhere else
8. Appear on dozens of podcasts
9. Have a dominant social media presence that's critical to your entire brand
Wow, that’s uh, that’s pretty accurate
*target a group who feel unsatisfied with the world, and exploit them for profit.
The most important tenant for them is "have sociopathic traits"
#6 is particularly annoying to me. Folks are too easy to pander to.
wow this is.....thoroughly accurate
I literally thought his name was Liver King bc he could take every PED on the book and not die from it.
You aren't the first person i've seen comment that. Makes sense actually 😂😂. I've been watching MPMD for years so I was never fooled either.
Hahaha jesus this comment got me
Jon Zherka was on a death stack of gear, he's such a hilarious schizo he's entertaining as fuck
Right I honestly think he would be just as popular if he preached the 9 anabolic Tennants and his iron liver
Ha ha! Now that's funny
Ignored everything to do with this guy from the moment I saw him on some mediocre podcast. WWE character in real life
Now he just needs a heel with technology as a gimmick.
Didn't you click this video about him?
No way jose
Except this one I guess
@@gibbygibberson655 I have notifs for Beige and know its obviously going to be a documentary mocking him as a lolcow
“At the very least, he doesn’t typically disparage women and isn’t a racist as far as I can tell”
What an incredibly low bar to clear lol. Sad but true.
Great video, Beige. Shit like this is why you’re the goat. Happy new year!
@bastiat4855 homie, who is offended? I think you misinterpreted my comment. All I was saying is that: if the only requirements of being a halfway decent person are to not be racist and not be misogynistic, that’s pretty easy to do. Therefore, liverking should have no excuse. If he turns out to be lying about his recent sincerity, as beige said, I think that would expose a moral failing on Brian’s part.
That’s my subjective opinion.
@@weldoncolon8972 accusations of racism are most commonly used as a means of controlling people.
The bar is in hell, The Devil is playing limbo with it....
And he's *losing*
@@kyledodson2992 same as casual racism, it's funny
It's a low bar to clear, but if you consider that he cleared that bar in a community full of people /influencers obsessed with being 'alpha' I think it's a lot more impressive.
I'm impressed by his ability to bold face lie. Most people show signs of discomfort when they lie, but this guy, he nails it.
Well when millions of dollars are on the line you’d lie your ass off too. Each time he lied that was 6 figures in his bank.
It's called being a psychopath.
The saying is bald faced lie, coming from hundreds of years ago when most men had facial hair. If you didn't you were considered an other and untrustworthy.
He does the over eye contact, open face act when he lies. But yes, he's quite good at it.
Look at the lengths he went to with his LK persona. It's all a lie. Denying he took peds was easy for him.
Bro, I couldn’t imagine sitting through those podcasts. You’re a trooper.
So many of the hosts are complete charisma vacuums. That combined with Liver King's idiocy is something hellish.
@@RickySteels Wow you're spot on chief.
Just the small clips of the podcast made me want to press skip 10 seconds.
The fact that the hosts can take him seriously as he sits there shirtless lying about past trauma and his kids health…I’d burst out laughing.
You don't help men who struggle with mental health by telling them lies, supposedly for their own good.
His apology reminded me of when a violent /abusive parent tells the child "I was rude because I love you".
Exactly, hate to use an oft overused word, but this seems like a classic narcissist move. Ie. I did XYZ hurtful/harmful thing FOR YOU (with an implicit message that it’s YOUR fault that you experienced hurt/harm).
Very disingenuous "aplogy" from him.
@bastiat I am a 43 years old heterosexual man who lived with anxiety and trauma because of physical abuse, and I don't even want to breed in this society...If that gives you an idea on the type of person I am...I accept being called a quitter but not a bigot. 🙂
You're coming off way too dramatic. That said, the simplest way to describe this situation is he's a savvy businessman that didn't want to downplay his product's effectiveness by admitting to steroids. He does believe in his lifestyle but he also wants to keep expanding his brand and is maneuvering through it right now.
Not only that; his whole thing is so over the top! Idiotic even. He exaggerated about his kids being sick and being in the ambulance back and forth and having to take anaphylactics. Yea dumbass they obviously have an allergic reaction to something. Just address what it is they're allergic to and have them stay away from that. Eating raw meat living like a caveman, it's freaking stupid. How about eating a normal healthy diet and living like a normal person. The whole thing about the cell phone affecting ones genitals, that shit was disproven years ago! He was the only kid that didn't speak Spanish growing up in his school, where the freak did he go to school?! That's the thing he doesn't communicate thoroughly or clearly. Whenever I encounter people like that in real life, I usually think this person is a liar or a charlatan or both. Also, he was lifting an insane amount of weight when he was natural. What need was there to take peds. Shit I have a hard time getting up to 225 on the bench. Meanwhile he was benching 325! He had no need at all to get on that shit! That guy seems like a total dumbass!
A new Beige video is like forgetting a present underneath the tree only to find it when you go to take the tree out a week after Christmas.
And then you open it up and it's a pound of raw liver and you eat it and get jacked
Well said
That never happens. which is actually a pretty good analogy, because beige frequency having a good video also never happens in real life
Well said
Watching Hasan and Ethan suffer will never get old
Was watching a documentary on body-building recently, where steroid use is a more accepted fact, and found it fascinating as to what would motivate somebody to be like this. A bunch of people explained to me that it was basically body dysmorphia, likely caused by what you mention here: Hollywood and celebrity portrayals of men. Found that to be a pretty interesting and convincing interpretation of what was going on. I think it speaks to a larger fact that we are entering an age of mental illness in the US where behaving in a mentally ill way is the "normal".
