1. Normal 2. Luigi groop 3. Low voice 4 crying gmajor 1 high pich 5 has a conga Busha pich black voise 6??????? 7 chord to chord crying 8 has a conga busha
real list of effects: 1.normal 0:00 2.luig group 0:30 3.low voice 1:01 4.Boul123 MAJOR 1:42 5.Virus Voice 2:13 6.Zoopals effect v4 2:44 7.Daniel louie major 3:15 8.conga busher 3:46
Request: Pepsi Logo History Effects (Preview V17 Effects)
0:00 Music: Disney Channel
0:11 Music: Tribune Broadcasting
0:11 Columbia Pictures Logo Star
0:14 Tristar Pictures Logo Background Reverse
Request: Danone Logo History Effects (Preview 2 Effects)
Danone Logo History Effects (Preview 2 V17 Effects)
Request: tvokids logo effects
1. Normal
2. Luigi groop
3. Low voice
4 crying gmajor 1 high pich
5 has a conga Busha pich black voise
7 chord to chord crying
8 has a conga busha
real list of effects:
1.normal 0:00
2.luig group 0:30
3.low voice 1:01
4.Boul123 MAJOR 1:42
5.Virus Voice 2:13
6.Zoopals effect v4 2:44
7.Daniel louie major 3:15
8.conga busher 3:46