I guess there are certain amount of students living in hall, but i wont say there's A LOT. I think most hall in HKU are located near campus, and ppdh is in sai ying poon, so it doesn't really make a big difference in terms of distance, but 沙宣道 those halls are for sure much further away.
In Norway it is 5 years for studying dentistry. We have patients in yr3. You can choose if you want to do exchange
哇这个Q&A 好有创意啊,可以做一个video 关于interview 的tips 吗!😍
請問dental 是否特別喜歡收女生?我曾經聽過一個牙醫講
Love this! Could you do a tutorial on editing and the software you use?
Final cut pro~ I'm not that pro to make a tutorial la hahah
Remind me of my Freshman year in my dental school's 'Introduction to Clinical Science' - our first contact with life patients (us the students)
Hiii 我係你嘅師妹啊!嚟緊準備升F5。最近都考慮緊會唔會讀牙醫,但係就冇乜把握⋯⋯我自己本身係讀phy chem econ + m2,想問下到時候DSE每科大概要幾多分先可以好保險咁入到??校內嘅grade大概要去到幾高?同埋邊d ECA/ experience會對將來入讀有幫助😅😅??唔該晒!!🙏🙏
Hello~ DSE分冇加乘嘅情況下best36都應該okay 然後中五嘅時候校內grade其實如果整體都有B以上 然後到中六再發力儘量拉上A 其實都okay夠嘅 因為我自己都冇太早係中五發力讀書
唔該晒🙏🙏咁我要努力下啦,希望mid-year可以red多d😂😂 師姐加油啊!!
What if my teeth are genetically grown ugly? Can I become a dentist?
Yes all courses in English
正常係jupas finalize左之後幾日會收到interview
讀港大牙醫嘅學生住hall多唔多?如果住hall 會楝邊間hall 比較方便?
I guess there are certain amount of students living in hall, but i wont say there's A LOT. I think most hall in HKU are located near campus, and ppdh is in sai ying poon, so it doesn't really make a big difference in terms of distance, but 沙宣道 those halls are for sure much further away.