Body dysmorphia may cause you to take steroids so you can look a certain way, but it doesn't turn you into a huckster.
@@musicandmagic909 Yeah definitely true. Was referring more to what motivates an audience member of his to even admire him or emulate him at all.
@@ItssssJack huh, I never thought about it like that before, I think you're on to something
I don't think body dysmorphia or mental illness are the right terms here. Or if you do insist on using these terms, you should define them and explain how they apply.
health and illness are a spectrum, not mutually exclusive. Most people who don't consider themselves mentally ill still do many things that are present in mental illness. Many people who are mentally ill don't realize that they are, and consider what they do to be healthy behavior. By the way, instead of saying "normal" in quotes like that, the word "normative" is better for what you mean.
His gimmick of eating raw meat doesn't make a lot of sense considering that our ancestors actually cooked their food.
And died much younger, in part due to unsafe and unhealthy food.
They also ate vegetables
@@urbanarmory it's like they forgot the gatherer part of the hunter gatherer lifestyle of prehistoric humans.
@@nohrianscum9791 I mean ye olde king of the liver actually did some tours with tribesmen from around the world who live "ancestrally", I can't imagine he just ignored all the vegetations in their diet...
@@nohrianscum9791solid point we aren't genetically designed to be massive we're designed to survive meat veggies berries etc. are a staple it took us as a species to figure that out and to push it is literally nuts
The problem isn’t men 21+ years of age. We all knew he was on PED’s. Its the young men under 18 who really believe that it is possible to be middle age and still look like this without steroids. They actually believed he was natty.
But then there's the argument that if you're stupid enough to believe that guy was natural then you're too dumb to be helped in the first place
thats actually not true Nate. of course younger people are more impressionable. but it would take you no more than a 20 min internet search to see that people of various backgrounds and ages believed he was natty. you almost hit the mark. ive been following the liver king situation for a straight year. thinking that every person over a certain age all believes the exact same thing is short sighted at best. much respect though
I have no sympathy for Zoomers on TikTok taking roids and Sarms
The problem is desperate and insecure men. Age means nothing.
"natty" drives me insane
in my head ive forgiven the liver king, fattened him up with pizzas and cast him in my asterix movie as obelix
This was so strangely sensitive, it made my day. Thank you :)
this is the only happy comment
This fits actually 🖤
OMG he does look like Obelix!!!
"My kids stopped eating processed foods and a week later they were cured" - LK could be a successful TV preacher
Diet is actually a huge thing why people are sick; a lot of issues clear up when you fast and change your diet. A week does sound too quick, though
@@pyropulseIXXI and yet how many people eat like shit, even get waaay overweight and arent having any health problems? not to mention the people that smoke their whole lives and never get sick from it?
@@pyropulseIXXI I agree 100%
I think the Peterson family dropped processed food and were better after a month of moderately good eating
"Send me money, send me green, heaven you will meet"
Shout out to Robert Pattinson for playing The Batman in a realistic, natural, and achievable physique.
Well realistically it makes sense. Batman doesn't take days off. He also rarely ever sleeps, which is a huge component in muscle recovery. Sure he "works out" but he wouldn't realistically have enough time to do so and be as big as he's portrayed
Experienced The Lighthouse recently, and it was SO uncomfortable and amazing to watch!
@@EZ-IZZY1995 Good Time as well is great performance and film
@audiosurfarchive it was garbage
Everytime I see Derek post an hour long video about someone who is supposed to be natural I know an apology video by that person is coming shortly after.. that man is thorough
He don't miss.
I don't have very strong feeling towards MPMD, he is directly responsible for the growth of Liver King, giving him exposure when barely anyone knew him... he is shining as a "good guy" right now because he "revealed the truth", but even a blind man could have told that LK was on gear, I'm not saying he staged everything, but Derek got a big exposure as well from this. But everybody can also see that MPMD is a market genius
@@carlbig3118bro he’s making a video about the biggest influencer what the fuck do you mean?
@@carlbig3118 uhhh okay ?
It's hilarious how he can so accurately predict what steroids a person is on, just by looking at their body. 6 months later, it'll come out that the subject was indeed on gear and tested positive for all the shit MPMD said he was likely taking. I wish I could hire the guy to put together a cycle for me.
Movie industry is more guilty than this guy ever will be.
Arnold, Hemsworth, The Rock, Mark Wahlberg, and many other claim hard-work gets them the bodies they have naturally. Casuals believe them and attack people that call them out.
Arnold never said that. And it's probably for the best that movie stars don't admit to steroids, because they're typically idolized by children. It's better that young boys are inspired to exercise and think they can achieve the impossible, than it is for them to be inspired to jump on cycle.
They make no claim to be natty and don't monetize their physique. They took a paycheck to condition their body towards a certain character.
Liver king, on the other hand, is an asshole who tried to convince people that they can have steroid physiques by eating raw meat. This is not the fault of hollywood
What’s worse is I don’t see this problem ever getting addressed and dealt with. It would hurt profit margins too much
Arnold has always been honest, he even drank beer in the gym and smoked cigars haha
@@dasmuss6174he still helped damaged the image of the ideal male physique and helped create unrealistic expectations for future fitness idols to follow,him being honest just made people more aware and accepting of PED use
It's non-ionizing radiation coming from the cellphone.
17 years of working around military RADAR has taught me a lot.
Literally just put a Geiger Counter next to your phone or cell tower, and people still believe that 5g is cancer inducing (internet cancer sure, but not the real one)
We used to get headaches if we stayed to l9ng in the commo huts
My biggest issue with Liver King is you can't promote "ancestral living" when you are taking substances that are far from what our ancestors had access to. IMO that ruins your whole brand.
My issue was him promoting “ancestral living” while talking about his mansion. Just like our ancestors. 😂
Our ancestors didn't walk around barefoot, they wore sandals, or leather wraps with insulation. You see that even back in the paleolithic.
After I saw photos of the liver king the first 4-5 times I noticed he was always shirtless and same hat etc my mind immediately viewed it as a marketing costume before I heard one word on him. Then after 30secs of his salesman voice I began to feel pity for any adult who didn’t recognize he was nothing more than a walking ad selling BS
Hes like Billy Mays with shriveled balls and heart problems
@@bluecreature39 Didn't Billy Mays die from a heart attack?
The way to think about the apology is, would it have happened if he hadn’t been caught? Can we imagine out of nowhere, a sudden admittance of guilt, based purely on the feeling of guilt. Say for example “I know this would never have come out, but I can’t keep living with this lie…”
I believe the answer is no. He only apologised when he had no other option
He probably would have died first. But that that not might be that far away considering all the roids
He's full of shit. He's a grifter, full stop. If he's going to get on a soapbox about being a leader of lost men, then he's part of the reason why men feel lost since anyone who would take his shitty supplements or ascribe to his lifestyle would be highly discouraged if they didn't end up looking like him since THEY AREN'T ON TRUCKLOADS OF HGH.
People who take advantage of other people's misery should be beaten
If you watch his apology video carefully you will notice he doesn't apologize for lying, he apologizes for getting caught lying...
@@WileyKing fax
I think you are right. He was all-in, and wouldn't have admitted anything as long as his social media/money kept growing. The speculation would still have been there, but I don't think he would have owned up. The proof that MPMD showed was undeniable, and I think that's the only thing that could have got him to own up
Cold showers might be overstated, but routine exposure (some hours per week) to cold will result in adaptations. These could be arguably good or bad adaptations like expending more calories in the cold to stay warm. Adaptations might not even be perceptible.
However, in general we are not built or adapted for cold. That's why people like winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. We haven't lost our aversion to cold or our aversion to too much heat. Those aversions help keep us alive even though we can adapt to some level of exposure.
We evolved in Africa, we have no fur, our bodies have many ways to lose heat to prevent overheating but little against freezing. We're clearly meant to live in hot climates.
@@bobbyrayofthefamilysmith24 Almost like most North American and European genetics doesn't come from evolution of living 5000 to 60 000 years in colder climate?
It is just Miracle that humans average height goes up when you go to North and smaller when you land to Equator?
Northen Europeans has more of stout/tall frame or both. Stout means you have less skin to radiate heat outside. Europeans can even pack more fat without health problems. Adaptations to cold...
Very different kind of body than those who has born inin Asia and Africa.
You can produce more heat by moving, but you can't loss heat if enviroment is humid and hot.
But yes, you need community to survive in here North. Maybe that is one explanation of Scandinavian miracle...
The best adaptation is still our intelligence which enables us to adapt through science and technology.
@@bobbyrayofthefamilysmith24no our ancestor race did. Homo sapien arrived 6-7 million years after our species left Africa. Modern humans likely evolved from a mix of Neanderthal and Denisovan possibly some others. We are not related to the humans from Africa and are more related to the ones from Europe. This includes the modern African population who most likely migrated back to Africa from nearby areas
@@MeltedMaskhumans entered the very cold north areas when we were already in large groups most likely already cooperating with the other human races like the Neanderthals who were in in European areas like Austria and Spain.
"And what does a Silverback gorilla eat to become a Silverback?! THAT'S RIGHT, LIVER!"
Myguy, wut? 💀 it's almost exclusively vegetarian! 🤣
Greens and insects from what I know
I thought silverback gorillas subsisted entirely on DMT…according to Joe Rogan.
HUMANS ARENT SILVERBACKS! not even close.....
There is a lesson a wise man once told me, that just might change Liver King's life for the better:
"Sir, you have to put on a shirt!"
I'm not the only one worried about the damage Rich did to his body prepping for Space Cop right? The wall of silence thrown up around the topic is really worrying... RLM seems more and more cult like every day... it used to seem so happy and carefree. We rarely see Mr Plinkett, and Mike gives really David Miscavige/Scientology vibes, and have you ever looked into Jay's eyes? Cold, dead shark eyes... he looks like he's prepared to go into some dark places to maintain RLM power.
Is this on the right video???
@@urgamecshk This comment speaks to the brilliance of Rich Evans and his ability to be fully consumed with a role, so much so that he is rendered unrecognizable.
I look into the eyes of Jay Bauman and I see nothing but darkness.
Well that AIDS didn't come from nowhere, neither did the diabetes and depression.
“my kids had allergies so I made them eat guts and bones.” great, thanks lifestyle guru
Gizzards n bonez
guts and bones lol
That's literally what is recommended for dogs with allergies lmfao. The "raw diet". But ONLY when you've narrowed it down to the food and changing food a couple times hasn't worked (unless you want to do it anyway, the raw diet is just expensive.) And even then you have to add things like raw eggs to make sure they get all the balanced nutrients they need. Fucking wild that he claims to have given his children a diet similar to, but not as thoughtout as, one for dogs.
@@BeigeFrequency Through the streets of New York on 9/11. Where I was looking for my brother...
@@PointsofData It's not so outlandish tbh. I'm no immunologist but it seems reasonable to me the immune system will go fucking haywire overreacting to random shit if you don't give it anything to do. In poorer parts of the world I've seen people live with dirt and grime all over them, you know what they don't get? Autoimmune disorders and bullshit allergies.
My issue is that as someone who's survived a suicide attempt I find it deplorable that he would try to hide his intentions behind suicide awareness when he knows damn well it was to take advantage of young kids who dont know better
This is the first time I've heard about a potential body dysmorphia issue. Your conclusion is excellent; I hope that more people become aware of the way beauty standards affect men!
I don't know if it's just the modern culture of fanboy-ism that perpetuates this male body image problem. I remember talking to my normie friend about Chris Hemsworth and when I brought up how he's probably on steroids he gave me a dumbfounded look. He just genuinely didn't know what a roided up body looked like and thought that he got that physic through hard work and dedication. I think alot of the general public are just really unaware on this kind of stuff. Which I don't blame them for, people have enough on their plate these days.
That is definitely a part of the problem. If you are familiar bodybuilding you will be able to pick out the most egregious offenders like Huge Jackedman because their bodies are like the poster boys for bad genetics mixed with brain melting amounts of tren. But I think the reason normies can't tell the difference stemsdirectly from the fact that people has been fed nothing but steroided bodies through the media. Nobody knows what a natural bodybuilding physique looks like because all they see are people on steroids.
Most people have never trained seriously in their lives. They don't have the perspective of how quickly you can realistically make progress since they haven't done it themselves.
That’s what I think a lot of comments here don’t get. Of course, WE (over informed nerds lol), know he’s full of shit. We’re on video talking about it. But a majority of people do not know Jack Shit about fitness, health and what’s possible naturally. You see all those MensHealth covers of the Rock with 30 anabolic needles worth of muscles on each arm and it totally fucks with how normal people see fitness
Fitness for most people is some light cardio a few days a week. We ourselves have an inflated sense of what fitness is. I'm sure most guys who exercise 3+ days a week are actually quite fit but they aren't happy with just that. Magazines like that and other fitness media mostly feeds off people's insecurities and it obviously works.
Genuine question, is your normie friend also blind?
Imagine the next guy. He's coming. He'll have some strange philosophy, no shirt on, a cute name
for his followers and he'll make outrageous statements. And of course, a line of overpriced supplements
'With my creatine, you can be a Cryptonian too!'
"Eating your own shit is the most optimal way to recycle the nutrients your body missed out on the first. The native American's even had a name for: the second harvest."
No it was called the triple harvest and consisted of planting Corn, Beans and Squash(is that the english name or is it pumpkin?) together in the same field
I think that guy might be Sam Sulek
@@Sahiyena11 You don't get it because you've never been desperate for improvement. A lot of people are, to the point where they want to be someone completely new, an idealized version of themselves that is nothing close to who they actually are. A lot of people just do not value themselves at all, let alone think of themselves highly enough to not be enticed by shortcuts. Guys like Liver King, AKA grifters, are viewed as predatory for that exact reason. Their goal is to capitalize off of deep insecurities and paranoia, which there is so much of.
@@emperorbirb1Nah. Sam Sulek is way more genuine than someone like LK. Dude just shows you what works for him. Hes def on steroids but also has insane genetics. He isn’t going to turn into a joke of a human like LK has.
I remember when I was like 16 and started working out with noticable gains, I had to convince my 50 year old dad that Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't natty lmao. It's not just young people you'd be shocked how gullible adults are too. Middle aged adults. I already knew all this shit by the time I was like 15 because I got into fitness subreddits and stuff at a super young age. My dad was like "wow son in 10 years you're gonna be like Arnold Schwarzenegger level" and I had to explain reality lol.
You can for sure build muscle over a long period of time, but it's basically impossible to be huge and lean as a natty for any length of time.
@@BeigeFrequency its all about genetics mostly. People like me or the average bodybuilder in scandinavia and iceland is extremely mascular by nature
I started working out when I was 14 over summer, about to turn 15. And I preferred the cut and athletic build. I never liked the unnatural buff sizes, and it was such obviously fake.
I was shredded and lean, but muscles weren't really that big, just really defined. I prefer it, and I had six pack but it was lean and cut, not these weird nasty buldges
Big muscles can look good, but it depends on the proportions. Liver King looks nasty, imo The buldges buldge in all the wrong ways
Way to 💩 on your dad for a made up TH-cam comment. Your dad should've smothered your bs ass
And nobody thought Arnold was natural lmao
As a digital freelance artist and a fan of bodybuilding, i really appreciated the artwork and the video. I usually find long form videos boring and dip out really easily but you made it more interesting.
Our early ancestors also had a habit of dying from waterborn illnesses, getting parasites, dying in childbirth, dying in infancy, dying in early childhood…
Seriously. Dude is probably full of liver flukes
I can't tell you what a joy it was, sitting here at home wiped out from the flu, to look at my feed and see a fresh Beige video on a topic I'm familiar with. Happy New Year, Beige!
Happy new year to you as well
Hey brother drink alot of fluids and get some elderberry syrup.
The shit works wonders hope you feel better 👍
Sounds like you need a primal lifestyle. Better start eating raw liver and beef testicles.
I get my incredible body from Fight Milk. It's made for bodyguards, by bodyguards! It gives me the strength of a crow!
🪨 🇺🇸 🦅
@@cybercop0083 cara-ca-caw
I've been a fitness person since my early 20s (40 now) and fake natties are probably my biggest pet peeve. I'm all natural, but when I was younger, I struggled with the reality of what that meant for my physique when I was still ignorant to the pervasiveness of PEDs. I really thought I could look like guys like that just by working my ass off... and I did work my ass off, but I didn't look like these dudes. Obviously, I now know just how this part of the world works, but I always have a "fuck you" in my heart for people who don't open up about what they take.
_"I really thought I could look like guys like that just by working my ass off... and I did work my ass off, but I didn't look like these dudes."_
Reminds me of particularly goofy point in my childhood years from 7th through 8th grade when I was obsessed with pro wrestling. After watching some VHS tape that featured Brock Lesnar and The Rock giving instructions on their personal workouts, I started to lift weights/workout obsessively because I wanted to look like the pro wrestlers I watched. I naively thought it was achievable purely through hard work, determination, and following the workouts shown in the VHS. Busted my ass as well, I remember a few months in being like "When will my arms get all jacked and cut like marble?? Is it gonna happen soon?" Oh man, lol.
I don't judge, nor do I necessarily blame anyone that uses gear, but when you explicitly lie about the fact repeatedly and make money off of that lie, it's absolutely scummy as fuck.
I think all of us got hoodwinked by the fitness industry when we started out.
I think Fake Natties do a tremendous amount of harm to the world. I might actually do a dedicated video on that topic specifically.
@@gregm32 yeah. Boys and girls growing up, your brain is still growing, so your reasoning and logic arent all the way there yet. I was in the same boat too, but it wasnt wrestling so much as it was teen dramas weirdly enough. I used to look at shows like the OC and One Tree Hill and look at those people and go "damn, how do I look like that, these guys are built like grown men", without the critical thinking that 1) it's a TV show, and 2)slot of those guys WERE adults. So I was just stuck from jump St. I would go to my HS weight room, I even lost weight over the summer, but I still didnt look like them. Obviously as an adult I have a far better opinion of myself but those teen years were really rough for my self esteem
Top quality content Beige. Just found you in my feed randomly and started watching all of your videos. Seeing your art and documentation quality progress over the course of your videos is awesome. You inspire me to give my hand at art again. If you could give any advice on how to even start, would be much appreciated.
Just start, and follow projects through to the end. Even if they turn out badly, finishing it just for practice sake is what's worked for me.
Interesting video. Ending reminded me of that video on male celebrity body transformations by Macabre Storytelling. I think it's a shame these sorts of things don't really get talked about that much, but it can be particularly hard to notice this issue especially with all the coping and denial from people not wanting to accept that their favorite celebrities are anything but "natural".
True I’ve never seen these discussions outside of a few TH-cam channels this I don’t have much hope of it ever getting addressed on a larger scale and fixed
Macabre Storytelling now that’s an obscure channel I only found the other day through True Detective videos.
The thing I always like about Beige Frequency is his art. Dude you have some serious talent !
Agreed! I love his art so much.
Another certified hood classic
oh my god his "apology" 😩
reminds me of scammers (tech support or international romance $$ scams). when you bust them, they "drop the act" but then they reveal a second scam. "yes, I was scamming you, but I did it because my daughter is very ill and we have medical expenses! pls help? send more money?"
"yes, you got me. I used PEDS. But it was an experiment! I did it to bring awareness to suicide."
bro fucken what.
Yees, a new Beige video! I have it up on my second screen while I'm working and looked up just in time to catch Rich Evans. I've been double blessed!
Lol I used to put weights in the bottom of my bookbag in college and wear ankle weights around campus to help offset the stress-eating weight I was gaining in that environment. Didn't know somebody else would give that very simple idea a goofy ass name like "The Barbarian."
I called what you were doing, the „heavy clothing Dragonball method“.
It would be interesting to see his charity donations. Surely someone so rich and caring has donated vigorously to charities that help the problems he is trying to tackle.
Charities are only good for tax write offs. Not to mention there doesn’t exist a charity that would help solve the societal problems he brings up
what a weird assumption. Just because someone doesnt donate to charity doesnt mean he doesnt care
Only morons donate to "charities". Try actually helping someone yourself instead of giving money to an organization that keeps most of the donation. just means he doesn't care enough to part with his money.
@@benoh3417 most non profits are just grifts, look at how much money board members and CEOs of top non profit charities get paid.
This grindset mindset is selling you body dysmorphia and ED. Think about who makes money or gain something off of your insecurities.
Thanks for another good video, beige!
The Liver King reminds me of a very specific type of IG model - the girlies that get plastic surgery (often BBL or liposuction) then turn around and sell flat tummy tea, waist trainers and appetite supressant lollipops to their young gullible followers. I can't stand people that make big bank off teenager's body image struggles.
If you didn't acquire the food directly from the source, it's processed. Dessication is a form of processing, pills are processed, supplements are processed.
Also, a lot of food needs to be cooked for you to absorb the nutrients effectively.
Technically, picking an apple off a tree is a “process”. Skinning an animal is a process. Unless you’re leaping on a deer and ripping it apart with your teeth and nails, you’re eating processed food.
"But he isn't disparaging women and isn't a racist as far as I can tell"
When the guys entire product is likely entirely fabricated but he isn't a laughably poorly written real life villain makes you reflect bleakly on how laughably poorly written villains have inundated our society and are getting praise and success for it.
Don’t lump charlatans in with scumbags, brother.
the advice i was told by the guy who taught me how to be a PT is that anyone who sells a product based on how they look is probably not natural. social media has made the problem like 1000x worse than it used to be, and now everyone is driven nuts at all times by perfectly manicured and artfully posed instagram bodies
Solid advice. The part of Liver King that gets me is of the 9 tenants about half are rooted in some mostly helpful advice. I don’t necessarily like the delivery but who can argue with sleep, put the phone down, eat real food, exercise and be social. I guess my wording doesn’t move product or attract eyeballs.
@@user-up1us9jf1o This is how most scams work. They take something that kind of make sense, to ease you into buying their bullshit. "Here's all this stuff that's good and you can do or learn for free - but if you pay me you'll get the really good stuff and over-night results!"
49yo. Began working out & lifting when I was a teenager. Read Men’s Fitness and Schwarzenegger bodybuilding books. Little to no knowledge of steroids. I’m 5’7” 125lbs before. Blew out most of my joints (shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, elbows, wrists) and have cervical spine damage. Be careful kids
Did you juice?
My uncle was a body builder and full blown told me "I've worn out and messed up my body" it takes its toll especially doing it natural
Great video as always. Really a more sympathetic portrayal than I was expecting that made sense with the overall lesson of his story. One a side note I salute you for all the terrible podcast appearances you had to listen to haha.
Bro, it was hard lol
a friend of mine loved to follow Liver King advice and over time I became concerned over how much he was working out. I’ve always believed that if you want to be fit it should be within reason, your body needs time to heal and you need to give it maintenance to make sure it’s the best it can always be.
Your body takes care of you so you should take care of it, but social media has twisted everything to such degrees that if you work out and want to be fit you are somehow discriminating against people who you probably don’t know, but you better be fit because only guys who are extra cut seem to be having better luck finding companionship.
What annoyed me about his apology is that he didn't acknowledge at any point that no one would care about him if he didn't claim to be natural. He only took the steroids to get bigger than real life and he lied about it because he knew it would make him money and admitting he was on steroids from the start would mean he gets no attention
Love the fact that you drew liver king like the smiling titan from attack on titan. Those proportions are spot on. Thanks man
Beige, I love your videos. Your pace and commentary is just perfect for me. Thanks for your hard work
Man your vids are gold. A+++++ content. Never stop. "I digest" made me choke on my food. Keep it up champ.
there's also the false narrrative that if you take steroids and do 20 pushups and situps a day you'll get super jacked in 6 months. you won't, the steroids only exist to make the recovery cycle between workouts go faster so you can work out more often without injury.
Bro I just found this video. Great work, and the last 8 min or so are really good PSA worthy points. I use to literally lift twice a day 5 days a week for looks alone. Not for pleasure, not for discipline, for looks. That level of insecurity is dangerous and it took me being in a committed relationship to stop. I had to have a woman tell me to my face that the only person who cared about my 19 inch neck, my 220 lbs of muscle at 5”7 was me. I was eating weird, taking more protein than my kidneys should worry about, and not getting enough rest. I went bald at 22 and probably short circuited my adrenal system for a while. Luckily this woman came into my life before the drugs, because I was def on crash course to use. You’re doing young men a great service with this video, best wishes and much success for you
Dude's rocking more picograms than Jon Jones, by a large margin.
His grams have their own picograms
@@nateb4543 at this point his picograms have picograms
This joke is so deep in the PED culture I’m pretty sure I don’t even understand it.
Yeah, he's a real Trensetter.
Absolutely agreed that he is a symptom and every podcast that had him on is part and parcel to the endemic problem. They would simultaneously talk *about* him as a fraud and a con, but would each be all-too-happy to bring him onto their show, do his entire song-and-dance of trying raw meat then play out the charade of bringing out his supps and supporting them and him. They benefitted from his bullshit and were happy to do so - they promoted a person they believed to be a fraud to each of their fanbases and were happy to do so regardless of how they felt about the veracity of his claims. The Liver King doesn't become famous if every podcaster tells him to get bent. Podcasts and the influencers that host them should be held accountable for the people they choose to promote, they are not blameless.
What does “held accountable” even mean here.. if you don’t like what the podcasts are doing, don’t listen
@@michaellopez-lq5fn "held accountable" means to be held accountable for the people and views they promote on their platforms, as I said in my original message. I *don't* listen to these podcasts because I know better, but there are tons of young and/or impressionable people out there who do not know better and are led by people they like and trust into listening to people like the Liver King.
@@ajjordan7286 well said on both comments. Appreciate how you patiently explained what accountability is to someone who doesn't know
@@ajjordan7286 tell em
@@ajjordan7286 ""held accountable" means to be held accountable"
nice explanation.
Great video! I’m a long-time-first-timer as far as commenting on your stuff but your ultimate thesis was very interesting, and branching out into how it’s an issue with mainstream media presenting an unattainable ideal to young men was spot-on, in my opinion. Well done!
the latter point in the video is so very important. i yearn for a day where boys' bodily struggles and mental health is talked about and ressources make their way into our care systems
As someone who has been an athlete their whole life and has spent the past 18+ years of my life trying to look like these people, this whole steroid usage stuff has really helped me with my own self worth and accept my limitations as someone who doesn't want to take steroids. Doesn't mean I won't push past those limitations as I always have, but it means that I won't be upset with myself when I can't push myself as hard as the guy taking drugs that allow him to do that.
You can do some selective eugenics so your descendants can almost look like that.
Marry a butchers or miners daughter. Improves you children natural muscle growth and size by a huge lot.
I come from a 7 generation military line and look at my photo and I only work out once, sometimes twice a week
" unexpected twist at the end, but I digest" -Biege Frequency
I knew you as a non primal wouldn't get the message. Liver king changed my life and encouraged me to get on a low and safe dose of steroids.
low & safe? might as well take midol too. go hard or go home.
@@Slop_Dogg safe doses of Norethandrolone, Anavar, Tren, Superdrol, Oxymetholone.🙄
@@Slop_Dogg ☠️
You're such a good digital painter, dude.
Wait, what kind of allergies did his kids have? Was it a food allergy, like peanuts or shellfish? Because lots of kids have those. And obviously if you stop feeding someone foods that they’re allergic to, regardless of what you substitute those foods for, the symptoms will go away.
Edit: holy sh*t how tiny is this guy???? 14:28
"stay away from processed food, its bad. Anyway you should definitely buy my processed food"
Jason Genova is the definition of natty.
This man has spent millions of dollars pumping every chemical into his body he could and still couldn't achieve the physique of the Piss Lord himself.
Rest in Piss
Who gives a hell ! It autism baby!! 🧩
Pure piss lol
He's off the skittles
I don’t use steroids.
Ok I did use them, but only bc I train too hard and I was bullied 30 years ago.
Simply stunning.
Brave AND stunning
Never thought you'd dabble in the muddy waters of TH-cam Fitness again. Happy to see the series on Lolcows initiated by the Genova triptych getting a continuation; based on the title alone, I can tell I'm in for more than a simple surface level examination of the roidmonkey known as Brian Johnson, who is just a symptom of the disease that has been destroying bodybuilding for the past 60 years. Looking forward to listening tonight as I train.
ah the yellow waters of lake cresva, that smell of piss evokes such fond memories
The piss waters of lake cresva are gonna warm up soon
@@BeigeFrequencythe ments are coming back
It always irks me when characters in tv/movies are muscular when it the character as written would never be working out. I still recall when Chidi, the nerdy philosopher in the Good Place, takes off his shirt to reveal a full 6 pack. It's ridiculous, and it perpetuates the idea that men are muscular by default, and that if you aren't, there's something wrong with you.
Speaking as a woman, i often had the thought, growing up, that there are no characters above a certain weight because people above that weight don't deserve to have stories written about them. Men absolutely have this problem as well, and i feel bad for the boys growing up with this.
A friend loses his BM, whenever a Tarzan is on TV. Tarzan can be wirey or buff, but he can’t have a chiseled, defined musculature by mimicking apes.
If cell phones emitted ionizing radiation, they would zap you with static electricity when you pick them up, like the front of a CRT tv screen. Also, early humans got horrible sleep
Wait, why would they build up a charge?
I'm no physicist, but ionising radiation would be lethal, alpha/beta particles and gamma rays would be released. Static is only a flow of electrons.
@@tllgestalt1942 Not true, the electrons from a CRT tv are about 10,000ev, which only have the energy to travel about ½ inch into the air, which is why the cathode ray tube is under vacuum pressure. The static on the screen is due to the electrons ionizing the air molecules, granting them negative charge
Ionizing radiation doesn't "zap you with static electricity". A CRT screen becoming ionized isn't giving off ionizing radiation. They're two different phenomena. "Ionizing radiation" is made up of energetic particles that penetrate the body and ionize atoms in cells thus making those cells not work properly.
@@BiggieTrismegistus I didn't say it did, I said the static shocks you get from the front of the screen are due to the electrons ionizing the air molecules in front of it
Learn to read and you wouldn't erroneously correct people who are already correct
“Anybody with functioning eyeballs and an ounce of skepticism would see that his body didn’t come from eating liver and testicles. “
Very true.
Even Joe Rogan called him a liar. If you were conned by the Liver King, it’s on you.
Whatever happened to Caveat Emptor?
Exactly!!!!!! We already knew!
Yeah it takes one to know one. I love when shill rogan keeps calling people liars. Its the most ironic thing ever. Its like Alex Jones calling Bill Hicks a actor or comedian
That's true, but Rogan is also a steroid user so he would know.
@@bethanychatman9531 Have you ever done steroids while on DMT?
Beige doing videos on whacky internet personalities is when he's at his best
It's actually a very sad time in human existence, ALOT of people are lost looking for anything to make them happy and the internet for all it's good has equal negatives.
I do have to admit, I walked out in the grass by the lake behind my building, barefoot, and put my face to the sun, eyes closed, and man, dog shit stinks.
For every sociopath doing bad things there are dozens of people looking the other way enabling their behavior.
Thanks Beige, looking forward to this.
bro, I was binging all your content and documentaries then you drop this. Love what you do, keep it up king.
This is the very first liver king video I have seen and it sums up all I knew about him in 1 glance
They are all frauds. However, I’d argue that he is one of the worst. He’s openly said he’s doing it to help young men and and talked about suicide in young men. He’s said if you do these things then you feel better and look like me. So you have these young guys who are depressed and try his shit, then don’t look like him. So now they feel more of a failure. Great video.
Learning that liver king is a 5’6 manlet made everything make a lot more sense. He’s overcompensating HARD.
@@sickdisgustingfreak6905 struck a nerve with you 😂
@@WeekendWeakling how do you explain the likes of o Hearn then? Sure as shit has nothing to do with height and just being a deceiving sociopathic scumbag
@@WeekendWeakling it would honestly suck to be a hobbit, no joke. Even if you succeed you get roasted for Napoleon syndrome 🤣🤣
That makes so much sense, I knew he was short but damn…😂
@@sickdisgustingfreak6905 hes a short dude with a tiny penis and full of steroids lol which ironically can lead to more issues in that regard
I always found it fascinating he never elaborated on his kids ailments that were solved given his marketing hinges on these claims. I have an epipen. I’d like to know what his kids were eating that nose to tail diets solved. Bc it sounds like just cutting that one food out would have done it. Not sure why such a drastic change as he suggests is necessary. But even not Nati the tenets he cobbled together from a few sources can survive. It’s all pretty smart, vague stuff as far as a money making scheme go. Having seen much of your content I anticipate this video to take a softer, empathetic approach bc this doesn’t even feel like punching up anymore with this guy lol
Edit: 41:00 okay so here’s why I’m skeptical. If I have a comfortable amount of money and this is my image and I’m attacking a claim that easy to debunk on a time where that’s highly necessary, WHY NOT GET AN MRI? Definitive proof would knock this totally out of the park. This alone is highly highly suspicious. Derek covered a guy who he’s consulting a detection program designed to do drug tests in longevity form to definitively prove his Nati-Ness. Now THAT is doing it right. This could have simply out to bed a silly claim in one simple MRI… I can’t help but wonder why he wouldn’t do that knowing how calculated he’s been…
Bro his kids were literally allergic to everything except wild caught raw organs cuz of chemtrails and ionizing radiation contamination in the soil DUH
Nice, I thought I was over hearing about the liver king. But if beige has a take I’m in!
Missed you big homie, great work as always. Happy New Year everyone, stay safe. Don't let a fun moment cost you or anyone else their life. Don't drink and drive and be kind.
Agreed. Was out earlier to catch the last light of 2022 then pick up some beers/food at about 3pm and people were already getting stupid out there.
I'm getting high and staying home munching on donuts.
I just drank 2 liters of vodka, im smoking a cigarette and gunning it down the interstate while typing this comment .. wish me luck! 😄
@@Burialofagod this is a hilarious response 10/10
I finally tested positive for that thing that has been popular worldwide in recent years on the 23rd. Always late to the party.
I dont have twitter, tiktok or instagram so i have legit never heard of this guy until now…fascinating.
The last part of your video make me recall how a lot of people was angry with Robert Pattinson because he refused to become Christian Bale 2.0 in order to perform Batman.
I’m a simple man, I see Beige Frequency upload,
I click
All hail Liver King…
You know he would do nothing but praise this video…. For bringing the primal ancestral tenets to light or something along those lines..
Amazing content as always Beige. One suggestion.
You should make a video about a certain Bugatti owner. With amount of stuff he has done and said and your ability to create and produce high quality videos, I think it would be a banger.
Turkey Tom made a pretty decent video about him, you should give it a watch.
been thinking about it. Tate getting arrested because got into a twitter fight with Greta Thunberg as legitimately been cracking me up. I do kind of want to see how things shake out though before making a video.
Coffeezilla has covered his schemes and scams, including enrolling in his """course""", if you're interested in that in the mean time
@@BeigeFrequency you'd even get to bring up Redbar again, which is always a treat lmao
I'd want this video purely because Biege's caricature of Tate would probably be unimaginably hilarious
it's actually amazing how young men now face a lot of problems that young women faced 20 years ago. We saved the young girls but lost our boys.
We really didn't, the amount of bbl Ive seen in my age range is absurd. Social media goes both ways
@@brianmeen2158 booty operation to get a ridiculous hip to waist ratio. The Kim k treatment basically. Also a lot of samey noses, fake boobs and for more mature ladies a truckload of Botox. Seriously tho being a plastic surgeon in the Instagram age is a money printer.
I dont even think the girls were saved, man
the great thing about knowing what a healthy human body looks like it is you get to call people out on their bullshit immediately
For clarification He-Man action figure is not what a healthy human body looks like.
Didn't even know I was waiting for this. Happy new year.
Men over 21:it's not possible to get his physique by eating liver and testicles.
Men 18 and under: how do you know? 😭 How did you figure that out?
18 and under: Tren hard Eat clen Anavar give up
19 and 20 year old men have declined to comment.
Thank you Beige Frequency for this amazing video and hearing you talk about celebrities being on steroids and denying they are on them, makes me glad someone sees the bullshit. And The Rock and Chris Hemsworth are perfect examples of people who take advantage of their audience so they can make the most amount of money. Maybe a video on exposing mainstream celebrity fitness would be wonderful.
This right here. The bubble needs to be popped regarding celebrities and movie stars with their "natural" physiques.
Joe Rogan another fake natty also has a supplements company didn’t like the competition and stealing his grifter ideas
Good try but HE'S at least always been on the forefront of transparency about his test and other usage. He's the one speaking up for honesty about it.
@@justinklenk ahh yes the old I did in the past but not anymore haha yeah ok then. So if rogan came out and admitted he was still on a course don’t think it would be too good for his supplements companies or his other sponsorship’s. If you think he is all natty your choice I’m not buying it thanks
No dude you don't get it yet - he's never gone OFF them, and talks about this FREQUENTLY. Do just the tiniest bit of research first!!
The sci-fi writers were right.. Its just that Nuclear war didnt create supermutants, the internet did.
20:55 it's "I digress" not "I digest"
I’m a competitive powerlifter (and an average one at best)
Most of the dudes in my office came up to me and asked about this guy when he started to get popular. After a quick 15 minute review of his videos and website I said “well, he’s most likely lying about something here or is using anabolic steroids” they looked at me like I was crazy lol